Chaos & the Geek (Grace Grayson Security Book 1)

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Chaos & the Geek (Grace Grayson Security Book 1) Page 9

by Elizabeth Stevens

“Are you going back to get it?” I asked, wishing I had more control over my voice.

  I’d been told I had this sexy quality to it first thing in the morning. There was nothing sexy about sounding like a horny teenager though. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice.

  She breathed heavily and put her hands on the bench for a second. “If I could bring myself to face that raging bitch, yes.”

  “What about tomorrow?”

  She looked at me over her shoulder and I told myself I wasn’t picturing her without the towel on. I swallowed hard.

  “What about tomorrow?” she asked. “I thought you were going to start teaching me self-defence?”

  “I plan to do that.” And keep my hands to myself. “But we’ve all got tomorrow morning off. Would five hulking wankers help your case? We could do the self-defence thing on Sunday instead?”

  She broke into a wide sincere smile as she leant over the bench towards me. “You offering up your security team to help me pack up my stuff?” she teased.

  I felt myself falling into gear. I was less horny teenager and more practiced man again. “Well our job is protection. We also happen to be very good at manual labour.”

  She looked me over with a wry smirk. “All right. And how much would that cost me?”

  “Well, the roommate of the CEO surely gets perks?” I asked coyly.

  Her eyes fucking shone with humour and I felt elated. “Perks?” she sniggered. “God, what does the CEO’s woman get?”

  I laughed. “Roommate is the top of the hierarchy. His woman’s going to have to deal with it.”

  She smiled. “Well, I’ll bet she’ll love that.”

  “If any woman was unlucky enough to end up with me, she’s going to have to accept you’re here to stay.”

  “Unlucky?” she asked, passing me a coffee as she got onto the stool beside me.

  I nodded. “Unlucky.”

  “Pfft. You’re a catch Christopher Barrett Grayson. And anyone who tells you otherwise deserves to lose their perks.” She pointed at me and I was happier than I needed to be that she was this assertive self with me now.

  This is how she’d always been with Hawk and I’d caught glimpses of it over the years, seen her unable to hide it sometimes even. It was one of the things that had made sure I never questioned Hawk’s love for her, never questioned why we had to keep him safe, what made me invite her to stay. And here she was saying I was a catch.

  “A catch? How am I a catch?” I snorted.

  She coloured again and looked at me through her eyelashes. “You just are.”

  “I just am?” I asked and she nodded. Completely without thinking about it, I reached over a tickled her and she laughed. “I just am? That’s a terrible explanation.”

  She looked up at me and my fingers stopped, but I didn’t take my hands off her.

  My heart thudded. My breath felt a little less easy.

  The moment sizzled with unspoken…everything. It was one of those moments you kiss the girl, dammit. Only I didn’t kiss the girl. I had to firmly remind myself I was imagining that the girl wanted to be kissed. But it wasn’t easy. The way she looked into my eyes, the look in hers, the soft smile at her lips. I didn’t even have words for it. It was all feeling. And it felt amazing. Forbidden, but amazing. This was definitely a kissing moment, but the knowledge I shouldn’t was stronger. Just.

  “You’re not the guy who left, Kit. That guy was…” She looked down and pushed her glasses up her nose. She cleared her throat. “That guy was almost a catch. The guy who came back? Well, he’s even more.”

  My chest warmed and I wasn’t sure it was in a way it was supposed to, or even a way it ever had before. But I liked it and I wasn’t putting a stop to it.

  Had she never hated me? Had we just been awkward around each other because we didn’t understand each other? I still didn’t understand all that study or anything, but it wasn’t difficult with her like it used to be.

  She looked up at me, her eyes boring into mine, and I had that moment again. I had that moment where I could almost see a different life for myself, where I could imagine what it would have been like if we’d always got along. That protectiveness rose up in me and I cupped her cheek.

  Her eyes widened a little and she took a breath, but I smiled at her. She lay her hand over mine and I really felt like it was one of those kiss the girl moments. But that wasn’t what I wanted this moment to be. It was more than that.

