Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 34

by Richard Houck

  Development Minister Gerd Müller of Germany claims that over 100 million African migrants will come to Europe as “economic and climate refugees” in coming years. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s response was to give away hundreds of millions in tax-payer dollars to help fund migrants coming to Europe.578

  Politicians in Europe and America use migrants to terrorize and solidify their power. Migrants are little more than the bottom stones of their great pyramid scheme. As long as migrants need welfare, the governments can continue to tax the native citizens, print money, and pretend the economy is growing, all while eradicating us.

  What we are seeing is nothing but weaponized migration. Liberals use these barbarians as of the tools of psychological warfare, an effort to keep the population scared and controlled, so that they will accept whatever it is the politicians want from them. Whether it be in the form of higher taxes or the creation of a surveillance police state, the terror and crime waves that result from mass migration greatly benefit the political elite. When the media and leaders of the Left tell us after every terrorist attack that “diversity is still our strength” and that we must deal with this new “way of life,” they are desensitizing society to the violence and the abnormality of dysfunction, ushering in a state of conditioned helplessness and apathy. And in true SPLC and ADL fashion, they claim that anyone who has the wild idea that once Muslims become a majority in Western nations, they might seek to fundamentally change the legal system and culture to reflect their own, must be a bigoted anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist.579 580

  Speaking of the idea that a Muslim majority might become radically intolerant of other religions and peoples — I wonder where anyone might get such a ridiculous notion? Maybe because that’s precisely what Muslims have done in over 50 different countries over the last 1,400 years? Muslim politicians in Canada have passed laws to make it illegal to criticize Islam or Muslims.581 The majority of Muslims in American and Europe openly admit to wanting to be governed Sharia law. But all of these historical examples and modern examples are evidently nothing but the conspiracy theory ravings of racist lunatics. I’m glad we have the SPLC and ADL doing tireless propaganda work to clear these little misunderstandings up for us.

  During a visit to Europe, the Dalai Lama remarked there were too many “refugees” coming into Europe. He went on to say refugees should be admitted into Europe only temporarily. “Germany cannot become an Arab country. Germany is Germany,” the Dalai Lama stated.582 Perhaps the Dalai Lama, too, is a Nazi. Or maybe decades of solitary meditation in exile in the Himalayan mountains have given the Dalai Lama a somewhat keener understanding of geopolitics than that possessed by most Liberals.

  Poland and Hungary were threatened with sanctions from the European Union after they refused to accept more migrants into their nation. To which the Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak replied that taking more migrants would be “much worse” than any EU sanctions. Minister Błaszczak cited the current change in demographics as being responsible for the meteoric rise in crime and terror throughout Europe.583

  Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło remarked that it is impossible not to see how the rise of terrorism in Europe is linked directly to migration policy.584 Poland has a lower Global Terrorism Index rating than any other European Union nation. This is not a coincidence. It is the direct result of leaders like Błaszczak and Szydło at the helm.

  Interestingly enough, Poland is experiencing a baby boom, with over 400,000 children expected to be born in the next year, a seven year high. Perhaps this is connected in some inexplicable way to the fact that the Polish government decided to use its tax dollars to give back to those of their own people who choose to start families, instead of giving them away to invaders.585

  The Center for Strategic and International Studies tracks global terror incidents over the world. Since 2012, Poland has had zero attacks, Switzerland, two.586 These two nations look out for the best interests of their people, and it shows.587

  While researching European nations, comparing and contrasting policies to outcomes, I couldn’t help but wonder — is this how Charles Dickens felt while writing A Tale of Two Cities? How could it be that two countries, so close in proximity and culture, are worlds apart in quality of life? People in one country are afraid to leave their houses, and in the next country, they enjoy low crime, no terrorism, and a higher quality of life. Given the shocking discrepancy here, why is it so difficult for people to see the destruction Leftists policies have wrought?

  We are told over and over again that the shifts in demographics, culture, and terrorism are unavoidable. Barack Obama, during an NPR interview, said the demographic shifts in the US are inevitable, and that this is going to be “a browner country.”588 French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron proclaimed that mass migration is unstoppable, inevitable, and that Europeans “must get used to mass immigration.”589

  Leftist news organizations around the planet agree. Headlines such as “Mass Immigration Is Unstoppable,”590 “Cities urged to ‘embrace new reality’ of mass migration,”591 “Mass EU migration into Britain is actually good news for UK economy,”592 and “UK needs more immigrants to avoid Brexit catastrophe,”593 are but a few examples of a wider trend.

  Why? Why are politicians all over the Western world pretending changing demographics and heightened terrorism are somehow absolutely fated? But the reason should be clear. These changes are in fact entirely intentional, and driven by the same policy these very politicians created. Beirut was once called the Paris of the East. Now Paris has become the Karachi of the West. This did not have to happen; it was intended to happen. The very people that go on TV to assure us time and time again that nothing can be done to alter our course, are the same who are actively guiding it. When they exhort us to tolerance, what they mean is, “Please be calm and tolerant while we murder your civilization.”

