Healthy Scratch

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Healthy Scratch Page 27

by Robyn M Ryan

  “I’ll find the receipts. Not sure where I stuck them.”

  Lauren picked up the bag from the toy shop. “It’s not in here. Check your pockets.”

  With an exaggerated sigh, Dave grabbed his leather jacket and made a show of searching his pockets. “Wait, here’s something.” He handed Lauren an envelope.

  “Glad you didn’t lose it.” She pulled out the papers and glanced at him. “Not sure I want to know the total from the hotel.” She unfolded the packet and shook her head as she saw a travel agency logo next to the Suns’ logo. “What did you do, Marty?”

  “I told you I’d bid on one of those vacation packages. You gave me no guidance, so I hope you’re happy with our off-season trip cruising the Greek Isles.”

  “It. Looks. Extraordinary.” Lauren leafed through the booklet, then cut her eyes toward him. “You never stop amazing me.”

  She watched his eyes as a crooked smile crossed his face. “I didn’t have the chance to tell you before we headed out of town. Had no idea if we placed the highest bid for several days. Lucky for me, I only won one trip. I think I bid on at least six.”

  “Marty, seriously? What if you’d won all of them?”

  He shrugged. “We’d be set for vacations for a few years.”

  Lauren reached to hug him. “I’ve always wanted to see the Mediterranean and Greece.” She giggled as he exhaled an exaggerated sigh of relief. “Now where are those receipts?”

  Dave patted the jacket and pulled a small box from the inner pocket. “Oh, here’s something else I ‘won’ at the auction.” He handed it to her. “When I saw this, I knew I had to see it on your wrist.”

  Lauren bit her lower lip as she slipped the top off the box. The sparkling emerald and diamond bracelet—the one Kelly mentioned?—glittered as it nestled against the black velvet. “Mr. Martin, it’s too much! You shouldn’t have…”

  He took the box and fastened the bracelet on her wrist. Grasping her hand, he brushed his lips against her fingers.

  “Made just for you. As soon as I saw it, I wanted it on your wrist. It’s the same shade of green as your bewitching eyes.”

  Lauren’s eyes filled, and she reached blindly for him. She wrapped her arms around his chest, unable to speak for a moment. “It’s exquisite, Marty. I love it…but, you shouldn’t have bid on it. You are too generous.”

  “Not when I see it sparkling on your wrist, Ms. Gentry. Like a jeweler custom-designed it for you.”

  Lauren shifted, trying to find a comfortable position on the reclined seat. “My foot’s fallen asleep.”

  Dave chuckled as he helped her back into her seat. “Unfortunately, there’s not room for two.”

  “Especially when one person’s a tall, super well-built hockey hunk.” Lauren bit her lip, repressing a smiled as she watched his reaction.

  His chocolate eyes darkened. “Babe, next time I’ll find seats large enough for two. Some airlines even offer private suites. But, for now, I’ll enjoy our privacy.” He cupped her face in his hands and his mouth captured hers. The kiss left her dizzy and craving more. “I thought you’d changed your mind about a committed relationship.” He spoke quietly, holding her chin as his eyes captured hers. “That possibility left a huge hole in my heart.”

  “I never meant to…”

  Dave pressed a finger against her lips. “There’s something you need to hear. I’m not trying to scare you…but, I love you, Ms. Gentry. Not knowing what you’d planned, what kept you away…I realized that I don’t want to live without knowing you’re part of my future. If you leave again, you’ll take my future with you. You own my heart.”

  Tears overflowed her eyes, and he brushed them away. He kissed her forehead. “No pressure, babe. Just believe there’s someone who loves you unconditionally and that will never change.”

  Lauren read the sincerity in his eyes and struggled to speak through the lump lodged in her throat. “Marty, if you only knew how much I love you…have loved you for so long. I thought if you knew the truth about my family…” She shrugged as her voice trailed off. “You are the first person to say those three precious words to me. Ever. I love you now, tomorrow and beyond infinity.” She wiped the tears that continued to overflow her eyes. “I can’t believe you love me, Marty.”

