The Kalergi Plan has had its echoes throughout recent history. In 1941, Jewish businessman, Theodore Kaufman, wrote a book titled Germany Must Perish!, in which he advocated a sterilization plan for all German men as well as the dissection of Germany. Although his book was published during World War II, Kaufman had pushed for the sterilization and destruction of both Germans and Americans through the 1930s in a series of pamphlets he published and distributed.467
During the Second World War, Jewish anthropologist, Earnest Hooton, laid out a plan to eradicate Germans through mass migration of non-European males, in order to breed German bloodlines out of existence.468 The legacy of the Hooton Plan can be seen in Germany today, as government-funded websites and pamphlets have been produced to teach migrants how to have sex with German women. The images on the government-sponsored site depict brown men having sex with white women, and provide information on how to have oral sex and sex with virgins.469 Children all over the West are being indoctrinated to accept their eradication. In France for example, children are taught by state curriculum that migration is a “human right,” “the essence of humanity,” and that open borders are what have created our safe and prosperous nations.470 Every instance of anti-white and miscegenation propaganda in TV, films, and advertisements is an expression of these same schemes. These plans that were laid out decades ago are the ideological groundwork for the United Nations’ population replacement strategy.
The United Nations special representative for migration, Peter Sutherland, has said on more than one occasion that Europe needs to “undermine national homogeneity.”471
Mass migration from the Third World was first justified to replace an aging population in Europe, despite the fact that for many years the media was telling Europeans and Americans not to have children due to overpopulation.472 The idea was that if you allow millions of new people to come into Europe and work, they will pay taxes that will fund the social programs. Unfortunately it somehow happened that the majority of migrants to Europe and America go on welfare and do not pay taxes.473 Once that the “migrants = new taxpayers” scam was up, the globalists simply came up with new reasons to justify mass migration, despite the fact that the immigrants are taking more out of the tax system than putting in, and by a large margin. Reports from Sweden and Germany show that the vast majority of migrants, over 80 percent, do not have jobs.474 Most European nations will not even release the data out of fear of public outrage; given their silence, we can assume the employment rates for migrants in their nations are not much better.
Today we are being told by the media and Liberal politicians that we need to take in migrants as “refugees,” despite the fact that again, the majority of these migrants are not fleeing any sort of persecution or war. Per Pew Research, over 70 percent of all migrants to Europe are men, 60 percent of which are young men, under the age of thirty-five.475 Hardly war-torn families with women and children fleeing some sort of violent catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands of these “refugees” have traveled through a dozen stable countries to get to England, Germany, and France where the welfare benefits are more robust and the police allow them to run wild. They are simply coming for handouts. What was once justified as economic policy, is now being re-framed as “humanitarianism” and “human rights.” The Liberal story continues to be re-written wherever necessary.
Europe and America cannot sustain their cultures and identities alongside waves of migrants from Africa and the Middle East. Liberals often cite low birth rates as a reason we “need” migration.476 European and American families are being robbed of their tax dollars to pay the way for foreigners and to support their children, instead of being allowed to use our own hard earned money to support larger families of our own — and then our governments have the audacity to tell us that this is being done to promote population growth. So the answer to low birth rates is to totally replace us? Not incentivize reproduction in the native populations? Americans and Europeans are being subjected to an oppressive taxation, which forces many couples to delay having children or to have fewer children. Then, while the cost of living rises, we are forced to fund the families of people utterly foreign to us, people with the breeding habits of rodents. It is infuriating that nobody has called Liberals out on their maniacal proposition that the first world needs to stop having kids, so they can use their money instead support the people of Third World, who just pushing out more low-IQ spawns. The Liberal media and politicians keep forcing this agenda, while most of the world sleeps. This is the largest dysgenics experiment ever to be undertaken, the greatest conspiracy against an entire civilization that has ever been known.
The “low birth rate” argument is infuriating. Of course birth rates are low! They always are during times of social unrest, conflict, war, and invasion. And make no mistake, we are at war.
The idea of “out-breeding” the Third World is a self-fulfilling prophecy. There is a tremendous psychological burden on white families created by these hostile social conditions. Either consciously or subconsciously, people feel unsafe and unsure about bringing children into a hostile, anti-white, “multicultural” environment.
This is a concrete example of systemic racism Liberals often espouse, an actual and identifiable government policy that discriminates against the native populations of Europe and America, in favor of Saracen hordes. Indeed, the only systemic racism currently in existence is to be found in forcing whites to fund people that routinely attack us and abuse us in the nations our ancestors built. We can no longer stand for this level of organized violence against us.
It should also be said that it was never written anywhere that a nation’s population must continue to grow each generation. This is indeed an obvious absurdity. Only unadorned ingenuity could assume that after the world’s largest baby boom following World War Two, each generation following would grow even more. Birth rates are always suppressed during times of war and social unrest — as, indeed, in the present moment. If European and American nations were to expel all the invaders, were able to walk safely outside once again, and to spend their own money on their own families instead of giving it to their governments for the importation of hordes of mongrels, the birth rates just maybe would rise once more.
