Back in the Game

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Back in the Game Page 3

by Caz Finlay

  Jake blinked at her. He acted the big tough guy, but in a lot of ways he was still a little boy learning the ropes, and there was no doubt in her mind that he knew it too.

  ‘Okay, Mum,’ he sighed. ‘But just the books.’

  ‘Just the books,’ she agreed.

  ‘And maybe the staff rotas?’ he added. ‘The bar manager, Martin, has been doing them, but he’s causing murder by giving his mates the best shifts.’

  ‘Anything I can do to help, son.’ She smiled.

  Before long, she’d know exactly what he was up to.

  Chapter 6

  Grace walked into The Blue Rooms for her first day of work. After almost eighteen months of wearing maternity clothes or her go-to mum uniform of jeans and a T-shirt, it had felt strange putting on smart clothes again. Smoothing her skirt over her hips she walked through the club and into the manager’s office at the back, leaving her handbag and coat on Jake’s chair when she saw he wasn’t in.

  It didn’t take long for Grace to get back into the swing of things. She’d run her own pub for over twenty years and it was second nature to her. She was going through the previous week’s stock order when Jake came bursting through the door.

  ‘Mum?’ he said. ‘What are you doing here?’

  Grace frowned at him. ‘I’m working here. We discussed it yesterday.’

  ‘Oh yeah, right. I just didn’t realise you’d be here today – and in my office.’

  Grace looked at him. She hadn’t even considered that this was his office and she really had no right being in there without him. ‘I assumed it would be okay. There isn’t really anywhere else for me to work.’

  He shook his head and stared at her. ‘But you can’t be in here. This is my office.’

  Grace stared at him in surprise as she waited for the sting of his response to lessen. Suddenly she realised that she was working for her son. It hadn’t crossed her mind until now that he was technically her boss, and she wasn’t used to having to answer to anyone – not anymore. Now here was her son, the person she had taught to read, how to use a bloody spoon, telling her that she wasn’t welcome in his space. He was treating her like a spare part – or, worse, a nuisance. It saddened and infuriated her at the same time. If only he knew the real reason she was there. With that in mind she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll find myself somewhere else.’ She forced a smile as she picked up her handbag. She supposed she couldn’t blame him. This was his place, not hers. It couldn’t be easy for him allowing her into his domain, not given who she was – who she had been.

  Grace hadn’t considered that it wouldn’t be easy for her either. Coming back to Liverpool and not knowing where she fitted in the new order of things. She had been on top for so long, it felt like the place she most belonged.

  ‘I’ll catch up with you later, Mum,’ Jake said as she walked out of his office.

  ‘Yeah, okay,’ she said, as she wondered where on earth in this club she could find somewhere she could call her own.

  Grace felt the tension building in her shoulders and creeping up her neck as she walked down the tiled hallway. No doubt Jake was sitting in his office feeling as annoyed as she was. He was probably contemplating his empire, with no idea of the trouble he was actually in. With no clue that she had been drafted back in to save his skin. It irritated her that he thought he was helping her out by giving her something to keep her busy. If she wasn’t so worried about him, it would be bloody infuriating.

  But, as she rubbed her neck with her free hand, she reminded herself that he was her son, and just like she always had, she would do anything for him – even if it meant stepping back into a world she’d tried so hard to leave behind.

  Chapter 7

  Grace placed the ledger back in the safe. With Jake’s agreement, she’d turned one of the old unused rooms into an office for herself. It had been used for a similar purpose in an old life and although it had no windows, she’d brightened it up with a good clean and some antique furniture from an old acquaintance of hers.

  With Ivan’s help, it had taken her almost a week to put Jake’s accounts in order. They’d been in such a state she’d hardly been able to make sense of them and it seemed he’d barely touched them since he’d taken over the running of the place a year earlier. Last year’s tax return had been filed, but that was about the extent of the accounts upkeep.

