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Clash Page 32

by Belle Aurora

  Oh, that was it.

  This was bull.

  I stood, fuming, and headed back down the hall but Connor was hot on my heels. “Wait.” When I kept walking, he wrapped his arms around my middle and stalled me. “Stop! Jesus.” When he moved to stand in front of me, he looked adorably confused. “Are we seriously fucking fighting because you came here and I wasn’t high?”

  God, he was simple sometimes.

  “No, Connor.” I stared up at him. “We’re fighting because you didn’t text me, because I called and you didn’t answer.” My voice rose. “We’re fighting because I was afraid, and even though I had some serious work to do tonight, I’m here!” I was embarrassed when unshed tears stung my eyes. I blinked them back. “After what you did to me, those girls saved me, and I still choose you. It’s pathetic. I’m pathetic.” I laughed as the first of many tears fell. “And what’s worse is they understand that they’ll always come second to you and they’re not even mad,” I cried openly, “and they should be!” I swiped at my cheek, but the river of tears continued to fall. “So, if that wasn’t clear enough for you—” My tone was scathing. “—we’re fighting because I love you more than anything or anyone and you are an ungrateful shit sometimes.”

  Suddenly, he looked miserable. “Oh no.” He clicked his tongue before snaking his arms around me. “I made you cuss.” I fell into him and cried silently. He rested his lips at my crown and squeezed me tight. “Don’t cry, baby. Please? You’re breaking my heart.”

  “I was scared,” I croaked, “and you don’t even care.”

  “Are you kidding me?” He pulled back to look into my eyes. “Of course, I care. I love you.” His face fell. “I’m so sorry I didn’t answer the phone. I was asleep. I didn’t hear it. I’ll never put it on silent, not ever. Won’t happen again. I swear.” He put his hands to my cheeks and pressed his lips to my forehead, speaking against my skin. “Come sit with me a while.”

  I allowed him to lead me into his stunning black-and-cream decorated living room. He sat me on one luxurious cream sofa then gently removed my shoes, placing the heavy heels on the ground then rubbing my feet. And I let him.

  “I’m sorry if I came across ungrateful,” he muttered, massaging the sole of one foot with his thumb. “But you need to know that what you feel for me is nothing compared to what I feel for you.” He peeked over. “I got it bad, that desperate, make you crazy kind of love. And it fucking consumes me.” Connor looked down at the small foot in his hands. “I can’t think about anything but you, all day, every day. You’re running through my mind, making me miss you all over again. When you’re not here with me, I feel it everywhere. It physically pains me to be apart from you. But I’m trying my hardest here, baby. I can’t help it.” He huffed out a humorless laugh. “I’m addicted to you.”

  My soul eased hearing everything my heart craved to hear months ago.

  Connor was right. The love we shared was anything but lovely. It was hard and required work but I would do what it took because I couldn’t picture life without the man sitting in his drawers, massaging his little wife’s feet all because she frightened herself.

  “I overreacted,” I whispered, suddenly ashamed of myself.

  But Connor just shook his head. “Imagine having a person love you so much that they’d risk everything to be with you.” He spoke quietly. “I have that.” For a moment, he looked utterly overwhelmed. “That makes me the luckiest fucker in the world.”

  I couldn’t help myself. “I love you.”

  He closed his eyes, looking physically pained. “I love you too, baby.” After a moment, he sighed and looked thoughtful. “So, we got a problem here. I love you and you love me but, apparently, we got some trust issues and I can’t think of anything worse than living another day without you, so…” He nodded to himself. “You’re just gonna have to move in with me.”

  I let out a soggy laugh. “You’re crazy.”

  “Crazy about my baby.”

  The idea of moving in with my husband appealed to me so much that all I could do was shake my head for fear of agreeing so readily.

  Connor moved and then he was looming over me. “Will you kiss me, baby?”

  My heart warmed and it warmed in a way only Connor could trigger. I would never deny him. Not ever.

  I kissed him long and hard, hoping my lips would soothe us both. And they did.

