Blessed Moon: The King's Seer

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Blessed Moon: The King's Seer Page 3

by L. S Bethel

  Kang-Dae moved so that they were face to face. “When you get back, all those fears and worries will be forgotten,” he assured her. “I will go see Min tomorrow to check on his progress. If he still hasn’t found anything, I will go to that village myself.” He promised. He took her hand in his. “I will get you back, I swear.” She nodded through her tears.

  “Thank you.”

  “Sleep.” He ordered softly. She nodded and lay down facing him and he did the same. Her eyes slowly began to droop before they finally fluttered shut.

  He stayed awake watching her even after she fell asleep. He found himself doing that a lot lately. He’d grown used to her presence in his life. When he’d taken her as his wife for her safety, he didn’t know how their relationship would grow. Before he realized she wasn’t completely mad and revealed herself to be a seer, he figured they could develop a fondness for one another with time. When it became obvious that time would not be necessary to build his feeling for her, he hoped she would feel the same. The moment he found out she truly was from another world, those hopes had been dashed for he knew he would have to keep his promise to help her return. However, since the day she had willingly taken an arrow for him, things between them felt as though they were flourishing. But tonight, was his reminder that things were not that simple. He’d gotten too comfortable, refusing to think about what was to come. It was strange to think that he could become so attached to someone who only entered his life a few months ago. He’d never admit it aloud to her, but if it turned out he could not help her return, he knew a part of him would not be disappointed.


  “You came alone? Is your daughter having second thoughts?” The conspirator asked. Since he had approached the man with his intentions, he’d immediately involved his daughter claiming she would be eager to help. He’d yet to meet with him without her.

  Yoon shook his head. “I had to. It’s best if she were not a part of this portion of the plan. She would not agree to this. She still cares for him. It’s better if she doesn’t know. She doesn’t need to know the details to play her part. Did you get it?”

  “Yes. It’s already been made. We just need the right opportunity to plant it.”

  “How long will it take to take effect?” Yoon asked.

  “There’s no way of knowing. It depends on the person, but it will do its job. That is certain.” The conspirator answered.

  “We can’t be sure that witch won’t see this coming,” Yoon said.

  “From what we’ve heard, her visions are sporadic and vague. She never sees faces or even direct actions. Even if she does catch a glimpse of something, she wouldn’t understand it. Her ignorance will be our advantage. By the time she figures it out, all of Xian will be against her.”


  Kang-Dae awoke to a warm hand in his. He smiled to see Serenity so close. Despite last night’s woes, her face showed nothing but tranquility. He resisted the urge to run his thumb across her cheek, not wanting to wake her. He wanted to lay there and watch her as long as he was able, but he had a promise to keep. Kang-Dae meant it when he swore to Serenity to get her home despite the growing desire building in him for her to stay. He understood that this was not home to her. Not eager to do what he knew he should he reluctantly got up. Carefully slipping from the bed he quietly dressed himself before heading out. He went straight to his study right after sending word to have Min meet him there as soon as possible. He didn’t come as quickly as he’d expected. In fact, Kang-Dae couldn’t remember a time when Min didn’t come as soon as he was called. It put him on edge. Was Min trying to avoid him? Now that he thought about it, it had been days since his advisor came to speak to him. After every council meeting, he was the first out of the doors. His head began to fill with all sorts of possibilities. Had he found nothing and was afraid of being reprimanded, or was it the opposite?

  Min finally arrived in his usual simple attire. “My King,” he greeted as he stood before him.

  “Has there been any news from the village?” Judging from the way Min’s body tensed, and his eyes shifted Kang-Dae could tell Min knew something. Kang-Dae became angry at the fact that he was keeping valuable information to himself. “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “I do not know the validity of this information,” Min started. Kang-Dae was growing impatient and he silently urged Min to continue. “It seems the occurrence of those who appear on the lake’s edge only happens on a certain day.”

  Kang-Dae’s brow quipped up. “What day?”

  “The night of the blessed moon. The villagers believe the night of the blessed moon can be used to channel great power. It’s why all those who appear on that night are thought to be sorcerers or witches.”

  Kang-Dae thought carefully. If the moon was indeed the key, he may have just found Serenity her way home. He ignored the uncomfortable feeling that grew in his gut at the thought of her returning. His feelings were inconsequential. “We need to find out when the next blessed moon is.” Min nodded quietly. “Have our scholars chart the skies.”

  “I will, my King,” Min said not moving.

  “Is something else,” Kang-Dae asked. Min was silent.

  “Min,” Kang-Dae called out.

  “No, no my King, there’s nothing else.” He bowed and quickly exited.

  Chapter Six

  Serenity was knocked to the ground for the fifth time. Her body was in pain and all she wanted was to give in. “Arezoo, you’re being too rough. She’s our Queen.” Nasreen admonished her older sister.

