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Healthy Scratch

Page 20

by Robyn M Ryan

  Lauren tried to hand her gold card to the salesperson, but she waved her hand. “We’ve been paid. We’ll take care of all the minor alterations and deliver everything to…” She consulted a slip of paper then added Caryn’s address. “Thursday morning. The driver will call beforehand.”

  “Pre-gala party?” Terri suggested as they turned toward the waiting car. “The guys have to arrive way before the gala begins. We can make our grand entrance, fashionably late.”

  “I’m still your back-up if Tom or Katie can’t make it,” Lauren told Caryn.

  “You’re not getting out of this, Princess Lauren.”


  EVEN THOUGH SHE dreaded Thursday’s gala, it prevented Lauren’s graduation dilemma from dominating her thoughts. She knew Dave deserved some backstory on her childhood—how could she expect him to support her and give advice if he didn’t learn the truth about her family? Next week. After the gala. Denial, that wonderful place to stay a bit longer.

  “Ready?” Caryn asked as they gave their names and entered the ballroom.

  Lauren looked around in amazement. “Even though I’ve never been, I think we’re in Monte Carlo.” She took a deep breath as she glanced across the packed ballroom. “So, Kelly, what’s next?”

  “Let’s get a glass of wine, and I’ll give you the tour. I don’t think the setup has changed at all.”

  They met other wives near the silent auction area. Terri indicated a section of reserved tables. “For us?”

  “Pretty sure it is,” Kelly replied. “Shall we pick a spot to leave our purses and wraps?”

  They claimed a table to the side which would give a great view of the live auction and allow them to people watch as the VIPs mingled with the Suns. Lauren scanned the room, looking for Dave, and Terri found Steve running the roulette table and sauntered toward him.

  Kelly nudged her as Terri caught Steve’s eye. Caryn laughed softly as Steve spoke to his “professional” partner running the table, and then met Terri midway. He grasped her hand as he kissed her, then watched as she turned around, modeling the dress. His arm slipped around her waist, and he led her back to the roulette table.

  “She may not leave his side the rest of the evening if Steve has his way.” Caryn giggled. “Kelly, are we supposed to mingle with the VIP guests? Do you have a list we can look over?”

  “That’s not mandatory, but Angela gave me a list. You can see if you know anyone, then chat them up or spend some time at Andrew’s table. Lauren, you and Caryn may know some of the guests through your consulting.”

  They sat at their table and Lauren looked over the guest list. She recognized vendors she’d worked with during her short assignment with the Suns. Lauren cringed when she spotted Jim Wesley among those listed for McRainey. She nudged Caryn and pointed to the name. “Just our luck.”

  Caryn shrugged as she made a face. “Well, I guess we should stop by their table to say hello.”

  “Make my night.” She ran her finger down the page, hesitating when a name perked her curiosity. Madison Verve…Can’t be the same person. Guest of the Suns’ bank sponsor? She thought about the bank where she’d worked for a year in Vancouver. Was it a Canadian partner for the Suns’ presenting sponsor? Could this Madison Verve possibly be the Madison Verve from secondary school?

  “Find somebody you know?” Kelly stepped beside her.

  “Do you have any info on the guests at this table?” She pointed at the name. “Sounds like someone I knew in Vancouver.”

  “I don’t, I’ll ask Angela.” Kelly caught Angela’s attention and walked toward her.

  A sick feeling rolled through Lauren’s stomach. Surely this couldn’t be the same Madison Verve—one of the “cool kids” who enjoyed belittling Lauren at every opportunity. Even if true, she wouldn’t know Madison if they passed on the street, and the reverse probably applied to Madison. Such a long time ago.

  “You okay?” Caryn asked, grasping her arm. “You turned pale suddenly.”

  “I’m okay. Warm in here.”

  Caryn pushed a glass of water toward her. “Drink this. I’m parched, too.”

  Kelly sat in the chair on her other side. “All Angela knows is that some of their guests are from Vancouver. Do you want to stop by their table?”

  “No!” Lauren shook her head and apologized for her tone. “If it’s the same Madison Verve, I have no desire to run into her.”

