Accelerant- Sixth Extinction

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Accelerant- Sixth Extinction Page 16

by James Morris Robinson

  J.R. whispered to the MP, “I am truly sorry.”

  J.R pushed the MP out the door. He sealed the door and like lightning, grabbed Kyle by the neck with his pistol drawn. J.R. stepped back and the laser printed a nice dot on Kyle’s head.

  Jeff shouted, “Please don't shoot him.”

  J.R. looked at both. “I do not have time for this, boys. Now, where are the detonators?”

  Kyle laughed amidst the pain and agony. “Forget you, J.R. I never liked you or that weasel politician father of yours. Your father's greed resulted in the loss of millions of dollars in defense contracts for my family. My father almost died in the chaos.”

  Daniel looked at J.R. “You boys have a history?”

  “Maybe,” J.R. replied puzzled, as he slapped Kyle with the semiautomatic pistol.

  Kyle tried to raise out of his chair...but the restraints firmly held.

  J.R. warned Kyle, “I can get off twenty shots before you blink your last blink. But that is what you want isn’t it? You want to die a martyr. Here’s what I’m gonna do. I am going to cripple you and you will be useless to Genesis. They will abandon you. When you commit suicide, we will find your worthless body and cremate you. I am not a Muslim but I do know that cremation is forbidden. I promise you, I will have your worthless soul burning in 2,000-degree temperatures. I also know that it is not permitted to bury a Muslim in a graveyard of non-Muslims. I’m gonna do one worse than that. I will throw your ashes in an American auto junkyard. By the way, today we will cremate that Iranian whore Jameela.”

  Jeff yelled, “I told you not to call her that.”

  Kyle pleaded, “J.R. do me a favor, kill this coward before you do me so I can watch him die.”

  Jeff looked at Kyle in bewilderment and betrayal and said, “I do not know you anymore.” Jeff held his head down in shame and silence.

  “Kyle, where are the detonators?” J.R. lowered the weapon, pulled the trigger, and blew Kyle’s entire kneecap off. Kyle screamed in agony as he saw the pool of blood and part of his knee on the floor.

  Daniel, who was holding on to Jeff to keep him still, said, “I guess I am not the only one who has a blown knee now.”

  J.R. yelled, “Where are the detonators, Kyle?”

  Jeff screamed, “I told you all before. Two tankers, two container ships. Savannah and Charleston. Now leave him alone.”

  Kyle was about to pass out from the pain. He bellowed, “You cannot stop this. We do not know where they are now. They never tell you everything. But I do know this — the event will hasten the sixth extinction.” Kyle turned to Jeff and shook his head. “You bastard, you will rot with the disbelievers.”

  J.R. said, “Jeff, look at me…look at me.” Jeff looked up at J.R. with contempt. The two of them stared at each other menacingly for what seemed an eternity. J.R. turned and shot Kyle in the head. There was dead silence as Kyle’s head recoiled from the shot. J.R. walked over to Daniel, looked him in the eye, wiped brain matter off his hand, and wiped the gun on Jeff’s shirt. Jeff was livid, speechless, in shock as he saw that the bullet had left Kyle’s skull by blasting a large exit-hole in the back of his head.

  “He wanted to meet Allah. I sent him ahead.” J.R. spat on Kyle’s motionless body and left Daniel and Jeff in the interrogation room.

  Chapter Sixteen — We All Bleed Red

  J.R. made sure he pulled the remaining rounds and dropped the gun and bullets on the floor before he opened the door to leave the interrogation room. He knew what awaited him on the other side. Sure enough, when he opened the door, there were three military police with arms drawn. Colonel Werner gave the soldiers a hold fire signal as one of them took J.R.’s weapon, searched him for others, and handcuffed him.

  Meanwhile, Daniel patted Jeff on the shoulder, shook his head in disbelief, and joined Colonel Werner, J.R., and the escorts back to the observation room.

  No one spoke. No one smiled. Not a sound. Once back in the observation room, Colonel Werner ordered the technician to turn the video screen off.

  He then turned his attention to Daniel.

  “Are you okay, Daniel?”

  “Colonel…I just do not know.”

  “The good news, Daniel, is that you will be. Give yourself time. J.R., I told you to stand down. What in the world were you thinking?”

  J.R., in a very humble and submissive voice, said, “We have hostiles on American soil and they are trying to kill our families. I am prepared for my punishment but let me finish this. My father would want me to.”

