Love for the Holiday

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Love for the Holiday Page 3

by S E Isaac

  "I had seen you and may or may not have been looking at you. Then as I was about to go about my business, you fell." He cleared his throat, rubbed his neck with one hand and brought his cup up to his lips with his other hand.

  "Oh," I whispered. "You were already looking at me?"

  He spit his coffee out. Some sprayed me. Jacob started coughing hard.

  "I wasn't being a stalker. I swear," he said between harsh coughs.

  "Relax, doctor." I pressed my lips together in an attempt to contain my smile and laughter. The poor man thought I was calling him a creep. In fact, it was the complete opposite. I felt flattered he’d noticed me.

  "Just don't want you to think I'm some creep."

  "I don't," I shook my head.

  We both reached for a napkin at the same time. My heart skipped a beat. The butterfly feeling came next.

  "Sorry," I managed to breathe and began to move my hand. Jacob caught my hand before it could make its great escape.

  My gaze fell down to our hands. His fingers were now intertwined with mine. I should be pulling my hand away, because he was still a stranger. However, every ounce of my being wanted to feel his warm touch.

  "What kind of movies do you like?” he asked which led us into an hour-long conversation about our favorite movies, food, and hobbies. The entire time he held my hand.

  Before we knew it, time had slipped by. We said our goodbyes a little after eleven, but I made him promise to message me when he made it home safe. He kissed me swiftly and then left, leaving the biggest smile plastered on my face.

  I readied for bed and set my alarm before lying down. Despite being in pain, today was an amazing day.


  I moved so fast to reach for my phone on the nightstand I nearly fell off the bed. My muscles ached from the sudden movement.

  After a few grumbles, whimpers, and swearing, I read the message from Jacob, "Made it home. Can't wait to see you again."

  I quickly replied, Glad you made it home. I hope to see you soon. Sweet dreams.

  He replied almost immediately, "Sweet dreams, Love."

  The perfect ending to the perfect night.


  My back ached throughout the day. Bending over in my chair to look at and work on patients’ teeth was dreadful. Somehow, I managed to smile through it all. All ten patients.

  Jacob and I had texted off and on while I was at work. The conversations were small talk, but it put a smile on my face. It was nice to have someone ask about my day. Nice to have someone tell me how much they were looking forward to seeing me again.

  After work, I headed to my favorite local coffee shop and ordered two hot white chocolate mochas. Then I very slowly and carefully made my way to Jacob’s office. All I needed was to fall again.

  Nerves rocketed through me with each step I took. I didn’t want him to think I was some crazy chick for bringing him coffee uninvited. However, I took a chance.

  The door to his office was tricky to open with two coffees in my hand, but I managed. The cold air whipped past me and into the lobby of his office.

  “Oh. Gosh,” I gasped when I realized closing the door would be a challenge since it opened outward.

  “I’ve got it, sweetheart,” Jacob called out.

  He reached around me and grabbed the handle of the door. His warmth and cologne wrapped around me like a blanket.

  How can he feel so good without touching me? I wondered as he shut and locked the door. He flipped the open sign to closed.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked smiling. His beautiful cognac-colored eyes were mesmerizing.

  “Thought I’d bring you some coffee.” I smiled and held out my offering.

  “You, my dear, are a goddess.” He took the coffee from me. “Thank you.”

  His lips gently pressed against mine. Before I had the chance to deepen our kiss, he pulled away.

  I couldn’t help the sigh of disappointment that left my lips.

  “What’s wrong?” He chuckled.

  “Nothing,” I shrugged.

  Jacob wrapped an arm around my waist then pulled me against him. He lowered his head down towards me. My heart fluttered with anticipation.

  “May I kiss you, Love?” he asked huskily.

  “Please do,” I whispered.

  Jacob captured my mouth with his. His tongue glided between my lips. It wasn’t long until my own tongue was exploring his mouth. He tasted like peppermint and chocolate. A delicious combination.