  He rubbed my hip and pulled back to kiss my cheek. When he spoke again, he did it smiling. “Tomorrow, I’ll call the moving crew.”

  His cockiness was thoroughly amusing. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and laugh at his clear conviction.

  The following Sunday, I moved in.

  We spent most of the day in the kitchen and while Connor baked, I put on some music. I thought my selection was appropriate.

  From the speakers, Queen’s “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” played and Connor took my hand, dancing with me barefoot in the kitchen. He spun me, dipped me and then attacked me, sucking at my neck like the fiend he was. My cheeks were flushed with laughter and every single time we made eye contact, we positively beamed at each other.

  Because we were crazy about each other.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  You’re My Best Friend.


  I was secretly recording Connor.

  As I lie on our bed on my stomach wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of black panties, he drummed on my ass and sang loudly.

  The day I had was not great. I’d gone to see Nanna and she was irritable, to say the least. It was a heartbreaking thing to see. I stayed with her a long while, making sure she was nice and settled when I left but by the time I arrived home, I was tired and upset. And Connor did not like that.

  “You’re my sunshine…”

  In the reflection of my screen, my body could be seen as well as the side of my face but the camera was mainly focused on Connor. He was singing Queen’s “You’re My Best Friend” to me and doing a terrible job of it. And, somehow, that made the gesture all the sweeter.

  Fighting an outright laugh, I watched my husband sit on the back of my thighs in his boxers and struggle to reach the high note, raising his finger up into the air as he attempted it.

  Then, suddenly, he stilled. “Are you filming this?”

  Uh-oh. “Don’t worry. I won’t post it.”

  He continued drumming on my butt. “You better not.”

  “I won’t,” I lied on a hidden grin.

  When I stopped recording and Connor’s phone chimed, he picked it up, checking the dimly lit screen. When he saw the notification, he flipped me over with a growl and I was already in hysterics. Bare-chested and flushed with laughter, I said, “Don’t be mad.”

  His smile softened. “I’m not mad. I don’t care if everyone sees how much I love you.” That warm smile waned as he ran a gentle finger under the curve of one breast. “I was done hiding it a while back.” He let out a sigh and put his large hands to my breasts, biting the inside of his cheek as he squeezed them. I fought a moan as my stomach clenched in anticipation. He spoke quietly and it was as though he was talking to himself. “How the fuck can I still miss you when you’re right here?”

  It sounded odd but I knew exactly what he meant by it. Something was missing and we both knew what.

  Lord, I was excited but just in case this was a false alarm, I hid it well. My voice was barely a whisper. “Are we going to have sex?”

  Oh my God. Please say yes.

  It had been so long. I was already primed. I’d been primed for the last two months.

  He avoided the question, his hands on me, his eyes roaming my body. “You’re so soft.”

  “Connor.” I lifted my hands to his chest, running my nails gently all the way down to his stomach. His abs clenched and my lips parted at how hot the sight was. When I peered up into his eyes, I found him watching me closely. Knowing what they would do to him, I decided to play dirty and said the magic wo
rds. “I need you.”

  His eyes closed and he swallowed hard a moment before looking down at me. His voice was rough. “I need you too, baby.”

  My mind shouted, Hallelujah! when Connor hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties. He kept his eyes on mine as he slowly lowered them down my legs and then I was bared to him.

  As Connor knelt by my side, I gently plucked at the waistband of his boxers. He slid them down his legs and the moment I saw his hard cock, I bit my lip. I wanted to take it into my mouth and when Connor palmed himself, I let out a choked sound, my head falling back on the bed.

  I heard his amusement. “You like that, baby?”

  Unable to look at him, I simply nodded.

  He put a knee to the small gap between my legs, gently nudging them open. I immediately spread for him. “You miss me like I miss you?”


  He knelt in the vee of my thighs, one hand around his length, the other reaching out for me. “Yeah? Let’s see.”

  The moment his warm fingertips glanced my slit, he hissed in a soft breath through gritted teeth. “My baby’s wet.”

