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His Perfect Mate [Nehalem Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 10

by AJ Jarrett

  The space wasn’t big enough for three full-grown men once they were in human form. They bumped shoulders and stood closer than Jake wanted to be. Shouldering his way toward the door he reached out to touch the knob but Seth’s hand shot out to stop him.

  “Wait a minute.” Jake let go of the knob and Seth dropped to his knees. Seth sniffed along the ground and up the door frame.

  “What’s he looking for?” Jake asked Holden.

  “I’m not sure.” Holden stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “I’m sniffing for any type of explosives or something that could be used as a trap or device to signal them of intruders.” He sniffed down the other side then gave a quick jerk of his head. “Nothing smells odd which means they aren’t expecting visitors which is good for us.” Seth turned the knob and surprisingly it opened.

  “That’s a little disturbing.” Holden placed a hand on Jake’s and Seth’s shoulder stopping them. “Don’t you think it’s strange they’d leave this door unlocked?”

  Jake was just about to say he agreed when a loud cry came from inside the house. He’d never heard Carl scream in pain or terror but the pitch and tone alerted him that it was his mate crying out in agony. “Carl.” He took off but strong arms grabbed him from behind.

  “Are you stupid?” Seth hissed at his ear. “If they hear us coming we’re all dead.”

  Jake struggled for a moment then gave up. More screams followed the first and Jake fought against Seth’s hold to go to his mate. His skin itched with the need to shift. His wolf wanted out and it craved blood, blood of the person causing its mate so much pain.

  Soon the screaming stopped and that bothered Jake more than the loud, pain-filled cries did.

  “Let’s go,” Seth whispered.

  They slowly edged their way down the long hallway. The walls were light beige and marble floors ran throughout the hallway and didn’t stop until the very end where stairs began. The stairs went up and he tapped Seth on the shoulder and pointed.

  “I know,” Seth whispered. “But we need to check these doors. Casper may be down here.”

  Jake eyed the thick, heavy wood doors, two on each side. The doors opened outward not inward and at the top of each door was a sliding lock that snapped into place. It was designed to let anyone in but to keep the person inside trapped.

  Seth grabbed the handle on the first door and Jake moved to the opposite side just in case someone attacked from the inside. Holden held back behind Seth, keeping watch on the back door. Seth slid open the lock and slowly opened the door. Darkness spilled out from the room.

  “What’s in there?” Holden asked from over his shoulder.

  “Not sure,” Jake answered back.

  Seth stepped into the darkened room and felt around on the wall. A few seconds later light brightened the space and Jake brought a hand up to shield his eyes.

  “Nothing in here except a bed.” Seth shut the door and moved to the door across the hall. “Ready?” he asked Jake.

  He nodded his head and took position on the opposite side once again. Seth slid open the lock and then opened the door. Jake moved beside him as Seth flipped on the light. He sucked in a gasp once the light flickered to life.

  The floor of this room was slightly angled downward toward a drain. The walls were painted black. Going halfway up the wall were pieces of metal that ran along the four walls. A hose and water faucet lay in the back corner. On the walls were hooks that held whips, chains, and rope. There were other objects that Jake had never seen before, something that looked like plier pinchers. A lethal-looking set of knives hung in order from smallest to largest on the far wall. The light bounced off the steel blades, giving off a blinding light.

  “Dear god,” Jake said, looking around in disbelief. “What’s been going on here?”

  “I’m not sure I want to know.” Seth edged him back toward the door but before he could shut off the light Holden peeked inside.

  “Holy shit!” Holden said a little loudly and Seth brought his hand up to cover the other man’s mouth.

  Seth put a finger to his lips. “We need to be very quiet.” His eyes snapped to Jake. “Don’t let this get to you. We need to stay levelheaded so we can get those brothers out of here.”

  Jake glanced over Seth’s shoulder one more time. The thought that his mate or even Casper had been locked in the confines of that room tore at his heart. The things that any person had to endure in that room made his blood boil. If it were the last thing he did he’d make sure Tobias paid for the turmoil he had caused.

