What we see looking at the data is that, by measures of income, education, and crime, Asian citizens fare far better than whites, blacks, and Hispanics. At this point we have a couple of options; we can conclude that there is something inherent to Asian culture that contributes to their success, or we can attribute it to “Asian privilege,” the idea that Asians are given all sorts of favors and breaks in America to which other races are simply not privy. I would wager on the former.
The Chinese have a saying which they often say to each other: “No one who can rise before dawn 360 days a year fails to make his family rich.”188 The values that permeate one’s culture have a profound effect on the individuals within the culture. When one group glorifies education, hard work, loyalty, and perseverance, is it any surprise that they succeed?
To the narrow-minded Liberal thinker, it is incomprehensible that Asian culture might lend itself well to success. It makes little sense to Liberals that there might be any connection between Asians making education a high priority and hard work an honorable virtue on the one hand, and their place as the top earners in America on the other. Asian citizens also have the lowest rates of single-parent families at 11 percent. Again, the Left sees this crucial piece of data as negligible, whereas in reality, it is quite possibly one of the single most influential factors of future success. The fact that more Asian children grow up with two parents is alone sufficient to explain the economic trends between races. White children have a single-parent rate of 26 percent, Hispanics of 43 percent, and blacks of 68 percent.189
Liberals utterly refuse to acknowledge these differences in race, culture, and their subsequent effects on life outcomes. Race denial is a necessary pillar of Liberal ideology. Recognizing aggregate biological differences between races in terms of intelligence, forward-thinking, self-control, abstract thought, and morality, would call into question the very foundation of equality, multiculturalism, mass migration, and affirmative action programs. If all groups are identical, then you can blame whites for the failures of other groups; however, if there are reasonable alternative explanations, such as biology, the entire concept of white privilege comes undone.
News articles and Liberal academics blaming racism as the root cause are all too common. The Guardian published a piece titled, “Black culture isn’t the problem — systemic inequality is.”190 The article reduces the inequality seen in income, crime, and prison rates within the black community to “systemic racism.”
Children growing up with only one parent are twice as likely to be incarcerated as children with two parents. Even when controlling for income, the pattern holds true. Single-mother families live in poverty at a rate of 40 percent — five times that of two-parent families. Rates of high school graduation and college attendance are both lower for children from single parent homes as well. These rates all hold true across race: a white child from a single parent home is nearly as likely to drop out of high school as a black child from a single parent home.191
There seems to be few other factors that affects poverty rates, education outcomes, and incarceration rates, as much as growing up in a single parent home. It doesn’t matter if the child is white, black, Hispanic, or Asian; they are all negatively affected by single parenthood.192
This correlation is not specific to the United States. Data in England from the Work and Pensions Secretary revealed that children from broken homes were nine times more likely to commit crime. Single-parent families were twice as likely to be living in poverty, and children from single parent homes have higher rates of drug addiction.193
Liberals often argue that the only reason single-parent rates are so high in the black community is mass incarceration, the war on drugs, and a prison system that targets blacks, all of these claims are made in Alexander’s The New Jim Crow. It sounds reasonable enough, at least in the sense that incarceration could leave many black children without fathers. So I began looking at the data. Per the 2008 Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report on prisoners with children, there are around 1.7 million children with parents in prison from all races.194 According to the census, about 17.2 million children in the US are being raised by single mothers.195 Meaning that under 10 percent of children from single-parent homes owe their situation to incarceration.
Blaming the plight of the black community on the prison system is just another way to pass the issue onto some other group or entity without taking responsibility and addressing the problem. I want to see all communities of Americans doing better. I just don’t believe that blaming whites for the shortcomings of others is the way to fix anything at all.
Regarding the war on drugs and its effect on the prison population — if every federal and state drug offender currently in prison were to be released in this moment, it would drop the prison population by only 14 percent.196 That clearly still leaves the vast majority of prisoners. The notion that the war on drugs is the single greatest cause of mass incarceration is nonsense. However, entire books have been written on the premise that the war on drugs is the primary cause of incarceration rates.
When attempting to explain differences in education, crime, and income between races, Liberals default to the answers of white privilege and systemic racism. Neither of these theories can account for why Asians succeed at higher rates than whites, nor can they account for why, given alleged privileges and systemic advantages, so many whites end up in poverty and in prison. Yet when we look at correlations between single parent rates and outcomes in education, crime, and income, we see an entirely different story. A story that suggests there are factors beyond racism that contribute to the successes and failures of people. As an explanation, rates of single motherhood are far more powerful than “racism.” Further, liberals also refuse to acknowledge the effects of genetic variations between races, which can lead to varying outcomes in terms of success and life trajectory.
Evidently we are to believe that this all-encompassing shield of white privilege is now selectively oppressing blacks and Hispanics, even while ensuring that Asians and Indians are doing better than whites. I agree with the Liberals that there is clearly something endemic at play. We just disagree on what that something happens to be.
