Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5)

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Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5) Page 18

by Erin R Flynn

  “They put me in a group home to be watched for a few months with a mark on my record. I was damaged goods. I heard some of the administrators of the home say that. I was damaged goods and no normal couple would take me in now, only the ones who wanted the money I would give them or foster parents who slipped through the cracks. I didn’t know what that meant but I found out later.”

  “You’ve suffered so much more pain than anyone should have to, agra,” he rasped as he kissed under my ear. I felt his tears against my skin and my own burned in my eyes. “I see you, Tamsin. We see you. He’s not leaving you because he saw who you are. This is his issue. Give him time to work it out and he’ll come back to you. He’s not abandoning you. None of us could.”

  “You don’t know that. Everyone leaves.”

  “Mel hasn’t. Mel never would,” he reminded me.

  “No, Mel never would,” I agreed, hugging him to me. She was my sister in every sense of the word besides blood. She would have walked away from her own family for me if they hadn’t finally pulled their heads from their asses.

  But that was a different kind of love. I wasn’t sure the love between a man and a woman could ever be as strong as it was between sisters. I’d never seen it or experienced it, only the pain trusting my heart to people could bring me. Craftsman was the first I’d thought to truly see me and love me for who I was and this hurt was so, so much more painful.

  And then I realized maybe Darby was right. “My soul hurts.”

  “You did a lot of damage to your entire being. Let us help you heal and some of that will be better as well. You’re in a dark place because your injuries brought you there fast. White wouldn’t tell me everything but simply you’re so powerful and carrying so much more than someone your age should that the wounds go so much deeper than she would ever have thought possible.”

  I let out a shaky breath as the pieces finally fit together. Faerie. I wasn’t in pain only for Craftsman. My magic was damaged trying to save my people and they were currently shattered or not whole wherever they were. They were relying on me to be the one that held things together as the last fairy and if I was broken… We were all broken.

  And I was currently feeling that. Fuck. All of that was echoing in me.

  That made a lot more sense. Not that losing a loved one wasn’t painful and couldn’t crush someone but to this degree when everyone kept saying he didn’t leave me… Something had been missing from my logical brain. It was that. All the pain of Faerie and the unaccounted-for fairies was echoing in me when I splintered and I was the one anchor to hold it all together.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  “Thank you. I get it now.”

  “I’m glad because I really still don’t and all your secrets sometimes are a bit much to keep up with,” he admitted, sounding frustrated with it all for the first time.

  “I know, believe me, I know.”

  I couldn’t even blame him as I was tired of all the secrets and not knowing everything I needed to. Most days I wanted to say fuck it and just announce what I was and take on all comers head-on… But I couldn’t. I knew that. They wouldn’t come at me in such an honorable way and I was still the only chance to get answers about fairies, all fair folk, and what happened to Faerie.

  So, it had to be this way for a while longer.

  “Just hang in there with me?”

  “For as long as you need it,” he promised, hugging me to him tightly.

  And I believed him. Thank the gods.


  A weekend away ended up being exactly what I needed. It wasn’t the food or the villa or the view that helped, but the TLC and the pampering. They booked me five hours of spa treatments on Saturday. There was a full body scrub and massage, facial, pedicure, and manicure… And that was before three men spent another few hours taking care of me as a woman.

  Including Hudson fucking me until I lost count of how many orgasms I had. I think he wanted to make sure that all the wolf shifter guards knew I was well, well tended to so they stopped trying to get noticed by me.

  The food was amazing and all brought to me to try as the main owner and in droves. We swam and played and just did nothing but had fun. I couldn’t ever remember being so spoiled in my life.

  When it was time to go Darby asked me if I was still miffed they’d “abducted me” and I burst out laughing. I kissed him like no one was around and told him to abduct me anytime he wanted and do whatever he wanted to me whenever he wanted. I gave him an all-access pass with my full permission if this was the type of treatment I received.