  “Get used to it, squirt. I’ll keep saying the words…everyday, multiple times a day. You can beg me to stop, but I won’t—ever.”

  The love reflected by his eyes melted her core. “l’d never beg you to stop! Beware, I plan to tell you I love you and how happy and lucky I am to receive your love.” She slipped her hands around his neck, and he met her half-way in a kiss that totally consumed both souls. After an eternity, Dave pulled back and took a deep breath as he lightly ran his hands over her hair.

  “Not sure of the regulations regarding PDA, babe.”

  Lauren saw his rueful smile. She never wanted to forget this moment, the cocoon of love that surrounded them, how she felt hearing those words from this incredible man. A man she never believed could love her with all the baggage she carried. Except he does and wants a forever with me.

  She met his eyes, the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “About that PDA—I can beg forgiveness. Or you can ask permission.” Oh, how she loved the smirk that crossed his face and the gleam that sparked in those beautiful brown eyes.


  DAVE AWOKE JUST as dawn filtered light into the cabin. Beside him in the window seat, Lauren slept peacefully, her auburn hair spilled around her face. He resisted brushing some strands off her cheeks. Just seeing her in the seat beside his lightened his heart. Why’d I take so long to tell her I loved her? He’s seen the disbelief in her eyes that slowly turned to a radiant green as he assured her that his heart spoke the truth. No one’s ever told Lauren she’s loved? No one in her family ever said “I love you” as she grew from toddler to adult? He wished he could rewind the clock and change the course of their relationship. Wouldn’t let her push me away so easily or accept only what she offered. Should have found a way inside that tight lid on her emotions.

  But my girl never let me get that close. Maybe she was waiting for someone who’d fight for her…force her to leave her comfort zone and allow her insecurities to step aside. Someone who believes her love’s a precious gift to give…and that she deserves unconditional love in return.

  Dave pushed the regrets aside as he vowed she’d never go a day without hearing him tell her how much he loved her…hoping to replace heart-rending memories with new experiences that demonstrated his deep, unconditional love.

  The oversized First-Class bathroom allowed ample room to wash away the airplane grit, trim his playoff beard—which was getting slightly ragged—and immerse his face in the sink full of warm water. As close to a morning shower as anyone could find on an airplane. He wished he’d packed a second shirt, but he had not wanted to travel with a suitcase of any size. He accepted an orange juice from a flight attendant in the galley as he passed, draining it and stowing the glass in the cup holder.

  Lauren’s smile greeted him, though her seat remained fully reclined and she’d wrapped herself in the blanket. “Do I need to get up?”

  “You have plenty of time, babe. Though, you might want to grab one of those king-sized bathrooms before it gets busy.”

  Lauren pushed herself into a seated position and reached to smooth the damp hair on his forehead. “A shower on an airplane?” He watched her eyes dance as he took her hand and kissed her palm.

  “Everything but. The sink is large enough to dip your head in, and you’ll find plenty of towels, soaps, lotions, and obviously girl stuff.” He pretended to flinch when she batted his chest.

  “Girl stuff, huh? Point me in the right direction.” She grabbed her small carryon bag and disappeared around the corner. The flight attendant stopped by to collect pillows and blankets and asked if he wanted to order breakfast.

  Dave accepted the menus and glanced at them. “Let’s wait until my girl return
s.” He unplugged his phone from the charger and logged onto the airplane’s WIFI. Nothing of interest in his email; just a few texts from teammates. He touched base first with John Peterson, telling the captain everything was on schedule for them to land in Tampa well before practice.

  An unexpected text from his agent said that negotiations on a new contract with the Suns had passed the initial interest phase. Good. What’s not to like playing for the Suns? He had said nothing to his agent, but he’d already considered a “hometown discount” to stay under the salary cap. He’d seen the list of RFAs and younger prospects he hoped would stay with the team. If that meant taking a more relaxed approach to his contract negotiations, he’d consider all offers.


  “I hate to drop you off and leave right away.” Dave carried Lauren’s suitcase into the master suite.

