The Epic of Gesar of Ling

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The Epic of Gesar of Ling Page 54

by Robin Kornman

Those two arbiters of White Ling

  Are like the two eyes that distinguish good and bad karma;

  May they unite to become a repository of upāya and prajñā.

  Whatever they utter is exactly right, like the speech of the gods.

  I pray that their karma may be untainted.

  Joru’s perky, ever so perky;

  Gu-ru’s crooked, ever so crooked;

  Although it’s hard for them to unite,

  Today, I, Drugmo, will force them to be together.

  The straight arrow prefers to go,

  The curved bow is happy to stay.

  Even though their actions and form are dissimilar,

  When they collaborate, the enemy’s life is cut off at the root.

  Therefore, both the clean and the filthy should be complementary.

  Even though shit and piss are not part of the food,

  They are the best companions for the growth of beans and grains.

  The irrigated paddies are the ornament of China,

  Yet the stalks of the excellent crops will bring benefit to Tibet.

  Therefore, both the best and worst [horse and donkey] should be complementary.

  Even though a donkey is not part of a horse,

  It must be the father of the little bronze mule.

  And a great man’s wealth is enhanced by a mule;

  The great steed mule is the ornament of the herd of horses.

  Therefore Joru and Gu-ru should have a pact to join together.

  May the difference between good and bad be discerned.

  Let the four minor warriors have equal benefit,

  Let the three beggars be in accord.

  Then for the brethren of Ling,

  No matter who wins the wager, may it become the general wealth of their tribe.

  I pray it will not become grounds for dispute.

  Well, then, this is such a spectacle for the eyes.

  From the Ma Kali middle path of the gods:

  The man dressed in white with a face as white as a conch

  Who seems to be led by an army of celestial gods

  Is Dongtsen Nang-ngu Apel.

  That swift steed that he’s riding,

  Is the steed Blue Colt Turquoise Bird.

  The horse doesn’t seem to be running, but flying.

  Flying, it seems to have captured the path of the birds.

  In the lap of mother Ahza a special boy was born;

  If a boy such as that is born, then that is all anyone needs.

  In the mare Yoma’s lap a special colt was born;

  If a colt such as that is born, then that is all anyone needs.

  After that, the next one to come is

  The supreme being Tharpa Gyaltsen.

  That swift steed that he is riding

  Is the steed called Tshal-lu Tshamshei [Sorrel Dancer].104

  After him, the next one to appear is Chief Zigphen of Tag-rong;

  His steed is called Phorog Thongcham [Black Crow One-Thousand Dances].

  After him the next one to come is

  Nya-tsha Aten of Trothung;

  His steed is Gang-ri Dingshei [Snow Mountain Jumper].

  After him the next one to come is

  Trogyal the son of Gungwa;

  His steed is Nag-tra Phurshei [Black-Spotted Flyer].

  After him the next one to come is

  Sintsha Ngo-lug of Tag-rong;

  His steed is Kyung-nag Phurshei [Black Garuḍa Flyer].

  After him is Chief Sengseng of Chagnag;105

  His steed is called Lunggi Trülkhor [Magic Wheel of Wind].

  After him the next one to come is

  Mazhi Chief Trothung;

  His steed is Pharwa Nga-nag [Jackal Black Tail].

  Those are the eight men and horses of Tag-rong.

  They are like a lineage of great and majestic tigresses.

  With the fearlessness of tigers,

  They run through the sandalwood forest,

  Snapping the trees into bundles of twigs.

  Well then, this is such a spectacle for the eyes.

  On the peak of the existence of the Greater Lineage,

  That swarthy man with conch-white teeth

  Is Nyibum Daryag of Serpa.

  He is of the royal lineage of the Mukpo clan,

  He is the chief Serpa of Upper Ling,

  He is the head of the Three Ultimate Warriors,

  He is the elder brother of the four lineages of the chieftains.

  That swift mount that he rides

  Is called Serdang Nyima Trülkhor [Magic Wheel of the Golden Sun].

  After him the next one to come is

  Chölu Buyi Darphen of Dong;

  His steed is Mug-gu Dingshei [Maroon Flyer].

