Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5)

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Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5) Page 4

by Erin R Flynn

  “Of course I should, otherwise he would want me.”

  “That’s not true,” I argued, shaking my head. “It’s… We’re all equal. We’re not mares to be appraised, Professor. If she’s richer than you, you’re better educated. If there is something she’s got, there’s another area you’re better. There is no woman who excels in it all. No woman is perfect. There is a lot I’m sure you do better than her. It’s not her being better than you.”

  “Tams is right,” Mel agreed, taking over because she knew this had to be uncomfortable for me. “We’re not Craftsman’s type, Campbell.”

  “We?” Campbell pushed.

  “Yeah, we,” Mel chuckled. “You’re like me. You’re the pursuer. You like the chase. You’re a strong, independent woman who likes the chase. I’m the same way. I love hot prey that doesn’t know I’m into him until he’s falling at my feet and in my trap. You’re assertive and like to instigate the relationship.”

  She took a long drink and nodded. “You’re right. I do. That’s perfect for Julian.”

  “Wrong,” Mel argued. “I thought the same thing at first but that’s not him. You would think that because he’s such a bookworm dork who ignores so much but he’s the same. You forget, he stays with us on breaks. I know his lover. He chases her.”

  Her eyes went wide. “He does?”

  “Oh yeah,” Mel chuckled.

  “But those presents? She seemed aggressive and—”

  “Yeah, she is and definitely confident, no wilting flower for sure. But she’s not into the chase. She likes to be chased. She basically bops him on the head to pay attention, snap out of his world, and pay attention before strutting away to show him what he’s been missing and he chases after her. He’s completely wrapped around all her fingers that way, but trust me, he chases her.”

  It was hard not to squirm at what she said. I wasn’t sure if that was exactly accurate.



  Okay, more than probably if I was being honest. She might be right that I liked to be chased. I hadn’t realized it or knew that was exactly what I was doing. It was more… I wanted to be valued. I’d had almost two decades of being mistreated and abused. I wanted to be appreciated and yeah, maybe spoiled a bit when I did my best to give the same.

  Was that really so wrong?

  “It’s time to move on, Campbell,” Mel said gently. “I have a few cousins who would love to be chased by a sexy, sophisticated witch but think they’d never have a chance with a smart, class act like you.” She shrugged when Campbell gave her a shocked look. “You know everyone and the stereotypes. Dragons are the dumbest supes. Knight clans are rockheads for battle and nothing more.”

  “I’ve never felt that way and I find honorable men incredibly attractive,” she admitted but then sighed. “This is when I wish fairies were still around most. I missed my chance to experience them. This is when everyone says finding a nice fairy would be best.”

  “You act like they were sluts and whores,” I snapped, a growl in my voice. I cleared my throat when people flinched or stared at me with wide eyes.

  “That’s not what I meant at all, Vale,” she defended, sounding affronted but then did a double-take. “Right, you have a grandparent or two that was one or something. I didn’t mean that.”

  “Fairies were free spirits and not as prude as our sexist and rigid society,” Katrina clarified. “And they had big hearts. So no, they were not sluts or whores by any stretch of the word but generous lovers and especially light fairies were drawn to those who were hurt, even emotionally. Any fling I had with a fairy came after a broken heart. They seemed to know I needed healing and…”

  “The patching up of your self-confidence that only a good romance can give a woman at times,” White offered. “You’re used to slimy men who would prey on women with broken hearts and take advantage. Fairy men were the opposite and would be drawn to those lonely hearts with the intent to heal and show them they were worth more than they were treated. That’s what Campbell was wishing for.”

  “That and the stories that they’re fantastic lovers,” Campbell confessed.

  “Oh yes, they are,” Katrina chuckled with a wistful sigh.

  “I second that,” White agreed, a few of the older teachers nodding as well.

  “Damn, we really did miss out then,” Mel grumbled.

  She was too buzzed to notice that I was sending her a look to shut it and change the topic. In what world did she think I would want to talk about fairies being lost forever? Luckily Keya came in pushing a cart full of more leftovers and two more pitchers of drinks.