  “I’m not the one who has to practice after a twenty-four-hour cross-country round trip.” Lauren took his arm and waited until he faced her. She reached to place her hand against his cheek, gazing directly into his eyes. “Thank you for coming to Vancouver. I couldn’t see any light in my darkness. The more I researched, the more confused and unsure I became. My instinct said to leave Vancouver, find a new refuge—someplace where nobody knows me or judges me.” She touched his mouth when he started to answer. “When I opened the door and saw you, I realized you are the only refuge I’ll ever need.”

  She watched as he shook his head, a hint of moisture in his eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner, Lauren. When I read what you sent Caryn, I couldn’t get to you fast enough.” He closed his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “I won’t make that mistake again.”

  Lauren pulled back with a soft laugh. “I’ll never take off like I did. Promise.” She rose on her tiptoes to kiss him. “I love you, Mr. Martin, but you need to get to practice.”

  “You okay here?”

  “I’m more than okay, Marty. I have to unpack my stuff, laundry to run, then a spa tub and bed are calling my name. Promise you’ll wake me if I’m asleep when you get back.”

  “Oh, you’ll know when I get back, squirt. I’m climbing into that bed with you—we left some things unfinished last night on the plane.”


  Lauren called Caryn late that afternoon to see what she planned to do for the game the following night.

  “So happy you’ve come home. I’ve missed you!”

  Lauren heard the warmth in her friend’s voice. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to be back in Tampa…Are you planning to go to the game tomorrow?”

  “Yes—just so Katie doesn’t get called in to work. The first game I was a nervous wreck—could barely keep my eyes open whenever Drew took a shift.” Caryn laughed nervously. “It gets easier every game. Tom’s picking me up when he drives Katie over—do you want a ride?”

  “Definitely. I’m not missing another game. Marty said the team will provide transportation to the rest of the out-of-town games.” Lauren idly flipped through the itinerary she found on the counter. “Will you travel with the twins?”

  “Not this round—if they go to the Final, I guess the entire family travels—or give the grandparents what they want.”

  “Stay with the little angels?”

  “Yes, both moms are conspiring to come here to take care of them if the Suns go to the Final.” Lauren waited while Caryn paused. “When does Cassie graduate? Everything okay with Amanda?”

  “Graduation’s next week. I’m reconciled to missing it. Not such a big deal since I just saw her.”

  “Do you think she’d consider helping me with the kids this summer until she needs to begin fall semester? Live in nanny?”

  “Caryn, I think she will jump at that chance! She’s great with kids, and she’s got her heart set on taking a gap year. Tampa’s the perfect place to start. This may relieve some of Amanda’s angst over the entire idea.” Lauren looked out the window at one of the hummingbird feeders. Filled with juice. Did Marty take care of this for me? Warmth rushed through her body. She realized she’d missed Caryn’s last comment. “I’m sorry…I kinda zoned out for a bit. What did you say?”

  “Just a tad jet-lagged, I bet. No problem. I just asked if you could send Cassie’s contact information…Amanda’s also, I guess. Do you think Cassie will remember me?”

  Lauren couldn’t hold back her burst of laughter. “Remember you? Oh, yes…You and Andrew are her role models for a perfect marriage. Not to mention that Andrew’s on her list of top ten hockey hunks.” Lauren forced herself to be serious. “She’ll be a great help—a second set of hands and top-notch babysitter once she gets your routine.”

  “Thanks—I’ll call her later this evening.” Caryn paused. “Do you still want to launch the anti-bullying initiative?”

  “Yes…Marty also wants in on whatever we plan. Do you or Angela have an idea when you’d like to kick it off?”

  “I think that’s something the three of us should discuss. Not until the Playoffs end…winning the Stanley Cup.”

  “When shall we meet?”

  “I’ll call Angela. Would tomorrow morning work for you?”

  “If it works for you. You’re the one with two angels that get cranky if their routine varies.” Lauren watched as two hummingbirds jostled for space at the feeder.

  “Good point. I’ll see if Kelly and-or Terri can help. Tomorrow’s game day, so Angela may not have much free time if any.”