  “You’re better to me than I deserve,” I told her softly.

  “No. I just know you better than I should.” But she smiled too before she turned away slowly, and we ate breakfast while we chatted.

  It was nice. In fact, it was really nice. It was even nice enough that I stopped torturing myself with that imagined first kiss over and over again. For most minutes in the hour.


  I looked at the centre screen in my car as though I could see them. “We serious right now?”

  “Yeah. Let’s call McLean and see if we can get a table. Take her out properly,” Tank said.

  “You’ve never done Champers Day. How would you know what’s proper?” Rollie asked.

  I pictured Tank shrugging. “Why can’t we make our own Champers Day?”

  “I think she’d like it,” Nico said and I pictured him behind his screen as usual.

  I wondered exactly what they’d talk about. He’d all but said they’d got on. Now I wondered exactly how well they’d got on.

  “Why don’t we all suit up, take her out, and make her feel super special?” Hawk said.

  “Small problem. What’s she going to wear?” I asked as I pulled up at the lights.

  “Exactly what are you saying about my little sister, man?” Hawk laughed.

  “I’m just wondering how many evening gowns she’s got at the back of her closet.”

  “I’ll call Petra, get her to open. You take her tonight and pick something for Sunday?”

  “Who’s calling McLean?” I asked.

  “I’m on it,” Tank said.

  I nodded as the traffic kept moving. “Okay. Ask him if he’s got that table–”

  “He’s gone,” Rollie sniggered. “McLean’s already looking for a table, I’ll bet.”

  I nodded as I turned into the Mayhew’s parking garage. “Yeah. All right. Let me know if we’ve got the table. If he needs reminding about that time we–”

  “It’s fine. We’ve got his best table all Sunday night,” Tank called, sounding like he was on the other side of the room.

  “Okay. And…?”

  “Petra’s open until you need her,” Hawk called.

  “Okay. We’re doing this. Black tie, boys?” I asked.

  “Yep,” they all chorused.

  “Okay. You’ll all be at the penthouse in the morning?”

  “Operation Save Bert’s Shit is a go from 0800,” Hawk replied.

  “All right. Take the night off, you wankers. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Sounds good, boss-man,” Rollie said and they hung up on me.

  I turned off the car and headed up the lift. Thankfully, Mrs Fortescue had had a falling out with Mrs Barry and decided not to go to whatever gala I’d been supposed to take her to.

  “Night, Mr Grayson.”

  I nodded. “Night, Nigel.” As I stepped into the penthouse, I looked around. “Amber?”

  “Yeah?” she called from the direction of her room.

  “You dressed?”

  “Uh, odd question. But yes.”

  I headed down to her room and leant in her doorway to find her looking for something in her drawer.

  “Come on, we’re heading out.”

  She looked up at me in surprise. “What? Why?”

  I nodded. “I just need to change, then we need to get a move on.”

  She blinked. “What should I…? Wait, aren’t you working?”

  I shook my head and started moving to my r
oom. “My job was cancelled. We’re going out, but we need to make a stop first.”

  “Uh, okay… Do I need to change?” she asked, following me.

  I shook my head as I loosened my tie. “No. It’ll be fine. Give me two minutes.”

  I threw a look back to her and saw her nodding. “Uh. Okay.”

  It didn’t take me long to swap my suit for some jeans and a hoody to match hers.

  “Are you sure I’m–”

  I nodded as I pushed up my sleeves. “Perfect. Come on.”

  I strode out and she hurried along behind me. When the lift came back, Nigel was obviously surprised.

  “Mr Grayson.” He nodded.

  “Nigel. This is Miss Grace.”

  Nigel smiled to Amber. “Miss Grace.

  “Hi,” she said to him, then her hand was on my arm. “Do I need to know where we’re going?”

  I shook my head and gave her a small smile. “No. You’re fine. I promise.”

  I watched her nod and she pulled away.

