The Princess of Chaos

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The Princess of Chaos Page 4

by Candice M. Wright

  Okay, where are the damn cameras? This has to be a joke, right? But even as I think it, I can feel the evidence of how much Viper liked our kiss pressed between us.

  Viper turns his head and addresses the room, his mouth at the wrong angle for me to read his lips, even though I can tell he’s speaking. I turn to watch the other patrons and find them all staring with various looks of disbelief and anger at whatever Viper is saying. I turn back to see him look down at me just as he finishes his speech. I might have missed all but the last few words, but what I did catch was enough to know I’m one hundred percent utterly fucked and not in the fun kind of way.

  Viper just declared me their old lady, which in this biker world is a bond stronger even than marriage. I know now that this was all one big set up. They never had any intention of letting me go. The air rushes out of me along with one word, giving away the fact that I can speak.


  Chapter Four


  “Fuck.” It’s barely above a whisper, but it’s enough to have Zero and me snapping our heads down to look at her. So, she can talk. I did wonder why she didn’t. I’m about to yell at her for playing games when I notice how white she’s gone. Her eyes glaze over moments before they roll into the back of her head.

  “Shit.” I tuck her head against my shoulder, my skin tingling with how right it feels to have her here, pressed against me. It makes me think of what it will feel like to have her pressed against me with a lot less clothing between us. I shake it off even as my dick stands up and starts saluting within the confines of my jeans.

  I focus on Zero. “She’s out cold. I don’t want these guys sensing any kind of weakness or, like a bunch of rabid sharks that smell blood, they will strike when our backs are turned. Gonna make it look like we are off to fuck her into a coma. I feel like a dick doing this while she is out cold, but maybe it’s better this way. At least my balls will stay attached to my body and not get fashioned into a set of earrings.” He smirks at me, but I don’t miss the look of apprehension that crosses his face when he looks down at her.

  “What?” I ask him.

  “I really don’t want her to hate us,” he tells me, picking up a strand of her hair and running his fingers over it.

  “She won’t hate us forever, I’ll make sure of that. She’ll be too busy falling for us to remember what assholes we really are.” I glance out of the corner of my eye and see people still watching us with rabid fascination. Thankfully, with the way we are angled, Zero is blocking most of Megan from view. Time to get the fuck out of here.

  I grip a handful of her hair and tip her head back far enough to slide my lips over hers. Keeping my eyes open, I follow Zero as he clears a path towards the door. She starts to come around, stirring in my arms and unintentionally rubbing herself on my dick, making me pick up my pace. We just make it outside when her eyes flutter open. She freezes, every muscle coiled tight for a second before she struggles to break free.

  I start to whisper for her to calm down but remember she can’t hear me. Frustrated that she won’t stop fighting, I lift her higher and toss her over my shoulder. When she starts pounding me on my back, I rain down two hard slaps upon her ass. Finally, the fight goes out of her. Instead of risking her starting again when I place her on the back of my bike, I decide to just walk it back to the cabin and hope the twenty minutes gives her enough time to calm her ass down.

  Zero walks beside me, neither of us speaking as Megan lays docile over my shoulder. I wish I could say I felt bad about taking advantage of the situation, but I’d be lying. Megan’s sweet lips have had me wondering if she is as sweet everywhere else.

  “Well, this is going to be fun. Not quite the way we planned it though,” Zero points out quietly despite the fact that Megan can’t hear us.

  We knew we wanted her. We were planning on seducing her into being our old lady, solidifying a permanent truce between Carnage and Chaos and getting to keep the girl who had me captivated the first time I laid eyes on her.

  “They put cum in her pancake batter. Betty asked Fobbs and he had no qualms about ‘teaching the little traitor’ a lesson,” I tell him, still fuming over what transpired.

  “What the fuck? I’ll kill the prick,” Zero growls from beside me.

  “Be my guest. You’ll find him out cold next to the trash behind the diner.” I sigh as we approach the ranch.