  After him the next one to come is

  Michen Gyalwa’i Lhundrub;

  His steed is Gapa Trijam [Blaze Gentle Seat].

  After him the next one to come is

  The great Ling Tharpa Sönam;

  His steed is Khyung-nag Dingshei [Soaring Black Garuḍa].f

  After him the next one to come is

  Phentag son of Abar;

  His steed is Meri Tsubshei [Turbulent Volcano].

  After him the next one to come is

  Gyapön, Leader of a Hundred, Sergyi Arghaṃ;

  His steed is Gya-gyug Serja [Racing Golden Bird]. After him the next one to come is

  Chief of a Thousand, Tongpön Sotra Yami [Unrivaled Sparkling Teeth];

  His steed is Tong-gyug Phenpo [Swift Racer].

  After him the next one to come is

  Tsangpa’i Ngo-lug of Agê;

  His steed is Gang-ri Ödden [Radiant Snow Mountain].

  These are the eight men and horses of the Greater Lineage.

  The Greater Lineage is like a glacier,

  The eight men are like great posing lions, and

  The eight horses are like [the lions’] lavish turquoise manes.

  Therefore the Greater Lineage should go to roam in the snow-capped mountains;

  You can see their trial on the glaciers right now.

  Well then, this is such a spectacle for the eyes.

  That ceiling beam that established the Middle Lineage

  Is a boy as vigorous as a turquoise-maned lion.

  He is Anu Paseng of Ombu.

  He is the middle of the Three Ultimate Warriors,

  And the middle of the Four Divine Heirs.

  That swift mount he is riding is

  The winged horse called Marpo Lung-shog [Red Wings of Wind].

  After him the next one to come is

  The warrior Sengtag Adom;

  His steed is Tong-ri Rag-kar [Thousand-Mountain Palomino].

  After him the next one to come is

  Chökyong Bernag of Gadei;

  His steed is called Lung-nag Jeichöd [Captures the Black Wind].

  After him the next one to come is

  Dzongpön Lha-lu [Divine Nāga] of Ma Nyin [the sunny side of Ma];

  His steed is Maja Tshal-lu [Vermillion Peacock].

  After him the next one to come is

  Nyima Lhundrub of Gödpo;

  His steed is Mug-gu Tongcham [Sorrel Dancer].

  After him the next one to come is

  Gönpo Tongthub of Yuyag;

  His steed is the turquoise horse called Norbu Lungdzin [Jewel Catches the Wind].

  After him the next one to come is

  The only son Drug-gyei of Kyalo;

  His great steed is Gugya Rachig [Select Unicorn].

  After him the next one to come is

  Mikar Lhabu Samdrub of Dru;

  His steed is Ngangkar Dro-kyid [White Swan Happy Gait].

  They are the eight men and the eight horses of the Middle Lineage.

  These eight men are like turquoise dragons rising from their lair.

  The eight horses are like massing southerly clouds.

  The Middle Lineage is racing in the colorful crag mountains.

  Look and you can
see that the rocks are notched with their trails.

  Well then, this is such a spectacle for the eyes.

  The first man who is coming there is

  Chipön Rongtsha Tragen;

  His steed is Sha-kyang Drelgo [Ochre Mule Head].

  After him the next one to come is

  Senglön Gala Rigshei [Knowing Awareness];

  His great steed is called Gangkar Gyengchen [Great Haughty Mountain].

  After him the next one to come is

  Lama Gyaltsen of Gojo;

  His steed is Tringyi Shugchen [Great Strength of the Clouds].

  They are the three brethren of the Lesser Lineage.

  Well then, the next spectacle for the eyes is

  Like a black eagle swooping down for prey,

  That son who is like a garuḍa chick with fully developed wings;

  He is Rinchen Darlu of Muchang.

  He is the lesser of the Three Ultimate Warriors.

  He is the youngest of the four brothers.

  He is the rope ladder that leads to the sky.

  That swift mount that he rides is

  The steed Turquoise Bird Increasing Myriad [Yuja Triphel].

  Then that man that is coming over there is

  The unrivaled Gyatsha Zhalkar.

  He is an emanation of the divine king of the swans,

  He is the middle one of the four princes of Ling,

  He is the nephew of the king of China to the east.

  He is preferable to seven hundred thousand warriors in battle.

