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Nemesis Page 30

by Christian Kallias

  “That’s more like it!” Daniel exclaimed. “That hate you’ve been trying to bottle up these past few months…I know it’s been eating you inside. You once told me you didn’t want to use it to get more powerful, and perhaps there’s wisdom in focusing on more balanced emotions, but right now, if you ask me, you could use it to fuel what’s eating at you. There might just be a million Spectres that could be a good recipient for it. Just unleash it, for Sarah and for everyone we’ve lost.”

  Chase raised an eyebrow. “A million?”

  Daniel gave his best friend a large smile as he scratched the back of his head. “Heat of the moment kinda thing. Hopefully, there aren’t that many.”

  But Chase liked the idea of unleashing the pain and hatred inside his core onto the Spectres. No matter how many and how powerful they were, he would train and get stronger still. After all, fighting and protecting those he loved had always been his way.

  He knew that’s what Sarah would want. Not just defend those he loved, but also the trillions of innocent lives throughout the universe, those that couldn’t possibly fend for themselves. As a matter of fact, Sarah would despise Chase if he let Chris and Argos try to defeat them on their own. And if something happened to either of them because he’d given up all hope, he’d never forgive himself.

  Now was not the time for Chase to obsess about what had been lost, it was time to fight and protect what he still had.

  Chase briefly stared at Daniel.

  “Doesn’t matter how many they are. I’ll kill them all.”

  “That’s the spirit. But you, more importantly, won’t have to do it alone, we’ll be by your side all the way. Together we’re stronger.”

  Chase nodded. He could always count on Daniel to lift his spirits when things got tough, and today was no exception.

  “Speaking of being here, what’s that you said about leaving in the morning?”

  “Right. Altair asked me to make a decision about Alkyonidon Station. He said I either take the job as commander or he’d have to give it to someone else. I hate the idea of being away from all of you, but then again, I’ll only be a jump away. It should be a few weeks, at least until the station core becomes operational. In these uncertain times, I think we could use a headquarters in space, a place where we can rally all the races together to make the Earth Alliance bigger and stronger than it is now.”

  “We’ll sure need allies in the future, and if Alkyonidon Station can help do that, I’m glad you’ll be part of it. This sounds like the right move. Congratulations on accepting the position.”

  Chase extended his hand, and Daniel shook it. “That doesn’t mean we won’t see each other, and you’re welcome to visit me there anytime you feel like it.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Daniel. I really needed to hear all of this.”

  Daniel nodded and smiled “Anytime, Chase.”

  “Hello, mother,” Chase said without turning away from the large glass window.

  Chase had been peering at the inner garden inside the Earth Alliance’s complex for what seemed like hours.

  “How are you doing, son?” asked Athena.

  “How do you think I’m doing?”

  She delicately put a hand on his shoulder.

  “I know it must be hard. But don’t despair, and whatever you do, don’t give up.”

  These words were easier said than done, but Chase was done feeling sorry for himself. And giving up had never been in his nature. The last time he thought Sarah had been lost to him, it had sent him in a whirlwind of hatred and despair the likes he wasn’t keen to experience again. Ever, in fact.

  Chase turned and took his mom in his arms. He then attempted to smile.

  “I won’t give up. As long as there’s a glimmer of hope, I’ll hold onto it.”

  Athena smiled, her eyes moist. “That’s good, Chase. I’m glad to hear it.”

  “But the same has to go for you, you know?”

  She nodded, almost absently. “I know.”

  “We don’t know what happened to my father. He may still be out there. The only thing I’m sure of was seeing him be swallowed by a miniature black hole of some sort.”

  “You’d think he would have found his way back by now, though.”

  “Not necessarily. Time dilution, space anomalies, gods know what else, nothing surprises me anymore. I’m just glad you survived your encounter with a Spectre. Really, I don’t know how I would have reacted if you hadn’t.”

  “Well, we have Poseidon to thank for that. I clearly bit off more than I could chew. I was so angry, Chase, I wanted retribution for Menelas. Deep down though, I knew I didn’t stand a chance, but I couldn’t step away from that fight.”

  Chase knew very well how his mother felt. Sometimes the emotions in his own heart had been so strong that he had gone into fights he knew he couldn’t win. Like when he fought both General Arkoolis and Miseo. Was it courage, he wondered? Or misguided stubbornness?

  There was no denying that Chase had been born a fighter, it was in his blood and what he did best. Even if he craved peace in his heart, deep down he wondered if that would ever satisfy the warrior part of his soul, the one that needed to burn higher than a star going supernova.

  It was pointless to try and be something he was not. Chase was born to fight the darkness, and darkness was coming their way. He could feel it in every fiber of his being.

