Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 36

by Richard Houck

  The 2016 election was a total rejection of Liberals telling us that every little thing we do or believe is racist, xenophobic, and offensive. There is nothing at all wrong with preserving a nation, or with fighting the regressive Left and Cultural Marxism. Arrogant Liberals claim to be well educated, but I’ve realized they know nothing of global politics, nor have they ever read any of the texts that inspired the American Revolution. They have a shallow and narrow view, shaped by distortions. The depth of their political understanding generally lies a few pages within The Communist Manifesto, and with what the TV tells them to believe.

  Their time is over. We are rejecting their degenerate culture, we are rejecting the false gods of tolerance and egalitarianism, we are rejecting the tyranny of political correctness and social justice.

  We are tired their “safe space” culture, their obsession with herding invaders into our homeland, insisting they belong here as if they built the nation. All while our tax dollars are stolen to fund this attempt to replace us and to make us exiles in our own lands. We are tired of the Left policing our thoughts and our language, tired of their unilateral decision that certain words are “problematic” and “harmful.”

  This election was the outright rejection of the constant multiculturalism, the rampant degeneracy, and the insolence of the lying press.

  The Left did not realize that it was their own arrogance and feigned superiority that brought this down on them. They seem to have learned nothing. They certainly have not learned that the constant lecturing from the media, the news, and “celebrities” (read: court jesters), is no longer welcome. Nobody cares if during yet another self-congratulatory, séance of self-polluting Liberal “entertainers,” everyone moans about how the indispensable “Hollywood, foreigners, and the press are so vilified.” In fact, I’m rather certain most of us would gladly deport the entire lot of them, save for perhaps Mel Gibson, Christopher Nolan, and a handful of others. The film industry, as with the entertainment industry as a whole, has been a stunning heap of rubbish for years, with one or two gleaming exceptions scattered through the abyss that is modern “art.” Yet if we kick out Hollywood, foreigners, and the press, all we’ll have left is football, they tell us.613 If I had to trade all of Hollywood, foreigners, and the press, for a sport I almost never even watch anyway, I would gladly make the deal.

  Films were once used to entertain, to enlighten, to tell a story. Now they are mostly propagandist garbage. The Left lost because they are so out of touch with reality, so self-absorbed, so arrogant, that they honestly forgot how little they matter to us. Not only do they not matter, we have become tired of listening to anything that comes out of their lying, insolent mouths. We are tired of being lectured by Hillary, Obama, Bernie, our peers at school, work, and professors, for our “privilege” and our differing views.

  This is only the beginning of Americans rejecting their safe space culture, their obsession with allowing invaders into this nation, their welfare state, and their total war on our most fundamental values.

  After losing, the Left has rioted, sought re-counts, made threats to Electors, and threatened and initiated violence against their political foes; and now, some are seeking impeachment. Al Green and Maxine Waters, for instance, are two members of Congress that have been very vocal about their goal to impeach President Trump.614 615 Had two white members of Congress sought the impeachment of Barack Obama, I have no doubt they would have been immediately denounced as racists. When two black members of Congress incessantly attack President Trump, they are lauded as heroes. When Jewish congressman Steven Cohen introduced articles of impeachment, nobody thought of the ethnic dynamic at play.616 Yet when any Jewish person is criticized, no matter how legitimate the critique may be, it is immediately dismissed as antisemitism. But if we lived in a white supremacist society, would whites really be the only people who could be attacked regularly with impunity?

  The Left is engaging in sedition. It is subverting the political will of the American people. Millions of men and women supported Trump because they wanted something different. Because they wanted another path. A path that only Donald Trump even had the courage to speak of. If the Left had their way, had stopped Electors from voting for Trump, or if they are successful in ousting Trump from office, what message would that send? What would it say to the millions of people that rejected the dogma of political correctness? The people that no longer want to participate in the globalist scheme of domination and demographic replacement? The people that want sovereign borders and lower taxes, that want to defend those inalienable rights that the Left so rabidly despises?

  What choice would remain to us, if the Left renders our votes worthless? What the Left still fails to grasp is that this isn’t about them anymore. This is about patriots taking our country back. And this might never be about them again. If they still insist on trying to destroy and rebuild the country in their wicked image, our backs will be against the wall.

  The days and weeks after the election I constantly heard from my Liberal classmates, the news, and social media, about how afraid they were following Trump’s (and, I might add, America’s) triumph. The Huffington Post ran the article, “It’s Not ‘Melodramatic’ To Fear For Our Safety After This Election. This is real.”617 According to a November 2016 Gallup Poll that asked people to describe the emotions they had been feeling, 76 percent of Clinton voters reported feeling afraid, 66 percent devastated, and 58 percent angry.618

  Many articles were published with sniveling claims of antisemitism, citing fake hate crimes.619 I heard that Muslims all over my campus and all over the country were afraid to wear their hijabs in public. Liberals all over my campus were in tears the day after the election. Many were so grief stricken and scared they did not even come to class until the following week. They were genuinely afraid. They still are.

  And they should be.