The very concept of white privilege is deeply harmful. It is yet another weapon in the war on whites. First, it tells the whites who believe in this degenerate trash that their success is not the product of hard work, talent, or intelligence, that anything they achieve was ill-begotten and inherently illegitimate. Further, it teaches non-whites that there is no use even attempting to work hard or develop talent and intellect, for all their work will be for naught so long as the system of oppression known as whiteness exists.
I once had a class that discussed contemporary race relations, including “white privilege.” We discussed Scapegoat Theory, the idea that people often blame a despised and denigrated out-group for their own shortcomings or lack of success.197 Shortly afterward we moved on to discussions of white privilege, by which society blames whites, especially white men, for all the problems that other groups face. I looked around the crowded lecture hall wondering if anybody else was struck by the irony. I caught one look; we made eye contact, and just starting laughing at the absurdity. Little moments like those made those days, filled as they were with Liberals and their trash theories, rather tolerable.
Universities and Left-wing blogs that masquerade as news organizations, publishing countless pieces of journalistic treasures, as for example Salon’s “White privilege: An insidious virus that’s eating America from within,” are not the only ones to blame for the perpetuation of the “systemic racism” myth.198 Two-time presidential loser, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders both spoke about the issues of systemic and institutional racism caused by white privilege.
Clinton: “We need to recognize our privilege.”199
Sanders: “When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know
what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car.”200
Well if Mrs. Clinton or anybody else can prove that white people have some distinct, invisible, inherent, all-encompassing advantage, I’ll listen. I’ve spent considerable time hunting high and low for the mythical Fountain of Privilege, and it eludes me still.
As for Mr. Sanders’ comments, recent Census data reveals that about 10 percent, or 20,000,000, yes million, white Americans are living in poverty.201 Further, a quick online search reveals a video from right after the November 2016 election, of a white man being dragged out of his car and beaten, while his attackers yell “Don’t vote Trump!” I’m still awaiting retractions. I suppose all that socialism went to Bernie’s brain and he forgot high profile incidents of profound racism, as for instance when Reginald Denny was beaten nearly to death for the crime of being in the wrong place in the wrong skin. Perhaps Sanders missed the brutal attack on a white man in Saint Louis, when a group of black and Hispanic teens pulled Zemir Begic, a Bosnian immigrant, out of his car during a protest, and beat him to death with hammers.202 Maybe nobody briefed Bernie on the fact that half of all the people killed by police are white. Or the fact that whites in America are the most frequent victims of violent interracial crime, being attacked at rates higher than any other group.
Every advantage Liberals claim that whites have, evidently due to some mystical force somewhere out in the ether, can be easily explained far more coherently by rates of growing up in single parent homes verses a two-parent home, and by easily verifiable aggregate differences between races, such as intelligence, forward-thinking, and impulsivity. The very reason there is a disparate rate of single-parent homes between races is itself likely a manifestation of racial differences playing out culturally.
The only valid contemporary examples of systemic racism are blatantly hostile towards whites: affirmative action, university admission criteria, “diversity” initiatives, and the crime epidemic targeting whites that has been largely covered up by the government and lying press. And just as the crime epidemic against whites is hushed, so is the massive wealth transfer forced on white families, whose taxation goes to provide for non-white families.
The claim that there is oppression of a systemic nature, inhibiting non-whites while simultaneously elevating whites, is little more than a ghost hunt. Every example of white privilege can be easily rendered invalid by mere seconds of research, and with minimal critical thinking.
Crime Rates are Racist
Liberals find racism is nearly every facet of life. We will go over a few of the more common ones I come across and discuss them through logic and data. There is no way to produce an exhaustive list, nor account for all the future ghost-hunting that Liberals will surely do in regard to racism. My hope is that these examples will help my readers to identify patterns in the Liberal narrative, see the flaws in their logic, and research further claims made by the Left, in order to see the full picture.
One of the most common arguments I’ve heard is that although surveys show that white and black Americans use drugs at roughly the same rates, blacks make up a higher rate of those incarcerated for drug crimes. This is simply comparing apples to oranges. A classic false equivalence fallacy.
The police are not arresting and incarcerating people merely for using drugs, which is what this argument assumes. Liberals look at two different sets of data — one showing drug use, the other showing incarceration rates — and suggest that they are one in the same. In reality, it’s rare that people are even caught, let alone arrested, for getting high. The arrests and prison time come from the trafficking, distribution, manufacturing, selling, and possession of large quantities of drugs.