  “I couldn’t wait any longer to make her our old lady, Zero. It’s the only guaranteed way to keep her safe.”

  “I get it but I can’t help but feel like this is all going to blow up in our faces,” he tells me when the cabin comes into view.

  He climbs the steps and swings the door open before stepping aside to let me in. I lean down to lower Megan onto the sofa when she rears back with her fist and punches me in the eye.

  “Fuck!” That’s quite the swing she’s got there. I’m sure I’d be impressed if it wasn’t aimed at me. Zero grabs her from behind when she jumps up, pinning her arms behind her back but it doesn’t stop her from struggling.

  “I’ll let you have that one shot, Megan, but if you are going to hit like a man, you better be prepared for me to hit you back.” She doesn’t need to know that’s a load of bullshit.

  She scowls, glaring daggers at me as Zero maneuvers her to the sofa and pulls her down onto his lap. She tries to pull herself free but he holds her tight, pulling her back against his chest. I lean down over her and make sure she can read my lips.

  “So you can speak, huh?” If I thought she was going to answer me I would have been severely disappointed.

  “If you answer me, we might be able to work something else out without you becoming my old lady.” I’m lying and I’m guessing with the look of disgust she throws my way, she knows it too.

  “Well, see now, here’s the thing, Megan. If you want something, you are going to have to ask for it. No more pen and paper. I’ve got better things to do than cater to your petty bullshit,” I tell her, trying to get a rise out of her.

  “Are you trying to get her to castrate you in your sleep, asshole?” Zero questions. I don’t know what I want but I can see her shutting down on me, and that won’t do. There is more to this girl than anyone bothered to notice and I’ll take her anger rather than a void of all emotions any day.

  She ignores me completely. Looks like I’m going to have to call her bluff, then.

  “Cuff her to the bed,” I tell Zero, making sure she can see me.

  “Christ, you have to do things the hard way,” Zero mutters, standing and taking Megan with him. “I’m hoping she just cuts off your dick and leaves mine intact,” he tosses over his shoulder as he ushers her down the hall to the bedrooms.

  I sit on the sofa with a sigh. Nothing ever runs smoothly around here. I’m doing what I have to, though. If that means pissing people off, then so be it. I can’t pussyfoot around Megan when there is a rot spreading its way through my club.

  Zero walks back out, frowning.

  “What? Let me guess, she clocked you one too?” She’s feisty which, if I’m honest, just makes my dick hard. Mind you, I’m beginning to realize that when it comes to Megan, everything makes my dick hard.

  “Nope. She’s as docile as a mouse. She let me cuff her, calm as can be, then rolled over and dismissed me.”

  “She’ll get over herself. Call Tanner over here to patrol. I want to call another meeting and get some shit sorted about our old lady. It seems some people didn’t get the message.” Calling her our old lady shouldn’t feel so good given the circumstances, but fuck me, it does.

  Chapter Five


  I wait for maybe half an hour before I decide that needing to pee outweighs anything else. Using my free hand, I slip my fingers down the v at the front of my T-shirt and pick at the stitching on the seam of my bra until it gives way. After some wiggling, I manage to slip the wire free before using it to pick the lock on the cuffs. It pops open within seconds. Clearly, these are just for p
laying in the bedroom and not designed to hold someone hostage. The other kind are a bitch to get out of. I mean, I could do it, but it would take longer.

  I stand from the bed as gracefully as I can and head to the open bathroom door opposite me. I take care of business before heading out the door and down the hallway. I’m kind of looking forward to seeing the looks on their faces when they realize I got out. But when I make it to the living room, I notice they're not there. Puzzled, I wonder if they’re in one of the other rooms. I’m about to turn and look when I see a shadow pass by the window. I creep closer and see the red-headed prospect from before pacing backward and forward outside, smoking a cigarette, oblivious to me.