  Among the mighty warriors of Ling he is a super warrior;

  He is the leader of the Seven Super Warriors.

  That swift steed that he mounts is

  The noble steed Gyaja Sogkar [Pheasant White Shoulder].

  After him the next one to come is

  Denma Jangtra of Tshazhang;

  His steed is called Ngültrug Dempa.

  Then, the man who is coming over there is

  Rongtsha Norbu Lhadar;

  His steed is Maja Trikar [White Throne Peacock].

  Then, the man who approaches over there is

  Dar-’jam Ngo-lug of Mupa;

  His steed his called Dzamling Rabkar [Glittering White World].

  Then the man who is coming next is

  Darphen Nagpo of Mupa;

  His steed is called Serdang Ya-med [Incomparable Golden Radiance].

  Then the next man coming is

  Chipön’s son Nangchung Yutag.

  He is the support of the life essence of the Thirty Brethren of Ling,

  He is the one that uplifts the abundance for every human being;

  His steed is Maja Trichen [Great Peacock Throne].

  Then the next man approaching is

  Cho-nga Paser Dawa;

  His steed is Dungja Yu-ngog [Conch Bird Turquoise Mane].

  Those are the eight men and their horses of the Lesser Lineage.

  The eight men are like great soaring garuḍas, and

  The eight horses are like fully extended wings.

  The Lesser Lineage is racing in the hilltops;

  Look, you can see that the grassy hills are already beaten down along their path.

  Well then, the next spectacle for the eyes is

  That fair man with golden ornaments.

  He is Tönpa Gyaltsen of Kyalo;

  His steed is Gugya Rachig [Select Unicorn].

  Then the man coming next is

  Lhabu Namkha Sengzhal;

  His steed is Norbu Chamshei [Jewel Dancer].

  Then the man coming next is

  Nyima Gyaltsen of Kar-ru;

  His steed is Log-mar Khyugshei [Red Lightening Bolt].

  Then the man coming next is

  The great arbiter Werma Lhadar;

  His steed is Ngangpa Tselden [Agile Swan].

  The man coming next is

  The judge Wangpo Darphen;

  His steed is Serden Phurshei [Golden Flyer]

  Then the next man to come is

  The doctor Künga Nyima;

  His steed is Sernya Rag-kar [Golden Fish Palomino].

  Then the next man to come is

  The diviner Künshei Thigpo;

  His steed is Tshal-lu Tingkar [Vermillion Fetlocks]

  The next man to follow is

  The astrologer Lhabu Yangkar;

  His steed is Dung-dog Chamshei [Conch-Colored Dancer].

  The next man to come is

  The skillful magician Khache Migmar;

  His steed is Gapa Dröden [Blaze Prancer].

  The next man to come is

  The Tibetan youth Michung Khadei;

  His steed is Khamkya Chukar [Palomino White Muzzle].

  The next man to come is

  The handyman Gochöd Yogpo Pagyal;

  His steed is Nag-tra Yak-gying [Spotted Haughty Yak].

  The next man to come is

  Akhöd Tharpa Zorna;

  His steed is Gawa Geiring [Old Long Life].

  Those are the general public servants of Ling.

  The three knowledgeable mighty warriors and

  The four mentors who are minor warriors,

  Down to the servants, beggars, and dogs,

  Not even counting the fact that they all think they have the fastest horse,

  Not a one of them thinks himself to be the loser.

  Joru and Gur have fallen behind,

  And Dongtsen has taken off in front.

  Moreover, the other brethren of Ling

  Are somewhere in between.

  We have no way of knowing how things will turn out tonight.

  Which steed is taking the deepest breaths,

  And whose windhorse is highest;

  Those are not things this sister can know.

  The next man to come along is

  One who looks like he is carrying a great heavy load, yet

  Has never dropped his load to the ground;

  He really has nothing but pretends to have it all.

  He wears an unusual lead pouch hanging off his side.

  His name is Khyishi Buyi Gu-ru;

  His horse is Gapa Trikyid [Blaze Happy to Be Led].

  The next man to follow him is

  Gogmo’s cherished son Joru;

  His steed is Kyang-bu Khakar [White Muzzle Kyang Colt].

