Will's Destiny

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Will's Destiny Page 7

by Haley Weir

Chapter Twelve

  When Will finally woke up from the long nap, he couldn't believe how dark the room was. He rubbed his temples and looked up at the ceiling, feeling terrible that he'd spent so much time here at Mason's house asleep. He shifted in bed and grabbed his cell phone to check how much time had passed.

  He saw that he missed a call from Liam. His brother had said he would check in later. Will felt guilty that it was taking him so long to get back to him. He leaned his head back against the pillow, trying to gather his thoughts and prepare himself for the scolding that was likely to come.

  Will thought that he probably deserved it, though. If he hadn't blown things with Sophie and put their kind in danger, he wouldn't have needed to drag his siblings into this mess. He blew out a breath and lifted the phone again.

  Sophie's reaction to his bear was very painful. When he'd imagined revealing his true identity to his mate, he never anticipated that level of fear and terror. He expected to field a little bit of nervousness, hesitation, and maybe curiosity. Instead, she was scared and he basically blamed her for it. He wasn’t sure he could do anything to fix it now, and decided to call his brother back. Maybe he could cheer Will up.

  "Hey, Will," Liam said, answering on the second ring. "I was wondering if I'd need to come over there to check on you myself."

  Will cleared his throat before speaking, feeling like he needed water. "Hey," he greeted, his voice rough with sleep. "Sorry about that. I was more tired than I thought I was. Struggling against my bear took a lot out of me."

  "It's not an easy feat, brother. Don't worry about it. There is something I need to tell you, though." The tone in Liam's voice piqued Will's curiosity.

  What did Liam need to say, and why was he drawing things out? It made him a little suspicious. "Go on. What's up?"

  "Apparently, Olivia is best friends with Sophie. She went over and visited her earlier. The two of them sat down and talked for a little while."

  Will couldn't believe his ears, and did not know what to think of this news. He could not help but wonder how their conversation went. He had to know. "Okay. What happened?"

  "Seems like Olivia convinced Sophie to give you another chance." Liam chuckled, and the sound filled his heart with warmth.

  Will was elated at the fact that he might have one more chance with the woman he knew was his mate. "She did? I'm... What should I do? Should I call Sophie?" The thought of smoothing things over in person filled him with intense anxiety. If he talked with Sophie again, he needed to find the words he lacked the first time. Most importantly, he needed to keep his beast under strict control.

  "She did," Liam confirmed. "Sophie is expecting your call. I told her that you'd call her back as soon as you could. I thought I would have been able to get in touch with you sooner, but a phone call is the first step in the right direction."

  Nerves twisted inside his gut. He needed to calm down and focus on his training if he had any chance of making it through this second chance with Sophie. Perhaps the constant stress of wondering when or if he'd ever find a mate wore down the control he usually possessed.

  "Okay, I'll give her a call. Please give Olivia my thanks."

  Liam chuckled again. "I will. Don't mess this up, Will. Sophie seems like a great girl. Skittish, for sure, so I can see why it wasn't easy for you. But Olivia says she is a strong chick with a good heart and a good head on her shoulders. I didn't realize that your Sophie was her Sophie. If I'd known that, this whole thing could have been solved a lot more smoothly."

  "No kidding." He blew out a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache beginning behind his eyes. "I know Sophie is an amazing woman. The date we'd had was fantastic. We went back to her place and were on our way to having sex when she noticed that my eyes changed colors. It sparked the conversation and the argument, ultimately." He moved his legs to the side of the bed and leaned forward, resting his elbow against his thigh as he continued to rub his forehead.

  “Let me know how it goes,” Liam said. “We’re rooting for you.”

  After they hung up, Will stared down at his phone. Was this his moment of truth? His soon-to-be sister-in-law re-opened the door for him pursue Sophie. What if he messed it up this time around too? He took a deep breath before letting it out slowly, then dialed Sophie’s phone number.

  The phone rang until it switched over to voicemail. Maybe she was busy. She had told him she was swamped at work. He’d give her a chance before trying again.

