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Epsilon Page 17

by Dezirae Bates

  “Oh God,” she finally said, moving to tear the chains away from them but before she could touch them, Sebastian cut her off with a groan.

  “Don’t touch them!” he breathed out, the searing pain etched across his face, Bryan’s nearly mirrored. The chains had been on them long enough to burn off the first layer of skin on the men’s wrists. It was a form of torture that she hadn’t even seen before.

  “Wh-what are they?” she asked, kneeling in front of the two, glancing over her shoulder every few breaths.

  “They’re Origin restraints. Keep you from using your Origin and only a member of the Origin who placed them can get them off without harm,” Bryan breathed out, noting that it was a Sigma who placed the chains originally. It was smart, at least, for the Exodus to use the Sigma Origin, knowing that there weren’t many of them in the first place so finding someone within the League to help was few and far between. She just hoped that Yvette and Caleb were as safe as they could be somewhere else within the compound.

  “Okay, but, we don’t have time for this right now, someone will be coming soon,” she said, watching as the men tried to avoid moving even a fraction of an inch if only to spare themselves from the pain. It was obvious they’d been in the room long enough to feel its effects so even if they didn’t want to move, even if they focused all their energies on keeping still, the Origin withdrawals were enough to keep them shaking. With each movement, the shackles shifted and seared into a new piece of flesh. It was an ingenious torture system but a horrific one.

  “Just go,” Sebastian breathed out, taking in a sharp breath before lifting his head to look up at her. “Run. Find someone to help you break your bond, break your connection to the Exodus and keep running.” It was obvious that Sebastian was on the edge of giving up completely. Losing his sister, losing his Origin, falling down a path of destructive behavior only to be pulled out of it and to lose the stabilization he’d worked so hard for... he was done. It was a look that Cassidy had learned from him over and over again and being the woman she was, she just pushed him that much harder. One more step, one more breath, one more was all it took to realize the pain you felt is manageable. It didn’t matter that he wanted to give up because there was one thing that Cassidy Hawkins would never do and that was give up.

  “If you think I’m going to let you be the only hero today, you’re wrong,” she teased with a gentle laugh, moving to slip behind both of them, staring at the blood soaked iron shackles. She knew that using her own Origin was practically a death sentence. Standing inside the Sigma room and using her Epsilon Origin would drain her faster than anything else she ever experienced. She wasn’t terribly strong as it was but she was going to try her damndest.

  “Cassidy—” Sebastian started, shifting to move away from her which caused a muffled scream to roll through his throat. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and sighed.

  “Stop moving, give me a minute,” she scolded, turning to Bryan first and touching the shackle as if she was a puppy testing the limits of a shock collar. The burning sensation erupted through her skin, the skin turned a bright red but didn’t bleed just yet. “Fuck,” she muttered, swallowing her pain for a moment before looking the lock over once more, grabbing at the bolts that seemed to be holding it closed and yanking as hard as she possibly could while swallowing back her screams. Her fingers had started to bleed and she could hear the metal shifting but not enough to get it to break. Just as she was about to take her hands away and think through another strategy, Bryan took in a quick breath and yelled, adding his strength to the mix and it only took a few tough tugs to get the metal to fall from his wrists. It clattered to the ground and Bryan turned, wanting to rub his wrists but he refrained to avoid harming the open wounds. Cassidy ripped a part of the bottom of her shirt, allowing him to wrap up the wounds as best as he could.

