Teaching Him

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Teaching Him Page 7

by Dillon Hunter

  “Nick Bradshaw,” the young man says my name with such an aggressive tone—practically accusing me of being who I am—that I take a half-step back. “We need to talk.”

  And then I finally do recognize him.

  He isn’t one of my students. He never was.

  The man standing in front of me was the same angry young man who was so protective of Colton at the bar that first night we talked. That night we kissed.

  “This isn’t a good time for me,” I begin, but I can feel myself hesitating. I can feel my curiosity overtaking my anger and annoyance, at least momentarily. “What do you need?” And then another thought hits me. “Is Colton okay?”

  “No, he isn’t okay,” the guy says, making my heart stop. “You’ve got him all fucked up and I’m here to tell you that you had better keep your distance.”

  My thoughts are so focused on Colton’s well-being that it takes me a moment to realize what he’s just said.

  “Wait, what?” I ask, shaking my head to clear the confusion. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me,” he says. “Colton doesn’t want to see you anymore. You’re bad news and he knows that now. I know what you’re up to. I can see right through you and you make me sick. I care about him and I’m warning you to stay away from him or I’ll—”

  “I care about him, too,” I say, my anger surging back with full force as I take a step toward the mouthy kid. He’s muscular, definitely in better shape than I am. He can probably do some damage if this turns physical. But I’ve got adrenaline running through my veins now and he’s pissing me off more with every word that comes out of his mouth. Still, I need to take it down a notch. I can’t get arrested for fighting this guy. Not today. “You need to leave. I’m sure Colton appreciates your concern, but you have no business here. If he doesn’t want to see me again, that’s something for me to discuss with him.”

  I start to shut the door before either of us can say anything else, but he holds up his phone and there’s a defiant smirk on his face that makes me pause.

  “You don’t want to fuck with me,” he says. “Look at this. I have pictures of you. You and Colton. I’m sure the university would be very disappointed to learn that one of their tenured professors was fucking his students.”

  My jaw drops. The photo I can see is blurry, but there’s enough detail to see that it’s from earlier today when I dropped Colton off at the dorms.

  We’re in my car and I’m very clearly leaning over to kiss the young man in the passenger seat. Colton’s face is partially hidden, thank God, but the evidence is damning enough.

  And I’m afraid to ask if there might be other photos.

  “You would do that to your friend?” I ask, hoping to somehow get through to this guy, to appeal to his sense of loyalty to Colton, if nothing else. “You wouldn’t just be hurting me, you know. I get that you’re angry with me, but he doesn’t deserve to be dragged through the mud like that. He hasn’t done anything wrong.”

  “That’s right,” the guy says. “He didn’t do anything wrong. But you knew exactly what the consequences would be when you started seeing him, didn’t you? You led him on. You—” He huffs out a short breath. “You messed with his head and now he thinks this is something more than what it is. But not after today. It’s over. Stay away from him.”

  “I have to talk to him,” I say. “You have to at least give me a chance to clear things up. This isn’t right. You know it isn’t.”

  I hate that I’m practically pleading with this mean, spiteful person. I hate that I’m actually worried about what is going to happen when those pictures go public—and I know they will. Mostly, I hate that I’ve put Colton in a position to be embarrassed about what we’ve done together.

  That was never my intention. Never, ever.

  He flashes the phone in my face again and shakes his head. “If you go near him again, I send these pictures to everyone in the staff directory.” He shrugs. “Your choice. What’s a piece of ass worth to you?”

  I open my mouth to speak again but he turns away before I can get another word out. Probably for the best, since I don’t have anything rational or reasonable left to say.

  I watch him leave and then I shut the door, feeling like I’ve just been punched in the gut.

  My mind is racing as I try to think back on everything he’s just said.

  These pictures…

  So there are more. Of course there are. And I believe his threat. I could see it in his eyes. He wasn’t bluffing.

  But he also said something else.

  He thinks this is something more than what it is…

  So there might still be hope that Colton’s mind hasn’t been completely poisoned against me. Not fully. Not yet, anyway.

  Your choice. What’s a piece of ass worth to you?

  I cross the room and pick up my phone and car keys.

  Colton was never just a piece of ass to me. He’s so much more than that. Always has been.

  And what’s he worth?


  Chapter Fourteen


  I’ve been crying ever since Brian left. It feels like it’s been forever but I don’t even know how much time has actually passed.

  I don’t know where he went and I don’t care. I just hope he doesn’t come back anytime soon. I’m not sure I can handle it.

  My phone rings and I check the screen. It’s Nick.

  God, I really want to talk to him. I need to. But I’m a mess right now. I’m not thinking clearly and I really don’t need him to think I’m some kind of crazy, clingy, needy kid.

  Even if it feels like that’s exactly what I am right now.

  I send the call to voicemail.

  It immediately starts ringing again.

  Before I can swipe to ignore the call again, the ringing stops. It’s replaced by a knock on the door, so loud that it makes me jump to my feet before I’m even sure of what’s happening.

  I look around. My first thought is that Brian has come back to check on me.

  But why is he knocking?