  The urge to feel his skin against mine flared. With my free hand, I held the side of his face.

  “So beautiful,” he moaned against my lips, breaking the kiss. His forehead rested on mine. My hand remained on his cheek.

  “Thank you,” I managed to say. My breath was still taken from our kiss.

  “Want to come in my office? We can drink coffee and talk while I go over some charts.”

  “I don’t want to disturb you.”

  He lifted his head away from mine.

  “You wouldn’t be disturbing me,” he smiled. “I’d like your company, if you don’t have any plans already.”

  “I don’t.”

  “He grabbed my hand from his face. Embarrassment began to rise in me but ceased when he intertwined his fingers with mine. He kissed the top of my hand then led me into his office.

  His office was decorated with a large dark cherry oak desk and two tall bookshelves filled with medical books. His multiple college degrees were hanging on the wall behind his desk. His office was almost picture-perfect, if it wasn’t for the NFL picture hanging next to his degrees. I loved football, but it seemed a bit out of place compared to the rest of the decor.

  “Please, have a seat.” He gestured toward the big leather seats which sat in front of the desk.

  “Thanks,” I said sitting down.

  Jacob walked around his desk and took a seat in his office chair. His appearance made me smile. He was wearing his medical coat and his stethoscope hung around his neck.

  “What?” he chuckled.

  “Just taking in the sight of Doctor Holiday,” I teased and then took a sip of my coffee.

  “Making fun of me now, Miss Daniels?” He smirked.


  “Uh huh. Riiiight.” He winked before turning on his laptop. “How was your day?”

  “Exhausting,” I sighed. “My body feels like I’ve been trampled over by a stampede of buffalo.”

  “Love, why didn’t you go home and take care of yourself?” He was looking up from the screen and frowning.

  “Um…” My cheeks were starting to warm from my embarrassment. Do I dare tell him how much I wanted to see him? Or, do I lie and tell him I had some errands to run?

  “Um, what, Miss Daniels?”

  “Just wanted to see you,” I whispered and dropped my gaze down to my cup.

  “Really?” He seemed surprised by my confession. Too embarrassed to face him, I kept my head down and nodded. “Well, I wish you would take care of yourself, but I am glad you came by.”

  That caught my attention. Slowly, I brought my gaze up to look at him.

  “Surprised?” he asked making me nod in reply. “You shouldn’t be,” he chuckled. “I don’t know what you did to me, but I can’t seem to get you off my mind.”

  There it was — another Hallmark moment.

  My heart skipped a beat before rapidly beating as though in competition with the butterflies in my stomach. There was an indescribable feeling inside me. Joy? Warmth? Love? Maybe all three. The feeling engulfing me made me feel like I was the only woman in the world. The only woman Jacob saw.

  “There’s just something about you, Love Daniels,” he smiled. “Does that make me sound like a creep?”

  “No,” I laughed and shook my head. “Makes you sweet. Romantic even.”

  “That’s something I’ve never heard associated with my name,” he laughed. “Romantic, huh?”

  “I mean in my eyes it was,” I

  “Well, if I ever do say something that is creepy or makes you uncomfortable you have to tell me. Okay?”

  I replied with a nod.

  “Same for you. Okay?”

  “I can do that.” He smiled and began to work.

  While I sipped on my coffee, I watched him and his many facial expressions. He was very animated. When he concentrated hard on things, he bit his bottom lip. When something annoyed him, he rolled his eyes and huffed.

  “You’re going to burn a whole in me.” Jacob smirked.

  His voice startled me, and I tensed up in my seat.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” He offered me an apologetic smile.

  “You’re fine. I shouldn’t have been staring at you. I just didn’t know what else to do.”

  “Ah. It is kinda boring watching me work. Huh?” He looked at his computer and then at me. “How about I pack up and treat you to dinner?”

  That sounded like a wonderful idea; however, I wasn’t one to get in the way of work.

  “No. You need to finish your charts.”

