I Dated a Mad Scientist

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I Dated a Mad Scientist Page 8

by Viola Grace

  She gasped, twitched and moaned as she got higher and higher until the coil of tension inside her snapped, and she held her breath and shook.

  He licked his lips, and his tongue was definitely the same thing she had just felt. His smile was smug. “That was the taste I was looking for.”

  His fingers slid into her and moved as he leaned over her. “Now, I would like to be inside you. Any objections?”

  She shook her head slowly, and he removed his hand and fitted his cock to her, slowly easing inside her. She felt him shudder as he sank home. Arcady gasped and clutched at his shoulders before he started to move. She rocked with him as he thrust into her. They moved together, and she moaned with every slow slide.

  Krizt kissed her, and the taste of him sent her senses spinning. He caught each moan, whimper, and sigh as they moved together. Arcady gripped his horns and held him as her orgasm swept through her in a wave. She shuddered, and her body clutched at his. He thrust into her and rocked hard a handful of times until he groaned.

  Her eyes widened. “It’s really warm!”

  He nipped at her lips. “It is. Five degrees higher than standard body temperature.”

  She returned his kiss and sighed. “Well, that’s over.”

  He quirked a brow at her. “Over?”

  She stroked a hand down the slick muscles of his back. “The first time. It’s always awkward in some aspect.”

  He nibbled at her jaw. “How would you class that as awkward?”

  “Well, I really want to feel your fangs sinking into me, but if that isn’t something you are interested in, I wouldn’t want to impo—yikes!”

  He lightly bit her shoulder, and she shivered around him, her orgasm starting again in slow and delightful pulses.

  He jolted in her arms, and it seemed he was surprised with the result of the bite. He sucked at her, and his erection was rigid inside her. He started moving into her with ferocity while his jaw kept her pinned.

  He gave her what she asked for, and his hands tore the fabric of the sheets on either side of her as he rocked into her with pounding thrusts. She moaned, and she didn’t know if it was because of the rioting of her senses or the throbbing pain in her shoulder that wasn’t nearly as bad as it should be.

  He buried himself inside her and shuddered before unlocking his jaws and licking at the wounds he had made at her request.

  She was still throbbing around him, so her climax and aftershocks had just blurred together.

  She gasped as his tongue moved carefully over the four punctures he had left in her skin. Her body started closing the punctures under his careful attentions.

  He looked at her through lazily satisfied eyes as he closed her wounds before he lifted his head, and he murmured, “You taste like sin.”

  She smiled. “Good to know.”

  He withdrew from her but rolled her to her side, and he eased one knee to her chest. He thrust into her from that angle, and she gripped the sheets in front of her. “So, the genie is out of the bottle.”

  He put a hand on her belly and thrust into her with slow motions. “Do you think that will fit in the bottle?”

  She moaned as he cupped her breasts and kept rocking into her. “No, I think that we are dealing with an olive jar or higher.”

  Krizt laughed and kept rocking into her until they both shuddered, and she fell asleep in his arms.

  He woke her a few times, and they moved together until a climax crested over her, and she slept.

  Six o’clock in the morning showed up when it always did, but it meant that sleep was over for Arcady, no matter how comfy it was with Krizt wrapped around her. She eased out of his arms and was grateful he wasn’t still inside her. That would make it harder to escape.

  She was less sweaty and sticky than she thought she should be and vaguely remembered the feeling of a cool cloth moving over her and pressing against her.

  Arcady returned to the guest room, got a robe, and wrapped it to close over each hip. Then, she went to make some coffee. She headed to the kitchen and got her coffee together without too much trouble. Practice helped.

  When she had her coffee in hand, she went exploring. He had three other guestrooms, a living room she could play tennis in if the occasion called for it, and an open deck overlooking the city buildings.

  She tried to get out onto the deck, but the door wouldn’t open.

  “Aw, bugger.”

  A yawn sounded from behind her. “It’s another bio-lock. Stops anyone who does manage to get in from stealing my designs, or anything else of value, by dropping off the building and flying away.”

  She turned to look at him, sipping the tea in the thermal mug she had left him. “Does that happen often?”

  “It happened once. That was enough.”

  He pulled her against him with their beverage arms free. “Good morning, Arcady.”

  “Good morning, Krizt.”

  He smiled and kissed her. He tasted of two layers of mint. One was his tea, and the other was toothpaste.

  He chuckled. “You have had your coffee, I see.”

  She smiled. “You brushed your teeth.”

  “So did you.”

  “It seemed only polite since you cleaned me up last night. A few times.” She blushed.

  He bent his head, and their noses touched. “It is only fair since I made most of the mess.”

  She felt heat ripple through her, and she felt the waves of arousal at the memory of the feeling of him flexing and twitching inside her as he came.

  “I haven’t even had time to analyze the data from last night.” He brushed his lips against hers again. “If I had known what you felt like, I would have applied for patron status far earlier and been more insistent.”

  She blushed. “I am glad we had the time apart. It was nice to learn your work habits and personal habits before we got any closer.”

  She brought her coffee cup close and sipped it. “Now, can we go stand outside for a bit, and I can look at the skyline?”


