Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 32

by Richard Houck

  One can find examples of this Liberal acceptance of any random idea in practically every Liberal platitude and bumper sticker slogan: “Diversity is our greatest strength,” “Muslims belong here,” “Make America brown again,” “We’re a nation of immigrants,” “Coexist,” “Build bridges, not walls,” “No human is illegal,” and the like. These all might sound nice at first. But as we have seen, when you really evaluate each one against history, objective outcomes, and moral imperatives, they all fall apart.

  The whole idea of this multiculturalism which is being forced upon us is absurd in its very premise. It reduces to the notion of immigration without assimilation, the idea of letting everybody into our nations according to literally no standards whatsoever. Moreover, the premise of multiculturalism is further flawed in the sense that it incorrectly assumes all cultures are equally good and valuable. But no one really believes this, and the proof is in the fact that there are certain parts of the world where not one of our precious Liberals would ever consider visiting, not to speak of living. Some cultures and people, are really quite awful. Others are incredible beyond words.

  When you start out with an idea based on such massively flawed premises, it always goes downhill from there. In this case, there is a spectacular dumpster fire at the bottom of a long decline.

  Liberals constantly push for more and more diversity. But at what point is a society sufficiently diverse? I’ve sent letters to several Liberal authors who have written articles calling for more diversity. I asked specifically what is the optimal number of halal carts in a city before they shut the hell up about being more “inclusive” and “diverse.” How many women wearing exactly same black burka do we require to become officially “culturally enriched”? Is there a perfect ratio somewhere, some metric we can go by? Maybe the number of car burnings per night? Or perhaps once the rape rate increases by 800 percent? Strangely, I never did get a reply.

  Immigrants from the Middle East and Africa have average IQs of eighty-five or lower. This is well below the US and European average.532 It is absurd to expect them to benefit, or even to understand, our countries.

  By nature, people prefer being with those like them. Nowhere on Earth has throwing groups of random people together turned out well in terms of crime, conflict, a sense of security, prosperity, culture, or any other value. History, as well as all relevant scientific studies and simple common sense itself, demonstrate this beyond any reasonable doubt.

  America was built mostly by Europeans who were religiously and culturally Christian, with a Protestant work ethic. Muslims did not built America. Jews did not build America. Arabs did not build America. Mexicans did not build America. One never hears of the Islamic, African, Judaic, Hispanic or Arabian work ethic. America is not the result of mass migration from South America or Africa or from the Middle East. This is the hard truth. The Left, the open-minded Left, hates this truth so much that they are actively trying to change the racial and cultural fabric of our nation.

  Countries all over Europe are seeing first-hand what happens when you try to “coexist” with groups of people that in truth want to dominate, not assimilate. The intolerable number of rapes and violent crime being inflicted upon native Europeans by migrant hordes is the result of our “building bridges, not walls.” The truly open-minded will see this sooner or later. The majority of Liberals, meanwhile, are little more than useful idiots who believe everything the Ministry of Truth tells them to believe in their blind worship of Big Brother. They are but pawns in the ongoing, often concealed, war between Globalism and Nationalism, perhaps more accurately, the crucible between Evil and Good.

  End the Immigration Act of 1965

  Even legal immigration ends in disaster.

  Many countries through the world, like Mexico, have policies written into their constitutions to the effect that the demographics of the country are not to be changed. These countries fundamentally understand something that many still do not: if you replace the founding stock of a nation with an entirely different group of people, the nation itself becomes radically alien. Where Mexicans go, they will always build Mexico.

  Will you accept becoming a minority in your own land, so long as it was effected legally? Are you alright feeling like a stranger in your own streets, even as the native English do now in the majority Muslim city of London? Are you comfortable with the idea that Europeans will have no homeland anywhere on Earth? We are the heirs to the Occident. The blood of those who built the West is in our veins, nobody else’s.

  Would it be acceptable to you if the immigration policy was changed, allowing not over a million migrants a year into the USA, but ten million per year? Fifty million? Supposing, of course, their paperwork was filled out properly, would you really permit an endless stream of people into our nation? Shall we keep pushing until we hit a billion or more, and the US is indistinguishable from any Third World nation? This is what everyone is really saying, who states that they are fine with immigration as long as it is done legally. As if bureaucratic correctness were somehow the saving grace of civilization.