  The largest city in the world is Tokyo. Japan has seen years with a Global Terrorism Index of precisely zero. Japan routinely has a terror index among the lowest in the world.594 Japan: the country with the largest city in the world, immense population density, and no worries of terrorism. Could it be a coincidence that Japan takes in no refugees, no asylum seekers, no economic migrants, and enforces very strict immigration policies? Japanese politicians are not telling the Japanese people that they are going to be a minority in their own homeland in a few short decades. Japanese officials are not telling them they must learn to live with the rapes, car burnings, kidnappings, murders, and terror attacks. So why are we allowing it to happen in Europe and the United States?

  The political positions of Japanese leaders would be called “radical” and “extremist,” and the leaders themselves “supremacists” and “Right-wingers” by our media, if they were in any Western nation. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had this to say about migrants in Japan: “As an issue of demography, I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees we need to have more activities by women, by elderly people and we must raise the birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants.”595 Which is exactly the same sentiment politicians all over Europe and America should be adopting.

  Governments should not be in the business of global welfare or the business of pathological altruism. They should be concerned only with the welfare and safety of their own people. But I wonder if our elected leaders even view us as their own tribe? It somehow seems they are far more akin to the Bolsheviks, who had a deep disdain for Orthodox Russians and Ukrainians. In fact — they might just be the exact same group as those who lead the Bolshevik party long ago.

  Once the demographic shift tips the scales too far, it’s over. Western civilization as we know it will be erased. Thousands of years of work, washed away. Why? So some of our people can feel good about being “inclusive”? Once we are the minority in our own homelands, we will never be able to win another election. Every official will be interested in what blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims want: restrictio
ns of free speech, more welfare, open borders, mass migration, and their warped ways of life, forced upon us.

  In Germany alone, the Muslim population is projected to quadruple by 2020 according to the Gatestone Institute. During a discussion of the open border policies of Germany and the EU, German politician Walter Lübcke told native German citizens that if they do not like the policies, or the newly arriving hordes of Muslims, they are “free to leave Germany.”596

  Not only is it now illegal to speak out against mass migration all over Europe, government officials are telling people to leave their own homelands if they do not enjoy the “cultural enrichment.” But to go where? Muslims already have over fifty nations in which they are a majority. Where is a German to go once his country has transformed into a Muslim nation? Where are Americans to go, when we too become strangers in our own lands? The sentiments of Walter Lübcke are becoming increasingly common, even in the US. Liberals want open borders and amnesty, Hillary wants to increase the amount of legal “refugees” to the US by tenfold. Signs reading “deport racists” — meaning, of course, anybody who disagrees with mass migration — are to be found at every Liberal protest in the US. The Left is literally telling us that if we disagree with them ruining our countries, we should be forced to leave.

  Once Texas and Arizona are entirely Mexican, and Ohio, Idaho, and Missouri have been overrun with Somalis, then what? We will never be able to win even an election again. Just as London is now a Muslim city, with a Muslim leader, we too will be displaced in our own lands by foreign invaders.

  What do you think will happen to free speech and our gun rights? Hillary Clinton wanted to make it legal to be able to sue firearm and ammunition manufactures for any “misuse.” Once that happens, firearm and ammunition companies will be sued out of business until none are left. This is what the majority of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, and Jews, voted for in 2016. Muslims all over Europe have already been able to enact laws that make it illegal to criticize their mass migration, or their religion. The majority of Muslims, blacks, and Hispanics — who knows why — support expansion of our systems of welfare. What do you think will happen when these groups have become so large that they can begin to outvote us? Do you think they are going to somehow wake up one day and decide to start acting like Americans? Not a chance. They will continue to advocate for “hate speech” laws so we can be imprisoned for offending them, they will vote for politicians who will disarm us, who will and tax us heavily, so they can have more government services coddling them.

  A study by Pew on gun rights and gun control found that 73 percent of blacks and 69 percent of Hispanics report considering controlling gun ownership to be more important than protecting the rights of Americans to own guns. 42 percent of whites, meanwhile, agreed that controlling gun ownership was more important than the right to own. 78 percent of Democrats, as compared to only 18 percent of Republicans, felt controlling gun ownership was more important than the rights of Americans to own guns.597 Quantifiable data proves that the majority of blacks and Hispanics would prefer to have laws that illegalize “offensive” statements.598 Research also shows that over half of blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and white Democrats are in favor of laws to ban “hate speech” and “offensive statements.”599 The US Constitution and Bill of Rights will not survive a non-white majority. Within a few decades — maybe more, maybe less — whites will be a demographic minority in the US Those first two amendments are just that, amendments. A quick civics reminder: it only takes two-thirds of Congress and thirty-eight states to eviscerate either (or both) of our most cherished rights.