  Colonel Werner motioned for the MPs to take J.R.’s cuffs off. “Now get an extraction crew to clean up the mess and report back to me in two hours. You will be charged with treason if you talk about this. None of this happened.”

  The military police responded, “Yes Sir, Colonel.”

  Colonel Werner yelled at JR, “Sit down dammit. I was going to send the interrogators back in, but you have taken the game to a new level. Jeff now knows you will kill him. I need you to keep your badass cowboy hat on and get me what I need. Now grab a bottle of water for each of you…no, take four bottles. Give Jeff one, one for Daniel, one for you, and pour the other one on his head. As you are doing this, I want you to look him in the eye and ask for his help. This act will remind him of waterboarding that woman of his. Now go with the MP. You will be issued clothes compliments of the United States Army. Both of you are a mess right now. Now go get cleaned up.”

  At 2:30 a.m. J.R. entered the meeting room. Daniel was already there drinking black coffee and deep in thought. Both were shaved, showered, and sporting military BDU pants and shirts.

  J.R. tried to lighten the load with laughter. “Hey, I bet you never thought you would be wearing those huh?”

  Daniel got up. He placed his hand on J.R.’s shoulder and poured him a cup of coffee. “J.R., why did you kill Kyle?”

  As J.R. walked away sipping on his coffee, he snapped at Daniel. “You don’t get it, do you? These men don’t have the patience for games. They are not done with Jeff. They will subject Jeff to intense interrogation, which will kill him. What you saw in there was simply a Saturday matinee. The fun has not started yet. We got here just in time. I killed Kyle to buy time for Jeff. The interrogators would have killed Kyle as soon as we left. Jeff too, okay? Now Jeff feels he owes his life to you. Now he's conflicted. He's on the bridge halfway between extreme Islamic terrorism and loyalty to America. Now the question is, can he make it back home?”

  Daniel looked enlightened, “I think I get it now…I really do.”

  “One thing is certain, he knows I will kill him and that is good.”

  Daniel pretended he didn't hear that. He asked, “So what's our game plan?”

  J.R. smiled. “I am glad you asked. Have a seat.”

  Over the next ten minutes, J.R. and Daniel planned their strategy for getting Jeff to talk. As they prepared to go back into the interrogation room, J.R. stopped, gave Daniel a hard look, and said, “You haven't asked me.”

  Daniel was very careful and deliberate. “You mean; will you kill Jeff?”

  “Yes. Exactly.”

  “J.R., I know you will if it will keep America safe. I can't pull that trigger. He's my mother’s son. I can accept the fact that he and that idiot friend of his have put a lot of Americans in harm’s way. If Jeff has chosen the path of Satan then I have to let him go. Kill him if you must. J.R., I trust you to do what is right for our families and this country. I accept that my brother’s death may be necessary to do that.”

  J.R. hugged Daniel. “Then let’s go do business.”

  They gathered their resolve as Daniel said, “May God himself be with us.”

  “Amen, brother. Amen.”

  The interrogation room was spotless. It felt comfortable. J.R. and Daniel stood alone in the room as the MPs brought Jeff back in.

  As Jeff passed J.R., he ranted, “You killed him, you killed Kyle.” Jeff lunged at J.R., but the huge interrogator held him back. Jeff continued to yell, “You pork-ea
ting devil, you killed a soldier of Allah. He attained Shahid. He is a martyr.”

  The MP strapped Jeff into his restraint chair. J.R. walked over and bent over Jeff’s restraint chair and looked him in the eyes.

  “Dude, Kyle’s family lives in Woburn, Massachusetts, all of them. Where Kyle is from gets snow about five months out of the year. It is a long way from Savannah where he planned on killing Americans. I would call him a coward, not a martyr.”

  Jeff growled, “You will suffer Allah’s wrath.”

  “Whatever, dude.”

  Daniel sat in the interrogation chair next to Jeff. “I spoke with momma. She asked about you. I did not tell her about this thing, but I will have to.”

  Jeff pleaded, “I told Kyle over and over again, I had to pull you, Marcia, the kids, mom, and your in-laws out of harm’s way. I promised Jameela that I would be discreet. Jameela promised to get all of you to a safe distance. Let momma know that I wanted to make America do right by us, for once. America only respects nations they fear or need something from.”