  “Your turn,” she muttered, moving to Sebastian as she squeezed her hands closed, pushing through the pain as best she could. She could tell that Sebastian didn’t want her to get him out of the shackles, almost hoping that Bryan was strong enough to do it for her but Cassidy could tell that Bryan needed a minute for himself to push through the waves of feelings overwhelming him at the moment. “I’m going to need you to push against them,” she said softly with a grimace, swallowing as she stared at the shackles once more and moving to pull against them. The cacophony of their screams blended together, Sebastian’s wrists bleeding more than they were earlier but after a few moments, the shackles clattered to the ground and Sebastian was released, the man falling forward on the ground as he buckled in pain. Cassidy ripped off two strips from the other side of her t-shirt, it now short enough to reveal a small portion of her stomach if she moved in a particular way. She slid them to Sebastian to cover his wounds as she wiped her own blood off on her t-shirt. When she wiped her hands on herself, she started to realize that she could feel the negative effects of being inside the room, the Sigma energy slowly but surely starting to try and take over her own. “I know you two need time but we don’t have much of it and we need to get out of here,” she said, looking up at Bryan who had managed to get to his feet. Sebastian was now on his knees, also working to get his feet underneath him as Cassidy did the same. Both men nodded in response to her comment, taking shaky breaths as they headed towards the doors.

  “Do you guys know whe—” she started as a Sigma member rounded the corner, the orange energy fresh on his fingers. Cassidy took in a sharp breath, ready to defend them but before her Origin even managed to hit her fingertips, Bryan sent out a large black bear surrounded in silver Delta magic and the bear quickly lunged for the man’s throat, ripping it open before the Sigma had a chance to get a shot off. Bryan’s legs buckled at the lack of strength from exerting himself, Cassidy quickly slipping under his arm to help him in the hall where the bear absorbed back into Bryan’s frame, the man’s blood pouring out on the floor.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” she whispered, helping Bryan to a chair and frowning, looking up at Sebastian who was already standing sentry, pacing slightly. Bryan reached out and touched her face, managing a gentle smile and it was obvious that the two had the same smile. Cassidy’s own lips turned into a grin when she realized the trait they shared and listened as the man spoke.

  “I did. I’d do anything for you guys,” he said, swallowing back the shakiness in his voice before looking over his shoulder for the Delta channeling room. “You guys go find whoever the hell decided to do this, I’ll get the others and we’ll... meet somewhere.” Cassidy didn’t like the idea of separating but he was right. Just like before when Cassidy was thinking through her options, there wasn’t enough time to find the person who attacked them and save everyone who was taken. It was feasibly impossible. If they found their attackers, they’d deal with them while the rest of the group managed to off the survivors. If they found the hostages, the people who did this would manage to get away with attacking them in the first place. The only way to get justice and everyone to safety was to go in two groups. It wasn’t perfect but it was the only solution.

  “You be careful, alright? I didn’t just save your ass to have you go get killed,” she teased, leaning forward and giving him a hug, burying her face against his chest for a moment before releasing him. She hated herself for not giving him more time in her life, knowing that he was some of the only blood she had left.

  “Don’t worry, you can get to know me like I know you once this is all over,” he teased, tapping her on the top of her head before turning on his heels and heading deeper into the compound, away from where the Chancellor was holed up.

  It was at this point that she turned to Sebastian, moving to stand next to him and letting out a terrified breath. The next few hours of her life were going to change dramatically. The was no more benefit of the doubt. No more convenience. People were dead because of her ignorance and her inability to believe what was right in front of her. She wasn’t going to allow that to happen twice.

I’m sorry I didn’t believe you,” she said softly, staring down the hall in which they needed to go, refusing to look up at him. Sebastian did the same, standing in a way that he had more than one vantage point, shaking his head.

  “I know you better than you think, Cassidy. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to convince you of something without you seeing it for your own eyes. I’m sorry it had to come to this but, I’m just glad you believe me now,” he said, taking his eyes off of the hallway for just a moment to gaze down at her. Cassidy’s confusion was clear, licking her lips to question him but he shook his head. “You can ask me later, okay? When we’re safe, when we’re whole, alright?” She wasn’t the only person to lose people in the attack and at the moment, all he could think about was getting everyone out in one piece.