  The next door they checked had what looked like cages. The room was split in two with metal bars separating each side. Stone bricks made up the walls. Thin mattresses lay on the floor with only ratty-looking blankets thrown on the beds.

  “This must have been where he kept your mate and his brother.”

  Jake stared around the sad little room. It was bare of any color or life. A person could go insane living like this. “I want Tobias dead.”

  “Don’t worry, Jake.” Seth clasped him on the back of the neck and gave a light squeeze. “He will be.”

  Jake turned and left the room and stood in front of the last door. “Fourth one’s the charm.” He looked over at Seth.

  “Look.” Seth point down at the floor where light seeped out from under the door.

  Seth opened the door and Jake moved to stand directly behind Seth. The room was dimly lit but they didn’t need much light to see that a man was blindfolded and strapped down to a table. His legs and arms were spread wide and a thick piece of tape covered his mouth.

  The man lay motionless. Red angry marks covered the front of his body in long strips from his feet clear up to his hairline. Jake gasped in horror to see that the markings even covered the man’s groin area. The pain those strikes to the body must have caused.

  Jake took a step closer and as the man’s scent hit him he knew it wasn’t Carl. Black and blue marks were setting in on the man’s skin and a layer of rust-colored blood was smeared all over him. Jake kept walking until he hit the bed, jostling the man. The man let out a whimper and Jake went to put a hand on the man but didn’t know where to touch him. So many cuts and bruises marred his flesh that Jake didn’t want to cause him anymore discomfort.

  “It’s Casper,” Seth said from beside him.

  “Casper,” Jake bent down next to Casper’s ear and whispered. “My name is Jake, I’m Carl’s mate. We’re going to get you out of here.”

  Casper gave a jerky nod signaling he understood.

  Jake’s hand trembled as he reached out to remove the blindfold. Casper squinted up at him. His pupils were dilated and Jake had to wonder how long they kept him in this condition. He slowly picked at the tape covering Casper’s mouth. It pulled at Casper’s skin and the man’s eyes clenched tight and his body jerked. Jake stopped and fisted his hands. He hadn’t done this to Casper but he couldn’t help feeling guilty for causing him more pain.

  “Here let me do it.” Seth pushed him out of the way. “Casper, on three I’m just going to yank this thing off of you. Okay?” Casper’s eyes were wide and he nodded. “One, two.” Seth never got to three and pulled the tape free.

  “What the fuck happened to three?” Casper’s voice sounded rough and dry when he spoke. His jaw moved up and down as he worked his mouth open.

  “I thought it best to not make you linger on the three count.” Seth shrugged. “Now let’s get you out of here.”

  “I can’t leave,” Casper said adamantly. “They’ve got Carl. I won’t leave him behind.” Casper’s voice held such force and determination that Jake admired the young wolf. Even after everything he had gone through he wouldn’t leave without his brother.

  “We’re going to get him out of here.” Jake met the other man’s eyes and didn’t blink. “I swear it.”

  Casper eyed him questioningly for a moment then nodded his head. “I believe you but we might have another problem.”

  “What’s that?” />
  Before Casper could answer, Holden moved into the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. “We’ve got company, guys.”

  “That’s what I was trying to tell you.” Jake could hear the panic in Casper’s voice. “Bradford is coming back. He said he wasn’t finished with me.”

  “That must be the man we saw come to the house this morning,” Jake said just as the doorknob started to turn.

  Jake looked at Casper and held a finger to his lips. He then grabbed Holden by the wrist and moved to stand against the wall by the door. Seth stood on the opposite side. A few seconds later the door opened and in walked a tall, thin man with deep-brown hair. He carried an amber-colored drink in his hand. Jake could smell the bitter stench of whiskey as it sloshed around in the glass.

  “Oh, Casper, my dear.” The man sang the words out. “You ready for round two.” The door shut behind the man. He wore black leather pants and his hips swayed as he walked toward Casper. The man’s chest was bare and his pale skin glowed in the low lighting.

