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Clash Page 23

by Belle Aurora

  The question I asked was definitely warranted. “Are you mentally ill?”

  Cherry, who played with her nephew on the floor, laughed out loud. “I ask her that all the time.”

  “Shut up.” Amber nudged her sister with her foot before turning back to me. “Look, we have one month to make her happen or we’re both going to be in deep shit with the label. The idea was pitched, they liked it, and it’s up to us to make it happen.” Her eyes implored. “You agreed, Emmy. Please. Give this a fighting chance.”

  Think of the money. Think of the money. Think of the money.

  She was right. I did agree. Now I had to live with my decision.

  I puffed out a long breath then sighed. “Okay. Where do we start?”

  Amber clapped then reached out to me, pulling off my glasses. “We’ll start with Lasik eye surgery.” She walked around me, flipping my hair. “You’ll need hair extensions too.” Her hand landed on my ass with a light slap. “And we’re going to need to do lots of squats.” When I narrowed my eyes at her, she said, “What? A lot of these dresses cannot be worn with underwear.”

  Of course. That made me feel so much better.

  Thank you, Amber.

  When I got to St Jude’s, ten days after arriving home, I was nervous.

  The memory of Nanna and the look of her terror-filled expression that day so long ago was as fresh in my mind as the day it occurred.

  But as I approached her room with a bunch of daisies in my hand that fear began to lift some. When I stood at the door and peered in, I saw her lying in bed, watching the television. I knocked gently and when she turned to face me, I smiled. “Hi, Nanna.”

  She blinked at me a long time and I just knew she didn’t recognize me. I felt my heart would have broken if not for the fact that I no longer had one. Rather than take it personally, I walked into the room and said, “Hello, Fay. These are for you.” I held out the flowers and her eyes settled on them.

  Her voice was scratchy and I couldn’t help but noticed how much she’d aged in three short months. “Oh, I love daisies. Who are they from?”

  “From me,” I told her quietly.

  She frowned at me. “And who are you?”

  My chest panged. “My name is Emily.”

  Her eyes were never fully focused. “That is a lovely name.”

  At that, I smiled, because Nanna had named me. “May I sit with you a while?”

  Nanna smiled. “Oh yes, I’d like that.”

  Me too, Nanna.

  Me too.

  After an hour-long visit, Nanna started to doze and I left her to rest while I went to the reception area to talk to somebody about switching payments. I explained to the accounts manager, “I have a new job, so if I can just give you the information, you can start taking payments as soon as you like.”

  The man looked over the account and frowned. “I really don’t think that’ll be necessary.” He peered at me over his glasses. “You’re paid two years in advance.”

  “What?” I said, absolutely shocked. “That’s not possible.”

  I knew it wasn’t possible because I didn’t have that kind of money. And then it hit me and I paled.

  “Oh no.” I rubbed my forehead. “There’s been a mistake. Please excuse me.”

  The second I was out the door, I called Micah and he answered on the first ring. “Hey, I was just about to call you.”

  But I needed to explain. “Micah, remember when the label went guarantor for a place at my Nanna’s nursing home?” At his acknowledgement, I sighed. “Well, I’m pretty sure they accidentally paid two years of fees for me.” And that was a lot of money.

  “What?” uttered Micah. “I don’t think so. I’m in charge of that particular account, Em. I would know.” I heard him clicking keys on his computer. “Hold on. Let me check.” Minutes passed and he made a sound in his throat. “Emily, I don’t have any record of that happening. If somebody paid your fees, it wasn’t the label.”

  This had to be a mistake.

  “Okay, thanks for checking. I’ll have to look into it.”

  Before he hung up, he said, “By the way, we found a great doctor and you’re getting your eyes done tomorrow, first thing.”

  Because lasers burning my eyeballs wasn’t frightening at all. “Lovely. Thanks for letting me know.”

  When I hung up, I walked back inside and spoke to the accounts manager again. “Can you tell me when this payment was made and who made it?”