  “They’re up in the main hall. I saw Chase there with the Chancellor. My bet is that most of them are there and that only guards were left to watch over you all until you either died or proved useful.” She frowned. “You sure you’re up for this?” she questioned, watching his reaction and Sebastian’s look spoke volumes to his answer.

  “I’ve never been more ready,” he said, the red sparking violently over his hands and the two walked down the hallway.

  Chapter 22

  I don’t understand why we didn’t just kill them,” Chase said, standing next to a desk and the Chancellor was staring out the window towards one of the courtyards. There were a few Chi guards in the room but many of the other Exodus members were either protecting their assigned places or simply told to believe that they were safe in their rooms. It was obvious that the willing army that the Exodus had hoped for was slowly but surely showing their want to have a free will but that had yet to stop them.

  “Because,” the Chancellor spoke, not bothering to look over his shoulder at the man that had become his protege over the years. “We’ve been far too hasty tonight as it was. Wasting all of that pure Origin blood would be for not. Not when we can make them prove themselves and become useful again,” he said, clasping his hands together as he continued to stare outside, watching as the sentries changed various stations as the minutes ticked on. Chase let out a huff, moving to sit in the chair across from the desk, putting his feet up on the table as well. It was Chase’s call to go in and round up the League while he had Cassidy distracted. It was also his call which resulted in the deaths of those from both factions. While he hadn’t anticipated deaths, he also told them to use whatever means necessary to round up the traitors. He preached to the men in his ranks how revolting the people they were going after were to the Exodus and how much their betrayal could bring about the end of the life as they knew it. Chase was far from an idiot. While he could stand there, hands clean from the blood that he brought, he got others to do the dirty work that he stood clear of. His charm and charisma was enough to seal the deal.

  “You say that like they’re worthy to come back. Look at Cassidy. It’s clear that altering someone’s memory will only work as well as it can but that the host will eventually win.” Chase sighed but the Chancellor simply laughed.

  “Or you weren’t nearly as convincing as you hoped that you were,” he said, causing Chase to rise to his feet, the red sparking over his fingers. The man had a soft spot for Cassidy, that was apparent, but he knew the job that he needed to do. Win over her heart, win her from the members of the League and get her to break them from the inside. He’d managed to win her heart but obviously lacked when it came to the other aspects of his mission. He had argued the danger of putting her with people that could trigger true memories from her previous memory trail but the Chancellor had assured him that it would all work.

  “Or maybe your daughter isn’t the one you think she is and this is all one big show for nothing,” he growled, the Chancellor reaching back and grabbing him up by the throat and hoisting him into the air. Chase clawed as the man’s hand, the red sparking over his hands which got a laugh and a snapping of the Chancellor’s tongue. Chase subsided his Origin attack, still clawing at the man’s hand which was slowly but surely sucking the life out of him.

  “Never, ever, say a bad word against my daughter, again, if you hope to live another day,” he said, his voice eerily calm as he released Chase to the floor, the man clamoring to rub his throat, the cough spreading from his lungs. If he were honest to himself, he would admit how strange it was for someone who was so appreciative of his daughter and treat her the way that he had.

  “Whatever you say, boss,” he said, coughing as he rose to his feet, clearing his voice as best he could as the two guards who were guarding the Sigma room came in, interrupting the two of them.

  “What the hell are you two doing here?” Chase said, glancing from the guards to the Chancellor and back to the guards once more. It was clear that the guards were starting to doubt Cassidy’s story that she had told to get them to be moved in the first place.

  “The girl, sir, your daughter said that you wanted to speak to us,” one of the guards said, straightening his back up as he spoke as if trying to seem taller than he was. Chase narrowed his eyes at the admission, frustrated that Cassidy had managed to get through the defenses that he had set up.

  “Seriously? You’re far more gullible than you look,” Chase said but it was only seconds later that the Chancellor was walking to the men, standing in front of them with a calm smile before speaking.

  “So, she’s here, I take it? Unharmed?” he questioned, glancing to his fingers before the men continued.

