Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See also Artichoke; Bluebird; Gottlieb, Sidney; MK-ULTRA; and specific divisions and projects
aviators over China and
Casey heads
Church Committee and
Colby heads
Cold War and
congressional oversight and
cutouts and
Dulles heads
elite culture in
“family jewels” and
FBI vs.
fix-it men and
FOIA of, and MK-ULTRA expense reports
Gottlieb-Helms memo and
Gottlieb hired by
Gottlieb in Munich for
Gottlieb obituaries and
headquarters of
Helms heads
Kennan and
lawsuits vs.
McCone heads
media reports on LSD and
MK-ULTRA files destroyed by
Mossad and
Nazi scientists and
Nixon order to destroy bioweapons and
Olson and
Penkovsky execution and
Raborn heads
Rendition Group
Rockefeller Commission and
Schlesinger heads
secrecy and
Smith heads
SOD link with
“Statement on MK-ULTRA” by
torture and
Turner heads
U-2 spy planes and
Chadwell, Marshall
Chafee, John
Chatter project
Chemical Corps, U.S. Army
Chemical Division, CIA
Chemical Warfare Service, U.S. Army (later Chemical Corps)
Chemrophyl Associates
Cheney, Dick
Chestnut Lodge sanatorium
Child Care and Learning Center
Chinese American opium ring
Chinese refugees
Church, Frank
Church Committee
Churchill, Winston
CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, The (Marks and Marchetti)
CIA Secret Experiments (documentary)
City College of New York
Clay, Lucius
Cline, Ray
Clockwork Orange, A (Burgess)
Cloverdale, Garrison
Codd, Michael J.
Code Name Artichoke (book)
Cohen, Sidney
Colby, William
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Cold War
Colgate University
Columbia University
Communist Control Act (1954)
concentration camps
Condon, Richard
Conspiracy Theory (film)
Copperfield, David
Cornell Medical Center
Cornell University
Costa Rica
Counterintelligence Corps, U.S. Army
Cournoyer, Norman
Crane, Hart
Crowley, Robert
Damon, Matt
Davies, Richard
Deep Creek Lake
Defense Department
De Gaulle, Charles
DeLillo, Don
Der Spiegel
Devlin, Larry
Dewey, Thomas
Dillon, C. Douglas
Dimitrov, Dmitri (“Kelly”)
Division 19, OSS
Doctorow, E. L.
“Doctor Sidney Gottlieb” (Kelley)
Donovan, James
Donovan, William
Downey, John
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Drum, James
Dugway Proving Grounds
Dulles, Allen Macy
Dulles, Allen Welsh
affair with Luce
assassination and
Bluebird and
brainwashing and
Camp King and
CIA culture and
as CIA deputy director
as CIA deputy director for plans
CIA headed by
clubfoot and
Cold War and
congressional oversight and
coups and
covert operations and
FBI vs.
fired, by JFK
Gorman Annex and
Gottlieb and
Kirkpatrick report and
Kronthal poisoning and
mind control and
Olson and
OSS and
politicians monitored by
Rockefeller and
Sandoz LSD and
Senate hearings and
sexual issues and
son’s injury and
U-2 spy planes
Vietnam and
Dulles, John Foster
Du Maurier, George
Earman, J. S.