  Daniel put his right hand on Jeff’s right hand. Jeff tried to pull back. Daniel started to rub his hands as he kissed him on his forehead. “Talk to me, brother. Think of when we used to sit in momma’s warm living room watching the game. Just you and me. Mom in the kitchen singing. We would laugh quietly as she literally yelled the lyrics to ’His Eyes Are On the Sparrow‘ while she cooked dinner.” Jeff nodded and smiled at Daniel.

  “Sing with me, Jeff. Let’s sing momma’s song.” Daniel began, “Let not your heart be troubled, his tender word I hear, and resting on his goodness, I lose my doubts and fears. Though by the path he leadeth, but one step I may see, his eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.”

  Jeff joined in, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.” Jeff lifted his voice. “I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free, for his eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.” Jeff dropped his head and there were several moments of silence. Jeff sang with such perfection that J.R. became visibly moved.

  “J.R. and I want to help you get this right and fix this mess, Jeff.”

  Jeff looked at J.R. and growled, “Don’t let that bastard kill me.”

  Daniel put his hand on Jeff’s chin and raised his face. “You kidding me? How will he tell his godson that he killed Uncle Jeff? How will J.R. tell the twins that he killed Carla’s uncle?”

  J.R. smiled at Jeff and asked, “You guys want water?” JR handed the guys their bottles of water. The door opened and Colonel Werner entered.

  “J.R., Daniel…why don’t you take our guest to the conference room. The MPs know which one.”

  “Yes sir, Colonel.”

  Guest, huh? Well, that was new, thought J.R.

  The MPs escorted them to a very large and comfortable conference room. The military police brought in hot food for Jeff. Then, as they took Jeff’s handcuffs off, Daniel and J.R. left. They MPs watched him eat with a spoon and fork made of rubber. He ate like there was no tomorrow. A while later, Sara, Daniel, and J.R. returned. Colonel Werner felt that too many people in the room would be intimidating. He had eyes and ears with the help of the technology embedded in the high-tech conference room.

  Sara asked Jeff several questions. “Are you comfortable Jeff?”

  “I am okay for now.”

  “Help us, Jeff. Then, maybe we can help you.”

  Jeff answered very confidently, “Do not assume I know everything about Genesis because I do not. I can’t. That is how we operate.”

  First, Jeff admitted to being a commander for Genesis organization. Second, he gave them operational details on Genesis, at least as much as he could. Third, he gave them intel on the sixth extinction and how the event would hasten the beginning of Genesis New World Order. Fourth, Jeff informed the group that Genesis had gained the capability to unleash a strategic weaponized tsunami and the destinations were the Port of Savannah and Port Charleston. Jeff gave them the entire plan. Fifth, Jeff gave details about the secured leases for shipments on China’s six largest containerized ships. He explained how they had acquired the B53 bombs and red mercury. Lastly, Jeff told them about the Emergence Tugboat Company purchase.

  Daniel commented, “I thought something was fishy about that deal. All of a sudden, all these new guys show up on the tugs that handle the ships for both Savannah and Charleston Harbor. The older guys with the tugboat company retired without complaint. They said the company that bought them had more money than God.”

  Jeff looked puzzled. “Allah doesn't need money.”

  Daniel remarked, “Whatever, dude.”

  Jeff continued, “As part of the infrastructure strategy, Genesis got Kyle hired as Port Captain at Port Charleston. Kyle worked on the tugboat deal as well.”

  J.R. punched Daniel on the shoulders. “Didn’t I tell you? I said it all along. I knew they planted that bastard to control harbor operations.”

  Jeff gave the details on their appreciation fees. “Three months ago, Genesis deposited 1.5 million dollars in two offshore accounts for me and Kyle as good faith money, with the balance of 1.5 million each to be paid upon execution of the event.”

  Jeff looked at Daniel as only a brother can. “You know we needed the money, Daniel. You would have gotten notification of the offshore account and the money was to be used for the children’s education and our mother’s round-the-clock medical care. Kyle has had the same amount deposited in offshore accounts for his dad and his sister, who runs the family business. This would have allowed Kyle’s dad and brother to save the family’s business, which has lost millions due to corrupt politicians enacting laws favoring foreign companies and corporations.”

  J.R. reflected, “So that’s why Kyle said he hated me. I really didn't know him. I chose not to work in my dad’s business. I guess Kyle made that choice too.” Jeff paused. The room got very quiet.