  “Uh- yes sir. We were outside the Sigma room before we left,” he said, clearing his throat and the Chancellor reached out, grasping his hand around the back of his neck before grinning even more than before.

  “Thank you, for your service,” he said, his index finger shining a bright silver color and transforming into the end of a scorpion stinger, injecting the poison into his throat. The paralysis set it almost instantly, the Chi sinking to the ground and blinking up at the ceiling as the venom started to take over. “The Sigma room, that was Ezekiel and your brother, correct?” the Chancellor asked, pulling his handkerchief from his chest pocket, wiping off his fingers and acting as nonchalant as he possibly could. Chase stood in slight disbelief as he watched the man under his command twitch on the ground from the scorpion venom.

  “I thought you said no more Origin blood was to be spilled,” Chase remarked, disregarding his question.

  “He was fooled and far too easily. I do not want that weakness in my home,” he said with a shrug. “Now, answer my question.”

  “Yes,” Chase said begrudgingly, looking towards the courtyard to see if he could spot them coming to meet with them. “We have to assume that she knows everything, if not now then soon. She wouldn’t be pulled to him first if she didn’t know,” he said, rubbing the back of his head, trying to think through what was going to happen once she got there.

  “Fret not, dear boy. Have more faith in your bond. Even if she was meant to be with Sebastian, this Cassidy has chosen you over him many times. Remember that, use your Origin if you need to but keeping her with us is what matters far more than anything else. I assure you,” he said, glancing to the other guard who had failed to keep his post. “And you, do you need to meet the same fate as your friend here or have you learned to keep a better head about you?” he asked, tilting his head as the guard scrambled to his feet, shaking his head emphatically. “Right then, on you go. Go clean up the mess you decided to make,” he said, sending the guard out of the room and glancing over to Chase who was suddenly tapping his hand against the top of the desk as a nervous tick.

  “She’ll be here soon, we know she will. She’s too strong headed to think otherwise. Our plan is solid. Settle down, Chase,” he said, clapping the man on the back and squeezing hard, Chase having an odd sensation roll up his spine at the thought of where the Chancellor’s hand was in the same position, killing the man who was trying so desperately to scream out as the venom continued to take over his nervous system.

bsp; “And if it’s not?” Chase asked, glancing over to the Chancellor, trying to read his face as the man answered. “Are you going to have your daughter killed?” he asked, swallowing while he separated himself from the Chancellor, gazing back into the courtyard.

  “There are less extreme ways of handling her. That’s what you’re here for. Regardless of how this night ends, she’ll be on our side. Whether or not the members of the League, including your brother, survive tonight will be dependent on how Cassidy plays through all of this,” he said, continuing the nonchalant rhetoric he had adopted over the course of the night. Chase wasn’t too keen on the thought of yet another member of his family dying for the cause but he’d rather them die for this than to die in vain.

  Chapter 23

  You know we might have to kill them both,” Sebastian said, the two weaving in and out through the corridors, trying desperately to get to the Chancellor and Chase as quickly and as safely as they could. Cassidy didn’t even bother to look over to Sebastian when he spoke, trying to stay focused on the task at hand.

  “You don’t have to remind me, Sebastian,” she cautioned, sliding up against the wall and peering over it, inching her way down towards the next place she could hide up against for protection.

  “But, I do. I can hear your heartbeat escalating when I talk about it. If this plays out how I think it will, this will end with either us dead or them.” Sebastian spotted an Omicron member walking the halls, teleporting behind her and seaping the red energy into her skin to get her to fall asleep, helping her body to the floor in the process. Cassidy’s arm was still stained with blood from killing the man back at the League but she was trying so desperately to avoid killing anyone in the night’s events. Much like the Chancellor thought, this wasn’t the time to be killing so many people in their community. The only way she was going to get people to come together would be to unite them, not drive a farther wedge between them which is what killing would continue to do.


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