But even if they don’t, will that be such a tragedy? Other nations, notably Japan, are not frantically bringing in foreigners by the boat load to replace their aging population; they understand that through all of human history, populations have grown and diminished. What’s more, in Japan, the Japanese are seeing some changes to their quality of life as the population decreases. In the past fifty years, the average amount of living space that Japanese citizens have been able to afford in Tokyo has more than doubled.477 The cost of living is declining, pollution will decrease, jobs will be more plentiful, wages will increase, and crime will be lower. What a disaster the Japanese are facing. If you’ve ever been on the freeway at rush hour, you’ve personally experienced why doubling the US population might not be so wonderful a proposition for our quality of life.
Let us not forget: the European Renaissance happened after the Black Death killed 30 percent-60 percent of the European population. Europe did not recover to pre-Plague levels for several hundred years, yet many experienced a higher quality of life after surviving the Plague. Perhaps a higher population is the very last thing we need in our nations.
This, of course, will not stop our globalist friends from using any excuse they can get their hands on. The United Nations Populations Division has released, on the UN website, reports espousing the “necessity” and “benefits” of what even the UN calls Replacement Migration. They are hiding their nefarious plans in plain sight. Kalergi, Hooton, Kaufman, The United Nations, The European Union — all espouse globalist plans to eliminate European and American identities and eventually the people. The very values that Europe and America were built upon pose a fundamental threat to the ruling elite’s cosmopolitan dream of a mongrelized, cultureless, rootless horde, easily a
tomized, deracinated, manipulated, and conquered.
They have used the excuse of aging populations, low birth rates, a struggling economy, and humanitarianism, to excuse our displacement. Every so often, the old excuses find their masks slipping off, and the Left has to invent a new reason we must accept millions of invaders. The most recent in this line of absurdities comes from German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble. He claims that closing European Union and German borders would lead to Europeans becoming inbred. He of course further claimed that “Muslims are an enrichment of our openness and our diversity.”478 He makes these proclamations without providing a single shred of evidence for either claim — probably because both claims are patently absurd. Europe has over 700 million people, Germany over eighty million; even in times of lower population numbers, inbreeding has never been a European issue. In fact, the places that have the highest rates of consanguinity, with some countries reaching levels of 50 percent inbreeding, are all North African and Arab nations. No other region on Earth has near the rate of consanguinity as Africa or the Middle East.479
I am not of the persuasion that we must censor claims of the enemies of our civilization that we must be replaced. Instead, I seek to embolden the men of my own stock, so that every time it is suggested that Europe must perish, we proudly proclaim that Europe and her people must be eternal!
The Myth Of Economic Benefits
The media of course loves the idea of our dispossession, and is now openly expressing their resentment of whites. Bloomberg published a shockingly racist article titled, “American Prosperity Depends on a Nonwhite Future.”480 From Newsweek, “America’s Getting Less White, and That Will Save it.”481 According to the Left, the only way society will prosper is if it abolishes the white race which created it. These articles essentially argue the same tired points, that economic “growth” is predicated upon population growth, and the only way to save the country is for mass migration and miscegenation to take place. Evidently, this will save us from our otherwise inevitable demise, despite the fact that migrants use more welfare than native-born Americans, and have on average much lower IQs.
This Leftist argument that migrants “grow the economy,” as seen yet again in articles such as, “Immigrants Are Makers, Not Takers,” always involves a level of sophistry.482 Although it is technically true, in strict terms, that additional people spending money augments the GDP, this ignores the high cost to native citizens.483 Over half of migrant households in the US are on welfare.484 The total cost of migration to US tax payers is around $300 billion per year.485 Even including those migrants that are paying income taxes, migrants cause a total net loss in terms of taxation, meaning that the “economic growth” from migrants is being funded and subsidized by the native tax payers. The related argument that “immigrants do jobs natives will not,” is also not supported by the data. There are nearly 500 civilian occupations; only six are occupied by a migrant majority, accounting for 1 percent of the workforce.486
In regard to work, an interesting study titled “Racial/Ethnic Differences in Non-Work at Work” was published in the National Bureau of Economic Research journal. The study investigated the time spent not working, while on the clock, of over 35,000 employees. The results of between-race analysis were statistically significant, finding that white men and women spend the least amount of their day not working. Asian men were the next group to waste the least time at work, followed by Asian women. Black women, followed by Hispanic women, then black men, and finally Hispanic men, spent the most time at work not working. The journal article notes, “These differences are robust to the inclusion of large numbers of demographic, industry, occupation, time and geographic controls. They do not vary by union status, public-private sector attachment, pay method or age; nor do they arise from the effects of equal-employment enforcement or geographic differences in racial/ethnic representation.”487 Across age, salary, skill level, geography, the results are the same. White people spend the most time working while at work.