  Daniel jumped up and knocked Jeff out of the chair. Daniel had tears in his eyes as J.R. held him back. Daniel cried out, “Shame on you. You would kill everything I have grown to love, my family, my crew, and their families. The people in Savannah and Charleston are good people. They work hard every day. They don't get involved in politics and government except to vote, pay their taxes, or buy tags for their cars. Half the time, they don't even know the names on the ballots. They just vote Democrat or Republican and go on with their lives thinking that America and God will take care of them. They are God-fearing people. Why would you become involved in this satanic act Jeff?”

  J.R. stood up and started pacing the floor. The doors swung open and Colonel Werner ran in. J.R. looked at Colonel Werner, “You guys were monitoring this?”

  Colonel Werner replied, “Yes, every word, soldier.”

  Captain Parrish rose and grabbed Jeff by the neck. She gave Colonel Werner her smartphone.

  “Sir…NRO just notified us. Jeff, you are holding back.” Captain Parrish looked at J.R. and Daniel, “MRP has verified that Jeff picked the detonators up from the Widowmaker in Romania. Why did he have to go halfway around the world to find detonators? Why did Jeff pay four million dollars for detonators?”

  There was a dead silence, then J.R. shouted, “Jeff, do not have me open a can of whoop ass on you, boy.”

  Captain Parrish calmly said, “I got this J.R., okay. Now back off.”

  J.R., with his hands, held up, replied, “Okay, okay.”

  Captain Parrish sat down next to Jeff. She waited for him to respond. Jeff was expressionless.

  “Do not hate the player, hate the game! You ask me why I do this. I ask you why not? America supports dictatorships and regimes that have killed millions.”

  Daniel rose out of his chair again and J.R. put his hand on Daniel’s shoulder and nodded for him to stay seated. Daniel followed J.R.’s lead.

  Captain Parrish continued, “The detonators were customized for B53s and digitalized. I bet they ride a satellite signal. Think about who made them, the Widowmaker…right, Jeff?”
  Jeff smiled. “Okay, let me help you out. You are close but not that close. It is nearly impossible to trigger a nuclear bomb without using a detonator — to ignite the red mercury on our modified B53 bombs. This keeps a novice like me from prematurely blowing something up.”

  J.R. interrupted, “Like maybe a Muslim city, right?”

  Jeff yelled real loud at J.R., “Whatever, dude.”

  Colonel Werner warned J.R. “I told you to stand down.”

  Jeff held his head down. Then there was a very long period of silence. Then Jeff raised his head. “Look, all I know is that I was issued a computer and Kyle was issued the other…and here is what we were told…”

  To the group’s surprise, Jeff spent the next several hours on details of the Apophis Tablets and its dreaded Apophis artificial intelligence.

  Colonel Werner noticed the console light blinking. He moved everyone quickly to his strategy room. Just as they were seated, the room darkened a bit. They heard a very distinct female voice say, “Attention…satellite link.” Colonel Werner then informed everyone that the United States intelligence community, which was a cooperative federation of separate United States government agencies, had joined them.

  Captain Parrish took the lead and welcomed all of the agencies and asked them to acknowledge that they had the transcripts of all the interrogation conversations in front of them.

  Colonel Werner whispered to J.R., “Relax, we filtered the transcripts. You and Jeff acting like little school-boys were not included.” He chuckled and winked at J.R. “Thanks for being the bad guy.”

  The Director of National Intelligence appeared on the main center screen. She introduced herself and announced, “We have a confirmed threat against the homeland and I, for one, am grateful for the Americans sitting in the Army conference room in Fort Stewart.” There must be directional cameras in this room since she is looking directly at Jeff, thought J.R.

  The director continued, “I take such pleasure in seeing the diverse group we call the intelligence community here today. We come from different races, nationalities, and ethnic groups. This brings us to our second commonality…we are all Americans. Yes, we fuss, we have differences of opinions, but we are all Americans. The third and most important commonality is the fact that we all bleed red. We are humankind. These are the bonds that unite us and make us better beings. I have not mentioned religion because my God allows me to respect other people’s beliefs. I just ask that as we work through this crisis that we hold on dearly to the three commonalities I just spoke of. People do make mistakes and are allowed rare opportunities to correct them. We shall let you all get back to work. Thank you for all you do.”


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