Firsts: Book One’s

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Firsts: Book One’s Page 8

by Moore, Portia

  “I’m so glad I helped. Keep it up and your art is going to be in museums around the world.”

  The class went well. I had fun and so did the kids. I walked them through a fairly easy painting tutorial. Their finished projects were remarkable and made the experience completely worth it. Now that I’m working at The Vault, hopefully I can have more time to volunteer again.

  When I get home, Hillary is in the living room on the phone. She quickly hangs up when I walk through the door.

  “Who were you talking to?”

  “Angie. She was telling me about how good you’re doing there. She expects you to start outselling Tori soon,” she says. That’s an exaggeration. Tori isn’t one of my favorite people. She is nice enough when Trish isn’t around and ignores me when she is, but aside from her fickleness with me, she can sell her ass off. She has the flirting thing down pat and a stream of high roller customers.

  “Anything is possible I guess. How did your date go?”

  “It actually went amazing. How was volunteering?”

  I grin at her. “I didn’t realize how much I miss it. But it was awesome.”

  * * *

  Time has been flying since I started at The Vault. I have to admit, things really turned around for me after my birthday. I hadn’t believed the words when Angie had said them, but now that they are happening, it is undeniable.

  I’m no longer stuck in a crappy dorm room with a horrible roommate. I’m living in a nice apartment with one of my best friends. I’m not working a dead-end job that pays crap. Every day the job is getting less intimidating and I’m getting better much at it. The hours work a lot better for me, and of course so does the money. My problems are shrinking and I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time.

  Today is my third week at work with no supervision at all. I walk into the back to put my things up and I see Steven.

  “Hi,” I say, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

  He grins at me. “How’s it going, Lauren?”

  I shrug. “Pretty good, I guess you could say. How about you?”

  “A lot better than how it was going before you walked through the door.” He’s beaming at me.

  My cheeks automatically start to burn. Is he flirting with me? Should I flirt back? The fact that I’m even considering it is surprising to me.

  “I’ve been wanting to thank you. You know, for helping me study for my test. I never would’ve passed if it wasn’t for your help,” I tell him honestly.

  His dazzling smile spreads wider. “It was no problem. In fact, I was happy to help.”

  “Hey, Steven. Could you help me with something before we open?” Big Dave calls to him.

  “For sure. I’ll be there in a minute.” Steven turns his attention back to me apologetically. “I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow tonight,” he says before jetting off.

  Tomorrow night? What is he talking about? I have to remember to check the schedule but I’m pretty sure I’m off tomorrow.

  * * *

  It’s ten o’clock Sunday morning, and I’ve been up since five to study for a test that I have on Monday. A knock on my bedroom door surprises me. Hillary isn’t normally up this early. I get up and open the door to see Angie on the other side.

  “Angie! What are you doing here?” I say after hugging her.

  “We’re going shopping!” she sings. I let out a disappointed sigh.

  “I can’t, I have to study,” I tell her and she immediately pouts.

  “You’re a straight-A student, I’m sure you’re more than prepared,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

  “And I want to stay one!” I laugh.

  “Please, please, please, please, pleaaaase,” she begs.

  I sigh. “Okay,” I relent.


  Shopping with Angie is a marathon. She goes in almost every store, tries on at least five outfits in each, and stops for a Starbucks latte almost every two hours with a bathroom break every thirty minutes. Still, I love her to death and she somehow manages to make the excruciating experience fun. By the time we stop at the food court for lunch we have six bags full of clothes.

  “So you never told me about that study session with Steven,” she says, popping a chicken nugget in her mouth.

  I roll my eyes at her antics. “Yes, I did. I told you everything there was to the situation. He walked in when I was freaking out about the menu. He told me that he would be happy to help me study. I would’ve failed again if it wasn’t for him.”

  “But you think that he’s fiiine,” she says matter-of-factly.

  A blush creeps down my cheek. This is the reason people tell me that I’m as easy as a book to read.

  Angie starts to giggle. “I knew it!”

  I sigh. “Okay, you’re right. I definitely think that Steven is a smoking hottie and his smile gives me butterflies. But that doesn’t mean anything. I’m still not ready to get involved with anyone yet.”

  A gigantic grin spreads over her face. “You never know what will happen. I’m not saying to force anything. Just whatever happens, happens.”

  “I don’t even know if he sees me that way. He hasn’t really talked to me since then,” I tell her almost sullenly.

  “That’s because he’s insanely busy, L. He’s the head bartender. That’s like being the president of the club.”

  I shrug. “Well it’s good because Ryan doesn’t want any fraternizing,” I remind her and myself.

  She throws a fry at me.

  * * *

  Angie and I walk up to my apartment, struggling under the weight of her shopping bags. Luckily, I have my keys ready so I can unlock the door without putting any of mine down.

  “Surprise!” I’m shouted at by a ton of people as soon as the door opens.

  All of the shopping bags fall from my hand and scatter everywhere. My heart!

  Surprise? I frown at the people who are standing in my living room.

  “It’s not my birthday.”

