Girl Scouts at Dandelion Camp

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Girl Scouts at Dandelion Camp Page 6

by Lillian Elizabeth Roy



  A loud drumming on a tin pan roused the would-be scouts in the morning,and each girl tumbled out of her cot feeling as if she had slept onroses. The invigorating air and the benefit of sleeping out-of-doorsbegan to be felt. Then the odor of cooking was wafted in through thetent opening, and Joan ran to look out.

  "Oh!" sniffed she, "Verny's up and dressed and has something _awfully_good cooking for breakfast!"

  "Um-m--I should say she has!" added Julie, running over to join Joan atthe tent door.

  "What is it, Verny?" called a chorus of girls, and as the Captain turnedto reply she saw four tousled heads crowded out of the opening.

  "Can't tell secrets until you've washed and dressed!" laughed Mrs.Vernon.

  It was not long, therefore, before the hungry campers joined her aboutthe fire and wanted to know what smelled so good. The Captain was addinga pinch of salt to the "something" in the pot, so she did not look up,but said hastily:

  "Will some one watch that toast--it seems to be scorching."

  "Did you ever! Making toast on a stone!" laughed Julie, trying to turnover the slices with a stick.

  "But the stone's as hot as any stove-lid," commented Betty, as she sawthe smoke rise from the crumbs that burned on the rock.

  "Is that cereal standing off on that other stone?" now inquired Ruth.

  "Yes, but who'd a thought a stone would ever be used for an oven?"laughed Joan, stirring the cereal with a long spoon.

  "The oven won't retain heat long after the stone is removed from theembers. Better be ready to serve yourselves as soon as I say 'ready,'"said Mrs. Vernon, as she removed the pot that had given forth suchappetizing odors from the fire, and stood it upon a heated rock.

  "Now--all ready!" laughed she, and every girl made a dash for the cereal.

  "Here--let me dish it up and pass it along. The whole mess will be in thefire if we all struggle to be first," added Joan.

  The cereal disappeared like snow in July, and then four eager girls wereasking for the next course.

  "This food, fit for the gods, is composed of the leavings of supper lastnight. But you girls will never dream that it goes by a homely name,"said Mrs. Vernon, as she ladled a goodly portion upon each plate whichwas thrust out under her nose.

  "What _is_ it called?" asked Ruth, tasting a bit that fell upon the edgeof her plate.

  "It smells heavenly, Verny!" sighed Julie, rolling her eyes skyward.

  Every one laughed, for Julie always was extravagant in her language.

  "In boarding-houses the guests object every time it is served, but wehave the great advantage over city boarders whose hash is made merelywith chopped meat and eggs and milk! We have Nature's appetizer toseason our dish, so that it becomes nectar and ambrosia in this camp,"explained the Captain, smilingly.

  The hash went the way of the cereal, and the girls looked anxiously inthe pot to see if there could be a second helping.

  "Oh, thanks to our lucky stars and Verny, she made a lot of it!" calledJulie, waving a spoon at her comrades.

  "But where is the toast? Verny--the toast is gone!" shouted Joan, gazingfearfully under the stones to see if it could have slipped from theoven-rock.

  "Ha! that's my secret! Eat the hash, girls, and I will tell you wherethe toast is."

  It needed no second invitation to finish all signs of hash, then Ruthdemanded to know where the toast was hidden.

  The Captain ran over to Ruth and touched the spot where the stomach islocated. "You've had your share of toast and it is in there!" laughedMrs. Vernon.

  "We haven't! We only had hash!" retorted Ruth, wonderingly.

  "The hash was made of toast and other things. I only had about aspoonful of corned beef left from last night. But toast, when brokeninto bits, will taste so like meat that few people know the difference.That's how I managed to cook a second helping."

  "As long as it was not wasted I don't care much whether I ate the toastin hash or had it with tea," said Julie.

  "But I can eat more breakfast," commented Joan.

  "'Enough is as good as a feast,' and I'm sure you girls must admityou've had enough to sustain you until noon," said Mrs. Vernon.

  "Oh, certainly!" agreed Joan, "making the best of a famine is myespecial virtue."

