When you see the lying press reporting on the “rise of Right-wing extremism,” or claiming that “Right-wing terrorism is more prevalent than Islamic extremism,” now you know just how they classify these rampant acts of terror.257 Further, many “lone wolf” attacks by Muslims are often not counted as terrorism by reports because the individuals in question are not “officially” a member of an Islamic terror organization. Yet they classify Right-wing terrorism as the actions of anybody holding a Right-wing political ideology. Indeed, as we’ve seen, a criminal can even be far to the Left, and these organizations will still blame the Right for his deeds. The SPLC uses no objective standards to classify hate groups or terrorism. They exist exclusively to smear and defame the Right — and the white race along with it.
Professor Andrew Holt released a paper looking at Islamic terror versus Right-wing terror in the United States. What he found was that, excluding September 11th, there have been nearly twice as many deaths due to Islamic terror than to Right-wing terror.258 However the media still downplays fear of Muslim terror as “Islamophobia,” and insists that Right-wing terror is the actual threat to society. Really, the argument about white terrorist versus Muslim terrorists should be a non-issue. The only terrorists in the US or Europe should be white. There is no reason to even allow Muslims into our nations; they should never have the opportunity to terrorize us in the first place.
What is most startling is the fact that the majority of Islamic terrorists in the US and Europe have been born in the West. “Extreme vetting” will not work, since the second generation of Muslims in the US and Europe are far more likely to become terrorists than their migrant parents. And the second largest group of Islamic terrorists are naturalized citizens — meaning, they have already made it through our vetting processes.259
Perhaps, if we were supplied with the truth, we could find productive strategies to solve these issues. Instead we are fed lie after lie, all while the media and Leftist organizations hope and pray that nobody is paying enough attention, or bothering to read any real reports
The central Black Lives Matter argument stems from the fact that, while making up 13 percent of the population, blacks make up a much larger share of police shootings than their representative demographic. This crude analysis of course does not take in account rates of crime and police interactions within each community. While making up only 13 percent of the population, blacks account for nearly half of all assaults, a third of all rapes, over half of all robberies, and half of all murders, which in turn causes blacks to have a much higher rate of encounter with police. In 2016, the number of blacks killed by police was 233, 24 percent of all police killings.260 261
Further, FBI reports from 2004 to 2013 show that 511 police officers were killed. Of the offenders, 52 percent were white and 43 percent were black. Meaning that blacks are more than three times as likely to kill a police officer than is a white person.262 The entire BLM narrative is predicated on a lie, namely that the police are hunting down black men for sport. This lie is perpetuated by the media, the press, and politicians daily. The reality is that, when we account for levels of criminality, whites are the group being disproportionately fined and killed by police.
In truth, blacks are 20 percent less likely even to be shot at by police than whites are. These findings come from Harvard economist Roland Fryer, who conducted a controversial study which found that, in terms of rates of police interactions, whites are more likely to be killed by police than blacks.263 264 Also of interest, a study using data from the New York City Police Department found that black officers were three times as likely to shoot a suspect compared to white officers.265
In 2016, according to The Washington Post database, 963 people were killed by police. Half of them were white. Yet you likely never heard of any of them. When Daniel Harris, a white, deaf, mute, unarmed man was killed by a black State Highway Patrol officer in his neighborhood for speeding, it was indeed just as tragic.266 Yet there were no protests. There was no fanfare. No cities burned. The national press never made a show of their stories or sought to investigate further. It doesn’t fit their narrative.
The Washington Post wrote, “when adjusted by population, black males were three times as likely to die as their white counterparts.”267 Which is true, but they don’t bother to tell you that when crime rates were factored in, white men are more likely to be shot and killed by police. Using the population rate factor is only logically relevant assuming that the crime rates between the races are identical. In reality, they are anything but.
The media and politicians continue to give credence to the BLM narrative, to the point that Obama invited BLM organizers to the White House.268 President Obama furthermore sent three White House aides to Mike Brown’s funeral, further legitimizing the group and its narrative.269 One of the BLM leaders invited to the White House was responsible for organizing the shutdown of the I-35 freeway in Minneapolis.270 Founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto publicly declared whites to be sub-human, genetic defeats, and inferior in every way to blacks. She even suggested that blacks should wipe out the white race.271
Ironically enough, yet all too predictably, the ADL and SPLC do not condemn Black Lives Matter when their organizers call white people “sub-human.” Despite the fact that the justification for placing the group White Lives Matter on their hate list is precisely the racist remarks made by one of its leaders.
I would assume that if a group of white people shut down a freeway, or declared Muslims or Jews or Asians or Hispanics or blacks to be sub-human and worthy of eradication, the ADL and SPLC just might refer to that group as “extremist” or “supremacist.” I would further assume that if that group of white people found many of their high profile marches and demonstrations ending in the violent deaths of police, the ADL and SPLC might just put them on one of their “Hatewatch” lists. I would even further assume that if Donald Trump invited the leaders of such a group to the White House, the ADL, SPLC, the media, and every Liberal on Earth, might lose whatever is left of their minds. Yet because the group Black Lives Matter fits the narrative, and is appropriately Left-wing and anti-white in nature, all of their hateful and violent transgressions are forgiven. No doubt so that the ADL and SPLC can focus on other hoaxed hate crimes, and track down the whereabouts of a suspicious cartoon frog.