  He kept his arm around her as they went to the door. With him next to her, it opened.

  “If I promise not to jump or steal your stuff... can you set that door to open for me?”

  The wind tugged at her robe, flaring it wide and pulling at her neckline. She walked forward, set her cup down on a table and raised her arms up to the tug of the wind. Her robe held, but she was an inch from being indecent at every angle. When her skin was tingling with energy, she turned to her audience with a smile. He was wearing a wrap low on his hips, leaning against a post and sipping his tea. His blue skin was shining, and there were some purple lines running over his chest, arms, and thighs. She walked toward him and blushed when she figured out that those were her claw marks. She had marked him.

  “Oh, no. I am so sorry, Krizt. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  She reached out to touch the arm holding the teacup. His other arm snagged her and pulled her in. “I don’t mind. It will heal in a few hours. I have been holding back the repairs because I like the memories they evoke.”

  He set his cup down and caressed her neck and shoulders. “You really enjoy the biting, don’t you?”

  She shuddered as his fingers moved over the marks he had left behind. “Um, I do. It isn’t something my patrons do, though.”

  “Why not if it gives you pleasure?”

  She blushed and turned her head to the side. “It’s silly, considering.”

  He used two fingers under her chin and urged her to face him. “What is silly?”

  “That I wanted you to do that first. I didn’t want some nameless stranger to drink from me.”

  “I only drank the first time. After that, it was just for fun.” He ran his thumbs over the pink welts that were all that was left of the wounds.

  “You have healing saliva, don’t you?”

  He smiled. “It’s my tongue. I can heal wounds with licking, but very few people will put themselves in the path of my mouth.”

>   She grinned. “I can’t see why it would be an issue. Your mouth is one of my favourite features of yours.”

  He smiled. “I like the curve of your neck when you are at your desk, all soft and undefended.” His fingers caressed the spot he was interested in.

  She swallowed. “You have been fantasizing about biting my neck?”

  “Yes, it isn’t the best place to get blood, and there is a lot of muscle, but if I wanted to gain your submission, that is the spot to do it. I won’t carry you like a kitten, but it is effective at getting a docile response from certain people.” He chuckled. “I think you would go limp in that grip.”

  She shivered. “Probably.”

  “So, Arcady, what do you have on your agenda today?” He nibbled at her ear and traced it with his tongue.

  She swallowed. “More coffee. Breakfast. Going to get makeup if you refuse to cook and keep showing me off. Once I have makeup that suits the new look, I will pop in and get a new identity card at HR.”

  Arcady was distracted with him using his tongue on her ear, and he pressed her up against the chair and gathered her robe up.

  “What are you doing?” She muttered it as she clutched the arms of the chair.

  “I know you wake slowly, but figure it out. Now, spread your feet.”

  She moved her feet out, and he rubbed three fingers against her, spreading the moisture that had begun when he was stroking her neck. Arcady groaned and felt her robe slip off completely.


  He paused in surprise and stepped back. She straightened slightly, spun the chair around, and bent to grip the arms. “Proceed.”

  He spun her around and put her robe back on but didn’t fasten it. “I have changed my mind as well.”

  He picked her up and carried her back into the house to the entertaining area and a low, wide couch. There were other seating areas, but he set her on the edge with her torso draped over the rolled arm, and then, he pressed against her from behind.

  She rose up on her knees, and he took the invitation. Krizt drove into her, and she cried out as he was rough and she wasn’t aroused enough to make it easy.

  He rested his forearm next to her on the arm, and she bit him in the bicep.

  He growled. “Arcady, let go.”

  She grunted, and he withdrew from her. She let him go.

  “Thank you, Arcady. Now, excuse me for a moment.”

  She felt his horns pressing against the back of her thighs as he applied his mouth to her, and his tongue swirled inside her. The aches and bruising on her sensitive flesh eased, and then, he turned her to face him. There were rivulets of blood on his arm. He stroked her hair. “Can we try it again?”

  She looked at him, narrowed her eyes, and poked him in the chest. “You had better fucking do it right this time.”

  He grinned. “Yes, boss.”

  Chapter Nine

  She grunted softly as he rocked into her, his hands twined with hers, his chest rubbing against her breasts, and his kiss making her dizzy. Every inward thrust caused her to groan, and part of it was the pressure on her chest; the rest was that he had angled himself high, and he was rubbing against her clit sliding in and sliding out.

  It seemed that he was going to keep fucking her through the entire weekend on this very couch. She wrapped her legs around his hips and rocked against him, groaning as her orgasm moved through her in a slow wave. He kept moving, and the waves went on and on.

  She flexed her fingers against his, and he kissed her again as the slow clasping wrapped around his cock inside her. Arcady stroked his tongue with her own as he rode her until she tensed again, and then, she turned her head and gritted her teeth as another orgasm washed through her. His cock moved inside her, flexing and then twisting. He gave a growling roar as he came inside her.

  She gasped, and he bit, growling and holding her shoulder in his teeth. His cock moved again and twisted in a new motion. She felt him pulse, and then, the heat that she was beginning to associate with his cum spilled into her, and he collapsed.