  “And she should know how to protect herself if the time comes. Her opponents won’t be as nice as me.”

  ‘Nice’ Serenity thought bitterly. When she’d asked Arezoo to teach her how to defend herself she hadn’t expected the woman to be so…professional.

  “It’s okay,” she groaned as she forced herself to stand once more. Trying not to glare at her captain, she brushed off her pants, which she was so grateful to be wearing. Her workout clothes were so comfortable it was almost worth the beatings to have the chance to wear them. Being Queen, she wasn’t allowed to wear them outside the practice room, it not being acceptable attire for royal women apparently. The sleeveless white top she was wearing was as close to a tank top as she could get in this world.

  “Clearly Arezoo has some personal issues with me and she’s using this as an opportunity to share them,” Serenity said dryly.

  The corner of Arezoo’s mouth curled up ever so slightly. “Of course not, my Queen. I merely want you to be prepared. If there is ever a moment we are not at your side, it would grant me peace to know you would not be helpless in the face of such danger.” Despite her sore body Serenity was moved by her concern.

  Just as Arezoo had shown her, she took a protective stance, keeping her arms up to block any upper attacks. Arezoo jerked forward and Serenity shuffled back two steps to avoid her. Arezoo nodded. “Good.”

  Serenity did not relax as she had been fooled before. The pain in her left shoulder was a reminder to not let her guard down around this woman. “Hit me,” Arezoo ordered.

  “No thank you,” Serenity declined immediately, shaking her head.

  “We have to work on more than just defensive techniques. You need to learn at least enough to stun your opponent so you can get away,” Arezoo explained.

  Uncertainty plastered all over her face, Serenity gave a reluctant nod before giving her best attempt at a right hook. Arezoo caught her fist easily. Moving freakishly fast in Serenity’s opinion Arezoo spun behind her pinning Serenity's arm behind her back in a painful grip.

  “Ow! Ow! Ow!” Serenity cried out.

  “Don’t go for the obvious target.”

  “Okay, okay, I got it!” Serenity conceded. Arezoo relinquished her hold. Cradling her now aching arm Serenity pouted.

  “A real opponent will not show mercy, so neither should you.”

  “I think she’s doing very well,” Kang-Dae’s voice called out startling only Serenity. The other two women
jumped up to bow but Kang-Dae held his hand up to stop them as he entered.

  “You can leave us,” he told them all, keeping his eyes fixed on Serenity. The women didn’t hesitate to make themselves scarce and shut the door behind them.

  “What’s wrong?” Serenity asked once they were alone. She could tell something had happened. His eyes lacked their usual brightness when he was around her and his face carried a somber expression. Instead of answering he reached for her hand and gently pulled her into his arms. Serenity could barely breathe as he held her tightly around the waist while his other hand cradled her head ever so gently to his chest. The way he was holding her made her stomach do somersaults. She felt safe, even precious in his arms, but the thought that something was probably wrong suddenly entered her mind. “You’re scaring me a little bit,” she admitted with a nervous laugh. Kang-Dae only tightened his hold. Serenity was officially worried. Whatever was causing him to act this way, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. After what seemed like forever, he finally allowed himself to release her.

  He closed his eyes for a second and reopened them. “I spoke to Min,” he said. Serenity felt her heart drop. Was this it? Was she about to hear that there was no way home for her? She swallowed past the painful lump in her throat. “And?” she asked, her voice quivering.

  “The villagers believe that you and the others appeared on a very specific night. A night of a special moon.” Serenity brows drew together. “They believe whatever happened to you could only happen on the night of that moon.”

  Serenity could feel her anxiety quickly decline. “So, theoretically, if I went to the lake on that night, I might be able to get back?” Kang-Dae looked down before nodding. Serenity released the breath she’d been holding. “Oh my God,” she breathed. Suddenly overcome with happiness she threw herself onto him wrapping her arms around his neck. In her head, she thanked God for answering her prayers. It was only when she noticed Kang-Dae wasn’t hugging her back that she pulled away. Now that somber look made sense to her. Guilt tore through her as she realized in her happiness he was hurting. Even in her joy, she recognized what he may be feeling because underneath her relief, she felt the same.

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “You don’t know how much this means to me.” Kang-Dae gave her a sad smile that didn’t reach his eyes, which made her feel even worse.

  “I do not have a date yet, but when I do, I will let you know,” he informed her before turning and rushing out of the room. Serenity wanted to call after him, but she stopped herself. She was essentially abandoning the poor man. If he needed space from her to deal with that, she should grant it. She figured it was probably for the best to distance herself. Maybe it would make their separation easier.