  He checked the computer screen, and said, “The payment was made ten days ago but there’s no record of who made it.”

  I knew it had to be a mistake.

  Sooner or later, St Jude’s would figure that out.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  A Star is Born.


  “You’re ready,” Amber revealed with a soft smile.

  My heart was racing and I was sure it could visibly be seen thumping in my chest. I reached for my bag then slid on the Tom Ford sunglasses Amber had handpicked for me.

  I glanced at my reflection in the small mirror in hand. I didn’t look like myself. I looked like one of them. One of the beautiful people. And the image in the mirror confused me so suddenly that I snapped the compact shut, placing it back into the YSL bag Amber insisted I needed. When I found out how much that tiny bag was, I released an expletive so loud that Amber laughed in shock.

  So much work had been done to make me look like this. A solid month of training. I hoped I could live up to the role of The Violet Dame.

  My palms were sweating and I took in a deep breath to calm myself.

  My hair was longer than it used to be thanks to the extensions glued to my scalp. My roots were black while blending into a stunning and vivid grape color. I wore it in waves down my back and it was so lengthy that it almost reached my butt.

  During this time, Ettie had taught me how to do my makeup, which was a struggle, I’m sure. I wasn’t exactly a makeup connoisseur but Ettie had the patience of a saint and eventually I was able to apply winged liner without looking like a member of Kiss. It certainly helped my look that I now had eyelash extensions.

  Who knew they were a thing?

  I hadn’t.

  A full set of Russians lined my eyes, the thickest and fullest of all the sets available, and I would reluctantly admit that they framed my blue eyes nicely.

  Contouring. Baking. Setting. I knew it all and practiced every day, blending eye shadow, experimenting to see what worked. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy playing around with all the cool color palettes I’d been given. It was fun and it made me feel feminine for the first time in my life.

  I spent this month doing a hundred squats twice a day until my butt burned and although I couldn’t see much of a difference, Amber insisted my ass looked great and that all my hard work was paying off. Almost every morning was spent doing Pilates with The Vixens.

  My wardrobe consisted of mostly latex dresses and today was my first time wearing one in public. The bodycon dress was a plum color with black trim and spaghetti straps, and left absolutely nothing to the imagination. It held my breasts high, plumped up perkily, and the swell of my bosom was soft. However, it was all too noticeable that I wasn’t wearing a bra. It came to midthigh and, as Amber had predicted, underwear was not an option with this particular style of dress. Even a thong was noticeable and looked tacky…

  Said the woman wearing a latex dress.

  Oy vey.

  I checked my reflection one last time. My teeth were whiter than ever thanks to a dental clinic Amber had pulled some strings to get me into, and my lips were slightly overlined, giving my already thick lips a fuller appearance. My cupid’s bow was mildly accentuated and the lipstick I wore was called Midnight Dream.

  You could call it whatever you wanted, really. I didn’t change what it was.

  It was black.

  I was wearing black lipstick.

  Nervously, I p
icked at my nail and looked down, remembering the full set of acrylics I now had. My nails were long, coffin-shaped, and as black as my lipstick. My toes were painted to match.

  Swallowing hard, I prayed I wouldn’t trip and fall in the ridiculously high, black, peep-toe, six-inch pumps. At my wrist was a rose gold Michael Kors watch. I wore no other jewelry apart from the rose gold diamond studs in my ears.

  Looking out at the waiting paparazzi, I turned to The Vixens and uttered my famous last words. “Let’s do this.”

  “Okay, now,” said Amber from the front seat, “keep your head up but don’t speak. Not a word. Not today. And no smiling. A little Mona Lisa smirk is okay. Remember, we’re thinking badass. No slouching. You want to give off an air of confidence, babe. Let The Vixens talk. We’ll give them an inch and make them beg for a mile.” She then grinned. “You really do look great, Emmy.”