  This started a laugh, and merry words were exchanged while the disheswere cleared away and the camp was left in good order.

  "Now shall we start in to finish the hut, Verny?" asked Betty.

  "I thought I'd like to read aloud from the handbook, 'Scouting forGirls,' and see how many of the laws and customs you girls know."

  "You'll find us in the A-B-C-class, I'm afraid," said Joan.

  "Then the sooner you are promoted out of it the better," declared Mrs.Vernon, seating herself on a stump and opening the manual.

  "First question: 'How do you start a Patrol?'" asked the Captain.

  "Oh, we know that, Verny, 'cause we had to learn it by heart in order toadvise those girls who wanted to join, you see," chorused the girls.

  "Well, then, are we a Patrol now?" asked Mrs. Vernon.

  "In the real sense, we are not, as there are only four members atpresent; but we are _going_ to be one, aren't we?" said Julie.

  "Yes, but until we have eight girls we are not anything on record.However, we can form our club and then enlist new members to increasethe number to the required total.

  "Next it says: 'The Scout Captain who has studied the plan, principlesand object of the organization, explains the laws and obligations ofmembers to those who wish to form a troop.' I must now take down yournames and addresses in a book, and decide what day or at what time wewish to hold our regular meetings.

  "It says here that fifteen minutes must be spent on knot-tying andthree-quarters of an hour on recreation. So I will now teach you the artof tying knots. Following this lesson, we will take forty-five minutesfor recreation."

  But the fifteen minutes merged into twenty, and still the novitiatesbegged to be allowed to "try just one more knot."

  "Now I am going to read the Girl Scout Laws from the book, but therewill be no comments, please, until I give the signal," said the Captain,having taken away the rope for knots, and seated herself upon it to keepthe girls from experimenting.

  "'1--If a Scout says "on my honor it is so," that means that what shesays is as true as if she had taken a most solemn oath.

  "'2--A Girl Scout is loyal to the President, to her country, and to herofficers; to her father, to her mother, and to her employers. Sheremains true to them through thick and thin. In the face of the greatestdifficulties and calamities her loyalty must remain untarnished.

  "'3--A Girl Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others. She is to doher duty before anything else even if she gives up her own pleasure,safety, or comfort. When in doubt as to which of two things to do shemust think: "Which is my duty?" which means "Which is the best for otherpeople?" and then do that at once. She must be prepared at any time tosave life or help the injured. She should do at least one good turn tosome one every day.

  "'4--A Girl Scout is a Friend to all, and a sister to every other GirlScout. Thus, if a Scout meets another Scout, even though a stranger toher, she may speak to her and help her in any way she can, either tocarry out the duty she is then doing, or by giving her food, or as faras possible anything she may want. Like Kim, a Scout should be a "Littlefriend to all the world.

  "'5--A Scout is courteous; that is, she is polite to all. She must nottake any reward for being helpful or courteous.

  "'6--A Scout keeps herself pure in thought, word and deed.

  "'7--A Scout is a friend to animals; she should save them as far aspossible from pain, and should not kill even the smallest unnecessarily.They are all God's creatures.

  "'8--A Scout obeys orders under all circumstances; when she gets an ordershe must obey it cheerfully and readily, not in a slow, sullen manner.Scouts never grumble, whine nor howl.

-A Scout is cheerful under all circumstances. Scouts never grumble athardships, nor whine at each other, nor frown when put out. A Scout goesabout with a smile and singing. It cheers her and cheers other people,especially in time of danger.

  "'10--A Scout is thrifty; this means that a Scout avoids all uselesswaste of every kind; she is careful about saving every penny she can putinto the bank so that she may have a surplus in time of need. She seesthat food is not wasted, and that her clothing is cared for properly.The Girl Scout does not waste time. She realizes that time is the mostprecious thing any one of us has. The Girl Scout's time is spent eitherin useful occupation or in wholesome recreation, and she tries tobalance these two harmoniously.'

  "Now girls, have you any comments to make, for I have read the tencommandments of the Girl Scout organization, and will hear any testimonynow?" said Mrs. Vernon, laughingly.