  Min paced back and forward in his room. He wasn’t sure what to do now. In his cowardice, he’d withheld vital information from his King. That alone was enough for him to lose his position and title. If he did not reveal what he knew, the consequences would be much graver for everyone. At the time he couldn’t bring himself to say it. A part of him wondered whether it was for fear of his King’s reaction or something else. Regardless, he knew he could not keep this to himself despite how he felt. He could only hope the King would be merciful.

  Chapter Seven

  Kyril circled a portion on the map as Kang-Dae watched. “This would be a good place to station men. The natural defenses of the land will give them an advantage if Katsuo’s men come this route.”

  “Just stationing our men in places he may come isn’t good enough. We would only overextend ourselves and give him the advantage. Our best defenses come with strategies that work best with greater numbers. We can’t organize a good defense or offense when we decrease our men.

  “Agreed, but if we can’t hold them off, they will gain too much of our lands and we leave ourselves open to be surrounded.”

  Kyril was right as he usually was, but it didn’t change the facts. They did not have enough men to defend every part of Xian. “Perhaps it’s time we start going on the offensive.”

  “My King?”

  “All our information comes once Katsuo has made a move in our lands. We need to get a step ahead of him,” explained Kang-Dae.

  “Like you said, we can’t spare many. Sending in scouting teams to all the places Katsuo’s men are said to be would be counterproductive,” Kyril told him.

  Kang-Dae smiled as he smoothed out a corner of the map. “We don’t need to send out our men. We have millions of spies at our disposal.”

  Kyril tilted his head not understanding where Kang-Dae was going with this. “Katsuo is occupying our lands with our people. He’s taking their food and terrorizing their towns. If we put out the word for them to send information about what they see and where. We can get a better idea of what Katsuo is up to.”

  Thoroughly impressed, Kyril nodded. “That could work. We’ll let all the representatives know so they can spread the word in their lands.” Kyril rolled up the map. “We can send out envoys this afternoon.”

  “Good. The sooner the better. He’s been far too quiet lately, which means he’s planning something. If we can strike first, we may be able to expel him from Xian once and for all.”

  A knock at the door had both men looking toward. “Come,” Kang-Dae called out.

  Min entered slowly, eyes downcast. “What is it Min?”

  “I need a word with you my King,” Min said softly. This was not like him at all. Even when Min was in disagreement with him, he usually offered his point of view boldly without fear. Reading the room Kyril decided to excuse himself.

  At first, Kang-Dae was unsure as to what this could be about until he thought about his last order to Min. ‘The blessed moon’ he thought to himself.

  “Do you have a date yet?”

  “No, my King. But there’s something else you need to know, something I didn’t tell you.” With narrowed eyes Kang-Dae awaited Min’s confession, feeling no small amount of unease.


  Kang-Dae didn’t return to his shared room with Serenity until much later in the night. He closed the door quietly behind him. As expected, Serenity was fast asleep. Walking over to her side he looked down at her. He pulled the blanket up further on her, careful not to get any blood on her or it. Once he was satisfied she was comfortable, he went to the basin to wash his hands. When he was done, he made sure to pour out the used water now tinted pink. He placed a crude wrap around his hand to soothe the pain that he was barely feeling. After leaving a bleeding Min on his knees Kang-Dae needed to clear his head but the only thing occupying his mind was what had been revealed to him. Once he’d taken his anger out on Min for his omittance, he was left with a growing uncertainty. He sat in the chair across from the bed just thinking, never feeling more conflicted in his life than he did at that moment.

  Chapter Eight

  The King and Queen of Xian were acting strangely. That’s what those who watched them felt. It was obvious that something was different between them because they no longer acted as they once did. Where before they were constantly around one another, usually joking or conversing fondly, lately they were hardly seen together anymore. On those rare occasions, they would barely look at one another let alone speak. People questioned what could have brought about such a drastic change. Whispers were beginning to spread around the palace. Rumors from; nonexistent arguments, the King regretting his choice, and even possible infidelity were being discussed among the palace workers and nobility. The distance between them was off-putting to some but others saw an opportunity.

  “Do you think he has begun to see her for what she is?” Yoon asked feeling hopeful.

  “Possibly,” the conspirator answered. “We cannot know for sure.”

  “But this is the time, right? We should strike now before she can worm her way back into his graces,” Jae-Hwa spoke. The man nodded.

  “Yes, we must begin subtly. For now, we plant the seeds of doubt among them. We must keep them apar

  “I know what seeds to plant,” the other man claimed his face gleaming in the moonlight.


  Kang-Dae left the room before Serenity woke up for the fourth time. He hadn’t occupied the same space as her while she was conscious in days. He couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eyes let alone speak to her, fearful of what would come out. Serenity was not much better. It appeared as though she was in on his plan to avoid her at all costs because she never questioned it. There were times when he’d miscalculated and almost ran into her, but it would be her who turned and went the other way.


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