False Blood

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False Blood Page 7

by Tamara White

  I prance over to her rubbing my head against her, showing her my acceptance. My beast recognises her as part of our blood pack and I know she doesn’t mean us any harm. We step back, holding still while she pulls a phone from her back pocket snapping a few pictures of us. “Thanks, honey, that’s all I need. How about you change back now?” she coaxes.

  I shift back to my human form. I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly, so I’m extremely embarrassed when I’m standing naked in front of my parents and three attractive guys. Talon rips off his shirt for me, so I can cover myself as I make a run for the changing room, getting back into my own clothes.

  I inhale his scent on the shirt, sighing appreciatively. He smells delicious, so good that my beast and I want another taste even if it’s inappropriate to ask. Crap! I have got to stop smelling his shirt, he belongs to someone else. Worse yet, my beast wants to kill her purely because she wants something that she thinks belongs to us. I wish I was able to tell her it doesn’t work like that. It may save me a lot of trouble in the future.

  Waltzing back outside, I almost walk straight into Talon’s bare chest. “Here,” I throw the shirt back at him, not intending to be bitchy, but my beast and I are in disagreement. She wants to claim them all, yet I know I can’t. Besides, he probably only gave me his shirt so Heather wouldn’t kill him for looking at my naked body. Ugh, why am I so hung up on this?! One guy should be enough but no, my beast wants all three.

  “Thanks,” he murmurs, pulling it back on and following me as I approach my parents. They start walking back down the path, and I decide to question them while we walk. “So, what’d you think? Am I really that horrifying?” I ask softly, dreading the answer.

  “No! You’re just different,” my mother reassures me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, squeezing me close as we walk. My father steps beside me keeping me firmly between them as Nik, Talon and Dev spread out around us.

  My father grins down at me, “You’re certainly bigger than I expected. When I shift, I’m only this high,” he says gesturing just below his rib cage. Wow! I thought for sure he would be a lot bigger than that based on how huge I am.

  Sierra glances down at her phone and frowns, “Quick we have to hurry. I need to send word to Macie and Brittany. They’ll want to be the ones to help you design your dress. And hopefully you and Brittany will get along well. It will give you an ally while you adapt and learn about life in the coven,” my mother says, smiling at me.

  I don’t know about that. I knew a Brittany when I was fifteen. She was visiting the pack for a summer while her mother was sick. She knew all about us. We got along so well that Dad let us hang out the whole time she was there. Brittany and I became instant best friends, so the day she left I was devastated.

  We said we would keep in touch, but I never heard from her again. Either way, no other Brittany will ever stand up to my one summer best friend. Here’s hoping this Brittany isn’t a total bitch.

  Once we’re back in my parents’ room, Axel takes no time separating us to discuss what we do about the soul-ties. “You three, sit right here. Emerald, sit opposite them. It’s time to discuss this soul-tie between the four of you,” Axel commands, directing us into chairs facing each other, while he and Sierra stand off to the side watching us.

  Sierra had disappeared to make calls to her witchy friends, but now she’s back to deal with this. Talon and I keep glancing at each other, while Dev and Nik just sit quietly, waiting. Safe to say there’s a lot of tension between us since the whole shifting back naked.

  My mother steps forward, the authority clear in her voice, “If you don’t come to some kind of arrangement, it will explode on you at the worst time. Talon, you saw how Axel and I were when we first met. Now, don’t get me wrong, I know you and Nikoli are in relationships of your own but if you really don’t want to pursue this tie, you have to cut off any emotional links now. You have to be upfront though, because Emerald will have to shut down any feelings she has for you as well,” she says sternly, glaring at the three of them while I smother a grin. It’s funny to see them getting in trouble like children when they’re supposed to be all powerful vampires.

