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  Other Books By Ian C.P. Irvine


  Please look out for others books by IAN C.P.IRVINE on Amazon and see below:-

  Say You're Sorry

  Sometimes, an apology is all it takes to save your life, no matter who you are!


  A gripping page-turning crime thriller which will make you think twice about how you treat strangers or ever use the internet or your mobile phone again!

  When Scottish crime lord Tommy ‘McNunn’ commits the perfect murder, killing a corrupt policeman and framing his death on a rival, DCI Campbell McKenzie knows there is little he can do to stop a gang war and prevent McNunn taking over the whole of Scotland.

  However, when Tommy McNunn accidentally drives into an old age pensioner, destroys the man’s car and refuses to apologise, his ambitions are soon to be thwarted. In a modern day retelling of the biblical story ‘David Versus Goliath’, the meek topple the mighty, brains conquer brawn and good overcomes bad. DCI McKenzie versus his arch rival, Tommy McNunn. Who will win? In another classic IAN CP IRVINE thriller, just when you think you know the truth, your world is turned upside down. Hold on tight, cancel the rest of your day and take a deep, deep breathe. You'll need it.

  I Spy, I Saw Her Die

  In a race against time, it's Ray Luck against the world!

  When Ray Luck - a top cyber security expert - accidentally stumbles upon a devastating secret while surfing the web, he knows immediately he is in way above his head and soon he is being hunted by both Mossad and the British Security Services.

  Alone, desperate, with only three days to live, Ray is a man with not one, but several missions: to save the life of his girlfriend who has been kidnapped by the security services; to prevent a terrorist cyber attack destroying London; to save the Middle East peace process; and to bring one of the most powerful men in the world to justice for the savage killing of an apparently innocent woman, a murder certain powerful people in the British Government are determined to cover up at all costs.

  Only Ray can stop them all.

  But as the clock starts to tick, he discovers that nothing is as it seems. Who is the real enemy? And who can he trust? Unless he finds out soon, will Ray’s luck finally run out?

  Find out for yourself!

  Written by a cyber security expert, this thriller will make you think twice about our modern world and using the internet. By the time you've finished the book, whenever you next watch television, you'll wonder just who is watching you! It's called 'tele-vision'. Now you'll understand why!

  Murder, mystery, cyber crime, espionage, conspiracy, a terrorist plot, romance, page-turning, nail-biting adventure... this book has got it all.

  Be one of the first to read it!

  Haunted From Within

  For some, death is not the end. Thanks to modern medicine, they are given a second chance. A second chance to live, and another chance to kill.

  A fast paced contemporary medical thriller, based upon a true medical mystery that scientists and doctors do not yet understand.

  Readers should be warned that the novel contains strong language and scenes of sex and violence.

  The Story:

  When Peter Nicolson, a reporter with the Edinburgh Evening News, is almost killed by a gang leader out to make his mark, the only way to save his life is through a double kidney transplant. One of the first people in the world to be treated with the new genetic wonder drug 'SP-X4', Peter makes a remarkable recovery. Yet as he recovers, his personality begins to change, and he discovers that he can see visions of unsolved killings committed by a murderer that no one has ever caught. Peter sets out to solve the murders, to track down the killer, and find out the truth behind the visions that he sees.

  As time progresses, and as Peter uncovers a trail of death that stretches across the United Kingdom and Europe, the makers of 'SP-X4' watch his actions from afar, anxious that he will uncover the incredible truth behind their new drug treatment, and conspiring to make sure he does not succeed in revealing it to the world.

  'Haunted From Within' is also the story of seven separate lives: readers will follow each character as the plot develops and their lives intersect, culminating in a surprise ending that few will predict.

  Please beware: this book is based on fact: a medical phenomena that few understand and most are unaware of. At first, it may seem hard to believe. This is after all, just a story, a fast-paced thriller written to entertain you . . . but it will leave you wondering and talking about the definition of 'life' itself. Enjoy!

  Click on image or here to view video!

  Haunted From Without

  The Sequel to Haunted From Within

  Following the international success of Haunted From Within, Haunted From Without is the latest thought-provoking medical thriller from Ian C.P. Irvine.

  Based upon a real life mystery, Haunted From Without will make you question the meaning of life itself. It will shock you, scare you and have you turning the pages until late into the night.

  Haunted From Without is a unique combination of medical thriller, conspiracy thriller, mystery, detective fiction and ghost story.

  With several stories that twist and turn together, culminating in an ending you will not predict, Haunted From Without will keep you riveted to your Kindle for hour after hour.

  Who are 'the Others'? Why are an increasing number of people throughout the world developing the ability to see and speak with the dead?