  "I haven't any comments to make on the reading, but I would like toremind the illustrious Captain that she forgot a very important part ofthe program this morning," said Julie, seriously, albeit there was atwinkle in her eyes.

  "Speak now or forever after hold your peace!" declared Mrs. Vernon, witha magisterial air.

  Every one laughed, but Julie obeyed the command: "You said we would givefifteen minutes to knot-tying and forty-five to recreation. Now I wishto ask Your Honor, is this Scout Reading to be considered asrecreation?"

  The Captain smiled, and after a few moments' pause said: "I am guilty oftheft. But I plead extenuating circumstances. I forgot what I said aboutrecreation, and was so over-anxious to have my infant Patrol grounded inthe first lessons of scout duties that I stole time from the hour. Whois there here just enough to sentence me?"

  "We have no jury, but in lieu of a speaker, allow me to speak formyself: your zeal shall be your excuse, but hereafter see that you donot commit the same offense," spoke Julie, with a judicial air.

  The Captain and girls laughed heartily, and thus ended the first readingof Scout Laws. Mrs. Vernon closed the book and got up from the knottyseat of rope, and asked the girls if they had thought of any form ofrecreation.

  "We still have to be informed by the Court if the time stolen from ourforty-five minutes must be returned or deducted?" countered Julie.

  "The Court thinks you should have the full time given you for any usefulrecreation--not for foolishness," said Mrs. Vernon.

  "Well, would the Court adjudge a good hike to be useful?" demanded Joan.

  "The Court most certainly would, and will even offer to accompany thejury, or whatever body you call yourselves."

  "Then it's us for a hike, girls!" cried Joan.

  The suggestion met with favor, and soon the newly-made Scouts wereclimbing the steep grade of the mountainside. It was more than an hourbefore voices were again heard, and Hepsy whinnied as if to ask "Whatsort of scouts are you, anyway, to listen to a law read about animalsand how to treat them, and then go away without giving me my breakfast?"

  The moment the girls heard the appeal from the mare, they understood andran pell-mell to get Hepsy the oats. When she saw they were measuringout her breakfast, she craned her neck as far as it would stretch, andpawed the ground impatiently.

  Mrs. Vernon held her head with both hands and cried as if in despair:"Merciful goodness! What sort of a Captain am I to forget our faithfulold scout Hepsy?"

  "Will Hepsy get sick now, Verny?" asked Betty, worried.

  "No, but she is so famished she may eat me up if I venture near her witha pail of water! That is all that might happen."

  "If she does, there will be a second result, too. Hepsy'll sure have anawful case of indigestion after dining!" retorted Julie, causing theothers to laugh.

  Hepsy was given a long drink and then left to enjoy her oats. While theanimal was feeding, Julie said: "How about the hut?"

  "I hope we can finish it to-day, Verny," added Joan.

  "You can try at least. Every bit done helps, you know," replied theCaptain.

  The old flooring had been scraped clean and the cross-sections that weretoo badly decayed were removed. Then the boards taken from the packingcases were fitted in and nailed down securely. By one o'clock the partlynew floor was finished and cleaned up.

  Dinner was suggested before continuing the work, and the campers talkedabout roofing the hut while they prepared the meal.

  "Now that the floor is finished, two of us ought to begin to carry inour stock, while the others work on the roof. That will save ourgroceries from the moisture or dampness in the ground, you see," saidMrs. Vernon.

  "But we all want to work on the roof--it will be fun," declared Julie.

  "In that case, we shall have to draw lots. And after half of thegroceries are moved in by two girls, the others will have to take theirturn while the first two enjoy the roof," suggested the Captain.

  "And you--what do you want to do?" asked Ruth.

  "I am going to hunt around for any down timbers that we can use forsiding the hut where the old logs have fallen away and rotted on theground. I will leave you scouts to work on the roof after your ownplans."

  "Oh, but tell us what to use before you go?" cried Betty.

  "You'll find a roll of tar paper over there with the supplies. This youmust measure off and cut the required size. Be sure to have it longenough to turn under the eaves and over at the top."

  "How do we nail it down?" asked Joan.