  Hearing my mother’s words though, I know I have to be completely honest with everyone and tell the guys feelings have already developed on my end, especially for my beast. I have to tell them before they make any decisions. If they choose not to be a part of my soul-tie, then I’m going to need them to stay away from me all together which means I’ll need new guards. My beast is too eager to be near them, I would be at constant battle with myself if I had to be surrounded by them day in and day out. “Um, that’s going to be hard for me. Logically, I know they’re all free to do what they like, but after almost dying and tasting each of them, my beast is convinced they’re all hers.”

  I take a deep breath, feeling both excited and ashamed admitting the next part, “Every time I scent them, she gets extremely excited. When Heather kissed Talon, she tried to push me to kill her and she’s never been that violent for me, not even when I was being attacked in the motel.

  “And earlier when I was crying and Nik didn’t come for me, she was mourning his loss as if he had died. I guess what I’m saying is, if any of you don’t want this tie, we have to cut off all contact. I don’t think I could handle it otherwise,” I admit sadly, my gaze dropping down to my knees, afraid to make eye contact with any of the guys.

  It feels unfair to place an ultimatum like this on them, but I know I can’t be near them if I will have to endure that torture each day. I couldn’t handle seeing them kissing others, when all I want is them. God this feels stupid, I barely know them! I haven’t even fully claimed them and yet I can’t stand the thought of another person being with them!

  My father comes and stands by my side, placing a hand on my shoulder in support, “Well, you heard my daughter. If you don’t want to pursue a tie, then you need to separate immediately! Since this is such a big decision, we will let you guys take some time to think about it. I will remind you though, that this is a destined tie. You may care for Heather and Felicia, but you are not destined to be with them. No matter how much you may wish for another tie to form, it won’t,” he informs them coldly.

  Sierra joins us on my other side, looking at each of the guys with sympathy, “You’ve been with Heather a long time Talon, and a tie still hasn’t formed. Same goes for you Nikoli, you and Felicia have been together for a year already and nothing has happened. If anything, you have become more miserable since being with her. She uses you as a grab for power rather than as her equal,” she points out.

  My beast slips my hold a little, dragging a growl from my chest at the thought of Nik being used like that. I get her back under control, but all that does is let my own anger come to the surface. Nik’s such a playful guy that it makes me sad to think of him being used like that. I sigh, sinking back into my chair. Feelings suck!

  Each of the boys get up slowly, and makes their way towards the door. Dev stops abruptly turning to face me. “Ax, I don't need any time, I'm making my decision to pursue the tie. Emerald is meant to be ours. I know that and if these two are too stupid to realize it, then it’s their loss. I’m not leaving her,” he declares as he walks back toward me, making me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Talon and Nik watch him as he separates from them. Nik stares at me, as if he is searching my face for an answer to his problem, before letting a mask fall over his face.

  Axel grins pulling Dev in for a hug, “Smart man.” After releasing Dev, he faces Tal and Nik, “You two have some thinking to do before making such a lifechanging decision. Besides, I can see the connection between Devin and Emerald. All I see between you two and Emerald is tension. A relationship needs more than tension to survive,” he states, a soft smile aimed at my mother. Nodding their heads, they take that comment as their cue to leave.

  My mother gives Dev a hug, and a kiss on the cheek before turning into a super protective momma bear. “Dev, you’ve expressed a willin
gness to stay with our daughter, and while I’m absolutely thrilled to be gaining both a daughter and a son in a single day, if you hurt her, even accidentally, I will gut you. We just got her back, I won’t lose her to your idiocy.” She stares him down, power swelling in the room until he nods his understanding before going back to being cheery again. The power sent shivers through my body and I have to admit, it’s nice feeling protected.

  Dev sighs coming to stand by my side, and wrapping and arm around my shoulders, “Sie, you know me. I wouldn’t hurt a fly, well not unless it hurts me first,” he adds with a smirk at me. “As it is, I don’t understand why Talon and Nikoli didn’t stay. The tie between us is pretty strong already. Just the thought of leaving her is painful. As I tried to walk towards the door I could feel it pulling taught, straining my soul the further I got from her,” Dev admits, the pain in his voice so profound I have to give his hand a soft squeeze to comfort him that I’m not going anywhere.