  “Have faith, young ones. There are signs that fairies aren’t gone for good if you pay attention enough to look,” she promised.

  “Like what?” Campbell asked.

  “I’ll tell you all my secrets the moment you tell me yours, Professor,” Keya challenged, smirking at the woman before dipping her head and turning on her heel.

  I bit back a snicker and focused back on my book. Damn right that should be her answer.

  “So, what battle plan have you and Craftsman devised?” White asked me.

  “Oh, Craftsman thinks she should throw it and dropout so she doesn’t get hurt when they all gang up on her,” Mel fumed. “He basically implied she’s an idiot for walking into a known trap when the odds were so stacked against her and they were going to cheat this badly.”

  “Ahh that explains why he’s staying on campus over spring break instead of at your house,” White muttered quietly.

  “His choice, not mine.” I shrugged. “I did just fine before I had a Dr. Craftsman to guide me on how to fight my battles and I’ll be just fine without him.”

  “And you’re fine with not winning?” Katrina asked.

  I snorted. “Yeah, I’m fine with it.”

  “Really?” Campbell challenged.

  That ruffled my feathers and I huffed. “Yeah, really. I’m not an egomaniac or narcissist, Professor. I’ve been doing this whole magic thing like two seconds. I get I’m surprisingly powerful but I’m way fucking behind. I know this. I’m living proof that all the raw strength won’t win a fight against good training. Some of these freshmen have been training since diapers. I’m fine with losing.

  “What I’m not fine with is just giving up like I can’t fucking hack it because I came into the game late. I’m not that weak where I’m going to tuck my tail between my legs and cry in the corner because assholes cheat. I’m stronger than that and I would think the people who know me and supposedly support me would understand that. So what if I lose? That’s more embarrassing than not playing the game at all?”

  “Certainly not,” Katrina answered, several others agreeing with her. “Men are idiots.”

  “Amen to that,” I grumbled.

  “What about your darling Darby? Where does he stand?” she asked.

  I couldn’t help but smile. “He’s got my back, like always. He doesn’t like what’s going on, he might handle it differently but our circumstances are different. He gets it though and he’s helping as best as he can. He’s pissed they’re screwing me like this. I’m lucky he’s smart and dedicated as he’s been a big help.”

  Everyone was lost in their thoughts for several moments but Katrina broke the silence. “If I was you, I would have my very clever attorney read over the rules with a fine-tooth comb to make certain there wasn’t any room to stick it to them right back. You’re a very talented and gifted woman. I’m sure you could think of a few ways to fight back.”

  I glanced up from my book and smirked at her. “I appreciate the advice. Great minds think alike and this is why we’re friends.”

  She threw back her head and laughed, slapping her thigh as she did. “This should be a very entertaining event.”

  “You have no idea,” Mel purred, toasting her me with her glass.

  “Oh dear,” White chuckled, shaking her head. “Well just be prepared for everyone to be sore losers and challenge you.”
  “I am but I’ve been told over and over and over again that I cannot punch anyone for their thoughts. It’s a rule at the school. One set in stone. If they would try and turn that one around on me now there would have to be a limit as to how much they could really gang up on me in front of so many other parents and guests watching the tournament right?”

  “You really are an evil genius,” White praised, clearly catching onto my plan.

  “I’m fine with that label because I mostly use it for good.”

  “It’s the times you don’t that worry me.”

  Not me.

  I was glad when everything was wrapped up and I could finally return home. All I had been wanting was a hot bubble bath and some time to myself. So of course my phone rang the moment I slid into the suds. I glanced at it too quick and sighed, answering even though I shouldn’t have.

  “It was not the best day and my mood isn’t great,” I greeted.

  “Yeah, I heard but at least you finally answered,” a deep voice said from the other end.

  I was so shocked I almost dropped it, quickly pulling it back and reading the display. I cursed a few times and brought it back to my ear, knowing he probably heard.

