Accelerant- Sixth Extinction

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Accelerant- Sixth Extinction Page 11

by James Morris Robinson

“I get it now. The other container ships and tankers are really countermeasures. It is the GWO Savannah that is the ‘Hellburner’ that must get through to deliver its nuclear payload.”

  “Yes, that’s it. The ships and tankers, although loaded with nuclear payloads, are running offense for the GWO Savannah. It is the true Fireship. The B53 bombs on board have been enriched with so much red mercury that its fire will be twice as hot as the Earth’s sun. If the others, make it through…well, that would be an extra payoff.”

  Jameela sat back down and held both Kyle's and Jeff's hands. “Apophis will validate your identity through biometrics. Just follow Apophis instructions each time, as they will be different. Your Apophis Tablet will work anywhere in the world. You just need to be in alignment to send the satellite the signal. Once the packages are en route, the GPS will track them until the event.”

  Jameela gave them a couple of minutes to digest all they had heard. Then she asked, “Are the Apophis Tablets issued to you in a safe place?”

  Both replied, “Affirmative.”

  Kyle looked at his military ‘hack watch’ which was identical to Jeff and Jameela’s.

  “Ok guys, let’s confirm our tactical sync. On my hack for 3:01. Five, Four, Three, Two, One…Hack. We are synchronized.”

  Jameela handed them a small card. “This is the web address I want you to type in after you log in at 10:27 p.m. EST tomorrow night on our encrypted server. Use your Apophis Tablet clock to determine when to sign in. Your watch and Apophis Tablet clock should agree. The sequence code printed on the card needs to be entered. This software update will allow us to reconfigure your Apophis Tablet for the event. Also, it will enable us at Genesis command to remotely activate your Apophis Tablet just in case you can’t. You must go wireless, as you have to ride several satellite signals to reach us. By the way, from that point, if you do not sign on at that time, we must assume the mission is compromised and your rescue protocol will be activated. Understood?”

  Jeff and Kyle acknowledged with, “Yes Commander.”

  The minute was finished with a prayer. They all bowed their heads and held their opened hands toward the east. “Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life, and my death are all for Allah, the cherisher of the worlds. Praise be to Allah when I say, ‘Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of mankind and all that exists’.”

  Jameela ended her prayer with a very peaceful look. As she started to walk away, she heard Jeff praying. “In the name of God, most gracious, most merciful. Praise be to God, the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds, the most gracious, most merciful, master of the day of judgment. Thee do we worship, and thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way. The way of those on whom thou hast bestowed thy grace, those whose portion is not wrath, and who go not astray.”

  He is gaining confidence, strength, and courage for his mission, Jameela thought.

  As they prepared to leave, Kyle hugged Jameela. “As-salamu alaikum.”

  Both Jeff and Jameela said, “Wa alaikum as-salaam.”

  Jeff nodded goodbye and started for the door.

  “Jeff, why don’t you stay for dinner? Kyle told me you have concerns.”

  Kyle agreed. “It's okay, little bro, you need to do this. Throw me the car keys. The commander will drop you off later.”

  Kyle gave Jeff a firm hug and a kiss on his right jaw and quickly left.

  Jameela and Jeff took a short break and a stroll. “What an awesome view of the North Atlantic Ocean. It seems a shame that the event will consume all this in nuclear fire.”

  “Jeff, they broke this world with their greed, racism, and politics. We simply need to usher in a new order. A Genesis World Order.”

  “I’ve got to get the people that are most dear to me out of Savannah before the event.”

  “Your mother? Is she dear to you?”

  “Yeah, she lives in a retirement community there. She gets around fine. Little slow at times, but she still drives. My bother Daniel wants Momma closer so he moved her to Savannah several months ago.”

  “Well, I can understand what you feel. My family is so far away that it is not an issue. Whatever you do, you must be discreet. You must decide how to do this without anyone getting an idea of what is about to happen.”

  “I will.”

  Jameela stopped dead in her tracks. “Jeff, look at me. If you compromise this mission, Genesis will kill you. I cannot protect you at that point.”

  “Understood, Commander.”