  I took her elbow as we crossed the lobby.

  “Oh, Miss Grace. Wonderful to see you!” the old guy at the door called.

  “You too, Johnson,” she replied as we wandered past.

  “How do you know him? I didn’t think you’d left?”

  “I haven’t. But he was the one who found me standing in the rain and said I could call Pat from the foyer.”

  I nodded and smiled at her. “So I have him to thank for my new roommate?”

  She grinned. “Thank or blame?”

  “You said his name was Johnson?” I asked and she nodded.

  I was going to remember the guy who’d been responsible for all this.

  “Amber!” I heard a voice call as we came down the Mayhew’s front steps and I started directing her left.

  I followed Amber’s gaze and saw a young woman who may well have been Dannie all grown up. I put my hand on Amber’s back in support as she stopped and the woman rushed over.

  “I’ve been trying to get hold of you all week. Where have you been?” she said and I saw she was more interested in trying to catch my attention than she was seeking Amber’s forgiveness.

  Typical Dannie.

  “I’ve been busy. I’ve been safe,” Amber replied.

  “She’s staying with me,” I told Dannie, my voice hard; cheating I could not abide, and betrayal was worse.

  Dannie looked me over, then she gave me what I’m sure was supposed to be a winning smile. “Chaos Grayson?”

  “Chaos?” another voice sniggered and I looked over to see some shrivelled dickweed.

  I felt Amber tense and she stepped closer to me. I didn’t have to be a genius to guess who this guy was. He was small, he was weedy, and there was a glint in his eyes that told me he was used to getting what he wanted. Probably by throwing Daddy’s money around.

  “What kind of name is Chaos?” the guy scoffed.

  My eyes narrowed and he lost a fair chunk of his bluster.

  “Kit’s letting me stay with him for a while…” Amber said and I hated that these people were making her feel small.

  I could see the guy looking between us like he was trying to work out what we were to each other. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder protectively and, if I’m honest, a little possessively.

  “We should go,” I said to her. “We need to be at McLean’s by eight.” Sure, on Sunday, but they didn’t need to know that.

  “I–” Amber started and my arm tightened around her gently to shush her.

  Dannie’s mouth dropped open. “McLean’s? You’re taking her to McLean’s?”

  The dickweed scoffed derisively. “And who the hell are you?”

  I let go of Amber and took a step towards him. He shrunk away.

  “Someone you don’t want to cross,” I snarled.

  “Leave it, babe,” Dannie said to him, pawing at his arm, and I glared at her.

  But she wasn’t worth the waste of words. I took Amber’s hand and pulled her along. Petra’s little boutique was only a few buildings away. So Dannie and the dickweed would probably see us going in. But that would give them something to think about. Let him think she was mine now. See how he liked that.

  “Kit, where are we?” Amber asked and I heard the tremor in her voice. “Did you just say we were going to McLean’s?”

  I whirled to face her and cupped her cheek. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Don’t give them your consent. They don’t deserve it.”

  She nodded and gave me a small smile. I could see the confusion in her eyes but out here was not the place to put them to rest.

  “Come on,” I said, taking her hand again and tugging her after me.

  I let go of her and knocked on Petra’s door. Petra’s head popped into view and she beamed when she saw us. As she unlocked the door for us, I looked back and saw Dannie and the dickweed watching us. I didn’t take my eyes off them until Amber was safely inside the shop.

  “Oh, look at you!” Petra squealed in excitement as she took Amber’s hands. She threw a look to me. “And what does this gorgeous creature need, Chaos?”

  I smirked. “Black tie. Full evening gown. To go.”

  Petra sighed at Amber like they were in on some joke. “He does like to create challenges. Still they don’t call him Chaos for nothing. Now, colours?”

  Petra looked between us and I could see Amber was feeling overwhelmed and confused. But even then, she was gorgeous and there was a touch of humour to her confusion that she turned on me.

  “Start with blue,” I suggested.

  Amber looked at me with barely concealed panic. “What?”