  I smiled. I felt awkward but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel thrilling to walk out in public sans bra and underwear, wearing the tightest dress known to man. “Thanks. I’ll try not to let you down.”

  Her confidence in me was touching. “You won’t. You’re ready.”

  The Vixens exchanged nervous but excited glances and Cherry nodded. “We’re good.” She peered over at me. “You good?”

  My smile was small. “Yep. Let’s go.”

  Cherry knocked on the window and the door opened. Almost instantly, lights began flashing and people started to call out. Cherry stepped out and fans started to cheer. Ettie went next, then Pearl, and before she left the car, Beth turned back and laughed excitedly. “Oh my God, this never gets old!”

  And then there was one.

  Alone in the limo, I inhaled deeply, exhaled slowly, and demurely slid out of the car. Cherry took my hand, helping me stand without flashing my nether region to the hundreds of cameras flashing blindingly. Once I was out, I stood tall and remembered all my instruction. Back straight, head high. On my face, I wore a bored expression. My ears were bleeding from all the screeching but I turned to the girls and leaned in. “Well, I got out of the car without slipping on my butt, so… that’s good.”

  Pearl grinned. “Lead us, oh holy Dame.” She mock bowed. “We are but your humble servants.”

  Ettie squeaked. “I’m so excited. I can’t wait to introduce you to the world.”

  Beth smiled tenderly. “Amber was right. You look great, honey.”

  Then finally, Cherry smirked. “Just don’t embarrass us, all right?”

  And for a split second, I understood why Amber called her sister an asshole.

  Lucky for her, she was my asshole. My roommate. My bestie. I got to see a side of Cherry no one else did. She was kind and caring and would do anything for a friend. She had done so much for me, and I would never forget it.

  Lifting my middle finger, I discreetly rubbed at my nose, and Cherry laughed, knowing I was throwing her the bird.

  “Okay.” I straightened. “Follow me.”

  I walked and The Vixens followed. I lead them down the long carpet of the Kids’ Choice Awards, stopping only to lift my pass at the security guards lining the walkway. Thousands of people screamed for the attention of the four beautiful women and I stood to the side as they split up, running toward the barriers and taking photos with fans.

  One little girl called out, “Beth!” And she called it over and over again. She wore an Ultra Violet Vixens tee and it looked like she had sprayed some purple into her hair to look the part. Unfortunately, Beth was on the other side of the barriers and couldn’t hear her. The more she yelled, the more frustrated she became, and when Beth walked to move on, the little girl’s face crumpled, she looked up at her mother and burst into tears.

  The mom looked devastated for her child and rubbed the little girl’s back, whispering consoling words into her ear but the little girl’s body shook with sorrow at missing a chance to meet Beth.

  Oh no.

  I couldn’t handle it. I just couldn’t.

  Walking as fast as my heels could carry me, I rushed over to Beth and spoke into her ear. “Come with me.”

  She did and I guided her back to the weeping child. Without a word and keeping my face emotionless, I held my arm out to the child and her mother, showing Beth where I wanted her, and Beth approached with a wide smile. The mother spotted Beth first and grinned excitedly before speaking animatedly to her child. The little girl spun around and when she saw Beth, she gasped.

  Beth spoke to them a while, taking photos with the little girl and her mother, and when it was time for Beth to move on, the little girl handed her a pin.

  My heart warmed when, without faltering, Beth took the pin and stuck it on her shirt. She hugged the little girl tightly and spoke into her ear. I don’t know what she said to that child but the little one looked overjoyed.

  As Beth stepped back from her with a wave and was by my side, she leaned in, and said, “Nice one, dude.”

  And I felt a little of the heaviness in my chest leave me.

  This was the perfect opportunity for me to debut. Micah called to let me know Left Turn wouldn’t be able to make it as they had a show the same night, regardless of the fact that they’d been nominated for quite a few awards. So I felt at ease knowing the only people who could make me stumble tonight weren’t in attendance. If I faltered now, that was all on me, and I couldn’t let that happen.