  “Jeff, they will systematically kill anyone and everyone you know. They will wipe out your bloodline, friends, co-workers, and neighbors to ensure the success of this mission. With that being said…I will do what I can to help you.”

  Later that evening, Jeff and Jameela had dinner at the Bombay Indian Restaurant in North Charleston. Their halal menu was a favorite of Jameela’s. The restaurant was family owned and they treated customers well. Jameela sipped her water as she viewed the menu. “The chicken masala is to die for, the right amount of curry and not full of coconut milk to weigh you down. The tamarind chicken falls off the bone. The lamb and goat are amazing. The rice is cooked to perfection with just the right amount of herbs and spices.”

  Jeff laughed. “You come here often?”

  “What is your point?” They both laughed.

  Jameela had goat curry and Jeff had the lamb. They did not talk business in the crowded restaurant, and so enjoyed each other’s company. After dinner, they headed to Café Paradiso on South Market Street. Jameela loved this after-dinner spot, as it did not serve alcohol.

  “Some people say this is the best place to smoke hookah and enjoy a variety of shisha flavors like Starbuzz, Fantasia, and Al Fakher.” She was quick to add, “I do not smoke, but some people love sitting at one of the outdoor tables watching the tourists pass by through a haze of smoke.” Jameela found them a very quiet smokeless corner at the outdoor tables. She ordered a Turkish coffee for herself, and for Jeff, an espresso, and dessert for both.

  Jeff touched her hand. “If you drink Turkish coffee, so will I.”

  Jameela laughed. “Must be a male thing.”

  Jeff responded, “Yeah, something like that!”

  As they enjoyed their dessert and coffee and listened to great music on what was a perfect night, Jameela smiled at Jeff and quietly said, “What is on your mind?”

  “Well, other than feeling blessed to be enjoying an evening with one of the most intelligent and beautiful women in the world, I am thinking about my family.”

  Jameela reached over and Jeff felt her slender body and breasts touch him as she kissed him directly on the mouth. Jameela sat back down and gave Jeff encouragement. “You are a good man, a good soldier. We will get all of your family to a safe distance. I will get instructions to you.”

  Jeff felt relieved.

  Jameela whispered, “Let’s get back to the hotel.”

  Jeff expected Jameela to drive him back to Savannah but instead found himself back on the first floor of the carriage house, which had a large living room, a full dining room, and complete kitchen. As he followed Jameela upstairs, he saw two bedrooms, a master bedroom, and a guest room. She motioned for him to take the smaller bedroom.

  “We will head to Savannah in the morning. Take a shower, say your prayers, and I will call you for breakfast.”

  Later that night as Jeff slept, he was awoken by a kiss.

  Chapter Eleven — Bad Boys

  Daniel and Marcia’s plane had just landed in Omaha, Nebraska. It was late afternoon and Daniel and Marcia were in town with their son Antonio, who was participating in a special baseball camp for teenagers. This camp was being held in conjunction with the college World Series. Their daughter Carla would not miss this trip, as she loved spending time with the twins, Hailey and Hannah. Daniel was so proud of Tony.

  As they headed to the baggage area, Antonio muttered, “I sure wish Uncle Jeff could be here to see me play, Dad.”

/>   “Yes son, I do, too. He is on assignment for his job somewhere in China.”

  Carla added, “Yep, it seems like he’s been gone about a year now.”

  Marcia agreed. “Yes, it has been that long, hasn’t it?”

  J.R. and Alexis met Daniel and his family at the airport. Daniel and Marcia always stayed with J.R. and Alexis at their beautiful ranch home. That night, J.R. and Daniel had dinner with their wives at Johnny’s Café on Twenty-Seventh Street in Omaha. The kids were at home watching movies with pizza and ice cream.

  Daniel bit into the most tender, delicious steak he had ever eaten. “J.R., why do they call this place Johnny’s Café? This has got to be one of Omaha’s finest steak houses.”

  “Don’t know Daniel. Ask the owners…they are sitting over there.”

  They all laughed, including Daniel. Daniel was a regular here when he visited Omaha. He loved the history of the eighty-year-old establishment. He got special attention since J.R.’s dad was good friends with the owner. When they knew Daniel was in town, they would come over to say hello.