  “A dress, love,” Petra said kindly. “Chaos, did you just drag this poor beauty in here?”

  I shrugged. Petra knew me too well. “The boys and I are taking Amber to McLean’s on Sunday.”

  Amber frowned. “But you told–”

  I shrugged. “Let them think what they will.”

  “Oh, McLean’s,” Petra giggled. “With five big strapping dates? Yes please.” She grunted in a way that reminded me she wasn’t just what this shop made her look. “God, Tank in a tux.”

  “Keep it in your pants, woman,” I laughed. “It’s Amber appreciation night. I promise I’ll send him in here under some pretence sometime next week. Your choice of outfit.”

  She shot me a devilish grin and turned to Amber. “What size are you, love?” she asked as she led Amber over to the racks of dresses.

  I dropped into one of the curtesy chairs they had around the place for just this purpose. Although, I’d never brought a woman in here who wasn’t a client. And usually it was me getting fitted for something.

  My tension melted away as I watched Petra’s natural charm win Amber over. Soon the two of them were laughing like they’d known each other for years. But Petra was just like that. Much like the Grace Grayson team, Petra was hardened on the inside and shiny on the outside. I would never have gone so far as to describe her as a shiny turd – Rollie yes, Petra no – but she was adept at only showing the necessary parts of her personality.

  I checked my phone as I watched them, looking over emails, catching up on the news.

  “You have to be shitting me!” Amber yelled and I looked up. She was staring at me accusingly. “You are not spending this much money on a dress for me!”

  “I am. Pick something.” I smiled as she opened and closed her mouth a couple of times. “Do you want me to get Hawk here to pick for you?” I could see just how tempting an idea she found that.

  She turned to Petra. “So, uh… You said the navy one would look nice?” I heard her say.

  They took a few off the rack and Petra took her to the fitting rooms to do her thing. I took care of a few business details while I waited, ignoring how weird it felt to be at the boutique in my casual gear.

  After a while, I heard Petra saying, “See, it drapes so nicely on you here.”
/>   I looked up and was out of my seat before I’d managed to scoop my chin off the floor.

  Amber’s hair hung in waves down her back. I hadn’t realised that morning how long it was. But the dress. It was a dark navy blue. The back was just three strands of ribbon keeping the front to her body. The skirt hung in swathes of fabric, hugging her hips and tumbling elegantly to the ground. As she turned, I saw there was a split in the fabric up to her mid-thigh and Petra had paired it with some nude heels.

  She looked amazing and my breath was completely knocked out of me. Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with the oversized jumpers and the jeans. Amber had a way of pulling those off with that sweet geeky-chic that gave new meaning to the term sexy librarian. But there was something about the look of complete confidence on her face.

  I’d never seen her look that confident and it blew me away.



  “Fuck me,” I heard the indrawn breath and spun around.

  Honestly, the sentiment was echoing rather loudly up in my brain at the sight of him. But then, it always did.

  His gaze travelled up my body slowly until his eyes caught mine and he was looking at me like he saw me as a woman in my own right, not just his best friend’s weirdo little sister. It didn’t matter that I’d just had a run-in with Dannie and Brent. It didn’t matter that Kit was going to remember I was Patrick’s baby sister any minute now. It didn’t matter I was a virgin who’d never even given herself an orgasm.

  The woman who’d looked back at me in the mirror was full of confidence and she looked amazing. Looking at her, I could almost pretend I was the sort of woman Kit liked to have on his arm; tall, leggy, exotic, stunning. I could even almost pretend I had a dirty streak to rival the stories about him.

  “Well the navy it is, then,” I said, turning back to the mirror. I could still see Kit in the reflection and he didn’t look like he was going anywhere.

  “Chaos knows his dresses, love,” Petra whispered to me, with a wide knowing smile.

  I didn’t know why that made something in me fall. I knew Kit’s reputation probably better than anyone. Patrick was always regaling me with the boys’ adventures and I often wondered if he forgot I was his sister rather than just another one of them.


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