  Hillary emerges from the middle of the crowd, laughing. “We know that it’s not your birthday. But I decided to throw you a housewarming party!”

  That makes me smile and I try to slow my frantic heartbeat down. I can’t believe this girl standing in front of me. How did she think of these things? Who had ever heard of a surprise housewarming party? Most importantly, how did she manage to keep it a secret? I look over at Angie, who is biting her lip, trying to fight a grin.

  “You knew about this, didn’t you?”

  “I was the first person she called, but I know that if I told you that you would cancel the whole thing. It was especially hard to keep the secret from you today. You don’t know how many times it almost came out! Or how we were going to pry you out of the house!”

  Everyone helps me pick up my stuff and I store my purchases away in my room. It’s time to socialize. Everyone here if from work, excluding Trish, Tori, and Ryan. I can’t deny how happy I am when I spot Steven.

  The dining room table is filled with an assortment of snacks. I grab a plate and start to put a few things on it.

  “Hi,” the warm familiar voice from behind me says. I smile before I even turn around.

  It’s Steven, of course, standing behind me and grinning broadly.

  I brush a strand of hair behind my ear. “So this is what you meant about ‘See you tomorrow night?’” I tease him and give him a gentle push.

  He chuckles with a shrug. “Guilty. Did I almost ruin it?”

  “You didn’t ruin anything,” I tell him, our eyes locked. With me being closer I notice his blue eyes have a hint of green in them, and are even more beautiful up close.

  “Want to sit down?” he asks, gesturing towards the couch.

  “I’d love to.”

  Even though the couch is relatively empty, he sits close enough to me so our knees touch and I surprise myself when I don’t move mine.

  “So how do you like working at The Vault so far?”

  “I like it. Somet
imes I still can’t believe I got the job.”

  “I can believe it, either,” he says, tilting his head slightly with that boyish grin of his.

  “Are you making fun of my complete lack of alcohol knowledge?” I tease him.

  “No,” he laughs. “It’s because you’re beautiful.” His tone is absolutely serious.

  My face flushes. “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “You’re welcome,” he replies, with a smile and nod.

  We talk more than we’ve ever had a chance to. He tells me that he’s from Wisconsin and moved to Chicago when he was fifteen. He’s one of two kids, has a little brother, and has wanted to own his own bar from the first time he saw Cheers as a kid.

  “Steven!” Hillary finally yells from the kitchen. “I need your help, please.”

  He gives me an apologetic look. “I’ll be back, okay?”

  I nod with a smile. “Sure.”

  I’m not left on the couch alone for long. Moments after Steven gets up, Angie sits in his spot with a huge smirk on her face.

  “He likes you,” she says with a nudge.

  “You can’t know that,” I scoffed.

  “I’ve known Steven for more than a little while, and besides, I can tell when a guy likes a girl. And he likes you.”

  “Maybe, or he’s just being nice,” I counter.

  “You’re wrong, and I’m right!” she declares playfully.

  “Of course you are.” I throw up my hands to appease her.

  “Well, there’s one way to find out. Go and ask him,” she dares me.

  She doesn’t think I’ll do it. I wouldn’t normally, but the challenge in her voice and the smug grin she’s wearing, with a little help of the spiked punch Hillary made, pushes me.

  “Okay. I will,” I tell her, then stand up and start walking away. Her mouth drops open in shock.

  “You are not!” she says, amused.

  “I so am!” I call back over my shoulder and stick my tongue out at her.

  When I reach the kitchen both Steven and Hillary are bent under the counter inspecting something. My original adrenaline rush has worn off and I’m nervous out of my mind, but I have no other option than to go through with it. If I turn back now I’ll look like a complete coward.

  I clear my throat and they both turn towards me.

  “Hey, Steven, can I talk to you in private when you get a minute?” I ask before I lose my nerve.

  He glances at Hillary, who nods and gives me a curious smile.

  I hold onto the last of my nerve in an attempt to not chicken out. I’m dangerously close. So without saying anything else, I turn around and hope that Steven follows me. I walk straight to my room without turning to check. I’m practically trembling at this point. I step into my room, and Steven is right behind me. I close the door after he comes in.

  “What’s up?” he asks.

  “I just wanted to ask you about something.” My voice is light and nervous. I can’t believe I’m putting myself on the spot like this over a stupid dare.

  Steven takes a few small steps towards me. “And what would that be?” I swallow my nerves.

  He’s so close now that I can smell his cologne. I can almost feel his body heat. It’s making my brain short circuit. For a minute I forget what I want to talk to him about.

  I shrug. “It’s nothing really. I was just wondering. Well. See, Angie says you’re interested in me and I told her she’s so wrong and—”

  “I am very interested in you, Lauren,” he interrupts me. My mouth falls open at his bluntness. “I’d like to take you out if that’s okay?”

  “You would?” I ask in shock.

  “I do. If that’s okay.” He chuckles. I don’t know what to say. I haven’t been in this predicament in so long. I know he sort of flirts with me and he seems nice and he’s handsome, but I don’t know if I’m ready to go on a date with him. And he’s a coworker. What if things went badly?