  “It’s like family,” said Daniel to Marcia.

  “Daniel just comes here for the famous homemade bread pudding topped with Jack Daniels crème sauce.”

  Daniel laughed. “Guilty as charged, but that makes both of us guilty.”

  J.R. agreed as he informed the waiter, “We will take two servings home with us.”

  After an enjoyable dinner, J.R. and Daniel retired to his study for a quiet moment with hot coffee.

  “The diet cops are going to arrest us, J.R.” Daniel was enjoying the desert again with hot coffee.

  J.R. took a bite of his bread pudding. “Dude, how often do we do this?”

  Daniel fired back, “The question is, how often do you do this?”

  They both broke out in loud laughter as they enjoyed the brief bonding moment. J.R. took a sip of his piping hot coffee. He looked out the window and the moon was shining bright on the yellow cascading Nebraska goldenrod flowers in the garden.

  Daniel sensed something wrong, “What’s on your mind brother?”

  J.R. motioned for Daniel to follow him to the garden. “We need to discuss your brother Jeff and that buddy of his. What’s his face?”

  “You mean Kyle,”

  “Yeah, that creep.”

  “Okay, let’s talk.”

  J.R. poured them each a glass of Jack Daniels and they headed for the garden outback. J.R. never talked within walls. He would rather talk in open spaces. As they walked in the garden, he got a load off his mind.

  “Daniel, I attended an intelligence briefing recently and it appeared that digital intercepts over the last four months indicate something huge is being planned, but no one is able to break the ciphers.”

  “J.R., this is spy stuff. You never talk with me about this type of stuff. Are you ok? Are you going away again?”

  “Daniel, Jeff and Kyle are on the P.O.I. list.”

  Daniel looked bewildered. “What is a P.O.I. list?”

  J.R. responded, “Persons of Interest List.”

  “I know damn well my brother is not using drugs. I know this. I can swear to this. I know this kid. J.R., are you saying that my brother is using his occupation as a cover to import drugs into the United States?”

  “No, it's not drugs…and keep your voice down. It's worse. Keep walking and quit talking so loud, okay?”

  J.R. looked back at the house and saw the wives having a chat in the den. He felt safe to continue. “We are keeping a terrorist group under surveillance in Nigeria.”

  Daniel looked shocked. “You are telling me that Jeff is a terrorist?”

  J.R. warned, “Let me finish, okay? The intelligence agencies, including Naval Intelligence have growing concerns over Islam Extremists recruiting in the United States. Our allies are just as concerned, since they’re recruiting hard in their countries as well. The recruiting begins on the internet, for radicalization. They set up websites that look like current news in Iraq or Iran. Once on the website, you are guided to active jihadist attack sites. Beheadings, bombings, and blood. You can literally see people and military vehicles being blown up. You can see American bodies drug through the streets. You can see small arms attacks. Anything you could want in an attack video. Links will take you to a motivational site, where mortar operatives and suicide bombers are portrayed in heaven. You can see their farewell speeches. Another click and you're at a site where you can download scripted talking points that validate mass murder and beheadings with religious justifications. Then you can be invited to terror training camps which exist across the U.S. There are about 40 Islamic terrorist training compounds around the U.S. Then recruits are advanced to camps in Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq for intense paramilitary training.”

  “What do you mean by intense?”

  “Learning methods of beheading, slitting throats, and strangulation. We are uncovering plots to slaughter thousands, to spark a huge final battle with the western world…our world, Daniel.” J.R. stopped walking for a moment. “We were tracking several of their leaders in Djibouti and had planted an operative in one of their training camps. He took pictures of everyone in that room and guess whose mug shots are in those photos?”

  Daniel was shocked. “You are kidding, right?”

  J.R. warned Daniel, “It gets worse. The intelligence community’s Blue Lens surveillance system can employ biometrics and artificial intelligence to reconstruct a person’s entire life within twenty minutes. Blue Lens' stealth cyber technology intercepted, deciphered, and tracked Jeff and Kyle’s digital print across central and northern Africa. Daniel, the boys have been in South Sudan, Somalia, and Kenya. Our last surveillance data spotted them in China, at one of the largest shipping companies in China.”