  The moment he started to recover, he unclenched his jaw and started licking her.

  Arcady moaned as he worked over the punctures, and she sighed when he licked her neck. When he returned to her for a kiss, she murmured, “Krizt.”

  He smiled and kissed her softly. “If I wanted to stay like this, would you punch me?”

  She felt him moving inside her without his hips moving. “So, not just your tail, huh?”

  He laughed. “No, not just the tail. I didn’t want to wreck the surprise.”

  “You missed a chance. The best reveal would have been while I was giving you a blowjob.” She smiled and tilted her hips slightly.

  “Ah, that won’t happen for a while. I am too eager to be inside you.” He nuzzled her cheek.

  Arcady made an observation. “You smell really good.”

  She licked his jaw. “And you taste really good. Sorry that I bit you.”

  He lifted his head. “Don’t be. It was an effective signal that you were not comfortable.”

  She wiggled her fingers. “Can I have my hands back?”

  “Yes. Yes, you can.”

  He released her arms and levered up on his palms. “Now I can finally enjoy looking at this damned couch.”

  She laughed. “Is that why it had to be here?”

  “The designer put this thing here, and I never used it. So, now, I will smile whenever I see it.”

  Arcady put her hands on his shoulders and stroked them down his chest. She kept her palms flat, turned them, and slid them down his belly to where they were still connected. His erection twisted inside her, and a heavy corkscrewing sensation began.

  She groaned and pulled her hips against his. “No. I have to take a shower and run some errands.”

  “It isn’t even seven.” He continued to move inside her. “Shops don’t open until nine.”

  “Still need a shower, breakfast, have to get dre—oohh.” She slid her hands up his neck and grabbed his horns. Inside, he was stroking a spot that brought tears to her eyes. She closed her eyes and turned her head. His gaze was too intense for her.

  He kissed her neck, her cheek, and turned her head toward his. “Open those eyes for me, boss.”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  He nibbled at her neck. “Come on, your eyes are so pretty when you cum.”

  She chuckled but kept her eyes closed. “No, three times in one morning is enough.”

  “Never enough.”

  She gasped and pressed her breasts to his chest.

  His cock stopped moving, and she exhaled in disappointment. It was too close.

  “Open your eyes, Arcady.”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  “Please?” Krizt brushed his lips across hers.

  She squinted at him. “How’s this?”

  He withdrew until just the tip of him was inside her. “How’s this?”

  She opened her eyes in outrage, and he laughed. She moved a hand between them, and she caressed her clit until she was on the edge again. The tail that wrapped around her wrist had to fight her, but he got her fingers off her clit a few seconds before she would have gotten to cum.

  His tail held her hand to the couch, and she growled, thrusting upward with her hips. He winced and plunged deep, holding her down with his hips. The pressure set her off, and she screamed as waves of fire poured through her nerves, and she slowly felt the ripples recede.

  She was staring into his eyes, and he slowly withdrew from her and lay at her side, pulling her against him. She blinked slowly as her scattered wits gathered and returned to her.

  She squirmed and cuddled up against him, his tail still wrapped around her wrist.

  He stroked her cheeks with his thumbs and kissed her forehead.

  She exhaled slowly. “That was... unexpected.”

  He chuckled and kissed the tears from her eyes. “Why did you cry?”

  “Don’t know.”

licked his lips and stroked her back. “Are you going to the peacekeepers?”

  “Yeah. Trying to get all the legal stuff done, so that next week feels normal-ish.”

  “You think it will be normal?”


  He chuckled. “There will be issues at work.”

  “I know.”

  “You will experience comments and harassment.”


  “It will get worse once we file for a relationship declaration.”

  “Probably.” She smiled. “I won’t be the first assistant dating her boss. Not even at Z-Tech.”

  He lifted his head. “Really? Do tell.”

  “Nope. The bond of assistants and receptionists is sacred until one of them stabs me in the back.” She exhaled slowly. “In that case, I go for blood.”

  “Sounds like you are preparing for battle.”

  “I am.” She lifted her head and met his gaze. “Now, I really need breakfast and more coffee. I have to take medical records to the peacekeepers and then do some self-care.”

  “May I come with you? I have the detailed records of your transformation and the orders for it from your boss and medical professionals stating that it was the only way to save you.”

  “Uh, sure. I didn’t think it would be your thing.”

  “I am good with paperwork.” He got offended.

  She laughed brightly. “No, you are not. That is why you needed me to begin with. I dealt with two months’ worth of correspondence in two days. I will tell you what you need to bring.” She kissed his chest and licked him lightly. She felt him stiffen. “I would like to retract that last contact.”

  He laughed. “It’s fine. We are done until after the errands.”

  She eased away from him and then looked down at what started out as a normal erection but then narrowed to a point. “That would explain it.”

  It twisted and elongated, and she laughed and backed up. “Nope. Not this morning.”

  She fell off the couch and rolled into a crouch with one leg extended. She felt a light tracing down her inner thigh and looked. She looked back at him in surprise. “Quicksilver?”


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