  My body sparked and then I was alight. Moaning softly, I lifted my hips marginally, chasing his touch. He rubbed me a long while, slowly, in a sensual massage. When his middle finger softly parted my flesh, pressing into me lightly, a short gasp escaped me. He teased me with a fingertip, shallowly dipping it inside me before removing it and circling my flesh, making me squirm.

  Just when I thought I could take no more, he slowly pushed his finger up, inside me. My eyes rolled to the back to my head from sheer pleasure and the needy sound that escaped me exposed my desperation. He pushed in then slid out, gently at first, and when his thumb brushed over my clit, my entire body jerked.

  Connor clicked his tongue. “I’ve neglected you too long and I’m sorry for that but I’m gonna make you feel real good, baby.”

  When his finger left me, I made a noise of protest and lifted my head but before I could say a word, Connor was lying between my open legs, his head descending and when his tongue touched me, my back arched. Panting, I moaned as he spread my lips and feasted on me.

  His low growl told me he was hungry and, evidently, I was delicious.

  He ate at me, nipped at me, laved me with his tongue and when he closed his lips around the swollen bundle of nerves and suckled, I came almost immediately.

  My body constricted, painfully tense, my core tightened and within moments, I was grinding myself into his open mouth, my legs shaking, blinding lights flashing before my eyes.


  How embarrassing.

  Mercifully, Connor didn’t seem to think so. “Yes, baby.” As I came down from my high, he placed wet kisses along my inner thigh before pulling me up to kneel and when he took my place on the bed, I crawled over him.

  His hooded eyes were all the encouragement I needed. I felt his arousal poking at the curve of my ass and reached down to take it into my hands. The second I did, Connor put his hands to my hips, grasping them tightly then he breathed out, “I’ve dreamt of this.”

  With a sly smile, I held his shaft firmly and lowered myself until the tip of him kissed my entrance. Swallowing hard at the intense feeling coursing through me, I began to sink down slowly. Wet and ready for him, I slid down partway. My vision turned hazy and my breathing shallowed.

  Connor’s words were spoken through gritted teeth. “Oh, God, baby. So tight.”

  It was a snug fit but it felt amazing.

  I lifted myself a little then tried again. I needed more of him and I needed it now. I worked myself downward, sighing as I went. Over and over again, I repeated the same move until, with a light gasp, I was completely impaled, feeling nearly exceedingly full.

  We stayed like that a short while, adjusting to each other, and only the sounds of light panting could be heard from the both of us. It felt too good. It was too raw.

  We were a perfect fit.

  When Connor’s hands gripped my waist, I towered over my husband and put two gentle hands to his chest. As I leaned in, he met me partway and the second his lips touched mine, my core clenched hard enough that Connor’s eyes closed slowly, his lips parting at my mouth. “Fuck.”

  The longer we kissed, the antsier we became. Connor’s hands roamed my body, running them up the outsides of my thighs, stopping to feel the curve of my ass then sliding them up my back and pulling me, so our bodies were flush against each other.

  His tongue touched mine and I couldn’t help it. I started to move, rocking against him. If the tiny sounds coming from the base of his throat were anything to go by, Connor liked that very much.

  I felt overly stretched. The ache I felt began to mix with pleasure, swirling through my body like a kaleidoscope of butterflies, a rainbow of color bursting behind my eyes. The feeling of fullness was driving me wild. Every time he thrust into me, I saw stars.

  It didn’t take long for our tempo to increase and before long, we were panting into each other’s mouths. Connor pushed up into me, gripping my ass cheek’s hard enough to bruise and I could nothing more than whimpered. Biting his lip, he stared at me through hooded eyes and when he smacked my ass, the sudden mix of pleasure and pain did something to me.

  It was different, this feeling. An intensity I didn’t know existed surrounded me.

  It was wild.

  Without prompting, I elevated myself to a sitting position, placed my hands against Connor’s stomach and rode him, lifting then dropping myself down onto his length. And Connor’s face bunched as he let out a long moan. “Shit, yes. Ride me, baby.”

