Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Boxset 4 Books

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Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Boxset 4 Books Page 13

by Tara Brent

  “You’re such a tease. Such a naughty tease.” I went to her.

  I crawled on my hands and knees to show her just how far I was willing to go for that pussy of hers.

  When it came to sex, I loved getting it from her; when it came to the matters of the heart, I was glad that she was the one that I thought of. The one that I wanted to be with, because it wouldn’t have been the same without her.

  Jasmine’s face was glowing. She was having a good time and I was glad that I could make her feel that way.

  I didn’t like seeing the tears on her face. I didn’t like seeing her eyes all red from the crying she had done.

  I wished that I could've just stopped what had happened last night, but there was no way that I could've. I wasn't strong enough until I was sure that I didn't want Sarah.

  Like I said, it was the first time that I kicked a woman out of my bed and out of the room, literally. There wasn’t anything that was going to make me change my mind.

  It was a sign. I had never thought about another woman while I was trying to mess with the one I was with. If I hadn't seen Jasmine's face in the back of my mind when I closed my eyes, I would've had Sarah. There was no doubt in my mind that I would've, but Jasmine had touched me so deeply that she was the only one that I wanted. She was the only one that I could think about.

  “Are you going to fuck me or what?” she asked, pouting at me as she spread her legs wider for me.

  I brought her legs up in the air a little, just enough so that I could slide my cock inside of her.

  "Don't you dare tease me, Derek. You're the one who wanted it this way, while I was fine with giving it to you by mouth." Jasmine shook her head.

  She began to glare at me and I knew that I shouldn’t make her mad for the second time that day. One time was enough.

  I brought my cock in and out of her as fast as I could. I watched her head as it banged off the tree trunk a little, but she didn’t wince from the pain. She didn’t even cry out in pain. It made me wonder how much pain she could take from having rough sex.

  Jasmine gave me a look as if she knew what I was thinking, and when I looked up just enough to see if anyone was coming, I saw that the clouds were coming in.

  "It looks like rain," I whispered, knowing that no one was going to interrupt us.

  Chapter 20

  I loved the way he slammed into me, I loved how thick his cock was and how he could make it fit every time.

  The flexing that he was making, it sent my pussy over the edge yet again, but this time he came with me.

  “This is what I wanted to do the first time, and you just went ahead without me,” he gasped, his eyes growing wide when he felt my pussy soaking his cock yet again.

  “She was ready, and he wasn’t; that’s not my fault.” I pointed a finger at him and laughed.

  He didn’t pull out of me until he was soft. He wanted to stay inside of me. I knew that he wanted to as he held me and put his head on my chest.

  “We should stay like this forever. I wouldn’t mind letting the world go and we can find a way on our own without the help of anyone,” he whispered, kissing the tips of my nipples as he moved away from me.

  “I don’t think our bosses would like that too much.” I grinned at him.

  "Probably not." He sighed, taking his clothing and throwing his sweatshirt that he had brought with him at me.

  He threw his shorts back on and went around without his shirt so that I could once again wipe myself dry.

  “Do you want to get up and go back to the hotel?” he asked, seeing that I wasn’t getting up.

  I didn’t want to get up. The ground was dry, and I was comfortable.

  "You should come over here and watch the storm come and go," I suggested, reaching my arms out for him.

  He walked over and sat down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me. I leaned my head against his chest.

  “I never watched a storm come in before.” He kissed the side of my head.

  "No? I've watched plenty of them. I would watch them with my mom from the fourth-floor window of our apartment. It was neat. It didn't matter what she was doing, she would come to the window and we would watch the lightning and listen for the thunder." I laughed, remembering the times that we had with each other.

  “Where’s your mother now?” he asked me, sounding sad.

  “She moved down to Florida a few years ago to be with the man of her dreams.” I rolled my eyes.

  It was the fifth man of her dreams in two years, and I knew that she was just making another mistake, but it wasn’t my mistake and I didn’t have to worry about it.

  He held me tighter. I think he knew from the sound of my voice that I needed someone to hold me that tight.

  We heard the thunder roaring in the distance and it jumped us both. The crashing of lightning hitting the beach water was a sight to see. It lit up everything in the water.

  “That is why you don’t go in or near water when there’s a storm. No one takes the time to pay attention to that.” I laughed a little.

  I loved the smell of Derek. I loved the fact that he was showing me how he felt. Maybe he couldn’t tell me how he felt, but he could show me, and that was better than anything.

  He leaned his head against the tree trunk and closed his eyes. I wasn’t sure if he was going to fall asleep right there, but I didn’t want to move. I wasn’t going to move, and he knew that. I think that he would’ve slept out there with me if it wasn’t for the rain that came down after the crackling of the thunder.

  The downpour started before we were even ready for it.

  The cold raindrops were hitting us on our heads and we moved as quickly as we could.

  “We should’ve gone inside before now, before all this!” Derek shouted at me as we came out of the bushes.

  We were holding hands and running for the hotel before we got there, though he stopped.