  Of course, she’d been preoccupied with her real reason for being there – to find out just how much trouble her son was in, who was trying to take over his business, and, more importantly, how she could fix it – all without Jake’s knowledge, if she could help it. Getting information about her son’s extracurricular activities was proving a much simpler task.

  It was quite clear that Bobby White was the man trying to take over Jake’s business. He was the obvious candidate seeing as he was the one who was in direct competition with him. Grace didn’t know Bobby; in fact, nobody seemed to know very much about him at all. Ivan had mentioned he was a newcomer and Grace was sure she’d find out who he was before the week was out. She’d spoken to all of Jake’s employees at The Blue Rooms, all under the pretence that she was interviewing them about their shift patterns and preferences, in preparation for taking over the staff rotas. She was good at getting information from people without them even realising. It was laughable how much people trusted her simply because she was a woman. Despite being brunette, she knew how to act like the proverbial dumb blonde when required, and when she did, most men were happy to give her the benefit of their wisdom and expertise.

  Although she was Grace Sumner, who’d once run one of the biggest drug operations this side of the Mersey, one of them had even explained the various drugs terminology to her. She’d sat, nodding at him and pretending to be enthralled by his dazzling insight, while desperately trying to keep a straight face.

  In a few days, Grace had learned that few people employed at The Blue Rooms were loyal to Jake, and very soon she’d be giving most of them their marching orders. A few choice words in their ears about Jake not knowing what he was doing had most of them willing to throw their boss under the bus for the promise of more or better shifts.

  What was clear was that Jake had no idea how to run a business – at least not a legitimate business. It seemed he was faring better, if only slightly, in his criminal activities – but due to sheer brute force, stubbornness, and stupidity rather than anything else. He had the brass neck to front anyone, and he wasn’t shy of using extreme violence when the occasion called for it. All of which was earning him a reputation to rival his father’s back in the day. No doubt the ghost of Nathan had played a part too, as well as the fact that many of Nathan’s former minions were now happy to serve Jake instead.

  If the stories Grace had heard were to be believed, Nathan Conlon’s son was turning out to be as ruthless as he was. It made her feel sick to think that everything she’d done to keep her son away from this life had been for nothing. He was like his father in so many ways, it was alarming.

  Grace sighed as she sat down in the chair in her office. As much as Jake was like Nathan, he was like her too. She had to hold onto that. Now, if only he could learn to use his brain along with his muscle, she had no doubt that he’d be running Liverpool before long. It was her worst fear, but now she knew it was a path she’d never be able to deter him from. It was in his blood.

  So, until then, while he was still learning the ropes, she would have to lend a helping hand – and try to make sure he didn’t get himself killed.

  Chapter 8

  John Brennan’s large frame almost filled the doorway of Grace’s office. She hadn’t seen him since before Nathan’s murder but he hadn’t changed a bit. Unsure of the reception she’d get from him, she had been anxious about inviting him in. But as soon as she saw his face, she knew she’d made the right decision. John had one of those smiles that was infectious. Nathan had always called him the Smiling Assassin and Grace had to admit it suited him. Jo
hn might look like a gentle giant, but he was a vicious bastard when he needed to be. He was one of the few people who’d worked for Nathan who hadn’t continued working for Jake too. Grace had heard he was doing well on his own. Nothing too major, dodgy fags and booze mostly, along with a bit of weed, but he was still a man with a fearsome reputation and few would be stupid enough to try and cross him.

  ‘Hiya, Grace,’ he said, beaming, as he walked into the room. ‘Long time no see.’

  ‘Hi, John.’ She returned his smile as she stood up to be hugged. But a hug from John felt like a hug from a grizzly and she was eager to escape. ‘Can I get you a drink?’ she asked him.

  ‘I wouldn’t say no,’ he replied as he released her.

  Grace poured him a glass of her best brandy and sat on the desk beside him.

  ‘So what brings you back to these parts?’ John asked as he sipped his drink.


  ‘Of course.’ He’d known Jake and Grace for years through his connection with Nathan. Grace often wondered if, in another life, she and John could have been friends. Whatever they were, they had a healthy respect for each other.