  What these people fail to understand is that Leftist politicians will continue to press the immigration limit higher and higher, even while making the paperwork easier and easier, to the point that an immigrant can just sign on the dotted line once he arrives to start collecting his welfare. If our immigration policy had not let in over fifty-nine million people in since 1965, the majority of which vote Democrat, the Democrat party could never come close to winning an election. They have totally lost the war of ideas, so they have shifted to the war of demographics. The Republicans that were voted in to stop them haven’t even begun to realize the new tactic, or they know and quietly approve. They continued to allow it to happen: they voted for amnesty, and were happy cashing their checks from corporate sponsors that were in favor of more consumers and cheaper labor. The results of the 2016 election show that if any other group but whites had been a majority, Clinton would have won handily.533 In fact, Democrats have not won the white majority vote even once in a presidential election since 1964.534

  According to the Census Bureau, as of July 2015, the majority of US babies under one year old were racial or ethnically, non-white.535 Just fifty short years since our gates were flung open, whites have gone from making up nearly 90 percent of the population, to being displaced in our own lands. Pew Research published an article titled “Explaining Why Minority Births Now Outnumber White Births.”536 In the article they neglected to mention rates of mass migration to the US and taxation patterns. They note that nearly 92 percent of all population growth is non-white. Not only is the majority of migration non-white, the taxation system is set up to force whites to support non-white families.537 The budgetary impact of taxation revenue generated by each white person on average is $2,795. The budgetary impact of each Hispanic person on average in the US is -$7,298, and for blacks it is -$10,016 per person.538 Meaning on average, it takes 3.5 whites to support one black person, and 2.5 whites to support one Hispanic. If both legal and illegal migration were ended, each US household would save an average of $3,000 per year in taxes. Migration quite literally makes us poorer.

  Whites are having smaller families, in part because they cannot afford to have larger ones. Their money is being stolen by the government to give welfare payments to Hispanics, Muslims, and blacks, that as a result are able to have larger families through white money. The same holds true for migrants; they are a net negative, a drain on the system, and are nearly entirely funded by whites. I suppose this is another example our “privilege”; perhaps we can view this as an “enrichment tax.” A better term yet would be White Slavery. Whites carry the fiscal burden and others use their money, all the while demanding ever more.

  Anyone with his eyes open can see that this current paradigm is destined to collapse. It is wholly unsustainable. If the current migration trends are not stopped and reversed, Europeans will no longer have a homeland. Americans will no longer have a homeland. In
fifty years, Mexico will still be a majority Mexican, and Somalia will still be a majority Somali, and Algeria will still be a majority Algerian. America, too, will be majority Mexican; France and Germany and Italy, too, will be majority Somali, Algerian, and Pakistani.

  Europe is a near irrefutable argument for the horrors and pitfalls of mass, legal, migration. Europeans did not want their culture to become more like that in Africa or the Middle East; if they had, they would surely have moved to those places. The legal migrants have transformed Europe into something it is not, and I do not see a single shred of evidence suggesting that the rise in crime, welfare use, and mosques are in any way improving Europe, or the lives of Europeans.

  London, in which the native British are a minority, is a case in point. Men who grew up in London, fought to save London, no longer recognize the city they once called home. Parts of London now have more mosques than churches, more halal markets than fish & chips shops. A dozen pubs are closing a week, and churches nearly as often. This all happened through legal immigration. Londoners are being legally dispossessed in their own homeland. The same is happening all over the West. Washington D.C. is now a white minority, Paris will soon be as well. All through “legal” migration. Think of the absurdity. White nations, white capital cities, without a white majority, in many of our largest cities. Imagine going to Tokyo or Seoul, and seeing more brown hordes than Japanese or Korean people.

  Imagine being homesick for a place that no longer exists. Wanting to visit somewhere that looks like a distant memory that you can almost recall, but now feels totally unknown. We are facing a sort of collective Paris Syndrome.

  Besides flooding the streets with foreign invaders, European governments have also enacted strict gun laws and eroded the freedom of speech. In order to facilitate mass migration and the replacement of the native people, it is first necessary to ensure that they are defenseless, unable to publicly oppose the policies that so clearly work against them. Merely twenty years after enacting strict firearm regulation in the UK following the Dunblane massacre, UK police are now kicking in people’s doors for posting “hate speech” online. They make it illegal to speak out and defend ourselves even as they drop the hammer. Silenced and disarmed through laws, impoverished by the diversity tax, and forced to live with violent savages that brutalize them — these are all the trappings of a total occupation government run by a hostile alien clique.

  The same thing will happen to America and the rest of Europe, make no mistake. America is great because of the values and ideals it was founded upon, and the people that intend to carry on those rich traditions — the children of those who created the nation. Migrants that do not share those same values will simply use our democratic process to undermine nearly 250 years of our culture, and thousands of years of culture in European nations. They will change their host nation to align with their own worldviews. They should not be allowed to subvert and corrupt our way of life, turning our nations into hollow shells, mere shadows, of what they once were.

  The Liberal narrative continually harps on how “minorities” all over the planet need our help. But Americans and Europeans are the minority. There are 7 billion humans on Earth, and fewer than one billion are of European descent. Referring to non-whites as a “minority” group, even in majority white nations, is nothing but a lie, a tactic of psychological manipulation. It is nothing but a clever way to trick the unquestioning masses into accepting mass migration, population replacement, and their own dispossession, in the form of the decimation of the founding stock of their nations, and the evisceration of the white race itself.