  I even kissed Mel and Izzy when we returned to campus and thanked them for packing even if I really never wore any of the clothes. I was pretty sure they were still laughing. But I slept that night and finally didn’t have any nightmares of… Anything. I slept blissfully and felt worlds better so they were right and I’d been in a lot worse of state than I’d realized.

  Funny how we couldn’t ever see that when we were underwater.

  I was still on light duty until my appointment that afternoon with Dr. Salzman but I wasn’t worried given my appetite had returned and I felt much better. Much, much better and I was already wondering if I could figure out a way for another weekend away.

  Even if it meant sitting through lunch listening to Juan whine that he’d been left out. I bobbed my head and gave him a placating smile as I listed all the reasons why he wouldn’t be invited next time either.

  He was interrupted when a woman sat down next to Hudson, smirking at me like she knew all kinds of secrets she thought I’d want to know. “Hi, I’m Sherry, like the fine wine. That’s me too.” She winked at me as if she’d said it all.

  I almost choked on my bite. That was her into? For real? Oh, just… Wow. Pathetic much? It was like those artists who called themselves “queens” or “kings” and in reality, the greats never had to label themselves because history did. I mean, Aretha Franklin never needed to call herself the Queen of Soul… Everyone else did and that was what made her a true great.

  Same with Michael Jackson being the King of Pop.

  There was so much I wanted to say and it all rushed to my head fast—from her pink lipstick that was unflattering but clearly done for attention, to how she clearly thought I should know who she was, but then I noted how stiff Hudson was. Something more was going on here, so I simply nodded that I heard her and kept eating.

  “I thought I should get to know the girl who went on a weekend trip with my fiancé,” she continued when I didn’t reply.

  I froze with my sandwich to my mouth and blinked at her. I forced myself to take a bite and act like it was no big deal but from the tension in Hudson’s shoulders, what she said was true.

  And we were very, very over. I swallowed my bite like sawdust when I realized why I recognized her. She was his date to the Vogels’ New Year’s Eve party.

  Hudson adjusted his neck. “We’re betrothed and not even officially announced as such.”

  “Semantics,” Sherry chuckled, waving it off.

  Oh, I doubted that. I took a long drink of my juice infused herbal tea and caught Natalie’s glance at the next table over. I realized she’d been flagging me with magic and flipped on my telepathy.

  “You look like you’re going to kill him. Stop and think. You stay out of the loop, but even you know who she is. We all talk about her. She’s in my year. She’s that Sherry we all laugh at. Spank Hudson later but help him now.”

  I gave a slight nod and shut off my telepathy again. That was a lot to digest because first, she knew I was involved with him. Then again, I shouldn’t be shocked as she was powerful already and witches were known for reading auras. Damnit. Mine and Hudson’s probably got us busted.

  If we got past this—which I doubted as I didn’t get involved with men who were taken—we needed to use that discretion charm.

  Second, I went over what she said and choked on my drink. This chick was that Sherry. Oh fuck. Just oh fuck. I thumped my chest and blinked at
the woman.

  Natalie was right and I was out of the loop but even I did know this woman. She always wore bright pink lipstick that was unflattering but clearly done for the innuendo that it would be left behind when she gave guys a blow job because she was easy. And that was something she bragged about—well not being easy, she framed it as she was majorly desired, everyone wanted her.


  She acted like she had her own harem, caught all the attention of all the men on campus and followed her around like puppies to do whatever she wanted. Hey, to each their own, and I didn’t judge women for their choices and their nocturnal activities.

  No one judged men for them.

  But there needed to be a certain amount of reality in a woman’s world and Sherry lacked it. We all knew the type, we all had one in our lives. They were desperate for attention and didn’t care how they got it as long as they got it and thought that was all that mattered and it made them queen. In reality, the rest of us were laughing at them and not bothering to even do it behind their backs.

  What fun was that? They were normally too dense to understand we were laughing right to their faces.