Eastern Europe
East Germany
Edgewood Arsenal
Edwards, Sheffield
Eight Ball
Eisenberg, Jesse
Eisenhower, Dwight
Eli Lilly
El Salvador
Emerson College
Emory University
Empire of the Senseless (Acker)
equine encephalitis
equine encephalomyelitis
ergot enzyme
Estabrooks, George
Esterline, Jacob
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (film)
“Everything Is Connected” (art exhibition)
“Experimental Airborne Infections” (Olson)
extraordinary rendition
“Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, The” (Poe)
Family Guy (TV show)
Fecteau, Richard
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Bureau of Narcotics
Federal Tort Claims Act (1946)
Feldman, Ira “Ike”
Figueres, José
Finney, Jack
Florida State University
Flowers, Eddie
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Foothill Junior College
Ford, Gerald
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (1978)
Fort Clayton
Fort Detrick. See Camp Detrick
Fort Terry
Frankenstein (Shelley)
Frankfurt CIA station
Frederick, Maryland
Freedom of Information Act (1966)
Fringe (TV show)
From Healing to Hell (Wall)
Gaslight (film)
Gaynor, Paul
Gehlen, Reinhard
General Motors
Geneva Protocol (1925)
George Washington University
Geraberg, Germany
Germany. See also Nazi Germany; West Germany
Geschickter Fund for Medical Research
Gesell, Gerhard
Get Smart (TV show)
Giancana, Sam
Gibbons, Willis “Gib”
Gibson, Mel
Ginsberg, Allen
Gittinger, John
Glickman, Stanley
Goering, Hermann
Gordon, Nathan
Gorman Annex
Gottlieb, David
Gottlieb, Fanny
Gottlieb, Louis
Gottlieb, Margaret Moore
death of
death of Sidney and
marries Sidney
Gottlieb, Penny
Gottlieb, Peter
Gottlieb, Rachel
Sidney. See also MK-ULTRA; and specific projects
Abramson and
appearance of
Artichoke and
assassination and
assassination manual and
awarded CIA medal
Baldwin mentors
begins work for CIA
birth and childhood of
brainwashing and
Cameron and
Chemical Division and SOD and
children and
Church Committee and
CIA culture and
CIA “family jewels” and
CIA insiders complaints vs.
CIA lectures by
CIA rumors about LSD and
as CIA senior chemist
as CIA veteran leader
claims of faulty memory and
clubfoot of
counterculture and
as DEA consultant
death of
death of brother David and
death of expendables and
death of Olson and
deposition of
Detrick CIA-SOD link and
Detrick retreats and
drugs as focus of
doubts about MK-ULTRA and
Dulles approves projects of
early jobs of
early life of
Earman report and
education of, biochemistry
education of, speech therapy
education of, tradecraft
Eli Lilly and
experiments and, after MK-ULTRA
family life of
FBI investigation of
Feldman on
folk dancing and
Glickman and
Gorman Annex and
Greene talk on LSD and
Hamilton and
handwriting analysis and
health alteration committee and
Helms and
Hoch mescaline tests and
homes of, Blackwater Homestead
homes of, California
homes of, Virginia cabin
Human Ecology Society and
Hyde and
hypnosis and
immunity and
interrogations and
Isbell and
Judaism and
Korean War and
Kronthal poisoning and
lawsuits and
literature on
LSD and
LSD production and
LSD self-experiments and
magician’s manual and
marries Margaret Moore
McCone and
McMahon and
media and
medical experiments and
memory wiping and
memos, on materials and methods
memos, on TSD work
mind control mission of
MK-ULTRA files destroyed by
MK-ULTRA proposed by
morality and
Munich field work and
mushrooms and
New York Times on
personality of
Pfeiffer and
poisons and
popular culture and
retirement of
saxitoxin kept by
secrecy and
Senate testimony and
as speech pathologist
spirituality and
Starrs interview of
stuttering and
torture and
travels to India
truth serums and
TSD gadget shop of
TSS and
U-2 suicide pin and
Victims Task Force and
Vietnam and
Watergate and
White letter to
White’s safe houses and
wife Margaret’s silence on
Wolff and
World War II and
Gottlieb, Stephen
Grateful Dead
Green Berets
Greene, L. Wilson
“Grifford, Sherman” (Gottlieb alias)
Guantanamo Bay
Guevara, Che
Halpern, Samuel
Hamilton, James
Hanks, Tom
Harlot’s Ghost (Mailer)
Harlow, Jean
Hart, Gary
Harvard University
“Health Alteration Committee” (Gottlieb)
Hebb, James
Heidelberg, Germany
Heller, Joseph
Helms, Richard
assassination and
brainwashing and
as CIA chief of operations
CIA culture and
as CIA deputy director of plans
CIA headed by
Colby testimony vs.
