His Lady Brat (Rakes of Mayfair Book 6)

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His Lady Brat (Rakes of Mayfair Book 6) Page 3

by Melinda Barron

  “I have apologized for my statement,” he said. “How could I show my contrition? Should I give you an orgasm? Would that make you feel better?”

  “And there it is,” she said. “You are just trying to get into my bed. Once again, I demand that you turn around and take me home!”

  “Does that mean you don’t want the orgasm here?” He leaned toward her. “I assure you I can deliver on the promise, and we can make it inside the house on time. You will look a little flushed, but that will convince people that you are just happy to be with me.”

  “You promised you would not force yourself on me,” she said.

  “And I told the truth,” he said. He knelt in front of her, and put his hands behind his back. She was looking at him now, her face a mixture of anger and, if he was reading it right, desire. He wondered how long it had been since she’d had sex. At least a year and a half, he would think, since Melbourne died, and the mourning period was over. Something told him she followed the prescribed mourning period, because she did, as she had said, truly love Melbourne.

  “Well, I think we will be sitting in this line for at least a half hour more, so maybe we should chat.” He got back onto his side of the carriage and stretched his legs out in front of him.

  “We’re late because of you,” she said.

  “You were the one trying to look like a courtesan,” he said. “Maybe I should have allowed it. When you came in on my arm that would just back up my words that you were my mistress.”

  “This evening is going to be pure hell,” she said.

  “Only if you misbehave,” he said. “Now, what can we talk about to pass the time? How about you tell me when you first sucked a cock in a carriage?”

  Her mouth dropped open and he chuckled. “Yes, that would have been the position that you would have been in, although I would hope whomever you were—I hate the word servicing, so shall we say, pleasuring?—would have a pillow in the carriage so that yours knees wouldn’t be in pain. I don’t know about your dress. Surely being on your knees would cause creases, and it would be noticed. Or would it?”

  “I cannot believe you would ask me that question.”

  “You’re right, it’s not nice of me to think you’d go into a party in a wrinkled dress,” he said. “Perhaps you lifted it above your knees so as not to hurt the fabric.”

  “Oh my stars above, do I have to put up with your filthy mind for long? Give me a date. Tell me when you will be out of my life.”

  “When I decide you’ve learned your lesson,” he said. “I thought I made that clear this afternoon. There is no timetable. Now, tell me about the first time you sucked a cock.”

  “Why don’t you tell me about the first time you did?” she asked. She crossed her arms across her chest, and even in the darkness of the carriage he could see the smirk on her face.

  “Well, the first time I licked a pussy I wasn’t really excited about it.” He shrugged. “But after a while I actually learned to enjoy it. There is an incredible sense of power in feeling a woman wiggle under your tongue. I suppose it’s the same way with sucking a prick. Or do you just do it because it gets you things?”

  She didn’t answer, and truthfully, he wasn’t surprised. The carriage inched up in the line, and Jonathan cleared his throat. “If you don’t like the topic we can find a different one. When did you first have sex? Was it when you were married to Lord Strauss, or was it before then?”

  Belinda moved her hands to her lap, and Jonathan let his gaze drift down to where she now clasped handfuls of fabric in her fists. When she’d screamed at him this afternoon he’d thought she had a horrible temper, but watching her now made him think that she might throw things if given the chance, but she was also able to keep it under control.

  He wasn’t sure if that was a good, or bad, thing. He would have to do a little more research on her, see what pushed her buttons and how he could use that information to his advantage.

  So far she was reacting just like he’d predicted. Until right now, that is. He hadn’t expected her to sit and stare, and not respond to his needling.

  “I was a bit older than most men,” he said. “Beaton was always a bad influence, and I blame him for taking me to houses of ill repute where we met lovely ladies.” He shut his mouth quickly before he let out information about the Rakes Club, which was something he didn’t want her to know about. He didn’t trust her, as he’d told Charlotte just that afternoon.

  Belinda was definitely not the type of woman you married, and she was not someone he could bring to a Rakes’ meeting. He’d been truthful with her when he’d said he wouldn’t force himself on her. There were those who had those proclivities, who thought it added to the sensations of having sex, but Jonathan was not one of them.

  The carriage inched forward once more, and then almost immediately again. He knocked on the top. “How many more?”

  “Maybe fifteen, your lordship,” the driver called down.

  Jonathan hated waiting, and doing so with a sullen woman in the carriage made things worse.

  “Since you’re unwilling to talk about your sex life, let’s discuss the dresses you’re going to order tomorrow.”

  Her head jerked toward him as if he were offering gold. “Changed your mind on the number of dresses I can buy?”

  “No, but I’ve decided I want Charlotte to go with you,” he said. “She has such wonderful taste.”

  “You mean she will be able to watch how much money I spend.” The carriage moved forward. They stared at each other. It moved forward again and she said, “Don’t you trust me, Lord Barton?”

  “Not as far as I could throw a feather.”

  “Ten dresses,” she said as the carriage moved forward once more.

  “We’re two out, sir,” the driver said.

  “Now, remember to behave yourself,” Jonathan said to Belinda.