  ‘I thought you wouldn’t be too pleased about his new career choice,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘Stupid kid. After everything you did for him. He should have stayed in uni and made something of himself.’

  ‘I couldn’t agree more, John. But it is what it is. He’s made his choice and nothing I, or anyone else, can say will persuade him otherwise.’

  John nodded in agreement.

  They both sat in silence for a moment until John spoke again. ‘Although it’s nice to see you, Grace, I’m sure you didn’t just invite me here for small talk …?’

  ‘Of course. I know you must be busy, so I’ll get straight to it. I want you to come and work for me.’

  John laughed. ‘Are you serious?’


  ‘Are you back then? To be honest, I’d hoped you were when I heard you were home. There are a lot of people out there who would be very happy about your return, Grace.’

  Grace laughed. ‘And some not so much.’

  John took a sip of his brandy. ‘Not many. It was definitely much calmer when you were in charge.’

  ‘Well, that may be. But, no, I’m not back. Not in the way you’d hoped anyway.’

  ‘So why do you need me to work for you?’ He frowned.

  ‘Well, you’d be working for Jake really, I suppose.’

  John laughed again. ‘So what you really want me to do is to spy on your son?’

  ‘No,’ Grace snapped, before realising that John had a point. ‘It’s just that you’d be so good for him, John. I wish you’d stayed on with him. I know you’ve got your own thing going on, but …’


  ‘It’s not exactly playing to your strengths, is it? Smuggling booze and ciggies?’

  ‘It’s good money. I’m my own boss. It’s less hassle.’

  ‘You’re wasted, John. I think you should consider working for Jake. If we say you’re working for me he won’t be able to question it. Then when I move back to Leeds, it would make sense for you to stay on. I’ll speak to Jake.’

  John sighed. ‘You make it all sound so easy, Grace.’

  ‘Isn’t it?’

  John shook his head. ‘I don’t work for Jake because he didn’t want me to.’

  ‘What? He told me you left of your own accord to go it on your own.’

  ‘I did. But only because he made it impossible for me to stay.’

  Grace shook her head. What the hell was Jake playing at, letting one of his biggest assets go?

  ‘Look, Grace. He’s a young kid. He’s got big boots to fill. He wants to do things his own way, make his own mark. Not have his dad’s old buddies telling him what he’s doing wrong.’

  ‘I’m sorry, John. I didn’t know. It looks like I’ve wasted your time.’

  John downed the last of his brandy and shook his head. ‘Not at all. It was good to see you.’ He stood up to leave. ‘And if you ever do decide to get your head back in the game, let me know. I’ll come and work for you any time.’

  Grace stood up to show him out. ‘Thanks, John,’ she said as she gave him a parting hug. ‘That means a lot.’

  ‘It’s true.’ He smiled. ‘And I’m not the only one.’

  Chapter 9

  Picking up the invoice from the brewery, Grace walked into the bar area of The Blue Rooms.

  ‘Hi, Grace,’ Jake’s girlfriend, Siobhan Davies, said, her large smile lighting up her pale, freckled face.

  ‘Hiya, Siobhan,’ Grace replied, pulling the younger woman into a hug as she reached her. Jake adored Siobhan, and Grace liked her too. She’d been over the moon when she and Jake had finally got together. He’d pined over the girl throughout the last few years of school and then through college too. Siobhan was smart, funny, and kind and she always had a smile on her face and rarely a bad word to say about anybody. Because of that, people trusted her, and sometimes took her for a fool. But she was far from it. Grace knew Siobhan was as savvy as the best of them. She was an asset, but Jake didn’t seem to be able to see her true value and had her pottering about behind the bar instead. Grace intended to utilise her considerable talent and business acumen as soon as possible, so that when she returned to Harewood, the management of The Blue Rooms could be left in Siobhan’s capable hands.

  ‘It’s so nice to have you back. Jake has really missed you, and Belle.’