  “No prob, Caryn. Just let me know.” She bit back a yawn. “Right now, power nap while Marty’s still at practice.”


  AFTER TAKING A few hours to decompress—nap—and then reach out to many of her clients, Lauren heard the front door open. She ran her hands through her hair and glanced in a mirror. Just minor bedhead look. She found Dave in the kitchen placing take-out containers that smelled like an Italian restaurant on the table. He stopped when he saw her and beckoned her toward him. She needed no encouragement and landed in his arms within seconds.

  “I missed you…and I haven’t even thought about food.”

  Dave’s kiss silenced her for a while. “I expected to find you asleep, babe. I also knew the refrigerator’s pretty empty—thus I come home bearing carbs.”

  Lauren leaned into his solid chest. “I could very easily get spoiled.”

  She felt his kiss against the top of her head. “My intention, Ms. Gentry.”

  Over dinner, Lauren sought Dave’s input on their involvement in the Suns’ anti-bullying initiative.

  “Babe, just tell me when—I’m all in with you.”

  “After I talked with Caryn earlier, I thought about the whole program. Do you think I’m backtracking if I say that I’ll share my experience to get the program rolling, but I don’t want to be the spokesperson for the campaign?”

  Dave met her eyes as he nodded. “You don’t want to keep reliving your experiences.” Lauren relaxed when she recognized the understanding in his expression. “I think sharing it once is extraordinary, babe. Beyond that, my opinion tends toward embracing the positives and making peace with the past. Every time you retell your story, you’ll rip that bandage off the healing wound.”

  “You don’t think I’m selfish if I tell Angela and Caryn that?”

  He reached for her hand, his expression conveying humor. “Selfish? You? Not one bit, Ms. Gentry. You’re focused on the present and the future. They’ll understand.”

  Lauren smiled as she lifted his hand to kiss his wrist. “Caryn’s going to ask Cassie to help her with the twins after she graduates—be their nanny as long as she’ll commit to staying in Tampa.”

  “You think Cassie will agree?”

  “As fast as the words can leave her mouth.” Lauren giggled, thinking about her overenthusiastic niece. “Betcha she’s here within five days of graduation.” She saw the smirk forming on his face. “Don’t say it, Marty.”

  “Say what?”

  “I know what you’re thinking, Mr. Martin. Yes, Cassie’s like a hurricane
at times, but…”

  “But, you’re our Energizer Bunny. You may make tropical storm or Cat. 1 status. Cassie strikes me like a storm that can be Cat. 1 one day and Cat. 5 the next.”

  “Be prepared for an active summer.”

  Dave stood and moved the plates to the sink. “Don’t forget our three-week cruise in the Mediterranean Sea.” He kissed her as she nudged him aside with her hip. “Reserve the option of adding some time in Paris before we come home.”

  “Keep talking.” She scraped the plates and loaded the dishwasher.

  “Rome? Barcelona? London?” He tossed names as he packed the leftovers and placed the containers in the refrigerator.

  “You had me at Greece, Mr. Martin. Beyond that, I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  “Then, let’s get the dishes going,” he said as he stepped beside her. “I believe we have some unfinished PDA to pursue in private.”



  Lauren peeked through the edge of the curtain as she and Dave waited for the program to begin. She laughed when she saw her niece in the middle of the first row chatting animatedly with Cliff Camden. Why am I not surprised? She waved Dave over and told him where to look. “That didn’t take long,” Lauren spoke quietly as she suppressed a laugh.

  He groaned. “Guess I’ll need to have ‘the talk’ with that boy.”

  “He’s a good kid, Marty,” Lauren said as she walked away from the curtain. “I’m the one who needs to have that talk with Cassie.”

  “Can’t hurt to hit them from both sides. Did you see how many seats have filled already? And you worried no one would show up.”

  “I noticed. Doesn’t hurt having the Stanley Cup on display, right champ?” Suddenly, Lauren’s heart beat so furiously, she could hear it pounding in her ears. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the sudden panic attack. She glanced around for a chair and reached for it just as the darkness filtered through her vision. A strong arm wrapped around her and guided her to a seat.


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