Queen of the Stars

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Queen of the Stars Page 17

by Haley R Lawson

“I owe it to him to at least talk to him. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I went back to the room and Tucker asked Conner to push him out of the room. He said he wanted to give Jackson and I a minute alone. Alex didn’t get the hint, so Conner came back for him. I sat down and Jackson said, “I heard you missed work today. I’m going to have to write you up for that.”

  I laughed. “I have a Prince’s note.”

  “Well, I hope I get one of those too. Why is Alex walking around without his watch?”

  “That’s right, you missed the assembly. He gave this really awesome speech about how we are all aliens and we are all in this together. He warned about judging people on their looks and then took his watch off. All the others took their watches off too.”

  “What about Conner?”

  “He is self-conscious about his appearance. He’s not the only one. Heidi is out there, but she’s afraid to come in and see you.”

  “She doesn’t need to be. I connected with her heart not her skin.”

  “I told her that, but she’s still hesitant. Oh, I am moving into the royal apartments.”

  “But I thought you were working with me still.”

  “I am. I’m moving there so Tucker can go with me and that way he won’t have to worry about getting food or showering or really anything besides just chilling.”

  “What’s Sally going to think about it?”

  “She’s not my boss. I’m not worried about her. I am worried about you though.”

  “You aren’t going to lose your job.”

  “Not as my boss, as my friend.”

  “Oh, well I’m going to be sore, but completely fine. Do I get a royal apartment too?”

  “I don’t really know. You don’t strike me as that type though.”

  “Neither do you, but if my apprentice and best friend are here, I’ve got no one to talk to.”

  “You’ll have Tommy.”

  He laughed. “I’m serious though. I need a better bed and a nice shower, and it is closer to Heidi and the royal nonsense. I sent Alex home, so can you ask him later?”

  “Sure, I will ask him. I’m going to send Heidi in and go to work. Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m alright. Thanks though.”

  “Oh, Atri said thank you.”

  “I know you are going to see him again so tell him I will see him at the royal dinner on Friday.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Get some rest.”

  I went out and sent Heidi in. I eavesdropped, but Jackson most likely knew I was going to. Heidi went in and Jackson said, “I didn’t think you could get any more beautiful, but Heidi you are absolutely stunning. I’m sorry I’m such a mess. I got into a little bit of an argument with a big dumb guy about a watch.”

  She laughed. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you are okay.”

  “I’m sorry I made you worry. I will do my best not to run into danger again. Will you be my date to a royal dinner party on Friday?”

  “Of course, I will, but I need to tell you something first. I have a son. He’s three years old. I thought the royal thing to do was ignore him, but I realize now how wrong I was. I need to put him first. I really like you and want you to be a part of our lives, but if you are not ready for that type of commitment, I completely understand.”

  “Heidi, I would be honored to be a part of you and your son’s life. I should warn you though, I’m new to royalty and parenthood as well so we are pretty much winging it together.”

  I didn’t need to listen anymore because I knew they’d be fine, so I headed to Atri’s room. Conner was there with Tucker. I asked why Conner had Tucker and he said, “He refused to let Alex push him. I was going to take him later.”

  “Okay, as long as it’s okay with you, Atri.”

  “It’s fine with me. I need some friends and I heard he’s going to be living nearby. How’s Jackson?”

  “He’s doing really well. Heidi’s taking care of him at the moment. He told me to tell you he’d see you Friday at the royal dinner and dance. He’s also thinking about moving to the hall though, so maybe he’ll run into you. I am heading to work if everyone’s okay.”

  Conner said, “We are all fine, but you need to go to Alex’s office for your new… he forgot you. I’ll take you with me.”

  “It’s fine. I’m in the system now under his royal crest. I’m just going to go to work, and I’ll get my card later. Have a good day boys.”

  Tucker said, “Be careful not to step on anyone’s toes.”

  Conner said, “Are you warning her not to challenge the rules because you know that won’t happen.”

  “No, I mean literally not to step on anyone’s toes. Mine is still hurting.”

  I said, “Okay, Mr. I don’t feel pain. I’ll see you later.”

  I headed to the medical quadrant but realized when I got to lunch that I didn’t have my royal prince’s pass yet. I sat down with Tommy and ate lunch. He asked about Jackson and I said, “He’s doing really well. He won’t be able to work for a few days. We are both moving to the royal quadrant. I’m going so Tucker can have a better place to stay and someone to care for him. Jackson’s going to be near Tucker and his girlfriend. Prince Alexander was going to give me a pass for being away from work, but he forgot. I am really hoping the boss doesn’t catch me.”

  He pointed behind me and my boss had approached me. “I think he noticed.”

  My boss said, “And, where were you? I have a million interviews to do and I get a notice that one of my doctors was missing. I came to look for him and found out you were missing too.”

  “Sir, there was a situation in the royal hospital. Jackson was badly injured. I was with him until the assembly. After the assembly, I was needed by Prince Alexander. I apologize.”

  “Do you think I am stupid? You with the prince, that’s just funny.”

  “Surely you saw the assembly. I was standing right next to him.”