  "Lay the strips lengthwise, from ridgepole to eaves, and fasten downeach strip on the old boards. But, girls, do be careful not to breakthrough those openings in the roof, nor crumble in at any decayedplaces!"

  "All right--I guess we can remember that much all right," said Julie,eager to begin.

  So Mrs. Vernon left them to see how far they would use theirintelligence in doing this work, while she began seeking along thewoodland road for down tree-trunks of movable length and weight.

  She found plenty of timber such as she wanted for the sides of the oldhut, and also to start work on the new one, but she did not return tocamp until four o'clock. When she did, she found two of the girls fastasleep on the grass, while the other two were in the pool splashingabout.

  She went quietly over to the hut, and, to her surprise, found the roofas neatly finished as if done by an experienced hand. The edges wereturned under and fastened with nails, and the seams lapped just as theyshould be. In fact, she was delighted with the workmanship.

  Then, too, the boxes of groceries and other goods were neatly stacked inone corner, so less room was used for storage and more left for personaluse.

  "Now I wonder which one of the girls thought this out? It is so naturalfor young folks to shove the boxes in and leave them standing aboutanywhere. But this proves to me that one of my scouts has a good headfor management of affairs."

  The girls swimming about in the pool now caught sight of the Captain,and scrambled out of the water. They were soon dressed and ran over toreceive Mrs. Vernon's compliments on the work done. The two sleepingones also sat up, rubbed their eyes, and laughed.

  "When did you get back, Verny?" yawned Ruth.

  "Just now; but, girls, I have seen the hut, and you surely have donefine work!" exclaimed the Captain, turning to admire the roof again.

  While her head was turned, four girls exchanged knowing winks, but theirfaces were as serious as ever when Mrs. Vernon's eyes searched theirskeenly.

  "We thought you'd be pleased, Verny. But what kept you so long?" saidJulie.

  "I found enough wood for a new hut, and then I sat down on a log andsketched a working plan for the sections of the building you proposeerecting.

  "You see this rocky wall that rises back of the old hut?" the Captainpointed to the lines she had drawn on the paper. "Well, we will use thatfor a back wall against which our new hut can brace itself. The wall ofthe old hut can supply one side of the new building, and we can extendthe roof on the same lines as the old one, along over the new hut."

  "Oh, yes, that's a fine idea!" cried Joan.

  "And that will save
us hauling the wood and building up one whole side,won't it?" asked Betty.

  "Yes, but it also makes a two-room house of the two huts, see?" and Mrs.Vernon displayed another plan she had drawn on paper.

  "I think I like it better than having two separate huts, Verny," saidJulie.

  "And we can use the wood we might have built into the one side of thehut for a shed for Hepsy. Can't we go right on extending the house andbuild the lean-to to the end of the new hut, just as we plan hooking thenew addition on to the old hut?" asked Joan.

  The original way in which the description was worded caused a generallaugh, but Joan never worried about laughter when it was in fun. Shealways said, "Well, if it gives any one any satisfaction to laugh at me,I'm glad to accommodate them so cheaply. It doesn't hurt one."

  "Joan's idea is good, and we will follow it as soon as we finish theframe of the new hut," said Mrs. Vernon.

  "We were thinking of moving your cot-bed into the old hut, Verny, butthen we decided to wait and see if you would like it," now suggestedBetty.

  "You see, we were a bit crowded last night in the tent, and we thoughtyou would like some privacy of your own. Being in the old hut mightappeal to your sentimentality," added Julie.

  Another laugh rang out, but this time at Mrs. Vernon's expense. Shesighed and posed as a sentimental maiden might, and simpered her thanksfor the scouts' forethought. Then they laughed again.

  "Now all joking aside, girls! I appreciate your thought and will gladlymove my hotel-suite to the hut. At least I shall be near the crackersand prunes if I feel hungry at night," declared Mrs. Vernon.

  She then called the girls to assist her in moving her effects from thetent to the hut, and as they went back and forth the Captain could notrefrain from again voicing her gratification at the manner in which thescouts finished their first carpentry work.

  "If you were fully-fledged scouts of record, you surely would be awardeda badge."

  Behind her back, as she said this, the Captain's four carpenters againexchanged smiles and knowing winks.


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