  Why have a farmers' guild from Iowa secretly enlisted the help of Scottish reporter Peter Nicolson? If they are correct, is the world stumbling blindly into a disaster that could threaten the survival of the human race? And what is contained within the missing 'GM File' that threatens to destroy some of the world's most powerful companies? To what lengths will these companies go to prevent Peter Nicolson uncovering the truth and publishing it to the world?

  Who has kidnapped the Scottish teenager Debbie McCrae? Will she manage to escape, or will she be killed by her mysterious abductor?

  What is the secret that Susie's dad tried to tell her as he died? And who is the mysterious Timothy?

  Can Peter Nicolson help stop the biggest terrorist attack the world has ever seen and prevent the destruction of the city of London?

  Will Peter Nicolson meet Maciek, his nemesis and erstwhile saviour? And if he does, who will survive?

  To find the answers to all these question and more, download Haunted From Without today, find a comfortable seat, and forget about doing anything else for the next few days!

  Happy Reading!

  (But don't switch the light off… you don't know who might be watching you!)


  The Orlando File : A page-turning Mystery & Detective Medical Thriller

  Available in Paperback or Ebook

  The Orlando File is a fast paced thriller, based upon the latest state-of-the-art discoveries in genetics and stem-cell research. The result is a truly scientific adventure but with a thrilling twist.

  When Kerrin Graham, a retired cop and now an investigative journalist with the Washington Post, receives a call in the middle of the night, his life is about to be turned upside down.

  Six of the world's leading geneticists have all 'committed suicide' in the past seven days, his brother-in-law being the latest to die. Establishing that those who died were all employees of the Gen8tyx Company, a secretive research company based in Orlando, Kerrin sets out to discover the truth behind their deaths.

  Discovering that those who died were killed to stop them unveiling the results of their revolutionary stem-cell research, a discovery that could usher in a new age of hope and health for all humanity, Kerrin vows to find who was responsible for their deaths and to uncover the powerful secret they were killed to protect.

  On a trail that takes him around the world and back, Kerrin uncovers a sinister organisation that will stop at nothing to protect the secret behind the mysteri
ous 'Orlando Treatment'.

  When those around him start to die, and his wife disappears, it becomes a race against time to find the missing 'Orlando File', the only hope of saving his crippled wife and proving to an unsuspecting world, the truth behind the sinister Chymera Corporation of America.

  And yet, when Kerrin eventually understands just what the Orlando File contains, he is faced with a choice no man should ever have to make, and everyone who reads this book must ask the same question:

  "What would I do, if I were him?"

  . . . and anyone who reads this book could learn a simple little known medical fact that could extend their life by 20 years.

  Click on the image above to view the video!



  The Sleeping Truth : A Romantic Medical Thriller

  In 2005 London is the best and most exciting city in the world.

  But then the terrorist bombs of July 7th blow the city apart, and lives and worlds are shattered . . . For some, nothing will ever be the same again.

  The Story:

  In an attempt to escape from his past and start a new life, Andrew Jardine moves to London in July 2005 and moves in with his best friend Guy.

  But when out one night in London, Andrew accidentally sees Guy's new girlfriend, Sal, intimately kissing another man. Knowing that Guy thinks Sal is 'the one', Andrew is now faced with a terrible dilemma: does he tell Guy what he has seen, or does he ignore what he saw?

  But before Andrew can make up his mind what to do, the train Sal is commuting to work on is blown up by the terrorist bombs of the 7th July 2005. Suddenly everything changes. Sal is left in a coma on the edge of life, and in the aftermath of the explosions, Andrew is thrust into the centre of a complex web of relationships where the lives and happiness of those closest to him suddenly become dependent upon him making the right set of choices.

  Who is the girl in the coma, really? What is the truth behind her illicit encounter with the stranger in a night club? Should he tell his best friend the truth? Or should he let nature and events take their own course?

  While struggling with his conscience in an effort to decide what decisions he should make, Andrew meets a beautiful doctor from Slovakia, and he begins to fall in love.

  But can he trust her? What is the truth behind her past, and her feelings for Andrew?

  Then, just when events seem to be coming to a happy conclusion, Andrew discovers that everything in his life is based upon a set of lies, and his world falls apart.

  What is the real truth behind Andrew's past? And where does his future lie?

  Set against the backdrop of London in 2005, this is a tale of our time.

  The Sleeping Truth starts slowly, builds steadily, and then speeds on to an unexpected and emotional conclusion!


  TIME SHIP: A Time Travel Romantic Adventure

  Image the combination of four amazing films - 'The Perfect Storm' meets 'The Philadelphia Experiment' meets ' Contagion' meets 'Pirates of the Caribbean', and you will have the plot for TIME SHIP.