  That was this woman. She talked of men like stud horses and objectified them in a way that made me sick not only because most women were constantly having to fight against men treating us that way, but… Be better than that. Understand you’re not that great.

  But wow did she think she was. She was that idiot who constantly changed her social media profile picture and like, we got it, Snapchat is fun and the filters funny—for a few minutes or now and again. But then life happened and enough already. No, she constantly changed it with all the filters and people laughed while she bragged how cute she looked wanting the attention and praise.

  I’d heard Natalie and Ayesha groaning about her because she was in a group chat for one of their senior classes and she was constantly coming into the chat with flare so everyone said hello. Then she’d be so busy and have to go so everyone said goodbye, only to really watch the chat and pop back in so once again she’d get all the attention.

  In other words, Sherry was still that child in kindergarten that learned the teacher praised you when you finished a drawing and kept doing stick figures just so she got that praise in front of the class. Over and over and over again, all she wanted was that attention and praise because she couldn’t grow as a person and move past it. It was so bad that you actually pitied them to the point you were embarrassed for them.

  And that they made all women look bad… And men stupid who fell for it.

  “I actually thought sherry was pretty common and mostly cheap, but I’m not a wine connoisseur,” I muttered as I pointedly looked at her left hand. “I guess it fits if you’d announce you’re someone’s fiancée and not even get a ring first.” I ignored the snickers or people coughing to cover up their reactions. “But I didn’t know the connection since I thought you were working your way through the lacrosse team?”

  She looked mad enough to chew nails, both of us ignoring Hudson staring at me with his mouth hanging open. “A woman should sow her wild oats before she settles down.”

  “I wouldn’t disagree. To each their own. I simply wouldn’t try and interject or stake claim after sowing them so loudly. But, please, I wouldn’t want to bother you staking your claim as apparently you like to make sure all the attention is on you.”

  “You are a bother,” she snapped. “And rude.”

  I bit back a snort, letting her see in my eyes how much that amused me. That was like a pile of shit calling me shit. I took abso-fucking-lutely no offense and I wasn’t going to lower myself to even engage.

  I was, however, going to walk away and not keep playing these childish games. I packed up my tray and bag, knowing we had most of the eyes in the cafeteria on us to see what my response would be. I simply kept staring at Sherry and letting her wait with bated breath for what I would do as she needed that attention; she was clearly dying for it.

  And then I walked away, not even sparing Hudson a glance. He wasn’t going to jump in there and take a hands-off approach?

  Yeah, that didn’t fly with me either.

  People didn’t seem to know what to do as clearly she wasn’t someone they wanted to piss off or get on the bad side of to be her target next… But accepting unacceptable behavior was the same as doing it themselves so they were just as bad for not calling it out. That wasn’t something I wanted any part of either.

  Fine, maybe the guys wouldn’t just yell at a woman in a full cafeteria or knew I could stand up for myself but nothing was ever that simple. And it certainly wasn’t something I was going to let go.

  The moment I was out of the cafeteria and heading to my last class of the day, I pulled out my phone.

  Tamsin: I understand the world of dragon politics is complicated and downright dangerous for you guys, but to me, that means picking someone SUITABLE for your son and the next ruler, not someone who would embarrass him at every turn. I did not know he was betrothed to that low-class woman until just now when she sat down at our table and announced she was his fiancée after bragging last week she was trying to bang the full lacrosse team like collecting Pokémon cards. So, if they’re betrothed and it not official, fine, sow your oats, but if you’re engaged to Hudson and will be the next queen, her first, second, and third priority should always be to make sure he’s protected and presenting the best face. She should NEVER be LOUDLY sowing those oats and mortifying him and he should be smacked all over the place for allowing this and not telling you. There are dangers of looking a fool that are nothing to do with weak guards and how people are allowed to treat the next king.

