Invasion: Journal Three (Shockwave Book 3)

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Invasion: Journal Three (Shockwave Book 3) Page 40

by Hammer Trollkin



  Our team has arrived at a secure site at Darkside Base for the special Solcom SpecOps meeting. It’s still June 20th. Oh, it’s actually starting. One stop to make, but I’ll try to catch up.

  Two special teams of the PTB assaulted the Gall portal gate at Saturn. Port-techs achieved only minimal damage in their effort to destroy the gate control center and power station. The Anatoid have shielding capable of stopping teleportation infiltration. Part of their deal with the Empire, no doubt. Loss of life to the Port Tech Brigade was high. The assembled teams, that would be all of us, have been directed to study the data developed during the raid, and provide insights into better attack strategies against this new enemy.

  Gall-Karrin military contingents continue to mass around Titan Base at Saturn. Their force capability, at least according to Solcom initial assessments, is sufficient to overrun our defenses. Data related to their weapons capability is still limited, with few exchanges between warships, and only limited intel available to date from Krill operatives. The Gall seem to be waiting for something, as they slowly and methodically overrun our forward positions. With the latest movements, time is clearly running out.

  This morning, Gall forces took advantage of a relatively close alignment of Saturn, Jupiter, and Earth, to attack the outer defenses of Ganymede Station. The Battle for Ganymede has only just begun. This was the first pitched firefight between Gall and League ships-of-the-line. Their warships seem to be an odd mix of old and new technologies. Most ships are fusion powered, though some, the heavy battle ships, have matter/antimatter reactors.


  The Justice Battle Group has established a battlespace in the vicinity of Ganymede station. A Gall-Karrin attack force of 20 ships has been sighted, moving at relativistic speed. Justice Command positions Five battlestars, two destroyers, and 20 starfighters along the threat axis.

  Five starfighters are roaming ahead to scout and attempt a first strike. Contact! SF-1 and SF-2 begin an attack run on Gall Ship One, GS-1. An early warning sensor alert sends the starfighters pushing high to avoid collision. SF-1 explodes in a fast burn-off, when a dozen projectiles impact its fusion reactor and propellant tank. SF-2 drops all 10 ThOR shells, which spin to auto-lock and fire. The plasmatic spears erupt against the shielding of GS-1, which oscillates from the violent onslaught. Several scorch marks mar the hull of the enemy ship, though no breach is detected.

  The Justice AI adjusts sensors, attempting to image the stealthy objects responsible for the early warning alert. There are three distinct waves, with multiple wavelets, perhaps wave-pattens would be more applicable, running ahead of the enemy ship. Twenty small missiles pull out from within a wave-pattern, sending SF-2 to a sputtering electronic death. The numerous waves, with their projectiles, will make a destroyer HAKI run almost impossible.

  SLS Vega achieves fire lock on GS-1, but is forced to hold as a quantum glimpse prompts him to fire afterburners in an attempt to avoid enemy fire. Spheres of energy stream past at close to light speed, with one impacting Vega’s energetic shielding. A massive concussion marks the impact of the outer shell of the sphere, followed by a drop in shield integrity, allowing a tiny metallic core to strikes his hull. Destructive energy flows with that final splash of the sphere’s remains.

  Vega is jolted by dozens of explosive impacts, his hull ragged with breaches. He manages to regain fire-lock and releases, his PBW bolt impacting the shielding of GS-1 in an intense display, shielding shaking violently, part of the energy leaving a scorched gouge in the hull. His IMRs followed on, the railgun spitting metallic projectiles, one in five a spooky round, a ragged tear opening along the starboard fore section of the Anatoid ship.

  SLS Alnair engages another Anatoid ship, with similar results, even though he had access to Vega’s entire data stream. Though damaged, the league ships shift vectors to position for another run, but are thwarted when the Anatoid attack force suddenly moves off to regroup near two very large ships.


  Tee voiced the concern that was at the forefront of all of our minds. “I don’t like the look of those larger Gall ships.”

  The entire enemy attack force broke off, moving away quickly, though staying in the general vicinity. ISR assets reported additional enemy ships leaving Saturn sector on a likely rendezvous course with the attack group still positioned near Jupiter and Ganymede Base. Solcom responded in kind, ordering the Liberty Battle Group to join Justice Group in the Jupiter sector. Even so, they would be outnumbered and outgunned by the Gall-Karrin forces.


  The enemy was tightening their grip, yet another threat to choke the life out of embattled humanity. That evening, even though I was safe and sound back home, nightmares from the early days of the first invasion returned. I tossed and turned. The night terrors finally faded, replaced by a dream. It was both terrifying and reassuring; a frightful vision and a wonderful gift. Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid, it seemed more real than the waking world?


  In the dream, I’m sure I was on the same AT-3 stealth ship that had taken us to Cygnus Prime. During Operation Goodnight, the ship never landed. It only dropped us below the anti-teleportation screen so we could port to the surface. This time, I stood watching from the drop hatch as we blasted our way in for a hard landing, my hand folded around the grip of a Shades carbine like it was an old friend. I knew it was Crimson, home of the Gall, and the Krill. A voice called out to me, telling me to remember.