  Deep down they know this election was a reaction to their sick behavior. It was the reaction of people like me, who are tired of seeing dozens of women in hijabs anywhere I go, foreigners that my tax dollars go to feed and house. Tired of my tax dollars paying for the murder of babies. Tired of being told I’m uneducated and ignorant because I do not blindly accept a warped Leftist ideology. This is the reaction when you call people like me a racist merely for asking why — why 85 percent of interracial crime involves blacks attacking whites, why nearly 100 percent of interracial rapes are white women being raped by non-whites.

  The Left had a good ride. But they pushed too far this time by trying to anoint Commissar Clinton. Their violence, censorship, endless migration, and insolence has more than worn out its welcome.

  They deserve no empathy. They have constantly attacked us, chipping away at our rights. They have abused us for years, calling us bigots, uneducated, ignorant, saying we “cling to our guns and religion.” And for the first time in a very long time, we have finally said “enough.”

  The Liberal proles, politicians, and media spoke of the “flyover states” and “the rust belt,” with the same sort of unmitigated disdain with which the Bolsheviks talked about the Kulaks prior to exterminating them. They displayed an open air of superiority, hostility, and haughty contempt for us. Yet they were still somehow shocked when we wouldn’t give their Chosen One the presidency. They were still shocked that we had the audacity, the nerve, to refuse to hand our country over to them.

  Hillary said that the NRA, gun owners, and Republicans are her enemies. And now the losing Left wants quarter from us? After declaring war on our way of life?

  Liberals have been terrified of losing their power. Much of their fear comes from knowing, deep down, that they are guilty of so many crimes against us and our people. For years, Liberals have been stepping on the snake and poking the bear; what they are really afraid of is a well deserved retaliation. On some primordial level, they know that their transgressions merit righteous retribution.

  Throughout this book I have repeatedly asked the rhetorical questions: What if
the roles were reversed? What if the Right was instituting laws that would fine and imprison people for “hate speech” against white people, or speaking out against Right-wing views? How would the Left feel if every time they went to hear a speech at a university, they were violently attacked by Right-wing hordes? How would the Left feel if every single time a cop killed a white man, we burned cities to the ground? Or if every last time one of them raped or killed one of us, we destroyed their neighborhoods?

  And what if one day, instead of merely asking “what if,” we turned the tables on the Left? That is the reason they are terrified.

  In a sense I understand their fear. Historically, our level of organized violence surpasses all others. Our kind is not easily moved. It took 400 years of Islamic terror before the Crusades were launched. American colonists endured years of provocations from the King and Parliament before they finally grabbed their rifles. But when we finally move — when we finally say enough is enough, the entire world trembles.

  The Left recognizes all of this. Now that we have seen the unmasked disdain the Left has for us, we can never let them win. If they were ever to gain power again, they would do everything possible to ensure we never have another chance to save our nation.

  This much, at least, is clear: the debate is over. The last appeal to reason has been made. The lines have been drawn. We will not win this war by being silent, peaceful, docile, compromising, and diplomatic. Those who take no sides will be forgotten — or perhaps remembered as history’s most despicable cowards. The situation is desperate; the coming times require formidable men with hardened hearts. Those with unflinching eyes and an unyielding resolve will be the iron guard through the long night, so keep your lamps burning. It’s time to burn the ships. The reality we face is grim. There will be no second chances. And if we are to fail, let us fail while daring greatly. Let us dance into the fire with pride in our hearts, not scurrying off the ship like a pack of rats. If we are to finally be overwhelmed, let us go down as the greatest generation of Europeans, the last legionnaires raging against the dying light.

  And if we succeed? Those of us who chose to ride the tiger will have statues built of us in the squares of our revived cities and towns. Which way, Western man? Our finest hour awaits.


  Tomorrow We Live

  Reclaiming our birthright and securing the future requires a number of things, including first of all the dismantling of the perverse state that has been created through corrupt Liberal principles. The Left has been remarkably successful at infiltrating and controlling nearly every aspect of society; they long ago mastered the long march through the institutions. Despite their institutional stronghold, despite their endless propaganda through the mainstream media, despite their flooding our nations with more interlopers and invaders, we are still staving off their hordes. Now is our last chance to wreak total havoc on their century-long insurrection.

  Every single institution they have infiltrated needs razed. Everything they control needs gutted. Every position they have taken needs stripped.

  Our previous efforts to stop the Left have failed. Despite maintaining a strong number of Republican seats in American government, our elected officials have done nothing but cower before the Left. Almost 100 years after The New Deal, Republicans have almost completely failed to rein in the welfare state. The so-called “Right-wing” was unable to stop or even to repeal the disastrous 1965 Immigration Act, or Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society; in truth, it has not even made an adequate attempt in this direction. I’m not sure if the elected Republicans are the world’s greatest cowards, the world’s greatest idiots, or the world’s greatest betrayers. Nearly all of them remind me of Emmanuel Goldstein from 1984: controlled opposition to give the illusion of a free choice. Do Republicans exist merely to make us think we have some say in this grand scheme? Clearly, modern conservatism and the Grand Old Party are insufficient to win this war. If the mainstream Republicans will not take their gloves off and help us win, they need to be replaced with those who are not interested in being part of a managerial state, not interested in what foreign interlopers have to say, and not interested in bowing obsequiously to the Left at every turn.