  “You sure? I don’t want you bored.”

  “I’ll play on my phone.” I grinned and then pulled my phone out of my purse.

  The minutes ticked by with me going through emails, checking the news, and playing games. Occasionally, Jacob and I would both look up at the same time. Our eyes would meet, we’d smile, and then go back to doing what we were doing. It was like being in grade school because each time I felt giddy.


  “Love.” I heard Jacob’s voice calling out my name in my dream. “Love, wake up, sweetheart.”

  Wake up?

  My body shook slightly. A warm hand was on my arm.

  “Wake up, sweetheart. You fell asleep,” Jacob whispered.

  Realization hit me and I startled from my sleep. I gasped for air.

  “It’s okay. It’s okay,” Jacob said from where he knelt in front of my chair. “It’s just me. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “It’s… it’s okay.” My breath was ragged; more like a pant. “How… How long was I asleep?”

  “About thirty minutes or so.”

  I grumbled at his reply. How embarrassing. I hoped and prayed that I wasn’t snoring. With my body being so sore and exhausted there was no doubt I did. The only thing to do now was to barge past him, out the door, and never look back.

  “Relax, Love,” he whispered then helped me stand. His warm arms wrapped around my waist. “Why don’t we head out so you can get some sleep?”

  “I’m so sorry,” I whispered looking up at him. He kissed me gently then smiled.

  “Don’t apologize for being tired.”

  How can a man be so perfect? Jacob was the ideal package. The man who every woman dreamed of finding. I hadn’t been searching for the perfect man but somehow, I fell into his life… literally.

  “What are you thinking about?” His words were soft but filled with amusement.

  “Why are you single?” The question was meant to be said silently in my head not blurted out to him. Especially not face-to-face. A text maybe. Face-to-face? No way in hell.

  “Why am I single?” He smiled.

  “No!” I shook my head. “Don’t answer that!”

  “Don’t want to know the answer or afraid to hear the answer?”

  I leaned my forehead against his chest. A soft groan left me. Jacob rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head.

  “You always try to hide from me,” he whispered. “I hope over time you can trust me and talk to me about anything, Love.”

  It was like in the historical romances where the woman swoons. His words made my knees grow weak. I sucked in a sharp breath as my mind digested his words. Trust was such a big word. However, it was a word I hoped to one day put with his name. He was someone who I hoped I could trust whole-heartedly one day.

  “I hope so, too, Jacob,” I whispered.

  “I love the way you say my name.” Maybe it was the sleepiness or maybe I was hearing things, but his voice sounded husky. A deep husky. A tone which made panties drop.

  “Jacob.” His name lingered on my tongue.

  My sultry voice was pulling me down a dangerous path. A path I wanted to lead to his and my clothes scattered throughout his office.

  “Love,” he whispered bending down and pressing his lips against mine.

  My lips parted welcoming him to deepen our kiss. He gladly accepted the invitation. He tasted of coffee and peppermint. Just like he had at my house. It was a combination that would forever be imprinted into my mind.

  “So beautiful,” Jacob moaned against my lips.

  I desperately wanted to feel his skin against mine. My hands worked their way under the back of his shirt. His skin was warm, smooth, and made me want more.

  “Jacob,” I whimpered against his lips. My whimper was a plea for more. A plea for him to satiate my desire for him.

  “You’re still recovering.” He nipped at my bottom lip. His nip was sensual, teasing.


  I raked my nails slowly down his back. He moaned into my mouth before grabbing me tighter around the waist and pulling me closer to his body. His hard-on pressed against me. I inhaled sharply from the anticipation of what it would feel like to have him deep inside me.

  “Jacob.” One simple word left my mouth with a mixture of a plea and demand. He was torturing me. I wasn’t one for making the first move; however, with him, I’d make an exception.

  “Once you have recovered fully then we can talk about this,” he whispered breaking our kiss.

  “Okay,” I sighed and stepped out from his hold.