  “What? What’s the matter? We’re getting drenched!” I shouted at him.

  “Nothing’s the matter. I just wanted to tell you that I love you! That’s what I wanted to say. I love you!” Derek shouted over the claps of thunder and the wind that was now trying to blow us away.

  We were already soaked, so it didn’t matter about getting back to the hotel.

  He gathered me up in his arms and I brought my legs around his waist.

  We kissed in the pouring rain. Anyone who was looking out their windows would’ve thought that we were just two crazy people. I would’ve agreed with them. We were two crazy people that had finally found love, and there was no one that was going to keep us from wanting it, craving it from one another.

  To hear the words fall from his lips felt like I had won the lottery, it felt like I was dreaming, but the kissing went on and on and I knew that it wasn’t a dream. I knew that it was real and that he was talking to me. The man that was never going to settle down. The man that wasn’t going to fall in love—he fell in love with me, and I couldn’t be happier.

  The End

  Private Interview

  Chapter 1

  The red heels were uncomfortable on Catalina Price’s feet, yet she tried her best to walk forward in them without falling over or betraying just how inexperienced she was walking in them. She had done her best to get away with flats during her career working for Xsa Tech Inc. When she thought she could get away with it, she took her shoes off and walked around in socks. No one ever really questioned why she wore socks with flats in the first place. This led her to believe that people generally didn’t care about what was on her feet. She even wore sneakers to work one time. No one said anything about it at all.

  Yet, with the promotion she had received- which sent her all the way up to the thirtieth floor of the Xsa Tech global headquarters in Manhattan- she knew that everyone would be paying a great deal of attention to her. She had made sure not to drink alcohol the weekend before. She had gotten enough sleep and had woken up early in the morning in order to get her makeup just right. She ha
d put on her best clothes- because she knew people would be keeping a close eye on her.

  While her resume spoke for itself, she had a profound understanding of how employees advanced within a company. Those who stayed in one department for too long might eventually become head of that department, yet they would never go much further than that. If there wasn’t any room for advancement, she would look for work elsewhere. There were plenty of jobs and plenty of bosses who needed tasks completed. The best way to get ahead, she had found, was to find the situation that she liked and do the best she could while she was there.

  That often meant dressing her best, keeping her opinions to herself except for rare occasions when an opportunity presented itself for her to say something insightful. She had carefully cultivated an image among her co-workers, subordinates, and superiors of someone who belonged to a much higher place than where she was, where others wore old, often used, clothes and spoke far too often, she dressed and spoke like a Chief Executive Officer. All that she had seen and heard led her to believe that the world of high finance where she worked had far more to do with persuasion and perception than actual ability.

  For that reason, she didn’t have any problem with putting effort into her appearance. She had to make a good first impression. She guessed that she would have to do that for two weeks, perhaps three, until people got used to seeing her in the office every day. Then she could go back to wearing minimal makeup and flats with socks. In the meantime, she would just have to be a human ornament in the office- little better than a new piece of furniture to be admired. She came without having any illusion about how her fellow human beings evaluated one another.

  When she saw the man for whom she would be working, the Xsa Tech Chief Financial Officer, she stopped in place, confused and unable to move.

  He didn’t look like anything she had expected. He didn’t wear shoes. He wasn’t even wearing pants. He had on a pair of tie-dyed shorts that hung loosely around his waist. He had a scruffy beard and a head full of tousled hair. The shirt that he wore was two sizes too big. It billowed out around his torso, making it difficult to determine whether he had any belly fat or not. His leg muscles and his biceps were developed so much that he looked like a bodybuilder. His neck muscles stuck out like ridges on his shoulders. He looked so strong that he could have snapped her in half if he wanted.

  In his right hand, he carried a riding crop. Catalina saw him strike the desk next to him several times while he was engaged in conversation. She had the sense that he was practicing how to move his wrist when he used the crop. He didn’t look like he belonged in a corporate office, much less on the thirtieth floor of one.

  She stood there for so long that his eyes fell upon her. A chill ran down her spine as he looked at her. She wished then that she hadn’t taken so much effort to make herself pretty. She didn’t want him looking at her the way he did- like he was a wolf and she was a tantalizing piece of tenderloin steak.

  He stopped striking the desk with his riding crop. He motioned toward her and said, “Hey, come in!”

  She moved forward feeling nervous. Then, against her will, she almost tripped over herself. She stumbled forward, her arms flailing in front of her. Before she knew it, the man with the tie-dye shorts was in front of her. He grabbed her hand and stopped her from falling forward. Her chest pressed tight against his arms.

  He said, “Whoa there. You okay?”

  Catalina righted herself, feeling embarrassed. She said, “It’s these stupid heels.”

  He let her go. That was good. She wasn’t sure that she could handle having him so close. The heat of his body was intense. She felt her face flush. She had a sense that she had turned beet red.

  He told her, “So take them off. I’m Kurt Myers. I’m the CFO here. Wear what you want, I don’t care. As long as you get the job done here, that’s what matters.”