  “Just a second,” I say, still confused as I cross the room and open the door. “Why are you—oh! What? Nick?”

  I blink, trying to convince my brain that I’m not hallucinating. “You’re here,” I say because apparently I’m only capable of stating the obvious now. And then I say it again for good measure, a smile spreading across my face. “You’re… here.”

  He steps inside the room and takes me into his arms. “Baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you question how I feel. I’m sorry for putting you in this position.”

  He’s not making any sense. His tone is urgent, almost frantic as he holds me tight.

  “It’s okay,” I say, trying to comfort him as much as I can. Whatever the problem is, it’s clear that he needs me now. “I’m here. You’re with me. Whatever is going on, it’s going to be okay.”

  Finally, he pulls back and gives me a funny look. “Wait… what do you mean? You don’t know what’s going on? With your roommate? The pictures?”

  My smile slips. “Brian? What does he have to do with…” I pause, shaking my head. I’m starting to get irritated. Not with Nick, of course. But it feels like we’re both getting more and more confused with each passing minute. “Okay. Just a second. Come inside and let’s figure out what the hell is going on here.”

  I usher Nick inside the small dorm room and then reach to close the door. But then Brian is there, pushing it open and shouldering past me, pointing an accusing finger in Nick’s direction.

  “I told your ass to stay away,” Brian says, his voice full of anger as he steps right up to Nick. “You just don’t fucking know when to quit, do you?”

  “Brian, stop!” I move to try and get between them, but Brian pushes me back without even looking in my direction. “What the hell? Have you lost your damn mind?” I yell as I stumble backward, nearly falling over his bed.

  Before he can even think about answering, Nic
k charges him like a linebacker, pinning Brian against the wall until their red, angry faces are just inches away from each other.

  I’m actually scared now, but I don’t move. I was initially worried Brian might try to hit Nick, but now I’m a little concerned for Brian’s safety. I’ve never seen Nick like this.

  “You don’t fucking touch him,” Nick hissed. “Not ever again. You hurt him and you’ll have to deal with me. Do you understand? I’m done being nice. I’m not going to deal with you anymore.”

  “Get your hands off me,” Brian says. “You can’t threaten me like this.” His voice has lost its edge, though. His usual cockiness is gone.

  He’s scared.

  “Whatever happens between Colton and me is none of your business,” Nick continues, still not giving an inch. “You’re going to stay out of it from now on unless he specifically asks for your opinion. Got it?”

  “Fuck you,” Brian snarls. “I’m doing this for him. And those pictures? Already sent. So deal with that, asshole.”

  I still have no idea what’s happening. I don’t know anything about these pictures they keep talking about. But it’s obvious to me that they’ve already had some kind of argument or discussion or something. This didn’t just happen out of thin air. This is something that’s been brewing.

  “I don’t give a damn about those pictures,” Nick says. “Do what you have to do.” He finally lets go of Brian and takes a step back. “There’s nothing you can do to stop me from seeing him. Nothing.”

  Both men turn to look at me and I suddenly realize exactly what a deer in headlights must feel like right before getting hit by a car.

  And that feeling?

  Yeah, not great.

  “I don’t understand,” I say, turning my attention to Brian. “What pictures? Are you… are you trying to blackmail him?”

  “No,” Brian answers quickly. Too quickly. “I mean… not like you’re making it sound. He’s just using you, Colton. Why can’t you see that?”

  “If I was just using him—” Nick pauses, turning from Brian to me. “Baby, if I was just using you, why would I be here now? Your roommate came to my house. He showed me pictures that he took of us kissing. He threatened me. Told me not to come here, not to see you again.” He pauses again, taking a moment to shoot Brian a hard look. “But here I am. He’s not going to keep me away. I’ll leave if you ask me to, Colton, but nobody else is going to get in the way of our relationship. I love you too much to let that happen.”

  I blink. What did he just say?


  He loves me?

  “You l-love me?” I ask, because I really, really need to hear those words again. “Really? You mean it?”

  “Of course I do,” he says, a grin spreading across his face as he crosses the space between us to take me in his arms again. For a moment, I don’t even care about all of the drama with Brian. All I can focus on is how good it feels to have Nick here with me. To be loved. “Why do you think I’ve been so cautious? So slow to take the next step?”

  “I don’t know,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I thought maybe it was because you didn’t want me around as much.”

  “No,” he plants a kiss on the top of my head as he squeezes me tightly. “Never that. I just wanted to give you plenty of time and space in case… in case this wasn’t what you wanted. But I know for sure what I want. I want you, Colton. I don’t care what the consequences are anymore. If you want to be with me, too, we’ll find a way to make it work.”

  “I do,” I say, nodding as I back up just enough to look up into his eyes. “I really do. But those pictures… what will people say? What will happen to you?” I turn and look at Brian, then shake my head. “I can’t believe you would do something like that. I thought we were friends.”

  “We were,” he insists. “We are. I’m doing this for you, Colton. Fuck, why am I the only one with any fucking sense?”

