Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 6

by Richard Houck

  FDR with his New Deal did nothing less than introduce socialism into the United States. He created a system that forces workers to pay for others. Had welfare programs been created using excise taxes alone, I would be in support of them, as many people legitimately need help: people born disabled or mentally retarded, or those who become disabled through war or accidents, or others yet who are simply down on their luck. I have great compassion for people in need of a helping hand, and I want there to be help for them when they need it.

  However, once the federal income tax was implemented and the New Deal kicked off, we found ourselves beneath a system which could seize more and more from the workers, giving it freely away. All under the banner of “progress” and the “right” to a certain standard of living. FDR and the New Deal introduced an enormous and illimitable system of wealth redistribution. Today the welfare state has swollen to the point that the number of people who feed off the system is almost the same as the number of those who contribute to it.

  Unless we establish some sort of limiting factor, the entitlement system will continue to spiral out of control. The Left will continue to push for more and more new programs and expansions of existing programs, until the workers are no better off than those receiving the benefits of their labor. Liberals want thereby to force economic equality on us. They truly believe it is unfair for somebody to possess more than others. Their solution to this “injustice” was the federal income tax and the welfare state. If there were no federal income tax, no deficit spending, and the welfare state were only funded by voluntary excise taxes or bonds, then the system would be forced to cut redundancy and limit aid to those who truly need help.

  And many people truly do need help. We need places that care for those who cannot care for themselves. It’s wonderful that we have programs, for example, to assist the parents of disabled children. However, there is also an incredible amount of waste, and there are too many incentives to take advantage of such generous programs.

  We could easily cut spending to these programs overnight. For example, 90 percent of immigrants coming from more than ten specific nations are presently on welfare. Over 50 percent of immigrant households generally are on welfare. These people did not pay into the system, they do not contribute to our culture, they share no history or values with us. There is no reason to force working Americans to pay for them to come here and freeload. Indeed, it is entirely devoid of morality to force this on them.

  The Leftist obsession with progress needs to be curtailed. It is important for us to understand that no matter how much we give, they will try to take more. The Left will never heed any limiting principle unless we institute one for them.

  Allowing the income tax to be levied, departing from the gold standard, and utilizing deficit spending, have all ensured government can continue to grow until its enormous weight cripples the very citizens it was meant to serve. There are no longer any checks and balances to restrain the State from this unfettered and diseased growth. The United States has become far worse than the very nation we once fought a magnificent revolution against.

  Liberals believe that flooding nations with hordes of migrants from the Third World constitutes progress. They view the fact that native British are becoming minorities in their own capital city of London as progress. But progress for whom? Certainty not for the native sons of Albion, who have inhabited that island for thousands of years. The same trend is happening all over Europe, and also in the US. In 1965, whites in the US made up nearly 90 percent of the population. In a little over fifty years, over fifty-nine million migrants have come to the US, bringing the white population down to 62 percent. In less than fifty years more, if present trends continue, white Americans will represent less than half of a population which will grow to nearly 450 million.29 Liberals call this progress. And if their goal is to dispossess all the whites in America, the very people who built its civilization, then I guess this really does constitute “progress.”

  To be a Liberal progressive, particularly as regards mass migration, is to ignore the reality of crime against our people, the incredible financial costs involved, and the destruction of our culture. The Liberal progressives risk everything out of a blind and misguided trust in the idea that bringing Third World hordes into our lands will miraculously turn them into Westerners. This empty idealism, this thought that other peoples can carry on our culture, is possibly the greatest gamble they could make. They are risking the very future of civilization, all so they can feel good about themselves and consider themselves morally superior, all so that they can claim we are progressing towards something — even though they have no idea what that something actually entails.

  Progressive Liberalism a disease which continues to spread farther and farther, destroying every good and just thing that stands in its path. Liberals the world over are determined to create a borderless and characterless society. I think I’ve seen enough of what they call “progress” to know exactly where this road leads.

  Progress should mean movement toward the objective improvement of the human condition. If in the pursuit of an utterly illusory “progress” we find that we are moving further from real improvement of life for our people, then that man who most rapidly changes his course will in truth be the most progressive. The Left in its blind madness is charging toward an abyss that threatens the very fate of our civilization and our people: it is time for us to get off their wagon.

  “Not blind opposition to progress, but opposition to blind progress.”

  — John Muir

  4. Tolerance

  Liberals endlessly espouse the false virtue of tolerance. They riot to shut down conservative speakers on campuses, they physically assault people for having the wrong viewpoint, even while demanding that we succumb to their every whim. Liberals are so tolerant, that they immediately conclude that anybody even slightly to the Right of Trotsky must be a Nazi. And against all “Nazis,” they are swift to advocate violence. Liberals preach tolerance, even while promoting laws all over the Western world to fine and imprison people for “hate speech.” And such speech is of course defined as any political opinion which differs from those of the Liberals in power.