  “Not for a second did I see you on that screen. I can’t afford to lose trainees today, so you are here for the rest of today, but I also have not received any proof you are medically trained and under Prince Alexander’s rules, I will have to have you moved tomorrow. Have a wonderful half day.”

  I was paired with another doctor. He heard the whole argument and said, “Are you medically trained?”

  “I’ve been working with another doctor all week and he has agreed to take me on as his apprentice. I have a background in biology, but no, I am not medically trained.”

  “Great, so I have zero help today. Go get my bag ready.”

  I went to the supply room and filled his bag for him. We went to our assigned clinic. The gurneys and wheelchairs had finally arrived. It made my job so much easier. We didn’t have any hospital worthy injuries for once which was great. We also finished the waiting room before quitting time. The doctor left early, but I stayed behind cleaning just in case something happened. A kitchen room worker was lucky I did. It was like Tommy all over again. I warmed him up and gave him warm saline. He was extremely grateful for my help. Right before I was leaving, a man with a watch came in. It was clear he had either been attacked or part of a fight.

  I took him back to examine him and he said, “Just send me to the royal hospital. Rumor is there is a girl over there that knows how to treat aliens. I’m not exactly human.”

  “I’m Rose. I’m the girl. Is it okay if I turn your watch off?”

  “I would prefer you didn’t. I got brave and did that and it didn’t go so well. You’re not the girl. You just want to see an alien up close.”

  “What happened to you?”

  “I was working with the same guys I always do on the same job I always do, but apparently my work buddies are only buddies with Steve the human guy and not me. There’s apparently an anti-alien hate group thing started by the security staff. It’s spreading. They hit me pretty hard. I didn’t fight back because I didn’t want to prove them right. You can’t help me.”

  “I truly a
m the girl, but I will call a drone bus. I’m so sorry about them. I don’t understand the logic. Like Alex said we are all aliens and we are all on this ship together.”

  “Prince Alexander… you’ll get yourself in trouble talking like that. Your highness...”

  Alex had come in behind me and said, “I have been trying to track you down all day. I forgot you. Here’s your identification card and work excuse. Sorry to interrupt your work. They said you were just cleaning, and the doctor wasn’t here.”

  “It’s alright. The doctor isn’t here. He got through the lobby early and left. I stayed just in case. This is Steve… well that’s his human name.” After Alex shook his hand, I continued “A hate group apparently is spreading and attacked him at work today.”

  “I was afraid of that. Is he okay?”

  “He wants me to send him to the girl at the hospital who helps people like him. I tried explaining that was me, but it wasn’t exactly believable until you got here.”

  Steve said, “Your highness, I did not mean to offend your friend. I am sorry.”

  “Please just call me Alex. I am sorry you were hurt because I spoke out. She really is the girl and you should let her help you. Rose, you need to get some sleep.”

  “Not until I finish working for the day. Then, I’m coming to your office for my keys.”

  He laughed. “Sounds good… did you lose something with two wheels, one leg, and a broken wrist?”

  “I left him with Conner and Atri.”

  “Fair enough, is it okay if I just wait for you?”

  “Sure, but don’t distract me anymore.”

  He agreed. Steve switched his watch and he looked like a dinosaur man. He was covered in scales. I couldn’t see how he could’ve possibly actually been injured.

  “Alex, can you please go get my assistant? I’m going to need extra help.”

  “You told me the doctor wasn’t here.”

  Steve pushed me down and went after Alex. I called for security, but they went home for the day. I got a bunch of sedative needles ready, but I had no idea where a weak point on dinosaur man was. I looked him up and found out the spot between his eyes was not a scale but a soft spot. While he was busy squeezing Alex to death, I was able to get the needle there. He passed out on top of Alex, but we rolled him off. Alex had all kinds of scratches from Dino-Steve’s claws, but he seemed like he’d be okay.

  I cleaned up Alex’s wounds and he said, “So, now what do I do? Is there really a hate group or is Steve the hate group and if he is, what’s his deal? Do I throw him in jail?”

  “He attacked a prince so that would probably be the most logical step. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just super frustrated.”

  Alex called his security and they took Steve with them. Alex came with me back to the office but waited outside. I found my boss still doing paperwork. I gave him my prince’s note and Alex’s copy of my apprenticeship papers. He said, “When did you have time to go get these? Did you use one our printers to forge royal documents?”

  Alex came into the room and said, “Sir, I delivered them to her. She actually worked late while her supervising doctor left early.”

  Alex and I had a long very quiet walk back to his office. He seemed so defeated. Eventually, I said, “I think this is the quietest you’ve been since I’ve met you… aside from the hours you were in a coma of course. Are you going to let one angry person destroy all the progress you’ve made?”

  “That’s just it. Have I truly made any progress? I don’t want to be the type of king with a prison on my ship.”

  “Come with me. I want to show you something.”

  He came with me but was still all gloomy. We went to the eatery and a bunch of people were reuniting with their loved ones. Some of the children of the ship were back with their parents. I said, “You did that. You gave people hope when let’s face it, we were all pretty hopeless. Alex, you are making progress. As for the whole ship with a prison thing, I have never lived in or heard of anywhere without people who would cause harm to others. It is not a failure to have to deal with one of these people. It doesn’t have to be a solitary confinement, no food, type of prison. You can work to rehabilitate him or something, but you can’t just let him go. What if it had been Theo that he attacked?”