  “You didn’t think it was me,” Lucca muttered.

  “No, I thought it was Liluth,” I confessed, not thinking there was any reason to deny it. “I saw the ‘L’ name and wasn’t paying attention, figuring she’d call to see if there were orders for the fae material clothes.” I sighed heavily when he didn’t say anything. “I just glanced at it as I slid in the tub. It’s been a long day, okay? Don’t—”

  “Don’t tell me you’re fucking naked in the tub and expect me to have a rational thought in my head, Tamsin,” he groaned.

  “I’m not fucking flirting with you,” I snapped. I shook my head. “Whatever, I’m hanging up. I didn’t want to answer anyways.”

  “Kitten, please,” he begged. “It’s not my fault. I’m angry with my father too. It was a shit move and—I didn’t do it though.”

  I sighed and sank further into the tub, leaning my head against the pillow. I knew that. I wasn’t irrational even if I was anti-Von Thann at the moment. I didn’t blame Lucca for his father’s actions. It was more than that.

  But he didn’t know that.

  “I don’t blame you. It’s not your fault.”

  He was quiet a moment. “Then we’re good? You just needed time to be upset?”


  “Look, I know I broke your trust before but I thought we were good. Don’t punish me because of this when—”

  “It’s not that,” I defended, hating how petty and unfair this was making me sound.

  “Then what is it?”

  “We’re going to be on opposite sides of this. He’s your father and he’s drawing a line in the sand. It’s just better that…”

  “That what, Tamsin? I know he’s a dick who wants you to lose but—”

  I lost my very thin patience, too much tiring me out down to my very soul. “He wants to out me, Lucca. He doesn’t want me to lose. He wants me to fuck up and out myself in front of everyone as to what I am, okay? That’s his goal.”

  He didn’t reply for several moments. “You’re sure?”

  I snorted. “Yeah, he doesn’t even try to hide his thoughts from me because what am I going to do? Tell? Tell others that’s what he’s up to? I’d have to tell them why he’d want to do it and admit what I am. Or he thinks I’ll tell Mel or someone who will go for his head and then he has reason to go to his elders and start real shit and that will still out me.”

  “Fuck. You heard that too?”

  “No, that was just a feeling off the mocking thoughts,” I drawled. “But I very clearly heard that if he can’t have me under control, bred how he wants, and my power, he’ll force it because he doesn’t like my alliance with the dragons and thinks he still has a play left. He thinks he honestly would be a viable option I would run to for protection except he’s way behind on the threats.

  “Hell, he’s so far out of the loop on the alliances I already have and all I’ve been up to that it’s, but he doesn’t think he is that it’s crazy. He thinks he’s on the same level as Mr. Vogel or more. He wants control of me, my inheritance, what else I’m up to—all of it. He thinks I’ll show too much of my hand and only he can stuff that back in the box and I’ll run to him to fix it all. He’s willing to risk my life to get that. To get me.

  “So no, I don’t blame you but we’re going to be on opposites sides soon and I’m sorry for that because he is your father. I’m really sorry but it’s not just me I have to think about here but everyone who stands in front of me that would protect me. I have people I protect and a whole species that’s counting on me to get answers and figure out what happened to them. He’s a threat to all of that.”

  I thought that was the nicest possible way to say I was validly thinking I would have to kill his father soon.

  “No, we won’t be on opposite sides of this,” Lucca snarled into the phone. “Because I’m going to fucking gut him and I warned him I would if he so much as made a move for you again.”

  I blinked at the phone when he hung up. Well, that wasn’t the reaction I’d expected. Not in the slightest.

  Shit. I didn’t know if I was turned on that Lucca was ready to go to the mat to protect me or worried I should warn someone he might kill his father. Both?


  Just as any vacation, spring break was over too fast. I felt like I blinked and I was unloading everything back into our room. The moment we did, I didn’t even bother lying to Izzy with where I was going. She’d figured out about Hudson and me after he’d helped take care of me when I’d recovered from what Mason had done to me.