  We have been the most tolerant and welcoming group of people in the entirety of human history. No non-white people has ever welcomed populations so different from them, housed them, fed them, educated them, all while simultaneously being called racists and attacked for our very hospitality and kindness. When we finally decide this has gone too far, when we finally say “enough,” the entire world will shudder under our collective footsteps.

  Demographics Are Destiny

  Based on the results of the latest Human Development Index indications, the United Nations has announced that by the year 2030, Sweden will become a Third World country.539 While Sweden continues to decline, the neighboring nations, which have not taken in millions of migrants, are still doing relatively well.

  Switzerland — not part of the European Union — heavily regulates both foreign immigration and travel. Not surprisingly, Switzerland enjoys one of the lowest crime rates on the planet. Switzerland also has far lower taxes, no massive welfare program, and the freedom to own firearms. Sweden, meanwhile, has a Global Terrorism Index rating fourteen times higher than that of Switzerland.540

  These differences are not coincidental. They are the direct result of each nation’s laws and politics. You cannot have a First World nation with a Third World population.

  California was once a state Republicans could and did win in presidential elections. Due to migration and amnesty, it’s likely it will remain a Liberal Democratic stronghold from here on out. With Florida, Texas, and other southern states receiving more migration, they too will soon be lost to the invading hordes, while the Mexican border creeps ever northward.

  Historic battleground states in the US are being flooded with wave after wave of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, the majority of which will vote Democrat, as demonstrated by all relevant statistics. If this isn’t stopped, swing states, and historic Republican strongholds, will all turn Democrat. Not because the Liberals were able to convince the native population that their party policies are better for the citizens, but because they were able to continue importing foreign voters, individuals dependent on the massive welfare state that Democrats will promise to continue.

  Liberals politicians have made a Faustian deal in regard to immigration. They are literally destroying our civilizations, and forcing tax payers to fund the destruction, in order to gain more power. And the Liberal proles that vote for these goblin-faced wretches are too dense, ill, and gullible to see it. They are sold the lie of diversity as a strength, and they vote with their fragile emotions, no matter the cost.

  In a very interesting Pew research poll regarding government policy, the question “Would you prefer a smaller government with fewer services or a bigger government with more services?” was asked. Only 27 percent of white Americans were in favor of larger government. Over 71 percent of Hispanic and 59 percent black citizens supported a larger government with more services.541 Who could possibly be surprised by this? Blacks and Hispanics use welfare programs at twice the rate of whites and Asians. They want more governments services, while whites are forced to fund their ineptitude. In 2014, whites paid 76 percent of individual taxes for the year.542

  The demographic voting trends in the 2016 US election show why the Left is so desperately trying to replace white Europeans in our own lands. Exit polls and election maps revealed how the results would have turned out if the white vote was excluded: Clinton would have won all fifty states.543 No matter how you split the white demographic, by sex or education, without them, Clinton wins.544 No matter how you split the non-white vote, Clinton wins. White people, especially white men, were the single vanguard to block Clinton in her quest for the White House. Which is exactly why white men are a despised out-group to the Left. Soon after the election, white women joined the ranks, becoming the latest target of the vitriolic Left:

  White women, own up to it: You’re the reason Hillary Clinton lost — Chicago Tribune545

  White Women Helped Elect Donald Trump — The New York Times546

  White Women Sold Out the Sisterhood and the World by Voting for Trump — Slate547

  Blame white women for country’s failure to shatter glass ceiling — NY Daily News548

  Once the demographics shift beyond the tipping point, there is no going back. The majority of all non-whites are in favor of open borders, hate speech laws, firearm restriction, ce
nsorship, heavier taxation, and a larger government. Once they have the ability to outvote whites entirely, our nation will never be the same again.

  Mass migration is indeed a problem. But the hordes have always been outside our walls, and we must not forget the gates were opened from within. Those who caused the invasions are the root of the problem. The eternal Left and the hostile international clique have always been the strangers within our gates.

  If We Go, So Shall Western Civilization

  Republican Congressman Steve King of Iowa has been attacked by the media and on social media with accusations of being a racist and white supremacist. The allegations came immediately after King commended Dutch politician Geert Wilders for his stance on immigration to Europe. King wrote that Wilders understands the importance of culture and demographics as they relate to the destiny of a nation, stating that we cannot restore our civilizations with people from foreign lands or with other people’s children.549 What King and Wilders are saying is exactly what I have been writing: that the most important and irreplaceable aspect of a nation will forever be its people. If you replace the population of a nation with the population of a foreign nation, the original nation ceases to exist.


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