  I showed The Vixens to the photo area and when they began to pose, I did as planned and walked into the shots, leaning into them and uttering a quiet, “Oh, crap. I feel sick. Help!”

  As predicted, only moments later, one photographer called out, “Miss, can you step aside please?” and we were a go.

  Cherry looked over my shoulder and called out to the photographer, “Hey, buddy, I wouldn’t talk to The Violet Dame like that if I were you.”

  Pearl added on a grin, “Not unless you like being bitten.”

  Beth piped in, “Yeah, show some respect. You’re in the presence of royalty.”

  “Take note. The Violet Dame is our queen,” Ettie announced.

  I wanted to laugh. Hilarity bubbled up my throat, but I managed to quell it.

  No way they were buying this.

  No way, no how.

  Only, they were.

  Suddenly, all eyes were on me and questions were being spouted.

  “Girls, tell us. Who is The Violet Dame?”

  I said nothing.

  Beth grinned hard. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Give us something!”

  With my sunglasses on, I posed with my hand on my hip and watched the cameras flash. It was surreal. Was this seriously my life?

  When one photographer got too close, Cherry stepped out in front of me protectively. “Don’t touch her. She doesn’t like to be touched.”

  It felt like hours when it lasted only minutes. I didn’t realize the kerfuffle would end up being a major story on every tabloid website, and one question was posed by all.

  Who was The Violet Dame?

  Over the next week, The Vixens and I were followed everywhere. Photos were taken and posted online. Every tabloid had us splurged in their top five pages. Slowly, we leaked information. Eventually, people understood I was The Vixens’ manager and when noted in the tabloids, they affectionately referred to me as Miss Violet.

  Suddenly, I was put under a microscope and, naturally, speculation occurred as to how The Vixens and I met. Unfortunately for everyone on the World Wide Web, no one had answers. But what Amber had set out to do was done.

  I became a household name in a matter of days.

  Everyone was talking about The Violet Dame and her Vixens. It was mainly trivial things really. Who I was wearing, what brands of makeup I used, who did my hair. It was definitely on the shallow side of the news. However, the exposure sent The Vixens sales into an all-time high and, for the first time in forever, the label was considering putting them on tour as a headline.

/>   It was amazing news and no one was prouder than I was.

  So here I was, two months after leaving Left Turn, and Noah continued to call. I sincerely adored Noah but couldn’t bring myself to answer. I wasn’t sure I was ready for them to know about The Violet Dame.

  Cherry, however, felt differently.

  One morning, as we ate breakfast on the sofa, Cherry’s cell phone rang. When she looked down at the display, she frowned. “It’s Noah again.”

  I sat up. “Don’t answer.”

  She glanced at me before looking down at the screen. “I won’t, but I should.” Then, lightning fast, she picked up. “Hello?”

  My heart stuttered as she smiled, peering at me. “Hey. I know, right? Long time, no see. How are things?”

  She listened intently before saying, “I don’t know what to tell ya, Noe. All I can say is Emmy’s okay.”

  He was calling to check up on me.

  God. I felt like a jerk for avoiding him.

  Then, Cherry uttered something that made me spring up. “Noah, can you come over today?”

  Wide-eyed, I waved my arms out and mouthed, No!

  Cherry covered the mouthpiece and whispered, “He’s going to find out sometime. He can help us.” Then she released the mouthpiece, and said, “Yeah, I’m still here.” Cherry was a pain in my butt, and she confirmed this when she said, “Bring Lee and Hell with you if you can.”

  Gripping my hair, I hyperventilated, and mouthed, Oh my God! Why?

  She went on, “You know Connor is not welcome here. I don’t want him in my house.”

  My stomach clenched at hearing his name. I hated myself for missing him.

  “Okay, awesome.” She smiled. “I’ll see you later.”

  The moment she hung up, I screeched, “Are you out of your mind?”


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