  Axel starts to chuckle while my mother hides a grin. What about this is funny?

  My father clears his throat and looks down at our hands clasped together before meeting our eyes and explaining, “You feel that way, because she’s had your blood. Once you’ve tasted hers, she will feel the exact same way you are. She’ll feel anxious, fidgety and may even become angrier. Each tie is different so it’s going to be a learning experience that’s for sure.

  “When Sierra first gave me blood, she followed me around like a lost puppy but when she had mine, it was like I needed her to be close to me or I was going to lose my mind. We were permanently tied together, which is exactly what the soul-tie should be like. You’re meant to rely on one another,” he says softly, reaching out to hold my mother’s hand.

  Sierra smiles over at my father, a look of contentment in her eyes. It’s so sweet to see them together like this when they’ve been together so long. I can’t even imagine what that kind of relationship would be like. To be loved by someone forever, no doubt that they care for you, that they won’t leave you for another, it’s what everyone should aspire for in life.

  My mother lets go of my father’s hand, stepping towards me hesitantly as if she doesn’t want to scare me away, “Emerald, will you tell me everything about your life? I want to know all about you. Who you are, what you like, what it was like growing up with wolves, pretty much everything. Brent included some pictures in his letters, it’s just not enough to know who you are,” she pleads, tears in her eyes.

  I nod, a small smile on my face. “Sure! Um, I just don’t know where to start. Twenty-one years is a long time.”

  My father moves over to the lounge, taking my mother with him. “Just start wherever you feel happy. Your mother and I want to know everything, Emmy,” he says with a gentle smile, using my Dad’s name for me. It makes me tear up, but I push back the sadness. I want my parents to know who I am.


  We spend hours talking about anything and everything that happened while I was living with the pack. There were times Dev almost fell off his chair he was laughing so hard, especially when I told them all the story of my first training day when I tripped over, accidentally kissing someone’s ass. I was fourteen.

  Then there was the time Brendan started treating me like a pariah. It broke me that my brother would abandon me to the pack because everyone else was mocking me. I had protected him as he grew up, but he fell in with the same crowd that Xander was in. They believed in purity among the wolves, so my being half human was considered a big stain on the pack. Especially as the Alpha’s daughter. Not that it didn’t stop Xander fucking me. But I left that part out, they didn’t need to know about my sexual escapades or lack thereof.

  I told my parents about how much Dad loved me. How he gave me anything I could ever want, I wasn’t a trouble maker, he raised me and trained me to make sure I was strong enough to handle everything.

  Whenever Dad had to visit other packs, with Brendan hanging out with Xander, I was left to defend myself from the mini-attacks launched on me. Nothing I couldn’t handle on my own.

  Hearing what I went through, Dev is having trouble keeping control of himself. His eyes flashing red and fangs descending in anger. Each time I sense it and pat his hand to let him know I’m safe and he reins his anger back in, taking deep breaths.

  Then there were my birthdays. Every year, Dad was there with a cake and balloons. My stepmom was the baker in the house, but on my birthday, he made my cake, no one else. I would wait for two hours while he mixed, cooked, and iced it before eating it with me while it was still warm.

  It was our tradition.

  Axel is listening intently, tears in his eyes. He clears his throat, “He truly loved you like his own. I don’t even know how to thank him,” he murmurs, staring down at his feet, lost in thought.

  “It’s ok, Axel. From what Dad said when he found me, he knew there was only one way I would survive. If he was to give me back to you, the coven would have been attacked constantly, and with Sierra being wounded as badly as she was, you wouldn’t have been able to protect both of us. He made a choice to raise me. He gave me a good life. He made sure I was objective when it came to vampires and my grandparents brainwashing. He kept my mind open so that the day we were finally able to meet, I wouldn’t hate you on sight out of principle,” I tell him, trying not to feel saddened. I know they’re my parents, but I just can’t call them Mom and Dad yet. It feels too weird. Going twenty-one years calling someone else ‘Dad’ is making my new reality hard to believe.

