The Assassin's Gift

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The Assassin's Gift Page 23


  Carrying the bag with her supplies in, it took fifteen minutes to trudge up to the spot with the GSM coordinates she’d given to her suppliers.

  The location was several hundred metres into the forest, in a small clearing.

  Checking the coordinates on the phone, as soon as she was sure she was in the right place, she took out a small spade from her rucksack and started digging.

  She only had to dig down about thirty centimetres before she came to the large plywood crate. It was slightly larger than she had expected it to be and she felt slightly sorry for the people who had had to carry it here and bury it, probably only a few hours ago or the night before.

  Opening it up, she checked all the contents and smiled.

  It appeared that the suppliers had been able to get hold of everything.

  Twenty minutes later, having made sure that everything was working properly, she was assured she had all she needed.

  After putting the items she had carried up the hill into the box, she collected what she needed now and replaced a few of the other 'contingency' items back into the crate in the ground. She re-covered the box with earth and leaves and then left the forest.

  Now wearing thin plastic gloves, when she got back to the car, she drove to a spot close to the field she had chosen earlier and took out the wireless relay units which had been delivered. She then cleaned them thoroughly with the white spirit she'd ordered, making sure there was no DNA on them from either her or her suppliers.

  Next, she selected one of them and got out of the car. Walking to the spot within the field she had chosen, she placed it on the ground, switched it on and covered it with grass. Returning to the car, she switched on the other relay units and smiled when she saw that they were all talking to each other. Switching off one of the units, the green lights on the other one remained on, meaning that it was also still talking to the unit she'd left in the field.

  Switching them back on, she repeated the process twice more in the next thirty minutes, driving to the locations she had chosen earlier, taking out a wireless relay unit, and hiding it under some grass, some wood, or a thin layer of soil.

  After placing the last unit, she looked up at the castle for a few minutes. The cells were all dark. From where she was she could just see the cell that Tommy McNunn was reputed to be in.

  And now, the last thing she had to do was place three white plastic cups on the top of the low wall that ran along the edge of the road below the cliffs, and about ten metres from the high security fence that ran around the bottom of the cliff and the edge of the prison.

  Looking back up at where Tommy's cell was supposed to be, she knew that ensuring that she had actually got the right information about his location was one of the first things to check next.

  After driving back to the forest, she parked the car in the corner of the car park she had seen a few days earlier. Getting out of the car, she loaded a rucksack and a bag with things she needed and took out the rifle which she had recovered earlier on. It was not yet assembled but she could do that in seconds, and blindfolded. She looked at her watch. Four am.

  Then last of all she took out the largest item that had arrived in her delivery that afternoon.

  A drone.

  Not just an ordinary drone, but one of the most sophisticated on the market. She was adept at handling it, having trained with the same model in Libya. She had also used it several times since on different missions, not as she intended to use it this evening, but certainly as a key tool in previous plans.

  So long as it functioned properly, the battery had been charged as requested in her purchase order, and the accessories she had requested for it all fitted together, then there would be no problem.

  Ideally she would have preferred some time to practice tonight's plan in advance, but there was nowhere suitable nearby that she could do it during the daytime without drawing too much unwanted attention to herself.

  The Accuracy International AXMC long range sniper rifle which she was going to use for this mission was identical to the one she had used at Loch Ness. They were highly reliable, accurate and her personal preferred weapon for a shot of this distance. Although, whether or not she would get the chance to use it would depend on how the telephone call would go when she made it. And if it were answered at all.

  It took a further fifteen minutes to walk to the point in the forest which she had chosen for this part of the operation during her visit the other day.

  Once there, she laid out everything on the ground and listened to make sure she could hear nothing unusual.

  With the night sight glasses on, apart from a few rabbits running around, there were no signs of any large animals.

  Looking at her watch, it was now four thirty in the morning. She was alone. And if she wasn't alone now, she never would be.

  Next she checked the operation of the drone. With her night sight on she could see it clearly in the dark. One of the reasons it was so expensive was aside from being fast, powerful, agile and very stable in flight, the four small engines which powered it were very quiet. Which would be essential for this mission. It was also programmable, and supported autonomous geo-spatial positioning which enabled it to fly to and maintain a constant position at any set satnav location made up of specific parameters for longitude, latitude and most importantly, altitude and elevation.

  Alessandra played with the drone for five minutes, checking its operation, which as she expected was all fine. The company who supplied her would have checked everything out before sending the supplies to her. According to the meter, the battery was also fresh, giving her at least 45 minutes flying time.

  She then turned her attention to the screen on the drone handset and checked one last time that the three wireless relay sensors she had set up were all linked. Everything was fine. The handset showed three green lights.

  Thankfully, the rain had now abated, and the sky was clear. The cloud had blown away and stars were even visible.

  With the drone safely on the ground beside her and now loaded with the cargo she wanted it to carry, she turned to the sniper's rifle.