  Jake caught movement out of the corner of his eye and looked over at Seth. He pointed to himself then to Jake then toward the other man. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what Seth had in mind.

  “Are you having fun, Casper?”


  The man’s head snapped up at Casper. To say he was surprised was an understatement.

  Seth lunged forward and punched the man in the back of the head. He fell forward landing on Casper who howled in pain. Jake quickly grabbed the man by the shoulders and threw him to the floor. A disgusting thud sounded as the man’s head slammed into the hard marble floor. The man lay there stunned and Jake didn’t have time to react. Seth was on the man in a flash. He sat straddling the man’s chest, pinning his arms to his sides. Seth dug his mouth into the man’s neck and thrashed his head back and forth until a loud pop sounded. Seth stood up and wiped his arm over his mouth, smearing the other man’s blood across his face.

  “One down, two to go.” Seth didn’t appear to be the least bit shook up that he had just killed another person.

  Jake turned his attention from Seth and the dead body on the floor and ran over to Casper. He removed the leather strap bindings holding him to the bed. Casper sighed in relief.

  “Thank you.” Casper tried to get up but started to stumble.

  Jake reached out and gently grabbed ahold of him. Casper let out a hiss as Jake’s arm touched his back. Jake turned Casper away from him to inspect his back. Just like the front his back was riddled with red welts and bruises. Not being able to stop himself he handed Casper off to Holden and began to stomp his foot onto the dead man’s chest.

  He couldn’t believe that another wolf or human could ever do something like this to another person. Just the mere thought sickened him. He landed kick after kick to the corpse until Seth pulled him back.

  “You have to let it go.” Seth held strong as Jake geared up to attack the body again. “We saved Casper. Now it’s time to save your mate.”

  His mate. Jake’s vision became clear and he started to calm down. The smell of blood hung thick in the air and he wanted to gag on the stench.

  “Holden, I want you to take Casper out of the house. Go back to where we left our clothes.” Seth handed out instructions. “If Jake and I aren’t out there with Carl in fifteen minutes call your alpha. Tell him what’s going on then get Casper and yourself back to my Jeep.”

  “I’m not leaving you guys.” Holden clung to Casper but his eyes darted between Seth and Jake.

  “Trust me.” Seth placed a hand on Holden’s shoulder. “We’ll be out there. This is just a precaution.”

  Jake wasn’t quite sure if Seth truly believed that or if he was just trying to reassure Holden. Either way Jake wasn’t leaving until he found Carl.

  Before Holden escorted Casper out, Seth questioned him. They needed to make sure that Tobias and his right-hand man were the only other people in the house. Casper confirmed that they were. Jake said what he hoped wasn’t his last goodbye to Holden then watched as he and Casper left through the back door.

  “You ready for this?” Seth asked.

  “More than you know.” Jake took the lead as he headed up the stairs. He never had been an extremely violent man or wolf but seeing what these monsters were capable of caused Jake to turn off his humanity. God help these men because Jake was out for blood and his wolf wouldn’t be satisfied until it got it.

  God may have mercy on Tobias but Jake had no intentions of being so kind.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Why do you have to disobey me?” Tobias asked as he knelt over Carl, trailing his sharp fingernail over Carl’s shoulders.

  True to his word, Tobias proceeded to bite every piece of skin on his body. He had been grateful that the man spared his face. Tobias said he was too handsome and didn’t want to disfigure Carl’s delicate features. But he promised that if Carl ever left him again he wouldn’t be so generous.

  After Carl fainted for the second time, Tobias unchained his wrist and laid him on the bed. The other man knew Carl was unable to fight back. Fire shot throughout all his nerve endings, leaving him paralyzed to do anything but lay there like a dead fish. Tobias hadn’t been gentle as he bit down on Carl’s body. He used savage force that made Carl feel like a dog’s chew toy.