  “Well, with the crowd here, that’s not likely to happen. I found our guys, thanks to Angela. The three of them are dealing blackjack in the center of the room. Shall we try our luck at their tables?”

  Lauren bit her lip in apprehension as she neared Dave’s table. A large crowd of women had congregated around him. He didn’t see her, and she watched as he dealt cards and chatted with his “charming smile” plastered on his face. He signed a few autographs but declined when asked to sign a woman’s cleavage. Lauren felt her chest tighten and her temper rising. Jealousy? She may have grabbed the woman and pulled her away, but he happened to look up at that second. She felt his eyes sweep over her as a genuine smile crossed his face. Holding his hand out to her, he drew her against his side.

  “You look delectable,” he whispered before he brushed his lips against hers. “Are you here to help me?”

  “You mean to keep those beautiful women from throwing themselves at you?” Lauren’s voice was soft, yet husky. “I’m here to help however you need me.”

  She saw the unspoken message in his eyes as he pulled her behind the table. She felt her face flush when he introduced her as his girlfriend. He then handed the deck of cards to her. “You ready to deal?” He looked at the crowd. “Time to get those chips on the table.”

  He coached Lauren as she distributed cards facedown to the players, then followed with cards face-up. She handed the deck back to him. “You can take it from here, Mr. Martin.”

  Despite her trepidation, Lauren enjoyed covering the blackjack table with Dave. Couples played for a while, then moved on, followed by others. She relaxed enough to tease massive bets, even after Dave gave her the eye when he caught her flirting. “Think of it like that smile you bestow on all the beautiful women. You know it means nothing, Marty.” She saw his eyebrow rise skeptically.

  “If you say so.” He brushed his lips against hers. Lauren bit back a giggle as she took the cards from his hands.

  “My turn.”

  Dave nodded toward Cliff Camden who approached the table. “I believe my shift is over.”

  Lauren handed the deck of cards to Cam with a smile. “You carry off that James Bond swagger quite well.”

  Dave introduced Cliff to those gathered around the table, then thanked everyone for supporting the Foundation and took Lauren’s hand. “Let’s grab something to eat before the live auction begins.”

  Lauren pointed toward the reserved section. “We can relax for a few. I can’t wait to get these heels off.”

  He chuckled and walked her toward the area. “I’ll take care of the food. You sit and grab a couple beers and wine when the servers pass by.”

  Lauren watched Dave make his way through the crowd toward the buffet. Red hot in his tux—Lauren remembered how well he’d carried the look at Caryn’s wedding. She smoothed the fabric of her gown…Hope I get to wear this again…I feel like a different person. She stopped a passing server and put two beers on the table, then accepted a glass of wine. She chuckled as she watched Steve and Terri’s antics at the roulette table. Steve looks unbelievably handsome…all the guys do.

  She startled when a female voice spoke from behind her. “Lauren?”

  Lauren turned and faced her worst nightmare. Madison Verve. She didn’t say a word as she sipped her wine, wondering if she could claim mistaken identity.

  “Lauren Gentry, right? From Vancouver? We went to school together.”

  Lauren cocked her head. “That’s so long ago. I’m sorry, I don’t recognize you.”

  “Madison. Maddie Verve. You remember, don’t you?”
She actually looked like the blonde cheerleader Lauren had avoided at school but pretended to try to place her.

  “Maddie Verve…the name sounds familiar. Were we in the same class?” She could see Madison’s frustration building. “It’s good to see you, either way. What are you doing in Tampa?”

  “Business trip with my husband. His bank’s a presenting sponsor for this gala.” Lauren caught the hint of superiority on the woman’s face.

  “Oh, do you live in Tampa?”

  “We’re still in Vancouver. How about you, Lauren? How did you land in Tampa?”

  She shrugged. “Via Toronto and St. Louis. My business partner and I own a consulting firm specializing in managing social media for pro athletes.”

  “You always liked the athletes, I recall.” Now Madison’s voice took on a tone Lauren remembered all too well.