  She blinked at him. He didn’t look anything like a Chief Financial Officer. He looked like a gigolo from San Francisco, rather than a high-powered businessman from New York. She said, “You’re the CFO?”

  “Yeah, I know right? Most of the people who take this job see it as a stepping stone to an executive position elsewhere. Or maybe a cushy post at the Treasury Department. Me, I’m doing this as a favor to my brother. He owns the company. I told him that I’d work for free as long as he lets me have a free hand in what I’m doing here. I don’t need the money, and he definitely likes not having to spend a few million dollars every year to pay my salary. So go on, take your shoes off, get comfortable. And, by the way, what’s your name?”

  Catalina stared at him for a moment, dumbfounded. She forced herself to say something. The words came out of her as if by rote. She had a feeling of being a private in the army reciting her name and serial number. Except she was in an office staring at a badly dressed muscular man who carried a riding crop in his hand when she expected to see someone who looked totally different.

  She said, “Catalina Price, twenty-seven years old. My address is-”

  Kurt Myers held a hand up. He said, “Hey, I don’t need your life story. Just making sure you’re in the right place. You look a bit overdressed. The fact is, I don’t actually select the people who work here. I could care less about that. My brother sends them up my way. You know, he’s running late today. He should have been here by now to greet you.”

  The hairs on the back of Catalina’s neck stood up. She said, “The CEO? Daniel Myers? I’ve...never met him.”

  “Yeah, he should be on his way. Stick around a bit, would you? Everybody who has come up to the thirtieth floor has an interview with him personally. That’s just how he runs the company.”

  Catalina didn’t reply to this comment. She didn’t know anything about running a multinational corporation. She didn’t think that she could do a better job or even know what she was doing. She could still recall, now with a bit of chagrin how she had always said that corporations were evil and couldn’t be trusted. Now here she was working for one at a high level. The irony made her smile- but only for a moment.

  Her head turned when the doors of the CFO’s offices clicked open. She knew it was him the moment that she saw him. She could not have missed him, not when his face was all over the company website that she used to track her time.

  Kurt called out, “Hey, Daniel, your new hire is here. Come say hello.”

  Chapter 2

  Daniel Myers looked more like a rich person than his brother did. He dressed in a custom-tailored suit with a red tie that contrasted perfectly with his white starched shirt and black suit coat. He wore black shoes that were so clean that they practically shone. He had on special cufflinks with a university symbol that she didn’t recognize, together with a watch that she could hardly read- one that she guessed was meant to be for show rather than function.

  He had short black hair. When Catalina first saw it, she wanted to run her hands through that hair just to see what texture it had. She blushed just thinking about it, as she didn’t know anything about him other than his name. Those eyes, those green eyes of his that were like two matching, sparkling emeralds- caught her attention.

  He extended his hand towards her. She looked down at it, seeing his perfectly manicured fingernails and faint traces of black hair just beneath his knuckles. She grasped his hand after looking at it for half a moment. His grip was strong. His fingers wrapped around her skin. She felt the slightest pressure on the bones of her hands, which were much smaller than his.

  He said, “Nice to meet you, Miss Price. I apologize for the delay. I was held up elsewhere this morning.”

  Catalina gulped, knowing that she was expected to say something in response, but, the mere physicality of his presence evoked a feeling in her that she didn’t know how to experience. There was a slight scent of musk- some kind of cologne. She couldn’t tell just then if the scent came from Daniel or if it was from somewhere else.

  She said, “Yes- yes, it’s, ah...nice- sorry, meet you…”

aniel glanced over at his brother. He said, “You got any plans for her this morning?”

  Kurt Myers made an expansive gesture. He replied, “Nope, no plans. I already worked it in that today would be her interview and orientation.”

  Daniel said to her, “Miss Price, have you heard about what happens the first day someone makes it to the thirtieth floor?”

  Catalina suddenly realized she was being asked to say something again. She cleared her throat, trying to appear as anything other than a nervous wreck of a human being- which she had definitely not been when she walked out of the door of her house early in the morning. She had greeted the day expecting that her life would radically change for the better. Instead of that happening, there she was making a fool out of herself.

  She said, “Uh, yes. I mean- Mr. Myers- not you, the other- I mean, sorry...yes, I have.”

  Daniel put a hand on her shoulder. He said, “Calm down. Just relax and come with me.”

  “Sorry, where are we going?”

  “My office. It’s across the hall. You are comfortable having an interview today? You don’t need to use the restroom or anything?”

  She felt no inclination to ask him to remove his hand. That was odd- she knew that she would have asked anyone else to do so. She said, “No, I don’t. Why am I interviewing with you? I already interviewed for the position.”

  “Sure, but not with me. Come on, I’ve got some coffee in my office. Some special brand from Brazil, imported directly. They tell me they do something special with the beans, but I don’t really believe that.”

  Catalina found herself following him, walking across the thick carpet in her painful high heels. She stumbled once, and then righted herself. She looked up to see that he didn’t notice. He hadn’t even bothered to turn around.

  Chapter 3


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