  “I can relate and understand that. But please, in the future, try and be careful. These Spectres are something else, defeating them won’t be as easy as it was dealing with the Furies.”

  Athena raised an eyebrow. “Easy, you say?”

  Chase smiled. “You know what I mean. Arakan was a powerful Fury, but he was nothing without the help of Tanak’Vor. Which begs the question as to why they didn’t come to our universe in full force in the first place?”

  “They probably thought they could let us destroy ourselves and finish us off with ease. Divide and conquer, let the Furies rule the universe by exterminating countless civilizations, each one being one less enemy to conquer.”

  “Well, if that was their plan, it failed miserably. Instead, they’ve united us against our enemies.”

  “I never thought I’d say this, but under the circumstance, let’s be grateful that the Fury War brought that.”

  Chase nodded.

  Yeah, how ironic, he thought.

  “One thing is for sure, Spectres are coming, and I intend to be ready for them.”

  In a dark room, a man woke up gasping for air; his heartbeat fast and erratic. He looked around but all he saw was blackness. He blinked his eyes multiple times, trying to discern some shapes or images, but it was all in vain.

  Where am I? he thought. And, more importantly…who am I?

  His memory was an empty slate, and for some reason, that scared the crap out of him. He was breathing heavily and it felt like the air was having trouble getting to his lungs.

  What’s going on? What is this?

  A faint noise grabbed his attention. He swiveled his head toward it, but he couldn’t see anything.

  “Who’s there?”

  “Shhh…try and relax,” said a soft female voice.

  “Where am I? Who are you?”

  “I’m not exactly sure where we are. All I know is that we’re prisoners. My name is Diaspira. What’s yours?”

  Tears filled the man’s eyes. “I—I don’t know,” he sobbed.

  “That’s okay, don’t worry about that right now, I can help you remember.”


  He sensed something moving in the darkness, and soon he heard soft breathing next to him.

  “Is it okay if I take your hand?”

  The man had no idea who he was and why he didn’t remember anything. He was scared and felt alone. He didn’t even know what to answer.

  “I—I suppose so, yes.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”


  Diaspira’s embrace was wa
rm and soft. After she took his hand, he felt a warm energy fill his body and soul. Images flashed quickly in his mind but before he could grasp what they were or what they meant, they were gone.

  “What was that? I—I think I saw memories for a brief moment.”

  “That’s good,” said the sweet voice of Diaspira. “Take it slowly. It will come back to you, eventually. I’m low in energy, so I can’t do much more for you today, but we’ll start over tomorrow.”

  “Okay…thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Can I ask you something?”


  “What’s your name?”

  To the man’s surprise, the answer to that particular question now came naturally to him.

  “I’m Menelas.”

  “Nice to meet you, Menelas.”


  Chase and his friends will return in the upcoming

  Universe in Flames - Dark Legacy Book 2: Unleashed. (Coming Summer 2019)

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  Thanks to all my patrons

  Special thanks to the following people (Destroyer Captain & higher tiers) for supporting my work on Patreon:

  Daniel Perret, Cedric Perret, Marc Fiorbianco, Michael Slezak, Kevin Moore, Thomas Sipin, M.J. Smith, Sandro Cherubini, Paula Lopez, Mick Bird & Dan Brown.

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  Also by Christian Kallias

  —== Access All my Books Here ==—

  The Universe in Flames Series

  Book 1: Earth - Last Sanctuary (Definitive Edition)

  Book 1.5: Ryonna's Wrath (Novella)

  Book 2: Fury to the Stars

  Book 3: Destination Oblivion

  Book 4: The Beginning of the End

  Book 5: Rise of the Ultra Fury

  Book 6: Shadows of Olympus

  Book 7: Armageddon Unleashed

  Book 8: Twilight of the Gods

  Book 9: Requiem of Souls

  Book 10: To End All Wars (Final Chapter)

  Entire series also available in trilogies format.

  Books 1 to 5 are available as audiobooks

  Universe In Flames - Origins

  Episode 1: Course Correction

  Episode 2: Damocles Fall

  Universe In Flames - Dark Legacy Series

  Book1: Nemesis (this book)

  Far Beyond Series

  Book 0: Across the Galactic Pond

  Book 1: Fire At Will

  Book 2: Make it So!

  Book 3: Battlestations (coming soon)

  Rewind Series

  Book 0: Out of Time (Collateral Damage anthology)

  Book 1: Rewind 717


  Collateral Damage

  The Expanding Universe 3

  Beyond the Black Volume 1

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  About the Author

  Christian Kallias is a Bestselling, Award-winning Science Fiction author. He writes Science Fiction Space Opera with a Mythology twist and Fantasy influences.

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