The Princess of Chaos

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The Princess of Chaos Page 11

by Candice M. Wright

  “Hmm… so pink and rosy. Like little berries begging to be devoured.” He dips his head and sucks my nipple into his mouth, eliciting a moan as my resistance starts to slip away.

  I feel fingers sliding between the lips of my pussy, making my eyes, which had slipped shut, snap open again. Viper looks at me with a grin on his face that lets me know he’s thinking of doing very dirty things to me.

  A rush of wetness escapes me, coating his fingers. Once they are slick enough, he pushes two inside me.

  “Fuck, you’re squeezing my fingers so tight.” He slides them in and out until I know my juices have soaked his hand.

  Grim leans down and drags his nose across my shoulder blade before running it up behind my ear and nibbling on the skin there. I feel like there's a current running through my body and I’m a live wire zapping with untapped energy that's making every inch of my skin hum and sing until, finally, the pressure is too much to contain and it explodes out of me.

  I don't know what I scream but whatever it was leaves my throat feeling hoarse. Oh lord, how I wish for all deaf customers.

  “You guys are trying to kill me.” Grim holds me upright so I don’t slip to the floor, my post-orgasmic haze insisting that I should sleep but my brain knows damn well it’s not an option.

  “Okay, guys, form an orderly line,” I manage to gargle out. Zero looks at me oddly before he bursts out laughing.

  “This was just for you, Megan,” he tells me with a shake of his head.

  “Is this all part of your master plan? Every time you guys fuck up you’re going to say sorry with orgasms?” I look to the ceiling and place my palms together in a praying motion.

  “Thank you, Lord, for bad boys who break the rules.” I squeal when Viper tosses me over his shoulder and drags me into the bathroom. He turns on the shower and lowers me inside when the water warms up before placing a surprisingly soft kiss on my lips. He stares down at me and even though he doesn't do sorry, I can see the apology in his eyes.

  “Get out of here before I trip and land on your dick,” I grumble, turning my back on him as I hurry to clean myself up.

  When I’m done, I lean my head against the cool tile for a moment and close my eyes as the water slides over me.

  When I agreed to come to Chaos again, I knew I might have to fight to protect myself. It just never dawned on me that I might need to fight to protect my heart. And yet, here I stand, my heart warring with my head. I know that starting any kind of relationship under the circumstances that we did is like trying to build a house on the sand. It may look pretty and function for a while but without solid foundations, it’s still doomed to sink and end up abandoned.

  But this heart, fuck, it wants things I told myself were only for other girls. I just never realized how much I wanted to be one of those girls until now.

  Chapter Twelve


  Mind still spinning over the information Megan dumped on us, I head back to the club, leaving the others back at Megan’s shop. My plan is to find Rock and find out what the fuck he had been thinking. Pulling inside the gates, I’m surprised to find he’s made it easy for me by standing out the front of the diner by the bikes, having what looks to be a heated argument with none other than Wanda. Fuck, I forgot to talk to her. I climb off my bike already in a bad mood, knowing it’s about to get a whole lot worse.

  Wanda turns when she hears me approach and swings around with her hands on her hips, scowling at me.

  “Careful, Wanda, it looks to me like you might be forgetting your place,” I warn her before she can start with her bullshit.

  “Is it true? You made that whore your old lady? Are you fucking insane? She’s the reason your uncle and my boys are dead, and you make her yours?” she yells in disbelief.

  My hand is around her neck, cutting her off before she carries on.

  “Listen to me right now. John is nothing to me. I’m ashamed I ever called him uncle. You do not want me to get started on your boys. You’re hurting, Wanda. I get it, I do, but you will do as I fucking ask, which is to be respectful and to keep your fucking mouth shut.”

  I release her and she steps back with a gasp even though I wasn't holding her tight enough to hurt her.

  “And what do I tell Conner when he comes home tomorrow? Sorry, your whole family is dead, oh, and the bitch responsible is going to be here day in, day out, rubbing it in your face?” she screams.