  It doesn’t look as if he is going; it looks as if he is staying.

  Staying, and still preparing to get the wager?

  That man over there seems to be just a likeness of Joru;

  That horse over there seems to be just the emanation of Kyang-bu.

  Where the child Joru really is, no one knows;

  Where the horse Kyang-bu rides, no one can tell.

  Those two beggars of White Ling,

  Whether they are rich or poor this sister doesn’t know.

  All the noble steeds of colorful Ling

  Are running up the mountain pass like banking fog,

  Running straight out like falcons flying, and

  Running downhill like a tumbling avalanche.

  No one can gain merit through theft;

  No one can block previous karma with their hand.

  If you have understood this, it is sweet to your ears.

  If not, there is no way to explain it.

  Thus she sang, and at that time Dongtsen was ahead, while Joru and Gu-ru fell behind. As for the rest of the mighty warriors, some were on the mountain, some were at the crags, and some were by the meadow. Not a single one was ahead or behind. In fact, it was rumored that they were running neck and neck.

  Racing like tigers, lions, dragons, garuḍas, and herds of elephants

  Looking as if they were all madly intoxicated with the most potent liquor,

  They seemed so splendid as they competed with each other, but

  The one coming last hidden in disguise, it is to You that I supplicate.

  The meaning of this has for the most part been explained already. By hidden is meant that even though he is racing in la
st place in the race of White Ling, nevertheless, [Joru] will reveal the way of traversing the bhumis and paths simultaneously, like the stride of the precious elephant. This concludes the fifth chapter, the Saga of the Precious Elephant. Even though this chapter is now complete, one must understand that the horse race continues and Joru continues along with the stride of an elephant.

  a. This is the place where the race will commence.

  b. Also known as Kyidkyi Nichung [Joyful Little Parrot] of Ngolo.

  c. This is a variation in the way the name is provided in the text (Tib. tsha rgyal); elsewhere it is given as Tshazhang (Tib. tsha zhang).

  d. Also known as Chief Singsing.

  e. Actually she has listed thirty-seven warriors, which include the Thirty Brethren plus the Seven Super Warriors.

  f. This name sometimes appears in the Tibetan text as Khyung-nag Phurshei [Flying Black Garuḍa].


  During the competition of the horse race

  Joru subdues demons and devils and foils Trothung’s ruse.

  Diviners, doctors, and others are put to the test.

  This gives rise to the Saga of the Precious General.

  THE SIXTH [CHAPTER], the way all his rivals were splendidly suppressed, is as follows:

  During the spectacle of the horse race of White Ling, which was a feast for the eyes, while Joru was racing along, back at Ayu Downs the spirits of the land appeared as the great hills of Tiger Head, Leopard Head, and Black Bear106 Head. They thought to themselves, “Today at this horse race of White Ling, all we three sisters can see are the crooked hocks, the bulging buttocks, the tails whipping our heads, while the horses fling their manure in our direction. Furthermore, they are wearing down the mountain pathways of the land of Ma, knocking rocks down as they make a trail, and trampling the meadows into dry earth. The zodors of the land of Ma are distracted and don’t notice, but we three will bring disease to the humans, and death and injury to the horses. If we couldn’t do that, we would not be the sisters of Ayu Downs. Not only that, when the tea merchants of China as well as the merchants of Ladakh, from the highest lamas and chieftains down to the youngest herdsman, see us, they each take off their hats and arrange stones in offerings. This is an uninterrupted tradition. Today White Ling and especially the Lesser Lineage have offended us greatly. Now we must give an overt sign that shows our displeasure.”107

  The three of them gathered with their retinue army of the dark side. First a black cloud about the size of a sheep suddenly appeared, growing larger until it seemed to join heaven and earth with thunder and lightning. And just as hail and thunderbolts were about to be sent down, Gogmo’s divine son Joru thought, “Today whether I win the wager or not, if I don’t bind by oath these great hills, these three evil demon sisters and their assembly from the dark side, it will be hard for the doctrine of the Buddha to spread, and it will be hard for sentient beings to have happiness and well-being. Particularly since they will insult the brethren in the horse race of White Ling, and certainly cause mishaps for the racehorses, I must return to take care of this.”


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