  Picking it up and checking it over, she first located the small white plastic cups she'd left on top of the wall beneath the prison, then adjusted the night vision rifle scope so that she could see them clearly. Each of the cups had a large 'X' marked on it in black ink.

  She then inserted a round into the rifle, dialled in several adjustments to the settings on the rifle to account for wind, elevation and distance, and then prepared to take the first shot.

  Controlling her breathing, she took the shot at the optimum moment.

  It was slightly left.

  However, it was surprisingly close. Her estimations almost spot on.

  She adjusted the parameters again and took a second shot.

  Looking through the binoculars she saw that it had gone straight through the top of the cup.

  One more adjustment, then she took a last shot, aiming at the cross.

  It took out the middle.

  Satisfied, she laid the rifle down beside her gently, and went through her mental checklist.

  Everything was prepared.

  Alessandra knew that everything that was going to happen next was a gamble.

  Tommy McNunn might not answer the phone.

  And if he didn't, after trying a few more times without any success, she would have to pack up and go back to the hotel.

  Later tomorrow, she would call him. And if he didn't answer then, she would try again once after that.

  Then tomorrow night, she would come back again, make all the preparations again, then try once more.

  Everything depended upon this being the right number. And on her getting to speak to Tommy McNunn in person.

  At this point, there was no Plan B.

  Alessandra took a few moments to calm her breathing, then took out her mobile phone with the new SIM card freshly inserted in it, and dialled Tommy McNunn's number.

  She waited fo
r it to ring...

  Chapter 24

  Cell 297

  Cell Block C

  A Wing

  HMP Stirling



  4.35 a.m.

  Tommy McNunn snored, turned on to his other side, then grunted. A screeching sound was pulling him from his dream. Imploring him to wake up. Tearing at the peace and quiet he was experiencing lying on his sunbed in St Lucia in the Caribbean.

  "You'd better answer it," the naked blonde said, lying on the sunbed beside him. "It could be important!"

  Tommy stirred and then sat up.

  He was alone in his private cell, a privilege which cost him significantly, but which he thought worth every penny. It allowed him to conduct business in private, and sleep soundly at night, free of the stench and snores of fellow cellmates.

  And besides, he preferred his own company. So he could run his companies. And continue to make money.

  In fact, making more money and continuing to run his criminal business empire had become his lifeline. Not only a hobby and a pastime which helped him to while away the long, lonely days, but one which helped keep him sane.

  So long as he was able to reach out and keep his finger on the pulse of his empire, it freed up his mind, lessened the impact of the walls that surrounded him, and gave him some purpose to live. To do time.

  The trial, the endless preparations, the stress, it was all taking its toll. He didn't like to admit it, but he wasn't young any more.

  His lifeline to it all was his phone.

  And right now, it was ringing.

  "What!" McNunn exclaimed, answering the phone after retrieving it from underneath his pillow. Not exactly a genius hiding place, but he had no real reason to hide it.

  The guards knew he had a phone. They knew where it was.

  But they didn't dare touch it because Tommy's organisation knew where their wives lived. Where their kids went to school.

  He'd shown them photographs, taken by people who worked for him. Who had followed their relatives closely. The guards understood.

  "This is Amanda. I wish to speak with Tommy McNunn. Is that you?"

  "Yes, it's fucking me. Who the hell are you and why the hell are you calling me? Do you know what fucking time it is?"

  "Please do not swear Tommy McNunn. And of course I know what time it is. It's four thirty six in the morning, and this is the time that a phone call will change your life. I have something you need, and I am willing to share it with you."

  "What the hell are you talking about? What do you have to share with me?"

  "Anything you want."

  "Such as?"

  "Anything you want. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me. I am Amanda. I supply services to all the most important businessmen in all the prisons in Scotland."

  "Stop talking in riddles. How did you get my number? What fucking services do you provide?"

  "Before I go further, I must confirm that you are in fact Tommy McNunn. I have your medical record in front of me. And your insurance file. You have a birthmark. Where is it and what is it?"

  "It's a fucking red skin blemish on my buttocks."

  "Which buttock?"

  "The bloody left one..."

  "In 2017 you were involved in a car accident. What happened?"

  "What the hell has this got to do with it?"

  "What happened?"

  "An old man reversed his car into me and fucked up my BMW."

  "Wrong. Once last chance..."

  "Fuck... An old man stopped his car at the lights, I drove into it..."

  "Did you apologise?"

  "Me? Apologise? I'm Tommy McNunn. I never apologise to anyone!"

  "Fine. It's you. You're an arrogant bastard who doesn't give a shit about anyone else."

  "Fuck you."

  "In your dreams. Anyway, let's get down to business. You asked what services I can provide you. I help business leaders in prison continue to run their businesses and to build new business opportunities within the prison. I can supply you with anything you want. Whenever you want."

  "Do you know who I am?"