  Sadly, that appears to be a dying breed of nobility, nearly extinct. But I still have a glimmer of faith.

  Modern conservatism as a political project is entirely worthless. What have these conservatives been able to conserve? They have not been able to conserve our tax dollars, our borders, our soldiers’ lives, the lives lost from the opioid epidemic, our culture — nothing. They were not even able to “conserve” a safe bathroom for children. To be a “conservative” in this day and age has become laughable.

  The cowardly eunuchs who still wear the name “conservatives” have been utterly useless in stopping the Leftist onslaught. Mass migration is out of control, taxation is more oppressive than ever, infrastructure is crumbling before our eyes, people need jobs — and these “conservatives” have been sitting around doing nothing. The fight needs to be taken to the Left, on their turf. We cannot just wait around and then, at the eleventh hour suddenly awaken to try to stop them.

  This will take some difficult decisions, and our conservatives have clearly shown that they do not have the stomach. This will take men with hardened hearts. We must finally realize that there is no true Right-wing party in the US. This fight is between the real Right on the one hand and the Leftist cabal which has enveloped the majority of the Republican party on the other. If it were up to me, I would be at the border myself, riding in a Jeep with a rifle at my side, or dragging the architects of all the conflicts from Vietnam to the Iraq war out of their homes in the middle of the night to face a true court of law. Those who wish to spill our blood and treasure to fight wars for the vaguest of reasons are guilty of treason and must be brought to justice.

  Until somebody is willing to face the grim reality of what must be done, we are sitting ducks.

  The lying press has been seen without its mask. The American people are waking up to who is standing behind the curtain. Mainstream media is fake news. Its makers lie, manipulate, manufacture stories, edit film and audio to present a totally fabricated reality. We must act in consequence. Find independent sources. Stop letting them feed you rubbish. Turn off the TV. Find journalists that aren’t on the payroll of the five or six conglomerates that control the narrative. There are some amazing nationalist and dissident writers, journalists, podcasts, shows, and documentary makers. Seek them out. It’ll be worth your time.

  The media oligopoly needs shattering. Five or six companies controlling nearly all information is a disaster for freedom of expression and the freedom of press. There is no “free” radio anymore — not when one company owns the majority of radio stations across the country. Trust-busting and media regulation need to make a resurgence, so that the American people can once again have access to reliable information.

  Read banned and “beyond the pale” books. Things that have been blacklisted by box stores and large online retailers are often a good place to start. They aren’t as bad as what they would have you believe; on the contrary, censorship these days is almost a recommendation. Find the most far-out book you can, and give it a shot. The more that the mainstream bourgeois and the Left despises them, the better they are. Trust me. And read old books too. Things you don’t come across often — the books written by the men who built civilization, not those by the ones trying to tear it down.

  Learn as much as you can. American education has become a joke. Instead of teaching the propaganda conspiracy theory of white privilege to young and impressionable children, the school system should be inspiring the next generation. We have an education system that spends an entire year teaching nothing but the Holocaust, told exclusively from the Jewish perspective, and the Atlantic Slave Trade in order to peddle white guilt. This is done, of course, by design. The “architect” of the Common Core Initiative is David Coleman, whose Jewish values, belief system
, and upbringing all influenced Common Core standards, which are adopted by schools the nation over. “Very few people in America today are having a bigger influence on what kids are learning than David Coleman.”620 Coleman was one of Times’ 100 most influential people in the world in 2013.621 It is no accident that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum makes recommendations to Common Core reading.622 Night by Elie Wiesel is forced upon children from a very early age, The Diary of Anne Frank comes shortly thereafter alongside The Book Thief, followed by Wiesel’s lecture, “Hope, Despair and Memory.”623 Currently, ten US states have laws that mandate Holocaust education in schools.624

  American children of European stock are graduating high school with a far better grasp of recent Jewish history than of their own. Children are taught all about the Atlantic Slave Trade, shown Amistad and Roots, but never learn of their own European ancestors being sold into slavery and sex trafficking by Arab and Jewish slavers to other Middle Easterners.625 These educational trends have wrought an unprecedented level of discord and obfuscation. The entire education system needs rebuilding from the ground up.

  Instead of using Rothenberg’s White Privilege: Essential Readings on the Other Side of Racism as a textbook, schools and universities should be using Taylor’s White Identity and Kemp’s March of the Titans: A History of the White Race to educate our children — to inspire them, to show them the proud and heroic traditions of their ancestors, as should be the proper role of a people’s education.

  Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.

  —C.S. Lewis

  So far as immigration policy goes, the Hart-Celler Act should have never even been introduced to Congress. It’s clear that Emanuel Celler and those involved introduced the bill with hostile motives and bad intentions. That 1965 Immigration Act didn’t just open the flood gates to mass migration, it tore those gates from their hinges. As a result of the Act, we have virtually no limitations on migration. It doesn’t matter where people are from, what their skills are or their education (if any) or if they will need welfare immediately upon arriving. There are virtually no standards to becoming an American at this point. None.


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