  A telltale sign of Liberalism is their requirement that others meet a standard which they do not set for themselves. The same Liberals with private armed security details are the ones who advocate for firearm bans. The same Liberals who teach the “value” of diversity live in gated communities and send their children to homogeneous private schools. The same Liberals who fight for “equality” want to ensure that certain groups still receive preferential treatment. The same Liberals who are so quick to affirm how progressive they are create laws and policies which cannot do other than turn the nations of the First World into nations of the Third World. The same Liberals who demand tolerance will denounce you as an ignorant bigot at the first sign of Wrong Think.

  I like to think I’m a tolerant man. Perhaps I’m just tolerant of different things. But I am quite certain of one thing: I have run all out of tolerance for the Left.

  The Left must never forget where it came from when it lectures us about “tolerance.” The Liberals are the same people who gave us the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax Act, the very same people who have led us into nearly every unnecessary war we have suffered in the last hundred years. Even while lying to the American people about it all. Today, they are the party of oppressive taxation, mass migration, endless degeneracy, censorship, control, and thought policing. They are the people filling our society with spiritual poison and socially and politically corrosive policies. The global Left caused the rapes and murders in Rotherham, Nice, Berlin, and hundreds of other cities. The Left is the reason that abuse and sexual violence has become epidemic all over Europe, the reason that people are afraid to leave their houses in their own native lands.

  It is the Left, and not the Right, which has made constant affronts to the freedom of expression, arms, and association. Liberals are the purveyors of
lies, population replacement, and tyrannical taxation. They undermine our nation, our values, and our people, at every turn.

  They are the party that supports late-term abortion, in which abortionists enter a woman’s womb with scissors, cut the child’s tiny limbs off, sever its brain stem, and crush its little skull.

  The Liberal doctrine of mandatory tolerance frequently denounces those who are “judgmental.” The Left advocates a total acceptance of everyone and everything. But I ask, where is the inherent moral wrong in judgment? Is it no longer reasonable to have an objective set of values and standards, to which one can refer in measuring and weighing morality and the actions of human beings? When one has no moral standards, it becomes impossible to measure the value of ideas or deeds. Which is exactly what Liberals want. Liberals vociferously abhor judgment because they do not believe in any sort of absolute moral or value standard. To the depraved mind of a Liberal, everything is subjective.

  When we, as individuals or as a society, abandon all normative values, morals, and standards, we graciously invite the decay of our character and of our culture.

  When we forego traditional, meaningful values, these are replaced with superficial, meaningless ones. How many times have we heard the terms “nice” and “funny” to describe personality traits? “He’s so funny!” “She’s so nice!” Yes, everybody is so nice, and so funny — and so fake. Who really cares how nice somebody is? Niceness is worthless. How many “nice and funny” people are also liars, thieves? How many are unreliable, untrustworthy? Ah! But at least they were friendly and made you laugh!

  Honesty, dependability, discipline, perseverance, trustworthiness, honor, fearlessness — these are virtues worthy of our admiration. Yet society has become so decadent that people place a higher premium on how somebody makes them feel superficially, than on the profound qualities that actually matter. Society has reached a stage in which people are more concerned with their feelings than with truth and nobility. Yet it is truth and nobility which separates nice guys from good men.

  Once objective virtues are replaced with subjective ones, everything becomes excusable and thus tolerable. Liberals are not even capable of reasonably evaluating character, let alone the outcomes of political actions and policy. They judge right and wrong based on how it makes them feel, as opposed to on the basis of actual real world consequences. We see this play out most clearly in Leftist immigration policy. Despite the fact it has been a total failure, costs billions annually, and leads to increased crime, it makes Liberals feel good — so they keep advocating for more. This is classic moral subjectivism, according to which feelings alone determine the consequential utility of actions.

  Tolerance as a virtue was not taught by Jesus, the Romans, the Buddha; it is nowhere to be found in the Bushido, in the Nine Noble Virtues, nor in the code of Chivalry. Tolerance is not taught as a virtue anywhere by anybody, except by contemporary Liberals. Why is this? But the reason is simple. Tolerance is a virtue for those who have no honor, a “virtue” which permits one to forget one’s own lack of honor.

  Tolerance means putting up with or enduring something unpleasant. Which is precisely what the Left wants from us. They want us to capitulate to their destructive will. They want us to lie down and simply tolerate while they increase taxes to fund never ending “progress,” to lie down and tolerate the destruction of our cultures, to peacefully tolerate as they inform us that we have no right to our own labor and efforts. Liberals preach tolerance as a virtue because they want society submissive — submissive to mass immigration and to mounting rates of rape and violence, submissive as they extort money from us to pay for the very same schemes that lead to these ends. Throughout Europe and America, tolerance is beaten into our heads through commercials, advertisements, films, by the news and by our politicians. Of course they want us tolerant as our culture is erased, our nations are ransacked, and our people are brutalized. Otherwise they may face a real existential threat to their entire empire.

  Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.


  If our tolerance were ever to run dry, the Left knows there would be hell to pay for their insolence.