  Mason knocked on the door frame, surprising Will. His brother always had a silent way of moving, especially for such a big guy. “Hey, you’re awake. I was about to call the pack’s doctor. Ava cooked some dinner, if you’d like to join us.”

  Will never had dinner with his brother and Ava before, so it wasn't something he would turn down, especially if Ava went through the trouble of cooking for them. "Sure, thank you for everything." He glanced down at the phone in his hand. "Liam called. Apparently, Olivia is best friends with Sophie and they had a talk. Sophie is willing to give me another chance, or so Liam said. I tried to call her, but she's probably busy right now."

  Mason nodded. "I spoke to Liam briefly earlier. If you don’t hear from Sophie soon, maybe you should swing by her place. It'll be better to talk with her face-to-face. Remember to take deep breaths and don't do anything that you'll regret, though." He smiled at Will.

  "Don't do anything I'll regret? Wow, great pep talk." He smirked at his oldest brother. "I don't know about just showing up at her place. What if she decides to call the cops on me or something?"

  "If she called the cops, Liam knows a good lawyer,” Mason said. “I’m kidding, of course."


  "She'd told Olivia that she would give you a second chance," Mason said, raising an eyebrow at Will. "She's not going to call the police on you."

  "You're right. I know. I just... maybe I'm worrying too much about seeing her again and letting myself fall apart like I did the last time." Will shook his head. "I don't think I've stopped beating myself up for how badly I scared her. Seeing her so afraid of my bear was a big kick in the balls."

  Mason placed a hand on his shoulder. "You've got to stop doing that. That's not going to make things any better for your control. The first step to keeping yourself calm is connecting with your bear and letting him know you're in charge. Remember the lessons our father used to teach us when we were younger? When you're with her, keep them in mind. Don't let your mind drift and focus on your insecurities. The two of you were getting hot and heavy and you lowered your walls around her. Since she's not used to that side of you, so you need to wait until she's ready to accept all of you as you are. Let her guide you." He gave him a reassuring pat and nodded toward the dining room. "Now let's get some dinner before it gets cold."

  It all made sense. Mason wouldn't lead him astray. He trusted his brother. If he didn't hear from Sophie after dinner, he'd head over there and would talk things out without letting his bear get the better of him again. The grumpy old bear living inside of him had never been easy to handle, but he'd thought the two of them were on the same side. It seemed like his bear was just as adamant about them having their mate as he was. He just needed to figure out the best way to introduce Sophie to his bear. He was not sure he could handle it if she pushed him away again.

  Will went with Mason to the dining room, and they dined with Ava. Her pregnancy was showing more and more every day. The protective and loving way Mason looked at his mate filled Will with sincere happiness and hope. His brother was dead set on not having any woman in his life until he was ready, but their father pushed him to make that choice sooner than he'd wanted. Now, he seemed happier than he'd been in a long time.

  After the delicious dinner, Will discreetly checked his phone to see if Sophie had called or texted during the meal; no such luck. "Thank you very much, Ava. Everything was wonderful." He tucked his phone back into his pocket, and he smiled at the two of them.

  "I'm glad you en
joyed it. It gave me a chance to use my cooking skills since someone enjoys dining out...a lot. Too much," Ava said, giving Mason a pointed look.

  Mason let out an exaggerated sigh. "I love your cooking, but you don't need to worry about preparing intricate meals for me. You've got enough to think about right now." He placed his hand on her stomach and gently stroked his thumb over the expanse.

  That simple touch appeared to have ignited something between his brother and Ava. The atmosphere in the room changed, and he scented their arousals. It was definitely time for him to leave.

  "I'll go see Sophie. Hopefully things go better than last time," he said, mostly to himself.

  "I'm sure it will. Good luck, brother," Mason replied, pushing his chair back and helping Ava up from hers.

  Ava briefly broke eye contact with Mason to look over at Will. "I believe in you. You'll do better than you think." Then she wrapped her arms around Mason, resting her head against his chest. "Let us know how everything goes."