  Throughout our descent, a bleak darkness covered the planet, so harsh it seemed to penetrate my very soul. I heard Rev’s voice coming from behind me then, with a quote I was familiar with, despite the Elizabethan English. He said, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” I knew it to be a practical closing statement to a command, from my King, a command that also held a promise. In the dream, I thought of the Songs of the King; the interest that someone in another galaxy had taken, in humanity; Earth, so small, when considering the vastness of the King’s realm.

  In my vision, a beautiful dawn shown forth along the horizon, battling against the darkness, making steady headway. I looked high, expecting the darkness all around to brighten, and fade away in the blazing light of a new day. Instead, the darkness persisted, and I saw a great war being waged among the stars, engulfed by an unnatural darkness. As I watched, the awful gloom took shape, appearing as an enormous serpent, or maybe a serpentine dragon. It was similar to the shape I had seen in my earlier vision, the one I had at the close of the very first invasion.

  The dark serpent seemed to look on as one battle flowed into another, a horrific war being fought on a scale I could hardly imagine. I realized as one battle moved on to another, that time itself was hastening along, moving relentlessly toward an inevitable point. I was confused, not knowing if time was flowing backward or forward.

  I kept watching until I was once again standing alone in front of the drop hatch aboard the AT-3. I knew this was a call to walk upon the waters, no matter how far, no matter the darkness. To trust and be at peace despite the circumstances. This was a dream I would need to remember and hold close in the days to come.


  Thank you! I hope you enjoyed reading Invasion as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now. To review, or not to review, that is the question.

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  Until next time, I’m hoping nothing but good comes your way.


  INTERLUDE. Songs of the King INtelicast.

  Viz is running around her apartment grabbing this, looking for that, as Rock stands near the entry door, smiling. “I can’t believe Communal talked me into being a guest on another one of his live INtelicasts. This time I did some checking. The venue is huge! He knows I hate crowds. Thank you for porting me, Rock. You don’t have to stay, you know.”

  Rock’s face has a questioning look. “Of course I want to stay. Why wouldn’t I want to stay?”

  Viz finally found her hand-written notes, which had ended up underneath a well-used Bible. “Well, it could get pretty religious.”

  Rock just smiles. “I’ll be okay. Now, it’s time to go, our port-room has cleared and we’re scheduled, again. 30 seconds.”

  Viz takes a deep breath, and she’s ready. “Okay. I’m glad you’re staying.”

  Rock strolls over toward a smiling Viz. “Do you know why Communal is doing an INtelicast about these Songs?”

  Viz holds out her hand, ready to port. “I was wondering myself. He said, ‘I owe the King a great debt. After all, if He hadn’t created humans, I would certainly not be here.’”



  Hello, friends! It’s Communal’s Qubits, with another special Lunchbreak Live edition, casting only on Intelinet.hum. I’m Frankie, your humble cohost. Communal will be along in a moment. A very special welcome to our studio audience! And thanks to everyone for sliding in for this ground shaking INtelicast.

  Can you believe it? We have three members of SpecOps team Shockwave on the show! Yes, Johnny, please keep the smelling salts ready for me. Oh! There they are now! Heading for the stage at this very moment are Viz and Para! And Fierce. Communal, where are you? Please, take it away.

  Thank you, Frankie. Welcome, everyone, to Communal’s Qubits. Hold for a sec. Frankie, you’re going the wrong way. That’s the alley. Can someone in Production give Frankie a hand? Thanks. Apologies, friends. Frankie would be the first to tell you, we’ve got an exciting show lined up.

  Now, direct your attention to the studio vid-grid, or scroll your pid, for a quick rundown.

  TOPIC. A special presentation, from Memory Disc Label Alpha-016, of the Songs of the King. The Alpha Series, so we are told, is an accurate rendering of the original poems that were written around 2,000 years ago by a student of humanity living on a planet in a distant galaxy. No kidding! A very distant galaxy. They call their home Mother’s Galaxy. Our astronomers know it as the beautiful, and unique, Hoag’s Object. A person from that distant galaxy gifted the Alpha-016 Disc to SpecOps team Shockwave.

  BACKGROUND. There has been no lack of news surrounding the Crystal Stelas that have been found throughout our own galaxy, on Turkskee, Crimson, and most recently, Ahaam. The stelas were all damaged by some sort of EM pulse attack. That’s why the Alpha-016 Memory Disc, with the original Songs intact, is so important. Now, listen up!

  On this INtelicast, we will listen to the six known Songs of the King. No glitch! As you crunch the data using your favorite translation device, it is interesting to know the disc contains versions of the Songs in every known human language, and in numerous genre styles. I (Communal), suspect the disc subdirectories transform, depending on the recipient community.

  We are sure you will soon be hearing more about the extra-galactic community of Mother’s Galaxy, a galactic league of a sort, that was of so much help with the Cygnus Prime situation. I have it on good word that a representative will soon be visiting Earth to discuss an alliance. Stay tethered for tells!

  ALMOST THERE. This INtelicast is produced, for the most part, using standard turn of the century American English. In that vein, we have chosen the most suitable English translation available on the mysterious disc. There should be no need to adjust your translation device.