  “You don’t get to decide who I love,” I say. “That’s not what friends do. Blackmail and threats? Really?” I’m so full of conflicting emotions—overwhelmed with happiness that Nick just told me he loves me, but furious with Brian for all the potential harm he’s done to Nick’s career and both of our reputations—that I don’t even know what to say anymore. “I don’t want to see you again, Brian,” I say, finally. “I don’t want to spend another night in this room with you. I can’t even stand to look at you right now.”

  “Fine,” he yells, throwing his hands in the air. “I hope you and your daddy here have a great fucking life. Don’t come crying to me when he dumps you for another young piece of ass.”

  Nick’s whole body tenses at Brian’s words, but I place a hand on his chest and shake my head. “Please don’t,” I whisper. “He’s not worth it. Let’s just go. Please.”

  Nick inhales and then slowly exhales as he looks from me to Brian. “You get a pass this time,” he growls. “Don’t ever make the mistake of disrespecting him again.” Nick turns back to me. “Will you come back to my house tonight? And tomorrow, and the next day, and every day for as long as you want?”

  My heart is beating so fast that I worry I might pass out before I can actually answer him. “Yes,” I say, feeling breathless and lightheaded and wonderful all at the same time. “That’s exactly what I want.”

  “Then that’s exactly what we’ll do.” He pulls me tight again. “Love you so much, baby. Nothing is going to come between us, okay? I won’t let it happen.”

  I believe him.

  I trust him.

  I love him.

  “Love you, too,” I murmur, then repeat the words that feel so, so good to say. “I love you so much.”

  Nick ushers me out the door without even looking at Brian. And thank God Brian has enough sense to let us go without saying anything else.

  Maybe he finally believes Nick, too. Or maybe he’s just scared of what might happen if he tries to stand in our way.

  I can’t say I blame him for that one.

  Nick loves me, and I love him. And even though I don’t know how we’re going to make it through this, I don’t have any doubt that we will make it.


  Chapter Fifteen


  “What did he say?” Colton asks as soon as I hang up the phone with the university president. “Was he mad?”

  “He wasn’t happy to hear that I’m in love with one of my students,” I answer. “But he did appreciate me calling him before the pictures got out to the media. So I guess I’ve got that going for me.”

  I put my arm around Colton’s shoulders and pull him closer to me. We’ve been sitting on the couch together since we got back to my house, talking, planning, trying to figure out how to best deal with the upcoming shit-storm that Brian unleashed when he sent those pictures to the rest of the university staff.

  “Did he give you any indication of what you can expect to happen?” Colton asks. “Like… are you going to lose your job over this?”

  “I don’t know,” I confess. “I’m sure the university will conduct an investigation to make sure I haven’t been giving you preferential treatment in class…”

  Colton snorts. “They’ll only have to take one look at how my grades have been slipping lately to figure that one out. So we’ve got that going for us, too.”

  It’s true, but I try to hide my smile. I don’t like that his grades have been slipping a little over the past couple of weeks, of course, but it does show that there isn’t anything improper going on between us.

  It’s simple.

  It’s love.

  And I have to have faith that the Board of Regents will recognize that love when they see it.

  “You know,” I begin, “I hate to say it, but I’m almost glad your roommate took those pictures and turned them in.”

  Colton’s eyes go wide as he looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “God, why? It’s going to turn your life upside down. It could end up being really bad.” He shakes his head and nestles
in closer. “I don’t want that to happen.”

  “We were going to have to deal with all of this at some point, though,” I say. “Even without Brian getting involved. There would have eventually been a day when we would have wanted to stop hiding and stop worrying, you know?”

  Colton looks thoughtful for a few seconds, then nods. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I mean… yeah. I know I wouldn’t have wanted to keep it a secret forever, but I hate that it has to be like this. We haven’t done anything wrong, but people are going to act like we have.”

  “Let them think what they want,” I say, trying to sound more nonchalant than I feel right now. “Everyone is going to have an opinion and there isn’t anything we can do about that. But on the flip side, we don’t have to give a damn about most of those opinions. Even if I lose my job, I’d much rather find a new one than even consider being without you. Jobs come and go, and opinions are like assholes.”

  He laughs. “Oh, you sweet talker. But yeah, you’re right. I don’t care what anyone else thinks. Most people probably won’t even care.”

  He’s right.

  We’re both right.

  All of the drama and the uncertainty feels heavy and serious and like it might be the end of the world, but it isn’t. I hope I won’t lose my job, of course, but I’m not scared of finding a new one if it comes to that.

  I don’t want people to talk about me—and especially not about Colton—but we’ll survive. And the scandal will die down as soon as people realize we’re not going anywhere. We’re not ashamed that we love each other.

  “How did I get so lucky?” I ask, smiling as I kiss his forehead. “Not only have I found the perfect man—the perfect man who is also perfect for me—but you’re staying with me when most people would run. I’m grateful for you, babe. Grateful and lucky.”

  “We’re lucky to have each other,” he says, his beautiful green eyes bright with emotion as he looks up at me. “And I’m not going anywhere. I’m not running away. We’ll get through this together and it will get better.”


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