  “I was more worried about if it was you. He was there because he heard of you.”

  “He was using me to get to the royal quadrant. That’s all.”

  “Go over to one of those computers and look for your family. I should warn you though, your father is not aboard this ship.”

  “I wasn’t expecting him to be. I lost him about six or so years before the ship landed.”

  Alex hugged me and walked me over to a computer. A little girl came over and hugged him. Her parents pulled her off and her mother said, “I’m so sorry your highness. It will never happen again.”

  Alex picked her up and said, “Please don’t be sorry. I like to meet my fellow space travelers. What’s your name?” The little girl introduced herself as Daisy. He said, “And what do you want to be when you grow up?”

  “A princess or maybe a doctor or a newscaster.”

  “All of those are really exciting jobs, just promise me you will do your best to be loving and honest.”

  She promised and Alex returned her to her mother.

  Chapter 30

  Commercial Break

  Icould’ve listened to Ms. Rose tell her story for hours, but it was clear the producers were nervous that she was telling the story of eighty years of her life day by day. Mr. Humphrey had tears streaming down his face at the moment one of them called for a bathroom break. Ms. Rose looked at him and said, “Are you alright?”

  Mr. Humphrey pulled out a picture on his phone and said, “Daisy was my grandmother. She was a newscaster and played a princess on weekends to visit children in the hospital. She inspired my closing lines to be kind and that love is freedom. I had no idea she met you and Prince Alexander. Alexander truly did inspire generations.”

  Ms. Rose smiled. “I think your producers want me to hurry the story along. I’m sorry. It’s just the first time I’ve ever gotten to see my memories and it took me back.”

  “If it were up to me and my assistant over there, we would sit here for eighty years with you. They won’t allow that, but I just want you to know we would. I want to hear where the rest of the day we were talking about was going, but maybe we can talk about the most important moments, the ones where your heart was challenged and led you to become who you are now.”

  “They all did. I was with people who challenged me every second of every day. I brought my book of our council meeting reports. Maybe you can pick some moments out of them.”

  Mr. Humphrey looked at me and said “I have a better idea. Would it be alright if Kara read through them? She is a huge fan of your story and I am sure she will pick the good ones. We will keep talking while she does.”

  Ms. Rose handed me her reports. “I would be honored for you to read them. I’ve watched you recording and writing little notes over there. What are you working on?”

  “I write a blog. I am writing a story about today. I hope that is okay.”

  “That is more than okay. I am honored you are interested enough to write about me.”

  “I’m not the only one. Can I show you something?”

  She agreed so I pulled up the building’s security feed. There was a huge group of fans outside. I said, “It takes a lot to get that many people together anymore. They are all here because of your story. They are here because of Unity.”

  Ms. Rose had tears in her eyes. She thanked me for showing her. A producer told me to go back to my spot side stage. She told Ms. Rose she wanted to hear more of the important moments instead of the day to day. Ms. Rose told her she had discussed it with Mr. Humphrey, but that the rest of that day was important. The producer allowed her to continue with the rest of that day and prepared the camera.

  Mr. Humphrey started
the interview back up with, “We are back with Ms. Rose, the woman known as the Queen of the Stars. While we were listening to her story, she mentioned a meeting of a little girl named Daisy with Prince Alexander. That little girl was my grandmother and she inspired me to become the man I am today. I had no idea she met Prince Alexander or Ms. Rose, but they truly changed her life and mine. I am sure we all have a similar story of being inspired by this women and her friends from Unity. Ms. Rose, please continue with your story.”

  Chapter 31

  Mondays Were Always Long

  It was clear something changed in Alex’s heart after meeting that little girl. He realized he truly was making a difference and inspiring hope. I was incredibly nervous to type my name into that computer, but the fact that Alex pushed me to do it, meant that some of my people were on the ship. I typed in the letters and the list staring back at me was missing one incredible woman. My own grandmother had been left behind. I used the system to tell my family I wished to meet them and then I went with Alex to his office.

  He gave me the key to my new apartment and took me to it himself. It was just down the hall from Conner’s room. It was essentially a blank slate in there except for a painting of an ocean. I asked Alex where he got the painting and he told me that he had painted it for me. I hugged him and he told me I should probably go get Tucker.

  I went towards the hospital, but Conner came out of his room and said, “Hello neighbor, if you are looking for your roommate, he is in my room. Atri’s going to be living between us. You can join us for dinner if you haven’t eaten yet. Alex, you’re invited too.”

  Alex said, “I have some things to get done, but I will stop over later.”

  I went into Conner’s room and dinner was just about ready. Tucker had apparently helped Atri make it. Conner still had his disguising watch on, but Atri was embracing his newfound freedom. He served dinner and insisted we ate at the table. We were about half-way through dinner when Conner’s television received a video call. It was Charlie. Atri didn’t even try to make us wait until after dinner. Conner and I sat on the couch to talk to Charlie while Tucker and Atri finished their dinners.


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