  "I know who you are, but obviously you don't know who I am. Perhaps this is a mistake. Please forget I called."

  "Wait... don't hang up!" McNunn urged. "Okay, so I don't know you. Yet. But if you have something to offer me, be fucking clear about what it is, and what you want in return."

  "Like I said, I can supply you with whatever you want or need. Mobile phones, drugs, alcohol, porn... you tell me. I arrange it. I run supply services to those in prison who run the prisons."

  Tommy stood up and walked to the window, reached up and pushed it open to get some fresh air, and waken up.

  "How many phones? What types of drugs? And how much?"

  "Whatever you need. I'm beginning to repeat myself too much. Mr McNunn, please try to understand what I am saying to you the first time around. We have to be smarter than this. You're in prison. If we are to do business together, conversations must he short. And simple. Do you understand me?"

  Tommy wasn't used to someone talking to him like this. However, he wasn't a fool. If there was a business opportunity here that he had not yet mastered, he needed to get with it quickly.

  "Shall I send you a sample?"



  "What do you mean now, it's the fucking middle of the night!"

  "Like I said, I know, that's why I'm calling you now. It's the best time to do business. If you make me repeat myself, I'll hang up. You won't hear from me again. Answer the question, I'm giving you a choice. Do you want a sample of what I can offer you, ... now?"


  "Good. What cell are you in? Can you confirm it is Cell 297 in Cell Block C?"

  "Yes, how do you know?"

  "I wouldn't be able to run a business, if I didn't know. My business is to know. Please do not question me again, Mr McNunn. Okay, I will send you a sample. This is how it's going to work. Sometime in the next thirty minutes a drone is going to fly up and hover just outside your window. When it does, you will open the window as far as it goes, - I can see it's open now, but you need to push it open a little further. You will then reach out and grab the little bag off the end of the stick at the front of the drone. Are you getting this?"


  "Good. The bag will contain a new mobile phone for you. You can keep the phone. It's small. It was designed for prisons. You can sell thousands of them to fellow inmates. But that's not important just now. The phone has an app on it. The AMANDA app. In future, you'll use that to order what you need from me. I'll teach you how. I'll give you a few minutes to look at the phone, then I'll call it. You answer the phone. But before we will talk anytime in the future, you immediately say a code number and a code word. I'll give you the code number now. You will remember that code number. And then you will give me a code word that only you and I will share. In future, when I call you, I will know it's you and that you are ready to do business and receive a shipment only if you give me my code number back along with the code word. Are you understanding this, Mr Tommy McNunn?"


  "Good. My code number is 9871."


  "Exactly. And now. What is your code word?"

  Tommy was flustered. Thinking hurriedly.

  "I don't know..."

  "What is the name of the first woman you fucked, Mr McNunn?"

  "Pat. Patricia."

  "Patricia it is. Now wait for the phone to arrive. When it does, I will call you again, and give you further instructions. Don't forget, to ensure that it is you that is in possession of the phone, and not a warden, or another prisoner, when you answer it you give me the code number and the code word. Got it?"


  "Good. Go to the window and wait. Goodbye."


  Alessandra put the phone down on the ground in front of her. Checking once more that there was no one to be seen in the
forest around her, no large thermal images that could signify a person, she mentally went to the next stage of her operation.

  She lay down on the tarpaulin she'd placed on the ground and made a final adjustment to the stand which held the night vision field binoculars above the ground, and which would enable her to watch the drone on its final approach to McNunn's window while she guided it in with the hand-held controls.

  Picking up the controls she checked on the handset to make sure that wireless relay units were still linked.

  Everything was ready.

  Pressing the switch on the handset the drone rose into the air, tilted and zoomed off at twenty miles an hour towards the prison.

  Alessandra was pleased to see that there were no cross winds between her elevated position on the ground in the forest on the hill and the prison just over a mile away.

  It only took a few minutes to reach within two hundred metres of the prison building, at which point she slowed the drone down and approached much slower. When she was within one hundred metres of the prison walls, she let it hover in mid-air.

  At this point Alessandra lifted the night vision goggles from her eyes and gently swivelled the binoculars on the stand so that she could see through them.

  Resting on her elbows she then instructed the drone to veer slightly to the left and increase its altitude, and commanded it forward and up as it neared the window which she now knew belonged to Tommy McNunn.

  Slowly she manoeuvred the position of the drone until it was within about five metres of the wall.

  Behind it she could see a hand stretched out of the window.

  Unfortunately, she could not make out any of McNunn's face in the window. Half of the window was fixed, with only the left-hand side from her viewpoint opening outwards to the world. Looking at the fingers of the hand and the extended arm, she knew that the man's torso was on her right, and estimated the position of his neck and head. The arm, his right arm, was extended out level, not angling up or down, which meant that McNunn was obviously standing on something within his cell.

  Alessandra swallowed, took several deep, controlled breaths and then focussed.


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