Another fascinating study from 2007 investigated the link between workplace diversity and productivity over a six-year period. What they found was that as firm diversity increased, productivity decreased.488
National wealth, life satisfaction, and life expectancy all decline as the diversity of a nation increases.489 In the United States, public trust and interpersonal trust have both steadily declined in relative proportion to how ethnically diverse the US has become. As mass migration increases, trust in society and between individuals declines. On a global scale, there is a very strong relationship between trust and GDP per capita; the nations with the highest amount of trust, consistently enjoy higher rates of GDP per capita.490 The meaning is clear: as nations, cities, neighborhoods, and firms increase diversity, productivity, economic stability, and happiness all decline. Diversity is empirically proven to lower our quality of life, destroy trust, destroy social capital, cause less charitable contributions, cause us to be more atomized and deracinated, and even end our lives earlier.491 By all measures, it is similarity and homogeneity, not diversity, that is our strength.
Despite the constant claims to the contrary, there is no evidence to suggest that per capita GDP is being raised by mass migration. Quite the opposite in fact. American citizens would be far better off if they were able to keep the several thousand dollars a year that they are forced to give toward the funding of migration. Each legal migrant household costs an average fiscal deficit of $4,300. On average, each of these households utilizes $4,300 dollars more in government services than it contributes.492 That deficit of course is made up by native-born Americans — primarily, white Americans.
Moreover, a higher GDP does not inherently benefit Americans; it benefits the large corporations who desire cheap labor and more consumers. The health of a nation cannot be measured simply in GDP and stock indexes. We are more than an economy; we are people with a culture, history, tradition, and we have the right to exist, a right that is much more intrinsic than the “right” of Fortune 500 companies to earn a few dollars more. In truth, total GDP is an awful measure of quality of life. India, for example, has a higher aggregate GDP than Switzerland. China has a higher total GDP than Norway. The latter nations, meanwhile, have a higher per capita GDP, and a higher quality of life.493
The media narrative of the “hard working immigrant trying to make a better life in America while facing huge adversity” is laughable. They do nothing for native born Americans, other than cost us thousands of dollars per year. On average, immigration as a whole brings nothing but poverty for white families and a lower quality of life by virtue of more taxation, more crime, and destroyed social capital.
Weaponized Migration
As a direct result of Leftist open-border policies the West has experienced recent outbreaks of nearly eradicated diseases such as tuberculosis, measles, scarlet fever, even the bubonic plague, all of which have made a resurgence in the US and Europe.494
Europeans and Americans are being routinely subjected, sacrificed even, to violent massacres by foreign invaders. In the November 2015 attacks in Paris, 500 people were injured, 130 killed. In the Bataclan Theatre, eighty-nine hostages were mutilated and tortured before being killed. During the July 2016 truck attack in Nice, another ninety-eight lives were claimed, hundreds more injured. The December 2016 Christmas Market attack in Berlin, left twelve dead, dozens injured. Although the death toll has been horrid, the psychological effect on our people is more diffuse yet.
In Rotherham, England, there was a widespread organized rape gang. 1,400 or more women and children were raped and exploited by mostly Pakistani Muslim men. It went on for years, and there appears to have been quite a cover-up to keep the story from gaining widespread attention. Why? Because English authorities were worried that outrage might have been sparked from the news, which might have caused a rise in racism or intolerance against members of the Pakistani or Muslim communities. Similarly, the details about the torture and mutilation in the B
ataclan Theatre were also suppressed by most media sources, so as to avoid giving a bad name to the Muslim community. The Judeo-Liberal media is more worried about giving offense than they are about the victims and the truth.495 They are entirely complicit in these horrific crimes against our people. They are nothing but accomplices to the crimes against every girl who has been abused at the hands of foreign invaders, all the more contemptible because they are apparently more afraid of being called racists, than they are afraid of the rape and torture of young women.
Over 1,500 acid attacks have been reported in London alone over the past few years. Strangely, this never occurred before the advent of mass migration. The Leftist media chooses to ignore these attacks.496 Europeans are being terrorized daily, and their governments have made it illegal for them to speak out. They have even made it illegal to fight back. Two fathers in the UK were able to track down the whereabouts of their daughters, who had been abducted by sex-trafficking gangs; when the two brave men arrived at the house where their daughters were being held, the police were called, who then promptly arrested — the fathers.497
Estimates from France indicate there are over 5,000 gang rapes in the country each year, mostly committed by African and Arab migrants.498 At this point, living in Liberal-occupied multicultural France appears to be worse than living in German-occupied Paris.
The victims of organized rape gangs of Muslim, Arab, and African invaders are overwhelmingly white. There is, meanwhile, no known instance of white men and organizing gang raping enterprises in Europe. In England alone, it is estimated over one million women and children have been raped by migrants, primarily by Pakistani and Muslims rape gangs.499 Although hard to believe at first, this has been going on since the 1980s — nearly forty years of terror. This is by definition genocidal rape, and should be declared as such. This should justify a declaration of war — but alas, the crimes are covered up and ignored, because the victims are white children. These are the victims of multiculturalism, Liberal tolerance, and politicians who believe that “diversity is our greatest strength.” These crimes are nothing short of blood libel.
Liberalism Unmasked Page 29