  Mrs. Vogel: Yes, I absolutely agree and I will smack some sense into my son. He tries so hard not to start trouble and most times starts more trouble. I had no idea she had such a reputation at school as she is painted as a prim and proper lady of perfect pedigree in our circles and by her parents.

  Tamsin: Ha! HA HA! I’m never in the loop on gossip and even I know about her! I hate that women get labeled harshly but even I can’t fault some of what’s said about her for all her bed-hopping and attention-seeking behavior. She’s trashy, crass, and tacky and anytime I hear her name it’s nothing good. Look at her supe social media or I’m sure Natalie will let you see how she is in the school’s group chats. Everyone laughs at her.

  Mrs. Vogel: Oh dear, this is a problem. I really am going to smack Hudson. He was pushing back on her and her family but would not tell us why. If he would have, we could have handled this sooner. Idiot men.

  Tamsin: Preaching to the choir. Smack him for me too because I just got a heavy dose of her bullshit because we’re friends and a whole lot of her attention-seeking drama. That’s what she wants. Attention. Praise. Men falling at her feet. That’s not someone who should be queen. Ever.

  Mrs. Vogel: Certainly not. Thank you for telling me the truth and protecting Hudson. You are always our dearest friend.

  Tamsin: Always.

  I texted with her a bit longer before I signed off and said I had to get to class. I stared at my phone and blinked back tears, knowing what I had to do.

  Tamsin: I don’t care if it was only a betrothal and not an official engagement. It made me the other woman and you never told me. Stay away from me.

  Hudson: No. And I was working on breaking it off because I hate her and her family. It was before you. I had no say in it, but Father knew my feelings on the topic.

  Tamsin: I still deserved to know. Casual still means respect, right? What happened to that? Now you made me a slut, a mistress, and I won’t be that to anyone, ever.

  Hudson: You know me better than that.

  Tamsin: Apparently not.

  I shut off my phone and went to class. First Craftsman and now Hudson. What the fuck was up with the men I picked?

  Or really the ones who wanted me. Maybe this was my punishment for getting involved with more than one.

  So much for feeling better after my weekend awa
y and of healing. More like a last hurrah with Hudson.

  How many more days until the summer and I could get the fuck away from this campus?


  Saturday morning I was excited that the pushed back outing with the dragon royals was on the docket since I needed the fun. This time the Diazes were in charge, the king and queen of the South American dragons, and we were checking out San Pedro Market in Cusco, Peru that was said to have some truly interesting… Everything. Not just food but culture and fun.

  Sounded great to me.

  So of course, something had to fucking go wrong.

  We started easily enough with fresh fruit smoothies that they sold in droves, our huge party ordering all different types and everyone getting excited. Which should have made the stall owners happy, but they were on edge. Out of habit I turned on my telepathy… But they all spoke Spanish, so their thoughts were.

  Of course, they were. Idiot.

  However, doing that got me to realize that someone in Mr. and Mrs. Diaz’s party was wearing a telepathy blocking charm.

  And so were a few people around us. Now why would people around us be wearing them? What were the chances that supes coming to the market on a random Saturday needed to wear a telepathy blocking charm?

  None. The answer was there was no chance and no fucking reason. Ever.

  I sipped my smoothie as I linked my mind with Mel’s, Mr. Diaz’s, and his head knight ninja dragon that was like Mel’s dad, Mr. Silva. “Don’t react but we have a problem. Someone in your group is wearing a telepathy blocking charm but so are other people around us. There’s no reason for that and the locals are upset. I don’t speak Spanish.”

  “We do. Can you link their minds to ours so we can interpret?” Mr. Silva asked.

  Duh. Yeah, that was smart.

  I did and even Mel caught enough to curse in my mind. Oh great.

  Mr. Silva answered my unasked question. “Three strange men have been hanging out all morning, ordering nothing, clearly up to no good, and making the locals nervous something will happen at the market today. Clearly that’s what you picked up on.”


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