  I head back down the hall, check the other rooms, and smile when it registers I’m alone. I should be offended that they so easily underestimated me but being as it works in my favor this time, I shrug it off. I go back to the kitchen area and make myself a cheese sandwich while I watch the prospect for a little while, figuring out his movements. I chew the last of it and stare hard, realizing he’s only watching the front of the building. I head back to the room I was cuffed in and gaze out the back of the house facing the woods, waiting to see if anyone else is out there. After ten minutes, I figure I’m alone. I can’t wait any longer as I have no idea when Viper and Zero might return.

  I lift the window and slide it up, grateful that the house is all on one level, and climb out the window and down to the grass below.

  I don’t need to stop to get my bearings. I know this area like the back of my hand. I make my way over to the woods as quick as I can, needing the coverage the trees can provide before someone spots me.

  I have no master plan beyond getting the fuck out of there. I take a deep breath as I step into the shaded woods and find myself wrapped in thick arms with a hand over my mouth. Before I rip off testicles, a body with a familiar face steps in front of me, making all the tension seep out. And because one of them is never far without the other, I know exactly who's holding me. As soon as the arms free me, I throw myself into the embrace of the guy in front and breathe him in as he holds me tight. Fuck, it feels so good to be held by someone who doesn’t want anything other than to comfort me. Reluctantly, I pull away and smile through my tears at Zig, my friend and Luna’s brother. I turn to face his twin, Oz, and offer him a peck on the cheek before he goes to stand next to his brother. They both stand there with their arms folded across their chests, their stance as clear to read as if they had asked the question, “Who do we need to kill?”

  I sign, a feeling of completeness running through me. You never know how isolating it can be until you’re stuck in a room with people who can’t speak your language.

  I’ve missed you guys so freaking much, I tell them.

  We missed you too. Now tell me what’s going on and why you’re crying. Did they hurt you? Zig signs back rapidly, taking me a moment to catch it all. Their deceased gramps was deaf, so these guys have been signing longer than me. Sometimes they forget that not all of us sign at the speed of light.

  I lift my hands to reply, then falter for a second. Does what’s happened change anything? I’m pissed as hell that they made this play, but if I go with Zig and Oz now, they will take me back to the Carnage clubhouse. In doing so, the house of cards this truce is built on will come tumbling down. Leaving now won’t just break the truce, it will start a war, thanks to the “old lady” label that’s been placed on me.

  I settle on I’m okay, a little overwhelmed. I just miss you all. All of it true, just minus the important stuff.

  I know, Meg, but you’ve got this. You are not the same little girl that ran out of here. Show them the kickass chick we know you are, Oz replies with a grin.

  We have cameras set up around the perimeter— Zig starts but I wave my hand to cut him off.

  No, Zig. He frowns at me, ready to argue, but I don’t let him. You need to take them away. I know you are just trying to keep me safe, but if they find them, they’ll go nuts. How would my brothers feel if Chaos set up cameras around Carnage? They would lose their shit and you know it. We can’t go into a truce with one foot out the door. We either give them a shot or we call the whole thing off.

  We just want you safe, Meg, Zig signs.

  I know, and I love you all for it, but I need you guys to pull back. Looking behind them, I walk toward the huge oak tree with the low branches that I used to climb when I was a little girl. I rub at a patch towards the base where I had carved my initials as a kid and damn near took off my pinky.

  Place a fully charged cell—switched off, naturally—a gun, a knife, and some cash in a plastic bag—two would be even better—and bury them here at the base of the tree. I can get them if I need them and call you guys to get me if things turn bad. They look at me without saying anything, contemplating my words. Luna would flat out shut me down. That girl is protective to the power of ten but these two understand that sometimes bulldozing your way in the front door is messier than sneaking quietly in the back undetected.

  Okay, fine, but you need to be checking in regular or all bets are off. Deal? Zig pushes.

  Deal, I agree, knowing that Viper and Zero already agreed for me to contact home regularly.

  I’ve got to go back, I tell them. Figures my botched escape attempt will only remind me of all the reasons I have to stay.