  Will nodded to the two of them, grateful for all of their hospitality. "Thank you both for everything. I will." He left without another word. It was time for him to step up and take control of his beast and his life. He needed to talk to the woman his beast reacted to so strongly. He would win back the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sophie squinted at her computer screen, trying to make sense of what she'd been working on all day. After talking to Olivia earlier, Sophie tried to settle down and continue working. She thought Will might call her earlier in the day, and when he finally did, her nerves got the best of her.

  She looked over at her cellphone and chewed on her lower lip. Should she call him back? She told Olivia that she would give him another chance. She wanted to, especially knowing what his brother had done for her best friend.

  Her fingertip hovered over the notification, but she turned back to the computer screen. Maybe he'd call again. Next time she'd be ready to answer. Right?

  Pressure kept building behind her eyes, and she picked up glass of red wine, taking another sip before returning it to the coaster on her desk. Wine might not help improve her headache, but it had helped her nerves relax a little. She leaned back in her chair and shook her head. Most of the work she'd done today would need to be scrapped. She hadn't been able to concentrate, and it showed.

  The wasted time irritated her, but it was better to call it quits for tonight and pick up again in the morning. Maybe she'd see things more clearly with fresh eyes and no impending migraine. The couch looked like a more inviting place for her to finish off the wine before heading to bed early.

  Maybe she'd be less of a coward tomorrow, too. She could surprise herself and give Will a call instead of waiting for him to reach out again. Shaking her head, she turned off her computer, and stood up to stretch her sore back muscles.

  A knock sounded at her front door, and she frowned. More visitors? It probably wouldn't be Olivia again, unless Will told her and Liam that she hadn't called him back. Dread filled her chest as she walked over, ready for a scolding from her best friend.

  She peeked through the peephole to see Will standing there. Her heart thudded in her chest. Surprise replaced the dread, but what was he doing here? He held himself with a hint of determination, and she relaxed a little.

  She held her breath as she answered the door, and tilted her head back to look him in the eyes. "Hi."

  "Hey, sorry to come over unannounced. I didn't hear back from you, and I think it's important we clear the air." He was remindinge her more of the man she'd been with on the boat than the one she'd argued with in her living room. It stirred up hope within her, but she shoved that emotion to the side for now. Before she let herself feel that, she needed to hear him out. What if he told her that he didn’t want her after all?

  "I was busy with work earlier. I didn't get a chance to call back." It was a lie, and she hated saying it.

  The moment those words left her lips, Will's nose twitched and he raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you sure? I can smell lies. It's part of..." He glanced down the floor, then met her eyes again. "Who I am. Can I come inside?"

  Sophie stepped out of his way, letting him in. Smell lies? What! That was nerve wracking. She wasn't a liar, but the idea of living with a human lie detector was... intense. "Okay, no, I fudged the truth. I was working, but I saw your call. I wanted to answer, but I froze. I'd thought about calling you back, but whenever I even thought of doing so, I just..." She shook her head. "I couldn't. It's not that I didn't want to. I did. I was just scared." There, that was the truth. She wrapped her arms around her waist, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

  "I wasn't sure if you'd ever want to talk to me again," he said. "After I messed things up last night." His jaw ticked, and she could briefly see the echoing vulnerability in his eyes too.

  Her lips parted, and she stared up into his eyes, losing herself in their blue depths. "What? No, you didn't. I shouldn't have gone off on you like that. I didn’t give you an opportunity to explain, and I should have. Especially after our time on the boat." She took a step closer, wanting to wrap her arms around him. But what if he pushed her away?

  "You were scared. It's understandable, and I should not have tried to blame you when I was having trouble staying in control. My bear was rattled by actually finding you. I almost gave up on finding a mate until you came into the picture. Meeting you was like a breath of fresh air. After all the time I'd spent before wishing for someone...all of a sudden, there you were. I hadn’t prepared myself. Werebears know they've met their mate when their bear reacts to her. The moment I laid eyes on you in the waiting room, my bear wanted to meet you very badly." He shoved his hands into his pockets. "Just stop me if this is too much."