  SPECIAL GUESTS. Viz, Para, and Fierce. You have followed their adventures while tracking along with SpecOps Team Shockwave.

  INTELICAST FORMAT. We’ll play one of the Songs. Or you may want to think of them as poems. Then, we’ll keep track of your comments, to formulate a group composite question, and choose one of our special guests to provide their perspective.


  Let’s get started! First, I want to apologize in advance for our time constraints. We will not be able to answer every question on this live program as we snap-along on the brisk. Keep the comments and questions coming, because we will do more crunching on another episode of Communal’s Qubits.

  Communal is waving a hand to call the guests over. “Welcome, guys. Come on over and have a seat. There you go.

  “Fierce, why is your hand up? Questions are for the audience. That look! I’m only kidding! You can just fire away if you have something to say.”

  Fierce looks a little nervous. “Thanks, Communal. Uhhh, I just received a call from Gabe. He’s sort of back in the dressing room, or whatever that room is. I think that’s where he is, sort of. Anyway, he said he was calling to see if you might want him to join us on the show, now, as a guest. Can I get a glass of water?”

  Communal seems surprised, and excited. “Yes. For a glass of water, just tap that blue button and a tray will rise. Right there. You got it. Let me see if I have this straight. Gabe, from Mother’s Galaxy, is sort of here? Live, and in person, sort of?”

  At a nod from Fierce, who is sipping his water, Communal stands up and turns to the audience. “Friends! Gabe is the person who provided the memory disc we are about to hear. What do you think about adding him to the guest roster?”

  The studio audience jumps to their feet, clapping and cheering. The INtelicast intelinet trend bar also streaks to the top of a yes-bar and dings, very much like the puck striking the bell on the Strength-O-Matic game at the funfair.

  Frankie has been paying attention, and is already on his way toward Communal, pulling Gabe along by the hand.

  Gabe looks a little startled as he sees the cheering crowd. But with Frankie’s help he manages to stumble over to the guest seats, shake everyone’s hand, and finish with a nice wave to the audience.

  Gabe’s hand quickly drops to his side, as he stands there, staring at the audience. “That’s a lot of people. They’re all actually sitting right there? That’s a lot of people.”

  The crowd has quieted at the sound of Gabe’s voice, giving Communal opportunity to get the show rolling, and help Gabe to his seat. “Gabe, thank you so much for stopping by, sort of. Or, is this you, in person?”

  It takes Gabe a second to understand. “Oh. No. This is merely a transit shell. I’m sitting at home on Fey, in my... living room. Mother’s Galaxy has a population that is higher than average, aligned as a galactic federation, but there’s not a single person capable of teleportation. We have machines, when needed, for the occasional teleportation run. But the cost is enormous! These transit shells work fine, and provide a safe travel option, allowing a person to stay at home while they venture about in a shell. You should see the specs on the warrior transit shell model. Fierce, remember Cygnus Prime?

  “Oh. That’s probably too much information.”

  Communal takes a moment to reflect on memories from the Cygnus Prime expedition. “No worries. Our audience loves information. Right now, you are at home, on... Fey?”

  Gabe nods. “Yes, Fey. My home world, in Mother’s Galaxy. And, as you can see, I’m here as well. Sort of.”

  Communal nods, with an eye on the large analog clock on the wall. “And it’s good to have you here! Gabe, could you give us a one sentence comment on these Songs?”

  Gabe seems to be lost as he is drawn once again to stare at the audience. “What’s that? Oh, the Songs. They were written, really, as a study aid, by a youth fascinated with the human race. The p
eople of Earth are a key element within the Songs. As for style choice, some enjoy the showy presentations put together for the stelas. Those are worth seeing, at least once. Others enjoy a simple arrangement, perhaps a musical instrument playing in the background. I, myself, enjoy them as poetry read by a talented bard.”

  Communal seems distracted. “There is already a good deal of commentary. Our INtelicast audience requests that Gabe respond to all the questions.”

  Communal seems hesitant. “Viz, let’s start with you. Despite the audience... suggestion, I don’t want to leave you and your team out. Would you like to run with any of the questions, or shall we let Gabe have a go? What was that? You seem a little shy today. I will take your finger pointing to Gabe as your agreement with the audience’s suggestion. Gabe?”

  Gabe is pointing back at Viz. “You’re just being nice, since I’m a visitor here.”

  Communal looks at Para and Fierce, who nod toward Gabe, and decides. “Well, then, fair enough. Gabe did supply the 016 Disc, after all. The other guests can have a word, or share a note toward the end of the show.”




  Behold the Great King, His realm filled with glory; the light of His grandeur too bright to compare. In all of His realms, no darkness encroaches. He is the First-Cause, from Him all came to be.

  The King, by His will, made all things in order. Visible, invisible, matter, and soul. By His mighty Word, He holds them together; bearing all realms in the light of His love.

  In wisdom and love, He called forth His children. Then nurtured and loved them in all of their forms. When the realms had been made, He ceased from his labor; surveyed His creation and saw it was good.


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