  Tobias started at his neck and worked his way down to Carl’s ankles, which Carl had to admit hurt the worst. At times he could actually feel Tobias’s teeth scrap against his bones. When Tobias felt the front had been covered enough he flipped him over and started on his backside.

  As Tobias took bite after bite he continued to talk to Carl. He said how much he loved him and how he hated having to punish him. Carl wasn’t buying it. If Tobias truly loved him he would never have done the things he had or abused Carl. Love didn’t mean pain. Jake had showed him that in the short time they spent together.

  Jake had treated him like a normal person, not some damaged weakling. He took his time with Carl and didn’t force himself on him. The kisses they had shared were soft and gentle the way Carl always imagined it should be.

  Even in the beginning with Tobias the man had a roughness in him that frightened Carl. The first time they made love it wasn’t all Carl had dreamt it would be. Carl had just turned sixteen and shouldn’t have been faulted for changing his mind. When he asked Tobias to stop the man ignored his pleas. He took what Carl wasn’t really sure he wanted to give.

  It disgusted him to think about now. He should have seen Tobias’s true colors back then. But he hungered for love so badly he dismissed all his misgivings. His own ignorance had put him in this position.

  “Answer me,” Tobias growled then struck the back of his neck.

  Carl cried out at the sharp impact. He could feel the blood trickle down his neck to stain the fluffy white comforter underneath him.

  “I don’t know,” he answered as best he could. His breathing had picked up and he sobbed into the blanket.

  “We were so happy once.” Tobias lowered himself to lie on top of his back. The roughness of his pants scraped along his bites and Carl flinched. “Don’t you remember those times, my pet?”

  He’d cried so much he no longer produced tears. All he wanted to do was die. He didn’t want to give up but he couldn’t go on like this anymore. To lie to Tobias just to stay alive didn’t seem worth it.

  The heat of Tobias’s body left his back. He thought maybe the man had left the room but he hadn’t. Strong fingers rolled him over. Carl blinked open his eyes to look at Tobias. He tried to remember how he ever thought he could possibly love this man. There had been a time he thought Tobias was the most gorgeous creature he had ever laid eyes on but now all he saw was a monster. The man’s dark eyes now looked like lifeless black pits and his strong body only promised pain not pleasure to give.

  “I need to know one thing, my pet.” Tobias grabbed him around the ankles and yanked him to the edge of the bed. “Did you let that man fuck
you?” Tobias narrowed his eyes at him.

  “No,” he answered honestly. That would be his only regret, that he didn’t get the chance to make love to Jake.

  “Good.” Tobias looked satisfied now that he knew that. It made Carl hate him a little more. “I’m going to go run you a bath, then afterwards I’m going to make love to you. We need to make up for lost time.”

  Carl watched as Tobias walked away. He wanted to scream no but his cries would fall on deaf ears. Tobias thought he owned him and in a way Carl guessed that he kind of did.

  As he lay on the bed he stared up at the ceiling. Part of him still prayed that Jake and his friends would swoop in and save the day like comic-book heroes always did. But he just didn’t know anymore. Maybe all these bad things were happening to him because God felt he needed to be punished for something.

  Carl snapped his head to the side and stared at the door. Over the sound of the running water Carl thought he heard a snarling growl.

  Could it be? Could Jake be coming to rescue me? Has God seen it fit to grant me safe harbor out of this house of nightmares?

  He strained to listen more but all he could hear was the sloshing of the water. For one brief moment he got his hopes up but it was a wasted emotion. This was his life now. A prisoner to a crazed man who he hoped would soon kill him.

  * * * *

  Jake reached the top step and peered around the corner. He ducked back around when he saw a man standing in the kitchen.

  “There’s only one man in the kitchen.” He held up one finger.

  Seth nodded his head. “I’ll take him out and you go in search of your mate. I can handle this asshole.” Seth rolled his head on his shoulders and Carl watched as the air grew hazy around Seth. In a flash Seth had shifted and motioned with his muzzle toward the second set of stairs.


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