  Love at first sight and the idea of actually having a soulmate never appealed to Sophie. Just because there is a spark does not mean you will spend the rest of your life with that person, and it certainly didn't mean they would end up happily ever after. Happily ever after was for fairy tales and romance novels, right? Despite all of that, she knew how she felt about him. It was stronger than she'd ever felt about anyone before in her life.

  "No, you don't have to stop. I'm..." She looked down at his broad chest, needing a moment to think. "I think I know what you mean. I've never fallen for someone as immediately as I fell for you." She took another step toward him. “I’m sorry for how things ended last night. I barely slept, thinking about what happened.” She thought of what she really wanted in that moment. “Do you think I can meet your bear? Maybe that would help make everything clearer for me.” What was she doing? She’d rejected him when he merely had different colored eyes last night, and now she was asking him to reveal himself and his bear entirely. Would he trust her enough to take this leap of faith?

  Will placed his hands on her shoulders. “Don’t apologize. Both of us could’ve, should’ve, would’ve, handled last night differently.” He went quiet for a moment to consider her request. “If I introduce you to him, you have to promise me that you’ll remain calm. Like I said before, my control isn’t what it should be right now. The last thing I’d want to do is hurt you.”

  Sophie gulped, and felt panic rise up inside of her. She knew his control was out of whack because of her, and now she was asking him if he could unleash his bear. That sounded like a mistake, but his voice was deep and soothing. He did not seem afraid. "I promise I'll try to keep my cool."

  He raised an eyebrow at her and a smile quirked the edge of his lips. "That's not quite the promise I was hoping for, but I suppose it'll have to do." He brushed his palm over her cheek. "I'll have to undress to do this. Do you want to turn around?"

  She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and hug her to him, but now wasn't the time for that. "Okay, I can do that." She didn't want to look away, even if it wasn't exactly appropriate for her to stare, but it might make him feel uncomfortable if she ogled him while he changed forms.

  She faced the wa
ll with her television on it before realizing what she'd done. Her eyes were transfixed on his reflection as he stripped off his shirt and set it on her coffee table. The sideways profile of the rippling muscles of his abdomen made her bite her lip hard to keep from reacting. When his hands went to his belt, she gulped and looked down at the floor. The sound of his belt jingling drew her attention back to the television, and a gasp caught in her throat. She licked her lips and his eyes met hers in the reflection for a moment before he lowered himself to his hands and knees.

  She turned around now, unable to stop herself as he closed his eyes. His face twisted with intense concentration as she heard the sound of popping and crunching fill the room. He groaned and his knuckles turned white as his fingertips dug into the floor. His body twisted and reshaped itself as he changed from man to bear. The visuals and sounds of his body ripping itself apart only to reform in front of her would forever be etched in her memory. She placed her hands over her mouth.

  When the few intense moments were over, the biggest bear she'd ever seen seen, on television and otherwise, stood on all four legs in her living room. He let out a huff and looked at the furniture blocking his path to her. Those intelligent eyes looked ready to knock things over to get to her, but she wanted to avoid buying all new belongings if possible.

  Carefully, she lowered her hands from her mouth and held them gently toward him as she slowly stepped closer to him. She wouldn't show her fear; she'd remain calm and in control. This would all be okay if she didn't make any sudden movements.

  "Hi there," she cooed, placing her hand near his nose as if he was an oversized dog. God, she was probably making a fool of herself. The bear's large tongue licked her hand, then let it loll out of his mouth as if he were laughing at her. Her mouth dropped open, and she rubbed her moist hand over the surprisingly soft fur of his neck. "Ew. I think your bear needs to learn some manners." She smirked at him to show that she was joking. In fact, the sensation of his tongue sliding over her skin stirred up some surprisingly erotic feelings inside of her.


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