  ‘I know, I miss him too. I’m glad he has you to keep him company though. I hear the two of you have bought a flat on the waterfront?’

  ‘It’s absolutely gorgeous, Grace. You and Belle should come visit us. How about Sunday? I do a mean roast dinner.’

  ‘Sounds good to me. It’s not very often someone cooks for me these days. I seem to live on cereal and toast,’ she said, laughing.

  ‘It’s a date then. I’ll pick up a leg of lamb from that butcher’s on the high street.’

  Grace pulled Siobhan to one side. ‘Who orders the stock around here?’

  Siobhan pulled a face. ‘Martin is supposed to do it, when he remembers. But most of the time it’s Olly.’

  ‘Well, neither of them appears to be any good at it. I can see we’ve run out of bottles of Bud already, and it’s only Saturday.’

  Siobhan shook her head. ‘They’re a pair of idiots if you ask me.’

  ‘I couldn’t agree more.’ Grace had only met the pair of them on a handful of occasions. They were supposed to be the bar managers, but they seemed more interested in pulling women and shagging on their break.

  ‘What about you? Why hasn’t Jake got you doing this stuff?’

  Siobhan sighed. ‘Don’t ask me. He says he doesn’t want me having to work all hours in this place. He only lets me do shifts when he knows he’ll be here too. I think he has some old-fashioned ideas about looking after me and needing to be the breadwinner.’ She raised her eyebrows in amusement.

  Grace shook her head in despair. It didn’t surprise her. His father had been a misogynistic prick who’d treated women like dirt. She had hoped she’d raised Jake to be the opposite of that, and he probably believed that he was. She had no doubt that her son thought it was enough that he treated Siobhan like a princess. But what he obviously didn’t realise was that his own thinking was simply oppression in a different guise. A gilded cage was still a cage.

  ‘I’ll have a word with him. Between you and me, I’ll be letting those pair of lazy bastards go in the next few weeks. I think you should take over the stock ordering from this week. I can walk you through it, but I think you’ll pick it up no problem.’

  ‘I couldn’t be any worse than that pair, could I?’

  Grace laughed. She liked Siobhan’s confidence. She’d make a club manager out of her in no time.

  Chapter 10

  Liam McGuinness sat at the bar nursing his pint and watching the redhead walking around the place with a clipboard and pen. She was pre
tty, but she had that annoying holier-than-thou thing going on. He’d bet she thought she was too good to talk to the likes of him. The other bar staff were friendly enough and he’d spent the past few Monday nights enjoying a drink at The Blue Rooms.

  It soon became clear why the redhead had such a stick up her arse when Jake Conlon walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist and she spun around and kissed him.

  Liam frowned as he watched Jake Conlon talking and laughing with her. It was Jake he was there to see, or at least to observe. He wanted to find out as much as he could about his competition. He hated that pretentious, privileged little shit so much it made his head hurt.

  Liam had been twenty-one when he’d first met Jake’s dad, Nathan Conlon in Frankland prison. He’d been serving six years for wounding and couldn’t believe he’d been lucky enough to share a wing with the great man himself. Liam already had a growing reputation of his own and he’d made it his business to ingratiate himself with the man who could help him make it to the top. It had taken months of careful preparation and planning. Always being there at the right time. Taking the rap for an assault on a screw that Nathan would have got a few extra months for. Being there when he was jumped by a group of Manchester lads. Both situations planned and carefully executed by Liam to ensure he became an asset to the man who had become his hero.

  Before long, he and Nathan were padded up in the same cell together and they remained that way for another two years. Nathan had promised him a long and illustrious career in his firm. He’d said he’d make him one of the most feared and respected enforcers in Merseyside. Nathan had told Liam he was like a son to him, which to Liam, whose own father was a useless waste of oxygen who’d overdosed when Liam was just a toddler, had been powerful stuff. When Liam got out, he’d done various jobs for Nathan while he was still inside, and was quietly and methodically cementing his place in Nathan’s firm. It had all been going well – until this snot-nosed little wank-stain had turned up.


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