The SPLC’s Hatewatch lists serves as more of a hit list than anything. The SPLC assassinates the character of political foes by placing them along side actual terrorist organizations. The Center for Immigration Studies, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, and even Ben Carson, have all made appearances on the Hatewatch list.272 273 These additions to the SPLC Hatewatch list, particularly of organizations that publish nothing but factual data, reveals the true intent of the likes of the ADL and SPLC. The Hatewatch list seeks to silence and de-platform anybody that these people, whose names are not even generally known to the public, deem politically dangerous to their insidious objectives.
The total hypocrisy of the ADL and SPLC is seen in the curious case of two former Klan leaders and politicians, David Duke and Robert Byrd. I searched the ADL and SPLC websites for Byrd, Democrat politician, friend and mentor to Hillary Clinton, and the longest-serving United States Senator in history.274 There was nothing to be found but an old archived article. When I searched for David Duke, a former Republican State Representative, I found expansive biographies and pages of articles. Byrd filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was in favor of the Vietnam War, and voted against confirming both Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.275 I am not suggesting these facts alone make Byrd a racist, nor do I care; perhaps he had his legitimate reasons. Giving Byrd the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he saw the Civil Rights Act, for instance, as a grave infringement upon freedom of association. Perhaps he had philosophical differences with Marshall and Thomas. However, I can say with certainty that the same open-mindedness, the same granting a man the benefit of the doubt, would never be afforded to a person on the
Right. Despite his history in the Klan, and Byrd’s Congressional voting record, the Democratic party considers him a hero. David Duke, meanwhile, is still identified almost entirely with his involvement in the Klan over forty years ago. The SPLC and ADL actively update their files on Duke. During the 2016 Presidential election race, Donald Trump was asked numerous times to disavow Duke, after Duke expressed support for Trump. Although the two had never met, the Left made a point of associating their names, and asking Trump time and time again to disavow. Politicians on the Left were never asked to do the same with Byrd.
As far as public opinion, the media, politics, and Left-wing organizations are concerned, if you’re on the Left side of the political spectrum, any former affiliations can easily be forgotten and forgiven. However if you’re Right-wing and pro-white, your past will forever stain you. The ADL and SPLC will see to that.
This is a perfect example of how the Left forces the Right to play by one set of rules, while they play by another. The Left is never asked to denounce Antifa or BLM, they are never asked to denounce groups further to the Left and more extreme than themselves. Yet politicians on the Right are incessantly asked to denounce any and all Right-wing groups — and in displays of righteous cowardice, they capitulate every time.
The ADL and SPLC do not fight hate. They propagate hate. The justify hate. They weaponize hate. They incite and inspire hate. They are entirely silent when Leftists call for the total destruction of an entire race of people — white people. They not only refuse to condemn their own tribe, they rush to its defense. They call everybody Right-of-center an “extremist,” yet the title is never used for the far more radical Left. Anybody that dares oppose the ADL and SPLC is labeled and defamed as a white supremacist or a white nationalist. Both organizations are ferociously quick when it comes to denouncing alleged hate crimes and indicting “antisemitism.” Yet when it turns out the crimes in question were really hoaxes committed by their own, as so many have been, they are sluggish to retract the story — supposing they do at all. When those on the Right of the spectrum are attacked at rallies or on the streets for their beliefs, they ADL and SPLC never put out an article or social media post condemning the action, yet they demand that everybody, up to and including the president, condemns “hate crimes” and acts of “Islamophobia” and “antisemitism,” which in so many cases have turned out to be entirely fabricated and contrived.
Though they do not hesitate to throw around terms like “supremacist” and “extremist,” neither organization, neither the ADL nor the SPLC ever bothers to attack the data and arguments presented by people like Tomislav Sunic, Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, Daniel Friberg, Lana Lokteff, Kevin MacDonald, or Ann Coulter. Because they cannot. The Left attacks the person, calling him a racist, a bigot, but it never addresses his data or the conclusions he draws from his data. Why is that? Simple. The data sets are correct — and the Left knows it. Right-wing writers are constantly referred to as “pseudo academics” by the ADL and SPLC, yet they never demonstrate this through arguments.
The SPLC has dedicated articles to attacking and defaming the sources that Ann Coulter cites in her books, yet they never once show any of these sources to be inaccurate.276 Calling data that doesn’t fit the Liberal narrative “white supremacist” or “racist” only works on people who mindlessly accept everything an organization or authority figures tell them. For the rest of us, who seek the truth, it doesn’t fly. I could have written an entire book which did nothing but cite selected texts from Liberals, calling them names, mocking them, pointing out their hypocrisy, and so forth. But that’s a base way to win in the war of ideas. It is intellectually lazy to take the easy road, plucking at the low hanging fruit along the way. For one, it’s insulting to readers that are looking for more of a substantive debate; secondly, it is far better to refute core Liberal ideology with facts, data, real world outcomes, and logic. Even if the Left refuses to engage.