  During a daring raid on a secret Pirate stronghold in the Caribbean, Captain Rob McGregor of the Sea Dancer and his own pirate crew steal the infamous treasure belonging to Captain William Kidd. Rich beyond their wildest dreams, Captain McGregor and his band of pirates set out to sea, their ships' holds full of pirate booty.

  When they are hit by the most intense electrical storm of the 17th Century, the Sea Dancer is transported through time to the year 2014. Bemused, hungry and thirsty, Captain McGregor and his crew sneak into a secluded bay in Puerto Rico, hoping to find food and water.

  Instead they find a 'palace' : an exclusive five-star holiday resort for the rich and famous.

  Scared, bewildered and desperate, they take over the resort, holding everyone hostage.

  Quickly, the situation goes from bad to worse. Within hours of landing at the Blue Emerald Bay Resort, several of the crew fall sick. When one dies, the resort doctor identifies it as a unique and new strain of pneumonic plague, never before seen in the 21st Century, and an infection so deadly, that if it infects the residents of the Blue Emerald Bay and escapes the confines of the resort, could threaten to wipe out the human race…

  Download, settle back in a comfortable chair, and enjoy!

  London 2012 : What If ?

  Available in Paperback or Ebook

  The most imaginative and gripping mystery you may ever read!

  'What If?' was written for the commuter, for anyone who sits for hours every day travelling to work, and wondering . . . 'is this the life I should be living? Have I made the right choices? ' . . . and then wished for something else . . .

  The new alternative to The Time Traveler's Wife, this is a must read for everyone, regardless of what city you work in.

  'What If?' raises many interesting questions that make great topics to be discussed in Book Clubs. This edition comes complete with guideline questions for your book club to debate and discuss.

  The Story :

  When James Quinn went to bed last night, everything was as it should be. But when he wakes up the next morning and goes to work, his world has changed. Where have his wife and two children gone? How is it possible that the building where he works every day…has vanished? What has happened to the rest of Canary Wharf, the financial centre of London – where has it gone?

  And how can it be that his father, long dead and buried, is now very much alive?

  Has James gone mad? Or is there something far more sinister happening?

  This book may scare you, will make you laugh and cry, and everyone that reads it will ask the simple question: ‘What if this happened to me?’


  The Messiah Conspiracy -The race to clone Jesus Christ : The Controversial page-turning Medical Thriller

  The Messiah Conspiracy is a fictional thriller which takes place in the field of genetics and human cloning.

  Hugely controversial, you will either love this book or hate it. Some will feel challenged and uncomfortable by the topic it deals with, and others will be drawn into it and unable to put it down . . . the question is, what will you think?

  A young student at Oxford University has an idea for his doctor's thesis (Ph.D.), which fulfils not only the criteria for 'originality', but goes far beyond it. For if Jason Dyke is right, his idea will soon change the world and shift the delicate balance of power from one nation to another.

  Jason's idea is simple: In the genetics laboratory at Oxford University, he will clone Jesus Christ.

  But when the CIA finds out about his plan, the President of America realises that if the UK succeeds, the balance of power will shift from the USA to Europe. And he realises that the only way to stop this happening is for America to create its very own clone of Jesus Christ.

  The race is on . . .

  Genetics is the future. In the coming years, or maybe even months, the single most important scientific development in the history of mankind will be the development of human cloning. This book is based upon a simple idea, which takes the inevitable science of human cloning, one step further.

  What makes this book stand out from other novels that deal with a similar concept is the way the author makes the science seem plausible, by explaining simply what genetics is and how cloning works. By leading the reader through the latest advances in cloning techniques until even the impossible seems possible, the reader cannot help but get sucked into the story. Right to the very end the author successfully maintains the thrill of the ride, and manages to keep a surprise up his sleeve . . .

  Whoever reads this book will never forget it. And they will ask . . . .one of two questions:-

  1: Is it really possible?

  2: When will it happen?

  Alexis Meets Wiziwam the Wizard

  'Alexis Meets Wiziwam the Wizard' is an exciting, imaginative adventure thriller for independent readers aged from 6 to 9 years old. It is also for parents who still believe in the magic in life and who want somet
hing fun to read to their children themselves!

  The Story:

  One morning, whilst playing in the school playground of her school, Alexis Morgan is somehow turned into a small, green frog.

  Luckily, a friendly Wizard comes to her rescue and turns her back into a six year old girl. But how did this happen? And who did it? And why?

  In the days following the 'green-frog-accident', some of Alexis's other friends are also magically turned into strange furry animals. Alexis realises that she has to find out why this is happening, and stop it!


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