  I nod for the two prospects hovering nearby watching and wait for them to approach.

  “I didn't see you worrying about Conner when you shipped him off to school,” I point out.

  “He needed to get away from here and the memories.”

  I roll my eyes at her. “He’s only six years old. What he needed was his mother.” Her eyes flash at my words but she doesn't say anything as I turn to the prospects. “Get her out of here,” I order them as she tries to shake them off.

  “You can fight all you want, Wanda, but I call the shots around here so consider this your last warning. I let you stay by my good graces but you are burning through them rapidly.” I turn my back on her and ignore her shouts as the prospects drag her away.

  “Viper—” Rock gets out but it’s all I allow him to say before I ram my fist into his face.

  “I have never been ashamed of where I came from until right now. John wasn't my uncle by blood, not like you. I thought you were a better man than him, turns out I was wrong.” I shake out my hand, relishing the sting of the split skin where my knuckles connected with his teeth.

  “You knew where she was. You knew the kind of danger she was in, and you turned your fucking back on her!” I roar, drawing an audience.

  “I was the fucking president!” he yells back, wiping the blood from his mouth. “I had the club to look after. It was in utter turmoil after John’s and Crogan’s deaths. I made a choice for the greater good and I stand by it now.” He puffs out his chest.

  “Thank god you're not the president anymore. If you couldn’t provide safekeeping for one measly girl, how the fuck would you provide it for everyone else? You use this club as an excuse but it's your job to set the example. I guess, in a way, you did. You made it perfectly acceptable to make a sixteen-year-old deaf girl, who had just lost everyone she ever had, homeless and broke. You didn't even bother explaining the truth of what happened all those years ago to anyone. You didn't step up, you turned your back on her!”

  “I had Wanda and then Conner to consider too. She had just lost her old man and kid!” His explanation makes me even madder.

  I step up to him toe to toe, letting my face show my disgust for a man I spent my whole life looking up to.

  “Megan had lost everything and she was a goddamn child.”

  “All right, guys that's enough.” Flow steps between us. “Now isn't the time nor place.”

  I look up at him, ready to rip him a new asshole when I spot all the people staring at us like a fucked up version of Jerry Springer.

  Fuck this shit. I turn to face the crowd and cross my arms over my chest in an I-don’t-give–a-single-fuck manor. I’m done with this shit. It’s time for some hard truths.

  “As you’re all here, it bears repeating that Megan is off-limits. She is under mine, Grim’s, and Zero’s protection and we will kill anyone who messes with her, as is our right according to the bylaws. You’d do well to read up on them because I can see some of you still seem to be confused. You all look at her like she wronged you in some way but we’re the ones that wronged her.”

  “Her mother killed our old pres. It's only natural that there would be bad blood there,” one of the guys calls from the back of the crowd.

  “Sins of the father, or in this case the mother, right?” I ask. When a murmur of agreement ripples through the crowd, I laugh sardonically, surprising them.

  “Well, fuck, why didn’t you say so? If we’re all to be held accountable for our parents’ actions, then what does that say about all of you? But then, I guess you were too busy po
inting your fingers and judging Megan to notice that you were standing on the skeletons that fell from your own damn closet.”

  I point to a few individuals in the crowd who I know for damn sure had a less than stellar upbringing.

  “Murderer, thief, whore, drunk, addict, wife beater. Shall I go on? Are you telling me that I should wash my hands of you because of the choices your parents made?” There is no murmuring now, just uncomfortable silence as they shuffle, not liking the tables being turned one little bit.

  “Want to know the best part? Melinda was only doing what any of you would have done—”

  Boner cuts me off. He thinks being an old-timer gives him free rein to use his smart mouth and bad attitude.

  “She shot and killed two brothers in cold blood because she was a jealous whore. She knew nothing about loyalty so don’t lump her in with the rest of us,” he shouts indignantly.

  “You fucking fool,” I spit at him. “She was more loyal than any of us.” I turn to Rock who is still standing beside me and bark at him. “Tell them the real story.”