  She didn’t judge me. Fuck, she was jealous of my active and sexy sex life as she called it.

  It was nice at times. Other times I wanted to smack all the stupid men repeatedly and myself for being involved with more than one man… Or any at all.

  He was waiting for me when I arrived at his window, as desperate as I was. I was naked moments later and I practically ripped off the boxer briefs he was wearing. He tried to take control, but I shoved him onto the overstuffed chair he had in his room and told him to behave.

  “I came prepared,” I promised with a smirk.

  He closed his eyes, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep breath. “Tell me Craftsman fucked you this morning.”

  I swallowed a flinch. I hadn’t seen Craftsman all break. “No, I played with myself thinking of you before we drove here. I used a huge toy. Foreplay later. I need you now. I’m taking what I want. Any objections?”

  “Not one, my princess,” he growled, his vibrant blue eyes filled with such desire that I watched as they changed to dark purple as he gripped the arms of the chair hard enough it creaked. “Take what you need from me.”

  “Good dragon,” I purred as I slid my leg over his lap. “If you stay just like that the whole time while I play, maybe I’ll let you take what you need from me next, begging you for it while showing you my nape.” I bit back a smirk when his nostrils flared, knowing how much my dragon loved that.

  “As long as you kiss me first. I missed you,” he grumbled, almost giving me a pout, which was adorable. How someone, who was almost seven feet, could pout was beyond me. He was so buff and wide that he took up almost all of the overstuffed chair and I knew the power those muscles held, loving when he used them on me.

  I reached forward and touched his toned chest, teasing him but also because I couldn’t help myself. I ran my nails up his body and into his hair. It was longer now than when we’d met. No more was it the short with that spikey wet look, but a bit floppy unless he styled it in that clean, noble fashion. I liked it both ways but this way I had more to grab.

  Which apparently, I really liked as I fisted it and crashed my mouth down to his. I kept kissing him—both of us devouring each other—as I grabbed his cock and lowered myself on it, more than wet and ready
for him. We both moaned as I rocked my hips and took more of him. I broke the kiss and leaned back, moving my hands to his knees and situating myself better to take him in me.

  And give him the view I knew he would like.

  Sure enough, he licked his lips as his gaze raked over my body. “That’s it, ride me, Princess. Fuck yourself on the cock that’s yours.”

  My eyes went wide at how possessive that was. Not him being pushy and possessive but for me. He smirked at me, knowing full well I liked it even if I wouldn’t say it. My body tightened around him on its own and I moved my hips faster. He moaned, watching my tits bounce as I pleased us both. I could tell how close he was to snapping but I didn’t think he would.

  He wanted what I offered too much. Then again, I wanted it too and would probably give it to him even if he did cave. But we both enjoyed the games. It made me think of what Mel had said, slowing down and even stopping for a moment.

  “Do I make you chase me?” I asked him. “Do I bop you in the head for attention and then make you chase me to get what you want?”

  “Yes, and I fucking love it,” he growled like I was taunting him, part of the game we were playing right then. “You make me beg and have me completely wrapped around your little finger. All of you.” He adjusted his neck as he gripped the chair even tighter. “I will always chase you. I’m a predator and you’re the only prey I would ever want.”

  That was hot. I didn’t get that was what I was really doing besides some fun in the beginning fucking with Craftsman, but… Maybe I did?

  No, I didn’t have enough experience with decent men to understand that, but it turned me on and they were into it. So, win-win? Either way I moved again and shivered when he begged me for more, praising me the way I liked. Yes, I liked how we could talk in our minds, but it was hard for him to be vocal and he would only do it with me which made it special for me and something I valued.

  Plus, I heard a lot of everything with my telepathy, but people tended to only say shit to me out loud. I wanted to hear more good stuff and I’d admitted that to him so now sometimes he sucked it up and made sure to talk more during our times together and sometimes I let him have his fun talking only in my head and being extra dirty. That was what being with someone meant. We both got what we needed.


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