  I did. I did it eagerly, frantically, reaching for the edge of the fall I knew was coming. I wanted to be thrown from the very top and drown myself in it.

  I fucked Connor. I fucked him hard. Harder than I thought I could. And when I felt the telltale prickles rushing down my spine, I began to slow. “Oh, God,” I whispered, fighting to breathe.

  Connor gripped my hips and moved me. The grinding motion pulled a pained moan from me as my clit lightly glanced his skin. The friction was all I needed. My entire body began to quake and I swallowed hard, a gentle whine escaping me. “Connor.”

  “I know, baby. I feel it,” he breathed as he continued to rock me. “Kiss me.”

  I bent at the waist and felt myself fall just as Connor crushed his lips against mine. He kissed me deeply, passionately, and I placed a hand at his chest for leverage. When he thrust up into me, I gasped and stilled, my mouth gaping slightly.

  My core pulsed uncontrollably, milking Connor, and pure bliss flowed through me.

  “Yes, baby. Fuck.” As I rode out my orgasm, Connor’s thrusting turned violent. “Oh shit, I’m gonna come.” He found my lips once more just as his hips jerked fitfully. Connor groaned into my mouth, his body clenched tightly, and then he stilled and stopped breathing. His shaft throbbed inside me and I basked in the glow of finally making love to my husband.

  Connor kept his eyes closed as he lowered us both to the covers. He held himself inside me while his arms held me to him and as he ran light fingers over my skin, I realized our connection was complete. We had come full circle. And I couldn’t be happier.

  Our faces close, when my sleepy eyes met his, he snuffled out a soft laugh. “That was fire, baby.”

  It was and I couldn’t help the light chuckle that left me. “And to think we could have been doing this every single night.”

  Connor’s smile turned into a grin. “We are going to be doing this every single night, day, and all hours in between.”

  “Good,” I uttered as my smile softened. Lifting them, I cupped his cheeks in my hands and pressed soft, sleepy kisses to his mouth. His full lips accepted all I had to give and without fear or hesitation, I told him, “I’m ready to start wearing my ring again.”

  Connor’s eyes widened at that. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered, kissing him again and again. When he sig
hed and tightened his arms around me, I looked at him, searching his face. My question was softly spoken. “Are you happy, honey? Like, really happy?”

  His eyes held a warmth I now knew was strictly reserved for me and he did not hesitate. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.” His smiling eyes waned. “Are you happy?”

  The smile I gave him was wide and unabashed. “Blissfully.”

  His hand slid down my back to cup my one taut cheek. He looked as relaxed as I’d ever seen him. “Are we gonna have kids someday?”

  “I hope so,” I replied honestly because the thought of having naughty boys who looked just like their dad was something my heart craved.

  Connor’s tender expression told me he liked the sound of that. When he reached up and ran his fingertips down my cheek, he exhaled, “Emmy Clash, my beautiful wife, what a rollercoaster we’ve been on, huh?”

  We sure had. I made a small noise of agreement and leaned into his touch.

  But he had things on his mind. “I’ll never let you down, not ever again.” His earnest tone was quiet. “I want to be everything to you, like you are to me. You’re my first and only priority and, if you let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me.”

  The words were unexpected but I needed them so. I hadn’t realized how much until just now.

  My nose began to tingle and the familiar sting of tears assaulted me. I blinked them back and when I spoke, my voice held a roughness to it. “I’d like that.”

  “Me too, baby,” he confessed as he leaned in and pressed a hard kiss to my swollen lips. “Me too.”

  Sometime later, my phone chimed, and when I opened the notification, I choked on a laugh. The video I’d posted now had three hundred thousand views and the comments that followed were hilarious. I was happily surprised to see our friends joined in on the thread.

  HellNovakOfficial: Sloppy drumming.

  UnicornKween1991: Oh my God. I love watching you two!

  LeeVegasOfficial: Do you guys ever wear clothes?

  NoahGambleOfficial: Not if they can help it.


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