  “Because you’re just aching to teach me a lesson,” she said in a singsong voice.

  “Oh, my dear, the time will come, probably sooner than you anticipate.”

  The Ellington house glowed with light and flowers. Belinda had always loved coming to parties here. The Ellingtons were a well-liked couple who attracted a large crowd. Tonight was no different. The tables were laden with food, the music was light, and the rooms were overflowing with people.

  She felt many eyes on her as she and Barton entered the room. Ladies whispered behind their fans and gentlemen gave Barton a knowing look. She felt like she was on display, which was what Barton wanted, she knew.

  A servant appeared and Barton took two glasses of champagne from him, handing her one and keeping the other for himself. He put his free hand on the small of her back and moved close to her.

  “Keep your hands off me.” She hissed the words into his ear and tried to push herself away.

  “Yes, it is delicious, isn’t it?” He smiled and tickled her back with his finger.

  Belinda fought to control her temper as he smiled at a couple walking toward them.

  “Ah, Fergus, and Gabriella. Hello. You know Lady Strauss, do you not? Belinda, my dear, this is Lord and Lady McIntyre. They are dear friends of mine.”

  Belinda mumbled a curse under her breath. She jumped when Barton slapped his hand against her backside. Giggles broke out around them. She wanted so much to cause her scene now, but it was not the time.

  “Pardon me. Of course. Lord McIntyre, Lady McIntyre. A pleasure to see you again.”

  “Lady Strauss.” Their greeting was almost in unison.

  Belinda smiled in return, and tried in vain to push Barton away from her once again without making it look too overt. It seemed as if the whole room was watching them. She listened with one ear as Barton and McIntyre discussed some business venture that had been proposed to them.

  She jolted when she realized that Lady McIntyre had been addressing her.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I said your dress is beautiful. Who is your seamstress?”

/>   “Her name is Parkton. She’s quite talented. Melbourne insisted that I use her. He so loved me in her creations.”

  She felt Barton stiffen beside her. When he looked down at her, she pretended ignorance and continued on as if he hadn’t given her a warning look. She knew that many people around were straining to listen to the conversation. Her arrival with Barton would fuel gossip for days.

  “Really, many of my lovers were quite generous men. I so wish I could find another. A good man is so hard to find nowadays, and I’m always on the lookout for one.”

  Lady McIntyre coughed into her hand and her husband fought to hide a laugh.

  Belinda blinked her eyes at Barton, who looked as if he might explode at any moment. Suddenly, the angry look disappeared, and it was replaced with a large grin.

  “Darling, there’s no need to be shy, or to pretend about the way things are. Everyone knows that you and I are lovers already. Just last night you told me you’d never had another like me in your bed.”

  Belinda choked on her drink. Barton laughed and patted McIntyre on the shoulder in a man-to-man fashion. This was not going as she’d planned.

  “Truly, I thought I would have to tie her to the bed to get any rest. Of course that would have provided new possibilities, wouldn’t it?”

  He laughed as the women around them, who were pretending to take part in their own conversations, gasped in feigned outrage. Belinda knew that by the time the dancing started it would be all over the party that Barton had tied her to his bed during their lovemaking, when he hadn’t been in her bed at all.


  Her words disappeared when Barton pulled her close and planted his lips on hers. His kiss was harsh and demanding, and Belinda knew that there was a warning there. She was to be quiet, because she was no match for him.

  The ladies who had gasped during the earlier conversation let out cries of disbelief.

  Barton broke the kiss, but held her close.

  “I hate you. Get your hands off me!” She hissed against his lips.

  “Yes, but I’ve just saved Andrew’s reputation. Try to harm it again and I may spank you in front of everyone in this room. Wouldn’t that make for interesting copy in the morning gossip sheets? Behave yourself.”

  “Make me. I’m going to show you that I won’t be pushed around.” She pushed away from him and let her gaze roam the room.

  “Oh look, there’s Lord Walman. While I’m waiting for the new Duke of Melbourne to tire of his wife, perhaps I can bide my time with him.”

  She pushed away from Barton, but stopped when he placed his arms around her waist and pulled her into the wall of his chest.

  “Excuse us,” Barton said to the crowd. “My lady and I had a little fight in the carriage. I do believe she is in need of my attentions.”

  The ladies in the group gasped as he kissed Belinda’s neck and began walking toward Ellington’s study, which was always off limits during the parties.

  “Ellington.” Barton’s voice rang out for all to hear. “May I borrow your study for a short period of time?”

  “Of course,” Ellington replied. “Be my guest.”

  Belinda stuttered her outrage as Barton drew her past guests who were laughing and pointing. He propelled her inside the study and slammed the door.

  She ran at him, pounding her fists against his chest.

  “How dare you! You’ve embarrassed me in front of everyone. They think we are in here having sex!”

  Barton laughed. “It is you, Lady Strauss, who brought this on yourself. I had planned to punish you later, but I can see that it won’t wait. I’m going to spank you, Belinda. You will learn that I am not a man to be trifled with.”

  She pushed away from him and backed into the room.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  He cocked his eyebrows and smiled.