  “I don’t mean to—” He stopped talking when I lifted my shirt up and over my head. “Wow,” he gasped softly as his eyes roamed across my chest.

  “Still want to wait until I’m fully recovered?”

  He didn’t reply right away. His eyes and body language told me he was debating between doing the doctor thing and waiting or giving into his desires.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled softly. “You are so tempting.”

  “Want me to put my shirt back on?”

  My nerves were beginning to rise. The way he was looking at me now seemed like he was going to turn me down.

  I began turning my shirt to where it was the right way so I could put it back on. Then I’d be able to hightail it out of his office.

  “No, ma’am,” he said catching my attention. He took my shirt from me and tossed it on his desk. “I’ll be gentle.”


  Jacob picked me up and without thought my legs wrapped around his waist. He held me up with both of his hands on my ass. With quick strides, he carried me out of his office and into another room. This room had a leather couch and a smaller office desk.

  Very gently he laid me down on the couch. It didn’t take long before he had his medical jacket and shirt removed. I bit my bottom lip to hold back the desperate moan that wanted to escape.

  The man had the body of a god. Perfectly sculpted abs. His skin was the perfect light caramel color. I wanted to run my tongue over every inch of his body. My body throbbed at just the thought of tasting his skin.

  “Let me know if you want me to stop,” he whispered.

  “I will.”

  He gave me a smile before removing my shoes and socks. Next, he undid the button on my dress pants. I lifted my hips giving him room to shimmy them off me, which he did not waste a moment of time.

  “So sexy,” he groaned. With the tips of his fingers, he danced his way down to my black-laced thong. We both sucked in a breath when he took hold of the thin material.

  "Jacob," I whimpered when he was taking too long to remove my thong.

  I lifted my hips as a silent plea for him to remove my thong before I wilted away. Not feeling his touch. Not being filled with him was driving me to the edge of insanity. I needed him.

  He ended my torture when he slid my thong down along my legs t
o my ankles and finally freed my body of the thong. Now, I laid in front of him with only a bra.

  His eyes were gazing over my pussy. Thankfully, I had fought through the pain last night and shaved necessary areas. I hadn't even expected Jacob and I to have sex. Something in the back of my mind, nagged me to shave.

  "So smooth," he moaned and ran a finger across my bare pussy.

  My back arched at the sensual touch. The movement of my body caused a dull pain to shoot up my spine. The pain was outweighed by my need for Jacob.

  "Your back hurts when you move? Doesn't it?" Jacob's words made me frown and then sigh.

  "I'll be fine." It was his turn to frown at my words. "They make pain meds and muscle creams for this very reason."

  "Oh. So that's why those things were invented," he chuckled. "Learned something new."

  "You're a brat," I laughed.

  His fingertips danced down the inside of my thighs. The touch only increased the fire that was already lit within me.

  "Doctor Holiday, please, take care of me," I pouted vixen-like.

  His eyes quickly found mine. I had struck a match inside him. He had the look of a wolf ready to devour its prey.

  "Love," he warned.

  "Doctor Holiday," I grinned as I slipped a hand behind my back and unclasped my bra. Within seconds, I had my bra off and tossed across the room. "Can you take care of"

  "Fuck," he groaned then stood up. With haste he removed the remainder of his clothes. He now stood in front of me completely naked.

  "Damn," I moaned taking in every inch of his body. When my eyes reached his cock, my mouth watered and pussy throbbed. It was the perfect size.

  “Like what you see, Love?” he smirked.


  Jacob lifted my legs and then kneeled onto the couch. He placed one of my legs on each side of him. My heat and wetness were now exposed fully to him.

  Nerves began to rise as he gazed over my naked body.

  "You're beautiful, Love. Do you know that?" he asked smiling.

  "No," I admitted bashfully.

  "You're perfect, sweetheart. Perfect in every way."

  His words made me melt. Or maybe it was the sincere look in his eyes as he said the words. Either way, I felt like I was on top of the world.


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