  “Not sure about that, but my partner’s husband plays for the Suns—Andrew Chadwick.” Lauren hoped to hurry Madison on before Marty returned.

  “You must be very successful unless your gown is a knock-off.”

  Lauren smiled and took another sip of wine. She saw Dave all the way across the ballroom, then turned her attention to the woman before her. “I hope you’re enjoying this event.”

  “Oh, we attend these galas all the time. Besides helping a good cause, these sponsorships raise the bank’s image.” Madison stopped a server for her own glass of wine. “I can’t believe I ran into you here, of all places. Lauren Gentry, you’ve come a long way. No one will believe me when I tell the gang back home we met up. You just disappeared after graduation.”

  “I attended the university in Toronto. Rarely get back to Vancouver,” Lauren offered. “Not much to return to, other than my sister and niece.”

  “Yes…I remember your sister quite well. She certainly visited the school often when you had detention. You seemed to spend a lot of time there, didn’t you?” Madison waited for Lauren’s reaction.

  “That was a long time ago, Miranda.” Lauren shrugged. “I enjoyed taking risks. We all do things we regret at that age.”

  “Madison. Not Miranda. Madison Verve.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I meant Madison of course.” Lauren plastered a sugar-sweet smile on her face. “It’s great to see you again. I’ll pull out my yearbook to refresh my memory. Thanks for stopping by.” She saw Dave approaching. “Excuse me. Haven’t had a chance to eat and my dinner is about to arrive. Enjoy the rest of the evening.”

  Lauren felt relieved when Madison walked away. Best supporting actress in a soap opera. You pulled it off, Gentry. She approached Dave and took one plate from his hands. “This smells wonderful.”


  LAUREN BROWSED THE silent auction tables while Dave chatted with sponsors. Although amazed at the variety of items, she placed no bids as she knew he would not allow her to pay for anything. He pointed out a few cruises, but Lauren handed the bidding device to him. “You bid. I’m just window shopping.”

  “Any preferences here?”

  “Every single destination sounds glorious, Marty. Tickets to the French Open, Wimbledon, the Masters. Of course, the Stanley Cup Final tickets’ bid gets higher by the second.” Lauren glanced around and noticed they were near the bank sponsor’s table. No sign of Madison. She slipped her arm around Dave’s waist. “I need to freshen up. Where shall I find you?”

  “I’ll hang out in this area. Trying to decide on a vacation trip. Any hints where you’d like to go?”

  “We could sit on the screened porch, and I’d be content.”

  “Uh huh.” His expression told Lauren that he didn’t believe her.

  “As long as I’m with you, I’m happy.” She reached to peck his cheek. “I do like surprises, Mr. Martin.”

  Lauren realized her good luck had fled when she entered the large bathroom and saw Madison reapplying her lipstick. A cool smile greeted her.

  “Lauren, I still can’t believe I ran into you here—of all places.”

  Lauren shrugged with a smile. “It is a small world.”

  “Oh, even more coincidental—I saw your sister and maybe your mom, a couple weeks ago. A family resemblance among the three of you.” Even though they were alone, Madison lowered her voice. “All these years and we never saw your mother. Is everything okay?”

  “Just peachy.” Lauren walked past her to a stall.

  “Enjoying all the eye candy? Some fine-looking men walking around.”

  Lauren paused before entering a stall. “Hard to think of any guy not looking great in a tux.”

  “I see you hooked up with one of those scrumptious hockey players. You should have introduced me.”

  Lauren closed the door without replying. Don’t let her get to you, Gentry. Cold day in hell before I introduce that bitch to Marty. She says she saw Amanda with our mother. Seriously? Or just another dig?

  She didn’t leave the stall until she was sure Madison had exited. Lauren checked her makeup and reapplied lipstick. She returned to the ballroom and accepted a glass of wine as she looked for Dave. He was usually easy to spot in crowds, but tonight there were many men his height or taller. She sipped her wine as she found the silent auction tables and worked her way down the crowded line of people placing bids.

  She didn’t see him until she heard his voice. “Over here, babe.” She turned and saw him posing for photos with some of the sponsors.