Quite apart from that, the people which these organizations so love to defame are in truth good people. I urge you not to take my word for it, or anybody else’s. Take a look at the books, articles, and speeches of these individuals. Make up your own mind. When you see that many of the figures the Left has demonized so viciously are honestly motivated by nothing but a love for their people, you begin to realize who the enemy truly is.
Louis Farrakhan is another controversial figure labeled an extremist by the ADL and SPLC. Since I didn’t want to take their word for it, I watched some of his speeches and read some of his work. He, like most of the people the organization labels as a “extremists,” seems to be motivated not at all out of hate, but out of a love for his own people. If you look at the works of David Duke, you’ll find similar sentiments. These men, who hold to values that not long ago were perfectly common, are now cast out as pariahs. We live in a society in which people promoting communism are lauded; they even run for president, and sometimes win. However, those trying to protect their own people are vilified and defamed.
Why is being a nationalist inherently wrong anyway? It was white nationalists who built America, as well as nearly every First World nation. What is so wrong about loving your own people and wanting them to have a homeland and a future? Every other group on the planet is afforded this simple luxury. Our ancestors didn’t fight and die to protect our nations so that they could become North Algeria and North Mexico a few generations later.
Ethnic nationalism, despite what the media would like you to believe, has nothing to do with supremacy, subjugation, or domination of other groups. It is simply the advocacy for your own people and the preservation of your own homelands, desire for self-determination. At this point, nationalism is the rescue mission of our people and our culture.
Speaking of which, the ADL has even declared the phrases, “Love your race,” “We have a right to exist,” and “It’s okay to be white,” as white supremacist hate speech.277 Think of the absurdity in this claim. Leftist organizations are trying to convince white people that it is somehow morally abhorrent for them to love their own people.
Each year there are over 500,000 incidents of violent black-on-white crimes, never so much as mentioned by the ADL and SPLC in all their incessant cries about “the rise in hate crimes.” The clear message is that they simply do not care about the victimization of whites. In fact, I would go as far as to say they condone it, through their silence if nothing else.
When graffiti reading, “Die whites die,” “Kill white people,” “Death to white power,” was seen all over large cities leading up to and after the 2016 election, neither the ADL nor the SPLC released statements about the rise in “anti-white hate incidents.”278 The mainstream media was also silent on the topic. During the August 2016 Black Lives Matter Milwaukee riots, video footage shows black rioters seeking out and beating white people, for their race. Chants of “Black power!,” and screams of “He white, get him!” were commonplace.279 The same scene played out in the September 2016 Charlotte riots. A white man was chased into a car park, surrounded, and beaten by a mob of black rioters. Because he was white. The same weekend a white journalists covering the riots was knocked unconscious and thrown into a street fire. Thankfully, he was pulled to safety by police officers.280
The most troubling aspect of the ADL and SPLC is their relationship with law enforcement. The SPLC puts out “training” videos and propaganda to law-enforcement agencies all over the US, and the ADL trains over 14,000 officers annually.281 282 These programs serve to indoctrinate the people we pay to “protect and serve” us into believing that white men are the enemy — that white men and white “extremist” organizations are their biggest threat. I have no doubt that these programs are at least partially responsible for the clear anti-white bias revealed by the fact that whites are over-policed per their levels of criminality, and fined and killed by police at higher rates than are warranted. The ADL training program was developed in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum, in order to ensure that the police and law enforcement agencies are used first and foremost to protect Jewish interests, while entirely ignoring, even covering up, the abuse whites face at the hands of non-whites. The people we pay to protect us are corrupted and turned against us by hostile cliques. This is what an occupation government looks like.
When whites are the victims of horrific hate crimes, their stories seldom make national headlines. They get a little local coverage — if they are lucky. As an example, an Ohio man named Pat Mahaney was walking home when a group of six black teenagers attacked him from behind, beating him with such brutality that he spent nearly a month in the hospital. Pat was forty-six years old, and took care of his elderly mother in their Cincinnati home. He never fully recovered from his injuries and died eleven months after the beating. The six teenagers were arrested; they claimed the attack was motivated by boredom. For their crimes, they were given probation and counseling.283 There was no national media coverage. No national outcry. No riots. Just another black-on-white hate crime, nearly entirely ignored.
When Pat Mahaney had his life cut short by feral thugs, the incident was not the topic of month-long discussions. It was not seen on talk shows or heard on radio shows, no books were written about it, President Obama did not comment, and certainly did not send anybody to Pat’s funeral. There were no funds set up to help Pat’s family.
When a black daycare worker tortured and killed eight-month old Reese Bowman, the racially charged story did not dominate headlines.284
Yet when Trayvon Martin was shot by George Zimmerman in self-defense, every Liberal, up to and including Barack Obama, decided it was the most crucial issue of the day. Obama lamented that Trayvon could have been his son. But for Pat Mahaney, little Reese Bowman, and millions of other victims, it was business as usual. Just another day. Just another dead white person. There were no riots. No protests. Nothing.
Liberalism Unmasked Page 21