  Liberalism in Practice

  Through history, the Left has everywhere gained power the same way: by demonizing and devaluing the worth of the individual in order to appease the collective. This strategy invariably devolves into mob rule, leading to tens of millions of deaths in the name of social justice and political correctness.

  In its effort to create classless, egalitarian societies, in which everybody is the same, the Left has created more war, sickness, famine, and death than any other ideology in the history of man. The Left’s thirst for blood and conquest is Biblical in proportion. It is indeed nothing short of cataclysmic. To protect its dogma, the Left has needed to exert total control over those it rules. The only way to control a population and force it into an unnatural order is through hyper-violence. Individuals and free thinkers cannot be tolerated in a Liberal “utopian” society; all dissent must be silenced lest the power of the Left be threatened. The Left needs a society of mindless golems, dependent on the State for their every need, in order for their “utopia” to work.

  What the Left has created every time, without fail, is a dystopian hell on Earth, in which fear, starvation, disease, and murder reign supreme. And in this hell, everybody is indeed equal. After all, everyone is equal in death.

  What becomes of those who don’t believe in a society that advocates free love, a society in which everybody uses everybody else? Or those who see egalitarianism, the idea of taking from those who produce and giving to those who do not, as less of a utopia, and more of a misery?

  What about all the rebels who don’t quite fit into the socialist utopia? What about the ones who want to go forth, to struggle, and to overcome? The ones who want to push humanity a little further? The wild ones who still believe in becoming something greater than themselves? What happens to all the dreamers, revolutionaries, the rebels? What do socialist and communist societies do to these people?

  They leave them dead in a snowy forest with a bullet in the back of their head.

  People that do not docilely go along with the Liberal plan are a danger. They threaten to unfold the entire vision. People like me cannot be tolerated. People like you cannot be tolerated. We are seeing a manifestation of this currently in the constant calls of the American Left for coups, wars, and violence against those who dared vote against them.

  How does the Left deal with dissidents? Free thinkers? Outliers? Those of us who threw a wrench in the Leftist machine. Those of us who denied the Liberal dream of open borders, increased taxation, and assault on civil liberties. What is the Left to do with such inconvenient persons?

  45,000,000 dead under Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward.

  20,000,000 dead under Soviet rule.

  9,000,000 dead after the October Revolution.

  7,000,000 dead in the Holodomor.

  2,000,000 dead in the Killing Fields.

  An incredible number of these deaths were simply brought against those who had the wrong political opinion; hence the term “politically incorrect.” High estimates are over fifty million deaths directly related to the Bolsheviks seizing Russia. Millions in Ukraine intentionally starved to death by the Jewish NKVD director, Genrikh Yagoda, a figure history has chosen to pass over in silence. Yagoda and the NKVD are responsible for far more civilian deaths than the Germans under Heinrich Himmler. Yet most of us only know one of their names.

  700,000 deaths during Stalin’s Great Purge. Most executed with a bullet to the back of the head. Millions more dead in Korea, Vietnam, Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania, and Cambodia under communist regimes. Most estimates are around 100,000,000 deaths as a direct result of communist ideology.30

  Without a shadow of a doubt, communism and its purveyors have orchestrated the largest man-made disasters in all of human history.

e is a “Communist Club” on my University campus. It’s not uncommon for me to see people wearing Che Guevara shirts, though the man was a famous communist, rapist, and murderer. Hammer and sickle pins on backpacks, fliers for their weekly meetings on bulletin boards. Every once in a while, the Communist Club writes in chalk on the campus sidewalks: “Capitalism = Work or Starve.” I don’t think these people have the intellectual capacity to perceive the dramatic, almost Shakespearean, irony of their message. Tens of millions literally starved to death because of people like them, yet they still have the audacity to scribble such utter filth. These people do not care if we are poor, starving, or dead, so long as they can call the results equal. This is the natural conclusion of egalitarianism: one hundred million bodies are the logical result of the communist equation.

  Any relatively sane person will look not only at the communist idea, but at everything that comes of it, and conclude that it is absolutely devoid of any shred of morality or humanity. In every attempt at communism or socialism ever attempted, long before utopia is achieved, we all starve to death.

  Sure, capitalism could be construed to mean “work or starve.” However, I would much rather that we all have the opportunity to work and buy food, than that we all starve to death together. Equally hungry.

  I dream of a day when these devils dressed as humans, the advocates for socialism, communism, and the purveyors of any of its iterations, are heralded as the wretched, murderous scum they are. If somebody were to create a university “Nazi Club” calling for the dawn of the Fourth Reich, or wearing shirts with the Reichsadler on it, they would run immediately into hardship, and would likely even be expelled. But trumpet an ideology that has killed far more people than Hitler’s, and it’s considered perfectly acceptable. Why? Because the heralds of these ideas are on the Left, there is communism in the heart of every Liberal and Leftist, and the Left is in control. They care not if their political adversaries end up tortured to death, hanged, shot, or starved. In fact, that seems to be exactly what they are aiming for.


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