  My mother rubs her hand soothingly across Axel’s shoulders, offering reassurance. “She’s right, honey. He could’ve raised her to hate us with a passion, yet here she is, so bright and optimistic that it astounds me. We knew it would be hard after our soul-tie was announced to the coven and look how long it took before they accepted us. My parents didn’t want us to rule because they thought it would ruin the coven. Now we have an alliance with the witches and multiple packs in the area. We are stronger than we’ve been in centuries,” Sierra announces proudly.

  Dev has been remarkably quiet through all of this, so it surprises me when he speaks, “You’re right. Her Dad did the best he could in the circumstances. His parents mutilated Sierra when they took her, imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t hidden her heritage? Could you imagine what would have happened if he had of brought her back here when he found her alive? Her life would have been a constant game of hide and seek until she ended up being killed. Now, she’s strong enough to defend herself, plus she has soul-ties to help her navigate this new world she’s been thrust into.” Devin suddenly lights up and looks at Sierra, “Maybe we could fill her in on how our coven operates while we wait for the witches?”

  “Yeah, we have a little time before Macie and Brittany get here. First thing is explaining the coven, then talking about dresses. You’ll have to be dressed as our daughter tonight. That means royalty, no shirt and jeans,” Sierra says as she grins down at my clothes.

  I sigh rolling my eyes, “Fine, but I’m not wearing heels. I understand you hold a prestigious position in your coven, so I will do what it takes to make a good impression, but I absolutely draw the line at wearing heels,” I shiver as I contemplate the horror. “What will happen tonight? How do I react around your people? They’ll be able to tell I’m part wolf, won’t they?”

  My mother nods over at me, “Oh yes, they definitely will, but we’ll make an announcement before we start, introducing you as our daughter. My parents will be there, so they’ll be able to help calm the coven if there’s any concerns. There’s also a test they will perform to prove you’re who you say you are. As long as our family has ruled the coven, there’s been the Chalice of Blood. When our blood goes into it, it turns white to symbolise our line. Then when you formally announce a soul tie, you mix the blood with your soul-tie’s creating its own unique flavour and colour. Mine and your father’s went pale orange. Your grandparents’ went bright yellow. There are records of each colour it turns in o
ur family tree to show how unique each partnership is. It’s quite fascinating that you have a soul-tie with more than one person. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how that plays out. It could be another unique aspect to add to the records,” Sierra says thoughtfully.

  I think about what she said, my nerves going haywire at the thought of giving my blood in front of a crowded room. Though the thought of dinner sounds amazing right now. I didn’t eat much last night. As if my stomach has a mind of its own, it grumbles loud enough that my parents and Devin hear it.

  Dev looks down at me horrified, “Shit! I’m sorry, Em, I forgot to ask if you wanted to be fed this morning? We all fed last night while you were in the shower. Sie, do you have any spare bags in here? Or I can go to the kitchen?” Dev asks but before he can move, Axel goes over to a mini fridge and pulls out a bag of blood.

  What the hell?! They want me to drink blood? All I wanted was a goddamn cheeseburger!

  “Here you go, Emerald. Sie likes hers cold, I figured you’d be the same,” Axel says, handing me a bag of refrigerated blood, making me want to gag.

  I take it gingerly not sure what they’re expecting. I’ve never drank blood, well except from Talon, Dev and Nik, so I’m not sure what to do. Do I just rip it open? Should I take it and pretend I drank it so as to not offend them? “Um, why are you giving me blood? I’m hungry. I don’t drink blood,” I tell them, confused as their brows furrow, surprise and confusion on all three of their faces.

  Dev speaks up, puzzlement lacing his voice, “But, we gave you our blood last night to heal. You knew exactly where to get the best supply and you stopped before we were drained. Are you really telling me that last night was the first time you’ve had blood?” he asks, stunned by the thought.

  I don’t see what the big deal is. “I figured you just gave me blood because I was dying.”


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