  The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791. A year before that, the Naturalization Act was passed, limiting US citizenship to free white persons. Limitations on who could become an American came before the US ratified the rights we take for granted; we should not forget this lesson in chronology. A white nation is a predicate to such expansive freedoms. To deny this, and to believe that we should not be concerned with the fact that the Mexican border creeps ever northward, is to play a very dangerous game — a game in which we bet the future of our civilization against the misguided hope that we can convince an alien race to somehow become “just like us.” We simply cannot have a high trust society with either non-whites or with too much diversity. Asians are generally seen as the “model minority,” and I have spoken highly of them throughout this book; however they still do not make for great Americans. Asians are really great at being Asian. They build nice nations, they take care of their own, they commit little crime, and use little welfare. However, as a whole in the US, Asians support larger governments, firearm restrictions, migration, and they vote majority Left-wing as a diaspora population. Asians may be “model citizens,” but they are not good Americans.

  The Liberal plan is incredibly simple. Outnumber us, and then vote “legally” to erode our rights. I’ll never forget nor forgive these transgressions against us or their attempted coup d’état in November of 2016. I will never forget their gloating as they were closing in on my people like a pack of hungry cannibals. Do you think when we lose our nations to these people, our history will remain? Once we are total minorities in our own homelands, do you think the mongrel hordes will preserve our legacy? Or that even the physical artifacts of our civilization will be saved?

  Non-white students across American universities are already requesting Shakespeare be banned, as his writing is not “diverse” enough; English literature, they say, is dominated too much by white male authors. They add helpfully that white, male, authors create a “hostile” environments for students of color.600 Universities are already teaching revisionist history of the West without the Westerners. University courses like “Islam in the United States” tell the “story” of how Muslims were an essential part of shaping America, starting from the 1500s.601

  We are already seeing historical monuments across the entire nation being removed or destroyed for being “racist” and “offensive.”602 603 The ones that remain are frequently defaced; historic monuments have been covered in graffiti including tolerant, multicultural statements like “die whites die.”604 They will not be stopping at Confederate statues either. That is merely the beginning. While our culture is being destroyed, the Left, and the likes of the SPLC, support it entirely.605 They want to erase us. Turn us into exiles in our own homelands. But our history is more important than their pathetic feelings.

  Although I have forwarded many arguments and dispelled many lies regarding the economic and moral justifications of replacement migration, ultimately, none of this matters. There are entire neighborhoods and entire cities all over the US and throughout Europe that look and feel entirely alien. These foreign enclaves share nothing in common with our memories of these places in our once great lands. There is no amount of money, no moral imperative, no humanitarian cause, that can outweigh the loss of our homelands. For once they are lost to the hands of hostile alien tribes, they are lost forever. Our roots will be severed and we will be forced to live our remaining days in exile, in the very lands our ancestors once created, defended, and passed down to their posterity — to us.

  More monuments will be torn down; cities and roads will be renamed. As sure as Tsaritsyn was changed to Stalingrad, and Saint Petersburg renamed to Leningrad, we too will be erased from our own history. Everything the Left deems undesirable will be razed if it is not stopped. The Liberals will continue until every remnant of our culture and existence is removed. And with our heritage and history eradicated, it will be as if we never existed at all.

  At Oxford University, students are demanding that the statue of Cecil Rhodes be taken down, as he represents British imperialism. King’s College London is removing portraits of many of the founders of the university after complaints arose that they were too white. The portraits of men who founded the university will be replaced with non-whites and women.606 A professor at the University of Iowa claims that the white marble used in many famous sculptu
res, such as Michelangelo’s Pietà, contributes to white supremacy.607

  None of this will be surprising to students of history. After conquering a land, foreign invaders destroy the previous history and culture, and all remnants of the people who were once there. ISIS has destroyed art, shrines, temples, and monuments in every territory they have conquered.608 Just as the Bolsheviks did in Russia after torturing and slaughtering the Romanovs. Just as the Left wing of Spain desecrated the nation during the Red Terror through the Spanish Civil War, before Franco secured the nation. And just as Maoists destroyed cultural relics all throughout China.

  Blowing up Mount Rushmore, razing historic buildings, or painting over the Sistine Chapel because they lack diversity and were created by white men, will surely be an aspiration for the Left sooner or later. Their desire to destroy everything beautiful and their hatred for us are both illimitable. A day will come when destroying Gothic cathedrals, marble sculptures, and high culture art, will too fall in their hateful sights. This was never about racism; this is an assault on art and beauty. On all the things our beloved ancestors created and left for us to enjoy. The Left is filled with chaos and ugliness, and so they naturally hate our kind for being everything they are not. They hate us for being everything they could never become.

  I have heard students in college classes complaining that there were “too many old white guys” in text books, and that they need to be made more diverse. Articles such as “The Unbearable Whiteness of History,” express the same sentiment.609 What happens on university campuses is the canary in the coalmine.


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