  “Suck up!” She mouthed the words. By the gleam in his eyes, she knew he’d read her lips. After the photographer completed his shots, she saw Dave speak to him and motioned for Lauren to join him.

  “Want more than a selfie for us tonight.” He slipped his arm behind her back and drew her closer to his side. “We’ll want copies of these,” he told the photographer.

  “Not a problem, Mr. Martin.” He snapped several shots, then examined them on the digital screen. “Choose your favorites.”

  Dave took Lauren’s hand, and they looked at the photos on the screen. She looked up at him with a smile. “Love all of them except the ones where one or both of our eyes were closed. So, you pick your favorite.”

  “I’m ordering all of the others, squirt.” She saw the crooked smile dancing at the corners of his mouth.

  She started to reply but stopped when Madison walked up behind Dave and grasped his arm. “Am I too late for a photo?”

  “Of course not,” the photographer replied. Dave squeezed Lauren’s hand and turned toward Madison, extending his hand. “Dave Martin.”

  “Oh, I know who you are.” Her flirtatious tone grated like fingernails on a chalkboard. Lauren stepped away and caught Dave’s wink before he assumed his professional smile. She turned to examine the silent auction items, inwardly mocking the woman.

  “I know your date from school.” Madison’s voice continued to grind on her nerves.


  “Oh, no! We’re friends from elementary and secondary school in Vancouver.”

  “That so? I’m from Vancouver also.” Dave’s tone was politely interested. When the conversation stopped, Lauren assumed the photographer snapped a few photos.

  “Lauren,” Madison called. “Help me pick the best one.”

  She pretended not to hear and picked up a brochure describing a luxury Caribbean cruise. Stick that bitch on a ship and hope it sinks. Soon, she felt a hand rest against her lower back.

  “Lauren Gentry—may I say you look stunning?”

  Jim Wesley. Great. She turned to greet him. “Enjoying the gala, Jim?”

  He shrugged. “It’s for a good cause, though I do prefer the actual Monte Carlo.” She saw his eyes track up and down her body.

  Not very discreet, Jim. Lauren shifted in discomfort. “So, everything going well with your European venture?”

  “Beyond our expectations. In fact, we could use a few freelancers to conduct some of the seminars.” He flashed his high-wattage smile at her. “Interested?”

  “I’ll mention it to Caryn.” She looked past Wesley’s shoulder and
caught the dark expression on Dave’s face. She motioned for him to join them. “Dave, this is Jim Wesley from McRainey—the company we worked with on that seminar project.”

  She felt his arm enclose her shoulders as he drew her close to his side. Jealous, Marty?

  “Jim, this is…”

  “Dave Martin,” he cut her off as he extended his hand toward Wesley. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  Lauren felt awkward as the two locked eyes, and she didn’t dare look at Dave. Staking his claim? Don’t you know you have nothing to worry about, Marty?

  She couldn’t believe she felt relief when Madison Verve followed Dave.

  “Thank you for the photo, Dave. Lauren, are you going to introduce me to this VIP?” She batted her eyes at Wesley.

  Before she could speak, Wesley took control, greeting Madison warmly and making introductions. “May I buy you a drink?”

  “I’d like that very much.” Madison glanced at Lauren. “Thanks for letting me borrow your date. I have to say, you always liked the jocks, didn’t you?”

  Lauren smiled but didn’t respond. Madison took her non-response as an invitation to probe further, leaning toward her and speaking in a stage whisper. “You need to teach me your tricks sometime. Like how you scored this luscious date tonight?”

  “We’ve known each other…” Lauren’s voice trailed off as Madison turned and walked away, her hand on Wesley’s arm.

  Dave slipped his arm around her waist and stepped closer. “That’s the guy you worked with for a year?”

  “Yeah, like I told you—no desire to repeat that experience.” Lauren glanced at his face. His eyes followed Wesley and Madison as they walked toward the bar. She tugged at his arm. “Which one are you watching?” She teased.

  “That ass undressed you with his eyes. You actually considered working for him?” Dave spoke quietly, but Lauren caught the irritation and derision in his tone.

  “I didn’t take the job, Marty.”


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