So this logically means one of two things. Either whites and blacks commit drug trafficking, distribution, manufacturing, selling, and possession crimes at the same rate, and the police are simply ignoring the whites that commit drug crimes. Or there is a difference in the number of violations between races. If there is no disparity in terms of drug crimes, that means that everything from the legislation of drug laws, to the DEA chiefs, to the beat cops, represents a massive race-based conspiracy which is predicated on ignoring all the white drug traffickers and manufactures, in order to systematically target blacks. The data simply does not support this wild Liberal theory. There are many whites in prison for drug violations. It just so happens that blacks are in prison at higher rates. Just as there is a different rate of single motherhood, education, income, and crime among the races as well. How naïve would we be to assume that every race on Earth is going to be represented perfectly in every aspect of life — including prison?
Data of drug use shows that women use drugs about half as much as men. 12 percent of men in America have used drugs in the past year, while 7 percent of women have used.203 Yet men account for 93 percent of prison inmates, nearly fourteen times the rate of imprisonment over women.204 Men use drugs at a rate of less than twice that of women, yet are fourteen times more likely to be in jail — but nobody is claiming the prison system is systemically sexist. Why? Because they correctly infer that when it comes to drug manufacturing, trafficking, and distributing, men make up the majority of those involved in the drug trade. Nobody assumes that the usage rate of drugs between men and women should equate to the same rates of incarceration — so why do they assume the distribution should be identical between races? Does it not stand to reason that certain groups might be more likely to be involved in certain trades?
During Prohibition, nobody assumed that Italian men were being unfairly and systemically discriminated against due to the fact that they made up a large portion of those arrested for organized crime. The fact is, Italian men were involved in organized crime at a higher rate than any other group. If you had conducted surveys during Prohibition to see how many people were consuming illegal alcohol, I’m sure the distribution would have been more evenly spread across gender and ethnicity; yet when it came to the actual business of crime, there were certain groups more heavily involved. Not everybody who drank illegally was involved in running speakeasies, smuggling, and bootlegging. The same holds true today for the drug trade.
Liberals ignore this simple logic. Frequent articles with titles like Huffington Post’s “When It Comes To Illegal Drug Use, White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time,” continue to advance this invalid theory.205 Their conclusion that rates of drug trafficking should be the same as usage rates simply does not follow. In the article in question, the author cites data from cocaine use alone. He argues that because 20 percent of whites have used cocaine, but only 10 percent of blacks have used cocaine, whites should be twice as likely to be in prison for drug crimes. Not only did he cherry pick data for cocaine and ignore the fact that for overall drug use the rate between races is nearly identical, but also, like most Liberals, he tries to glide over the difference between drug use and drug trafficking. According to data from the United States Sentencing Commission, 96 percent of offenders sentenced for drug crimes were for trafficking offenses.206 Less than 2 percent of all drug crime sentences were for simple possession. The majority of federal simple possession apprehensions take place at the US/Mexican border.207
Another very interesting bit of data regards the validity of the self-report surveys of drug use. In studies that compare self-reported drug use to hair samples, researchers find that blacks were six times more likely to lie about illicit drug use as compared to whites.208 Blacks are also over three times as likely to go to the emergency room for use of illegal drugs.209 These facts suggest that drug use is anything but equal between races. The very premise of the argument is faulty.
In regard to drug laws, Liberals often claim that racism can be seen in the difference between punishments for crack on the one hand and cocaine on the other. They allege that because cocaine is a rich, white person, party drug, it carries lower sentences than crack, which is thought to be used more widely by the black co
mmunity. Again, not comparing apples to apples at all. First, the rise in the severity of punishment for crack came about as a direct reaction to the violence that police departments were seeing as a result of crack, as compared to other drugs, during the 1980s. Second, when we compare crack sentences to meth or PCP, both of which are seen as a more “white person” drug, the disparity in grams needed to land you five years in jail, nearly disappear.210 The vast majority of people in prison for meth are white.211 Nobody claims that meth laws target poor whites.
Similar arguments were made about the controversial New York City Police Department practice of stop & frisk. Liberals claim that because blacks accounted for 55 percent of those stopped, there was clearly a racist motivation on the part of the police. In New York City, blacks account for 66 percent of the perpetrators of violent crimes, 70 percent of robberies, and 80 percent of murderers. Blacks are over-represented in every type of criminal behavior in New York from misdemeanors to rape, per the annual Crime and Enforcement Activity report released by New York City. With that in mind, blacks were actually stopped at a lower rate than what levels of black criminality would have warranted.212 The same trend is true of Chicago: blacks account for more than 80 percent of all rape, robbery, and murder in the city.213 In terms of the rate of crime in the black community, they are actually being under-policed.
The high crime rates of the American black population are in no way exclusive to the US. In London, England, blacks make up around 12 percent of the population, yet they account for 67 percent of gun crimes, 59 percent of robberies, and over 30 percent of sex crimes. Blacks in London also make up a disproportionate amount of street crimes: over 50 percent of muggings, assaults, purse snatchings, and pick pocket crimes, are committed by the black population.214
Liberalism Unmasked Page 18