  “Jesus, Viper, it was a long time ago. Just let sleeping dogs lie.” He shakes his head, making my disappointment in the man continue to grow.

  “You tell them or I will strip you of your patch and you’ll never set foot on Chaos soil again. If Megan can handle it out there without the club at her back, I’m sure you can.”

  “Well, someone tell us, for fuck’s sake,” Cougar, the ladies’ man, yells with frustration.

  “Melly was not here by choice. John and Joker made a deal and Melly sweetened the pot. She went grocery shopping one day, leaving her boys with her sitter. They snatched her up and brought her here.” Rock shakes his head, as if trying to wipe the knowledge of what happened from his brain. He might not have been here when it happened but he knew after the fact and still did nothing.

  “She was kept locked up until she became pregnant with Megan.” I see the look of anger on Cougar’s face but this time, it's not at Megan. I’m guessing it’s because he understands completely how a prisoner gets pregnant.

  “Fucking hell, are you serious?” Trip, a tall lean brother with brown hair that is showing signs of silver at the edges, asks from beside him.

  “Yeah, I am. She was given her freedom to wander the compound after that so that she could service the men. It was made perfectly clear that if she denied anyone, spoke out of turn, or tried to run, he would kick the baby out of her body. So she did as he asked. Day after day, year after year, she endured so that Megan was kept safe. But then Crogan started sniffing around Megan. She wasn't interested, hell, she was barely into her teens, but that didn't matter to him. He didn't care what she wanted. The day she turned sixteen, he went to John and asked for permission to make her his old lady,” Rock tells them, his face etched with sadness.

  “I walked around with blinders on for the most part. It’s how it is in our world but I couldn't support this. I vetoed it, knowing it would open the floodgates to everyone's daughters, making them fair game. For once, John agreed with me.” Rock looks to me and swallows. “Do you really think she would want them to know the rest?”

  Probably not, but this shit needs sorting now.

  “Just say it,” I spit out through gritted teeth.

  “Crogan decided if he got her pregnant, John would be forced to change his mind.”

  Trip’s old lady, Honey, gasps from beside him. I watch as he reaches up and tucks her into his side.

  “He attacked her in the middle of the night and tried to rape her. Her screams finally got John's attention but by then Crogan had beat her so badly that she wouldn’t wake up until days later without the ability to hear.”

  “Wait, Crogan did that? We thought that happened when she left? What the fuck? Why was this kept from us?” Cougar yells.

  Ignoring him, Rock carries on with his story, looking more and more defeated.

  “John gave him a beating and told him to stay away from Megan when she got discharged, but that was never going to happen. Crogan went straight to Melly, figuring if he couldn't have the daughter, he’d take the mother for the night.”

  “Oh, god, I’m going to be sick.” Honey turns and heads back towards the diner but the others are focusing on Rock’s words.

  “She knew what would happen to her daughter if Crogan got his hands on her so she shot him and then tracked down John and shot him too, knowing he would hurt Megan as punishment for what she had done.”

  “I don’t understand. Why didn’t she just take Megan and run? She was finally free!” Flow asks.

  “She would never be free. She knew Chaos would hunt her to the ends of the earth looking for retribution and Megan was in no state to leave the hospital.” Rock shrugs nonchalantly, making me want to punch the fucker again.

  “So she shot herself, freeing Megan, and I guess herself, in a way. She either didn't realize Chaos would blame Megan and shun her or was just flat out of options. Either way, Megan got bounced into the system and ended up on the streets for a couple of years.”

  Some of the crowd slinks off now, either ashamed by their actions or trying to hide that they don’t give a fuck. That would be a mistake because I will stand by my word and annihilate anyone who causes her any issues.

  “Don’t get me wrong. What happened was shitty but that’s not why you and Rock are fighting in front of the diner,” Flow points out, sparking up a cigarette and taking a deep drag.