  Tell everyone I love them and I hope I’ll see you all soon. I hug them both before they notice my tears. I won't be going home, at least not to Carnage. I know that now. Being an old lady makes me something I never wanted to be ever again.

  A Chaos Demon.

  I turn and walk away without looking back but I know they watch me until I disappear from view.

  I climb back through the window, still undetected, and make my way back to the bedroom. My stomach growls as I climb onto the bed, letting me know a sandwich does not make a meal, but that will have to wait for now.

  Without knowing when they’ll be back, I don’t want to risk getting caught so I slip my wrist back into the cuff and lay my head on the pillow. As much as I would like to see their faces when they realize I could get free, I think I’ll keep my ability to pick a lock to myself for a little longer. You never know when that’s going to come in handy around here.

  I must drift off to sleep because the next thing I’m aware of is my hand being released and my wrist being rubbed. I try to pull it to my chest, but whoever is holding it refuses to let go. I open my eyes and glare at Zero lying in front of me with a smile on his face.

  “We were longer than we thought we would be,” he tells me, which I’m assuming he thinks means “sorry.” I don’t respond and wait for what comes next. He pulls himself closer, placing my wrist against his chest before sliding his hand to my hip. I feel the vibration of his voice against my forehead so tip my head up to see his mouth.

  “Do you need the bathroom?”

  Well, I didn’t until he mentioned it, and now I can't think of anything else. I nod in confirmation and let him pull me up off the bed to my feet. I half expect him to follow me in. He doesn’t, so I take care of business and wash my hands. I glance at my reflection in the mirror and wince. My hair is a tangled mess and my face has an imprint embedded on it where I must have fallen asleep on the seam of my jacket sleeve. Yikes, I mean, I’m not trying to impress anyone but I could give Medusa a run for her money.

  I step out into the hallway and run into Zero who must have been waiting outside the door for me. Yeah, that’s not disturbing at all. I might not be able to hear myself pee but it doesn’t mean I want everyone else to.

  I quirk an eyebrow and wait for him to speak but he doesn’t, he just tugs a strand of my hair and twists it between his fingers. I stand there awkwardly, not knowing what else to do until Viper appears at the end of the hall with a beer bottle in his hand. He watches Zero play with my hair as I observe him, making this already odd situation even more bizarre.

  “Why don’t you speak?” Viper asks me, letting me know he is very m
uch aware of me watching him. I don’t answer, naturally, but he doesn’t seem fazed by that.

  “Guess we can add stubborn to your list of attributes.” He trails his eyes down to my chest and holds them there for a second, letting me know exactly which attributes he’s referring to. I frown and pull my jacket tighter around my shoulders.

  “I meant what I said earlier. You will speak or you will go without. Now it's time for bed. Perhaps you just need some more time to think about it.”

  I could speak, lord knows I want to yell at him to go suck a dick, but I won't give him the satisfaction. I pull away from Zero and ignoring Viper, head back into the bedroom. I slip off my boots but leave everything else on, including my jacket. I’m not leaving myself exposed to these guys, especially after last night’s fiasco.

  I raise my leg to climb on the bed but I’m stopped by a hand on my arm. I turn to face Zero looking down at me.

  “Don’t you want to get undressed first?” he asks with a genuine frown that almost makes me want to laugh. Is he for real? I shake my head no and try to step back when I feel a presence behind me. I take a step forward, bringing me closer to Zero’s chest. That’s as far as I get before I find myself pulled back against a hard body. I know from the smell it’s Viper but it does nothing to ease my nerves. If he is anything like his name implies, he could strike at any time, usually when least expected.

  I feel his head dip. His breath skating across my neck causes an involuntary shiver to run over my body. I know he felt it when he gives me a little squeeze. I don’t know how I know but I sense he likes the effect his body has on mine. Well, that makes one of us, at least. Viper must say something to Zero as something passes across Zero’s face before he nods.

  “Viper says to strip or he’ll do it for you.”


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