death of
Glickman lawsuit and
Gorman Annex and
Gottlieb and
Kennan and
LSD self-experiments and
McCone and
memoir of
MK-ULTRA files destroyed by
Nixon and
Olson and
Rockefeller Commission and
secrecy and
Senate hearings and
TSD and
White and
Hersh, Seymour
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe
Himmler, Heinrich
Hite Report on Male Sexuality, The
Hitler, Adolf
Hoch, Paul
Ho Chi Minh
Hofmann, Albert
Holiday, Billie
Holmes, Sherlock
Hood, William
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horn Island, Mississippi
Houdini, Harry
Houston, Lawrence
Huautla de Jiménez, Mexico
Hughes, Howard
human ecology
Human Resources Exploitation Training Manual (CIA)
Human Sexual Response (Masters and Johnson)
Hunt, Howard
Hunter, Edward
Hunter, Robert
Huxley, Aldous
Hyams, Joe
Hyde, Robert
“Hypnotist, The” (Bierce)
I.G. Farben
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Inception (film)
Infinite Jest (Wallace)
Inouye, Daniel
Inside the Company (Agee)
Intelligence Oversight Act (1980)
“Interrogation Techniques” (CIA)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Finney)
Ionia State Hospital
Ipcress File, The (Deighton)
Iraq War
Isbell, Harris
Ishii, Shiro
I Spy (TV show)
Italy, elections of 1948
Japanese Army Surgeons Corps
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson, Loch
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Sarah Anne
Johnson, Virginia
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency
Jones, Tommy Lee
Josiah P. Macy Foundation
Journal of Asthma
Jung, Carl
Justice Department
Kabrich, W. C.
Karamessines, Tom
Kefauver, Estes
Kelley, Clarence
Kennan, George
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kentucky Bureau of Prisons
Kesey, Ken
/> Khomeini, Ayatollah
Khrushchev, Nikita
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kingsolver, Barbara
Kinsey, Alfred
Kirkland, Lane
Kirkpatrick, Lyman
Koestler, Arthur
Korean War
Kott, Jan
Kransberg Castle
Krauch, Carl
Kronthal, James
KUBARK Counter-Intelligence Interrogation (CIA)
Kubie, Lawrence
Lansbury, Angela
Lashbrook, Robert
Latin America
Laubinger, Frank
Leahy, William
Leary, Timothy
le Carré, John
Lemnitzer, Lyman
Lenzner, Terry
Leopoldville CIA station
Liddy, G. Gordon
Lincoln Park Zoo (Oklahoma City)
Lloyd, Harold
Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman)
Los Angeles Times
Abramson and
assassination and
Chemical Corps and
Church Committee and
CIA and
counterculture and
Dulles and
Eli Lilly and
extreme doses and
Gottlieb and
hypnosis and
interrogations and
Kennan and
Luce and
medical testing of
mental patients and
mind control and
MK-ULTRA ends tests on
New York Times on MK-ULTRA and
Office of Security warning on
Olson and
prisoners and
psycho-chemicals conference and
Rockefeller Commission and
Sandoz and
Senate hearings and
Stanford and
tests of, post-MK-ULTRA
unwitting victims of
Victims Task Force and
White’s experiments with
“LSD-25” (booklet)
Lubyanka prison (Moscow)
Luce, Clare Boothe
Lumet, Sidney
Lumumba, Patrice
MacArthur, Douglas
Maclean, Donald
Maheu, Robert
Mailer, Norman
Manchurian Candidate, The (Condon)
Man from U.N.C.L.E, The (TV show)
Manhattan Project
Mannheim CIA secret prison
Mansfield, Mike
Marchetti, Victor
Marks, John
Marseille strike of 1947
Martin Luther (film)
Marvel Heroes (video game)
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Mental Health Center
Masters, William
McCarthy, Joseph
McCone, John
McCord, James
McCoy, Alfred
McGill Daily
McGill University
McGrory, Mary
McLaughlin, John
McMahon, John
Melley, Timothy
memory wiping
Mengele, Josef
Men in Black (film)
Menlo Park Veterans Administration Hospital
Menninger, Karl
Menninger, William
mental patients
Merck, George
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Poisoner in Chief Page 42