  “You’ve already had one dress ruined tonight, milady. Resist your punishment and it could be two. And you will find it much harder to weave through the crowd while trying to explain how your dress was torn.”

  Belinda gasped. “This dress means a great deal to me.”

  “Then behave, and it will not be ruined.”

  Belinda hated the look of pure anger that was on his face.

  “It is time for you to take your punishment, Belinda. Go to the table and bend over. Now.”

  Chapter 3

  “I will not! How dare you do this to me! Do you know what people out there are thinking?”

  “Do you know you brought this on yourself? Punishments can take place in many different places, in many different forms. A good spanking will turn your attitude around, I believe. I had planned on spanking you later tonight. This earlier event is your fault. I will spank you tomorrow, again.”

  Belinda’s mouth felt as if it had hit the floor. Jonathan’s words hit her square in the face. He’d planned on spanking her tonight, no matter what she did. Even if she’d been polite and done what he’d asked, he had always planned on spanking her, probably as punishment for her behavior at the garden party.

  Of course the words she’d uttered earlier tonight hadn’t helped matters. Why did she continue to do things like that? Well, the why of it was her business, not his.

  “I demand that you take me home, at once.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve been looking forward to this party for some time. I have no intention of leaving, and you will be a good little girl and stay by my side until it’s over.”

  Their gazes locked, and she knew he was as stubborn as she. Jonathan stood with his hands on his hips, blocking her access to the door. Belinda could see no other way out. She put her head in her hands and started to cry.

  She was good at crying. She’d used tears lots of times to get what she wanted, and she could turn her crying on and off at will. She remembered to heave her shoulders up and down in such a fashion to show that she was really upset. She cried for several moments, her tears falling down her face. What was taking so long? Most of her lovers couldn’t bear to hear her cry. They gave in to her seconds after the tears started.

  Her tears dried suddenly when Jonathan started to laugh.

  “My younger sister used to do that. It never worked with my parents either.”

  “You are a pig!” She stomped her foot and darted for the door.

  Jonathan simply walked over to it and put his hand against it, leaning his weight against the frame and making it impossible for her to open.

  “You’re not going anywhere except over that table. The longer we stay in here, the more people will think we’re in here making up from our lover’s quarrel.”

  Belinda poked her finger in his chest.

  “You will never touch me in that manner. Never.” She pulled back and flounced her way to the table. “Get it over with, then, but I warn you my memory is long and I will not forget this abuse.”

  She put her hands on the table and looked back at him. He stood in place, his eyes unreadable as he looked at her. His next words caused her stomach to sink

  “Gather your skirts around your waist. Since we’re not at home, I’ll spank you over your pantalets. I can assure you that the next time you’ll receive no such boon on my part and will be spanked on your bare ass.”

  Belinda shook her head furiously and stayed in the position she was in. How in the world had this happened to her? Real tears threatened but she held them back. If they hadn’t worked the first time, there was no way they would work now. And she wouldn’t let him know how badly he’d rattled her.

  “I’m sorry.” Her words were low. She shivered when Jonathan stepped up behind her.

  “Sorry is not sufficient at the moment. Even if it were, it should be delivered to Andrew and Clarissa, not to me. This spanking is about your treatment of her, and how you just drew attention to yourself with outright lies.”

  She whirled around and put her arms around his neck. “Then I will apologize to them. Please, Jonathan, don’t do this.”

  Belinda kisse
d his chin and let her lips trail down to his neck, lightly nipping at his skin. “I’ll let you have me. I’m good at lovemaking. Remember what you asked in the carriage? About sucking cock?”

  She leaned closer and licked his chin. “Take down your pants and I’ll show you my skills. Please, please don’t do this to me.”

  “That won’t help you, Belinda. The longer you protest, the worse it looks to the people in the other room, who are waiting with baited breath to see what happens next.”

  He put his fingers under her chin and lifted her eyes to his.

  “This is just a… shall we call it a warning. I will not allow you to embarrass my friends the way you just did. There are consequences to your actions, and this is one of them. Now, turn around.”

  Her heart beat wildly as she turned to the table. Her hands shook as she followed his instructions to place them on the table. She wanted to run, wanted to leave, but she knew he was right. Most of the party goers were staying as close as they could to the study, so they could see her expression when she came out.

  “I will be more embarrassed tonight than I have ever been in my life,” she whispered.

  “Then you should think about things before you open your mouth,” he said. “Move back a little, and then bend at the waist.”

  She did as he asked. It was obvious that she wasn’t going to get out of this. She didn’t think her heart rate could increase anymore, but when he gathered her skirts and placed them on her back, her heart felt as if it would burst from her chest.

  “Actions bring consequences, Belinda. Since your actions were in public, and were made to embarrass me and my friends, you have to take your punishment now.” He rubbed his hand over her pantalets. “If I wait it will have less weight. You will think you’ve gotten away with your bad deeds. You will think you’ve slipped through the cracks, so to speak.”

  “You have no right to embarrass me in this way!”

  “And what makes you think you have the right to embarrass others? If you act like a child, you will be treated like one.”


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