  Daniel had to sit down. In dismay, he mumbled, “My little brother is a terrorist?”

  “Daniel, your brother and that creep Kyle are still under surveillance because something big is being planned. Intelligence just doesn’t know what or where.”

  “J.R….this Kyle guy. He’s got to be in the middle of this.”

  “Daniel, here is what I do know. Kyle is not from New York. He is from New England. We know that Kyle and Jeff met in Africa. We know this, as Kyle spent a lot of time with an Afrikaans lady who told us a lot about him. Blue Lens caught her in a photo and traced her back to a prominent family in South Africa. This young lady’s father serves in local government. It was not hard to get her to talk once exposed. That's all I can say about her now.”

  Daniel growled, “So Jeff and Kyle met in Africa. Where?”

  “Jeff and Kyle were recruited here in the United States. They met in a terrorist workshop sponsored by the Islamic Jihad Union. They are now the equivalents of field commanders and take orders from a higher field commander who reports directly to Genesis’s Supreme Commander. This is a well-endowed organization, feared by ISIS. What scares the United States and its allies is that this Genesis organization is well-financed and has the technology and infrastructure to threaten the western world.”

  “They have taken the term 'bad boys' to a new level. Are you kidding me?”

  “Keep your voice low Daniel. Don’t want to alarm the wives and children. When I studied the case file, photos, and other surveillance data, I had an epiphany. Over the last two years, Genesis has spent an enormous amount of money recruiting in America. We have intelligence that tells us that their next hit could be infrastructure. Some experts say it will be shipping lanes and ports. Over the last year, Kyle has secured a job in Charleston as a port captain in Port Charleston. He is responsible for a group of vessels working under the director of Marine Operations and will serve as the primary liaison between vessel management and shore-side personnel. Jeff is now an able-bodied seaman and switched jobs about a year ago. Jeff has also gone to school for maritime training and is now certified in explosive weapons as well. Genesis could be positioning assets to execute a massive terrorist initiative.”

niel looked at J.R. “You know I am trying to digest this and it is so hard to believe.”

  J.R. shook his head in agreement. He stared at Daniel. “I knew you would find this hard to believe. I wanted to talk with you first. Walk with me, brother.”

  J.R. and Daniel walked over to the shiny well-kept shed in the garden. It was dark but J.R. knew exactly what he was looking for. He opened his locked toolbox and dug deep. He pulled out a flash drive and plugged it into his secured smartphone. “Here are pictures of Jeff and Kyle boarding an unmarked shiny new Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey. Daniel, this is the first aircraft designed from the ground up to meet the needs of the four U.S. armed services. The tilt rotor aircraft takes off and lands like a helicopter. Once airborne, its engine nacelles can be rotated to convert the aircraft into a turboprop airplane capable of high-speed, high-altitude flight. Dude, this helicopter is flown by U.S. Special Operations and has air-to-air refueling capability. My team flew reconnaissance last month to explore Nigerian Boko Haram's military and guerrilla warfare capabilities and we discovered an unrelated outpost in the same region. As we did our flyovers, we took pictures of a dozen of these helicopters. My question is where in the hell did they get the money for these copters? To add insult to injury, they have modified them with anti-ship missiles. Daniel, these guided missiles are designed for use against ships and large boats, against us!”

  Daniel continued to look at the pictures with amazement, “What do I do, J.R.? What can I do?”

  J.R. patted him on the shoulder. “You do nothing. Not a thing, you hear? You do not let him know we are on to whatever he's involved in. I'll keep you posted.”

  Chapter Twelve — The Widowmaker

  Bucharest, the state capital of Romania, was as beautiful as the postcards. A post-communist city, it had a population of just under two million people. Jeff was selected by Commander Jameela to procure the detonators. Jeff’s container ship arrived in Bucharest. It was a logical choice, as he could transport the detonators with little risk from shore to shore. An airplane or train would increase the risk of detection. Jeff was on shore leave and enjoyed the two and half hour ride from the Romanian Port of Constantza into the Marriott Hotel in Bucharest.


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