  “Rock here knew all of this. He was the one who went to the hospital to tell her that her mother was dead and she was being booted out. No, what has me seeing red is the fact that he knew Megan was on the streets and half-starving, fighting off predators without any assistance from the man she always thought of as her uncle.” I glare at him.

  Flow freezes with the cigarette in his mouth, eyeing Rock just like Cougar and Trip are.

  “You knew where she was and didn’t slip her some cash or food or shit?” Trip asks incredulously.

  “She was exiled!” Rock tells them, getting agitated.

  “You could have changed that by telling us what happened. Why keep it a secret?” Trip questions.

  “I told you, Wanda and Conner—”

  “Bullshit,” Trip spits out. Rock, seeing he isn't winning this round, storms off, kicking up dust as he stomps away.

  “We really didn't know any of this, boss,” Flow tells me, dropping his cigarette butt to the ground and stamping it out.

  “Yeah, well, it’s all new info to me too.” I wipe my hand over my face in frustration. This week has been a bitch. The only highlight has been sliding my dick into Megan’s tight pussy.

  “He was wrong, Viper, we all were. I have no beef with you and yours.” Trip holds his hand out for me to shake, which I do, nodding to the others before heading back to my office for painkillers and a whiskey chaser.

  I ignore the looks I get, knowing if I stop, I’ll only end up ripping someone's head off their shoulders for looking at me. When I finally get to my sanctuary, I’m surprised to find the door unlocked.

  I know I rushed out of here after Grim’s phone call earlier, but locking up is second nature to me. I pull my gun and slam the door open, pointing it at the person sitting naked in my chair with her feet kicked up on my desk.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here, Betty?” I ask the sweet butt twirling her badly dyed red hair between her fingers. She pouts at me in a practiced move meant to make her look innocent but she’s forgetting I’ve seen her lips wrapped around more cocks than I care to remember. And after the stunt she pulled in the diner, I’m shocked as shit she’s showing her face again.

  “I came to help you relax. You've been so stressed lately and I miss the way you taste,” she purrs, her voice high and breathy, adopting a babyish sound that makes me cringe and my balls shrivel up like raisins.

  “I thought I made it clear that you weren’t welcome here anymore. Now I’ll ask you one more time, Betty, how’d you get in here? And don’t make me a
sk you a third time. I’m not in the fucking mood to deal with your bullshit. You have two minutes to tell me, then get your fucking ass out of my club.”

  “But Papi—” I cut her off, uninterested in what she has to say, lifting the gun once more and aiming it at her head.

  “I’ve been meaning to decorate this office,” I tell her with a snarl. She jumps to her feet and hurries to slip past me but I grab her arm.

  “If I ever find out you’ve stepped foot on Chaos property again, I’ll shoot first and ask questions later.” I let her go and she scurries out.

  I kick the door shut behind her and walk around my desk. All the drawers are still locked. Not that it matters—I would never leave important shit lying around. I open up the top one and grab the half empty bottle of whiskey and the painkillers beneath them, popping two of them in my mouth and swallowing them down with the lukewarm whiskey.

  Picking up my phone I call Scope, another prospect who is on gate duty. He answers after the first ring.

  “Hey, Viper.”

  “Scope, keep an eye out for Betty. I just found her in my office, naked. Could be she was just looking for a quick fuck but that doesn’t explain how she got in here when it was locked. Make sure she leaves and let everyone know she is now banned from Chaos indefinitely.”

  “On it, Pres. I’m working down at Elusive tonight. Want me to spread the word there too? She’s been known to pick up shifts there, on top of what she does at the diner.”

  Finally someone willing to take some initiative.

  “Yeah, do it. That reminds me. Megan will be joining us at the party here on Friday. No doubt all fucking eyes will be on her,” I grumble, making him chuckle. “Work the schedule so that a couple of the girls can get the night off and come here. The boys will need something other than my girl to look at, especially if they want to keep their teeth in their heads. We’re down to only three club bunnies at the moment so the more the merrier.”

  “You got it.” He hangs up, leaving me at least content in the knowledge that something is running smoothly. Now back to those fucking books.


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