  Before I can make up my mind, he leans down and softly brushes his lips against mine. It’s a whisper of a kiss, and so sweet it takes me back to a time when I craved romance and thought princes were real. It also reminds me of how much I miss being kissed. I look up at him, wanting him to kiss me again, really kiss me. He steps closer and I stand on the tip of my toes to meet him. I’m tentative but I want the real thing now.

  I suddenly hear the door open. “Steven… Oh shit! I’m sorry.” It’s Carly, another waitress from work. Her face is beat red and she looks mortified. The moment is ruined, the spell I was under broken.

  I almost kissed him! My coworker! That would be unbelievably stupid. This just proves it.

  “No, it’s okay.” I stammer. Steven looks at the floor and puts his hands in his pockets.

  “I just wanted to see if you could walk me to my car. I’ve got an early class in the morning and need to head out,” she says sheepishly, embarrassment all over her face at the awkwardness of the moment. Steven glances at me for permission.

  “It’s fine. Of course. Thank you for coming,” I say clumsily.

  “I’m so sorry,” she apologies once more.

  “It’s okay. I promise!” I reassure her again. Carly has been nothing but sweet to me since I met her. But I’m embarrassed for all three of us.

  “I’ll be right out, Carly,” Steven tells her before she slinks out of the room.

  “No, go ahead. It’s fine.” He looks disappointed, reading my reluctance for what it is. An end to whatever, or wherever this might have gone.

  “Can we talk after I walk her to the car?” he asks hopefully.

  “Actually…” He can read my answer before the words leave my mouth, and he has a crestfallen expression.

  “I like you Steven, but we work together. It just wouldn’t be smart, and I really need my job,” I say quickly before I can stop myself. He nods once and takes a step away from me.

  “I respect that,” he says, but his eyes are downcast.

  “I’d love to be friends,” I follow up quickly. He gives me a weak smile.

  “Friends. I’d like that.” We lock eyes and I tear mine away from him first.

  “I think I’ll get going after I walk Carly to the car,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Yeah. Of course, it’s getting late. I’ll be heading to bed anyway. I have a test coming up I’ve got to study for,” I ramble. He starts to make his way to the door. I follow behind him, a part of me wanting to take it back and just ask to take things slow. But no words come.

  “I really would like to be your friend,” he says with a small smile. “If that’s what you want.”

  “I’d like that.” I’m trying to inject some enthusiasm in my voice.

  “Great. Night, Lauren,” he says softly before leaving me alone in my room. I shut the door behind him and collapse onto my bed. This entire night has been crazy and what’s completely insane is the one tear that slips down my cheek.

  I’ve got to get a grip and pull myself together. I can’t just hide in here, even though I want nothing more than to crawl under my covers and sleep. It’s my party and I need to at least thank everyone for coming. I stand up, straighten my back, and figuratively put my big-girl panties on and head out the door.

  Before I’m a foot past the threshold, I hear a masculine voice bellow, “How did it go?” It’s unfamiliar. I turn around with a frown but when I see him I’m caught off guard. The voice belongs to a tall, broad figure leaning casually against the wall, with an amused grin on his face. I’m instantly irritated because for one, I don’t know who he is, plus I have a sneaking suspicion he’s referring to what just happened between Steven and I.

  “Who are you?” I ask defensively. But he’s unfazed, still wearing a sly smile showcasing perfectly straight white teeth.

  “I’m Michael, and you’re Lauren.”

  I cross my arms.

  “Which means I’m Steven’s best friend. And it sounds like you shot him down,” he says whimsically. He’s no longer against the wall but
steps in front me. He’s about six feet tall, a little shorter than Steven, but his chest is just as broad and it’s being hugged tightly by a white T-shirt. Dark blue jeans rest below his torso. His hair is a little darker than Steven’s, but it’s longer and looks effortlessly perfect. His energy is both playful and flirty but the way his eyes look at me is sexual and intense. He glares down at me but his attention is only on my eyes for a few seconds before it noticeably meanders to my lips. It causes me to take a step back, his grin becoming wider.

  I shrug, trying to play it cool.

  “I don’t know you or what you’re talking about.”

  His mint green eyes narrowed in on me. “Then get to know me,” he says with a half shrug, his tone dripping with confidence and not a hint of uncertainty in it. Like there’s no possibility of him being turned down, as if it’s never happened to him in his entire life.

  “But I don’t want to,” I tell him smugly before walking away from him. Still, I can’t help but glance back at him. He’s standing there wearing a fantastic smile on his face and obviously not bothered by my rebuff.

  Who the hell is this guy?

  I meet Hillary in the kitchen and she gives me a “What happened with Steven?” look that she can’t express verbally because she’s in the midst of thanking our guests for coming and leading them out. I join in with her, knowing that twenty-one questions would be coming my way once they all leave.

  Michael joins us, being one of the last of the people heading out of the apartment. I inconspicuously make my way to Angie, who is wearing the same quizzical expression as Hillary was.

  “Hey, who’s that guy talking to Hillary?” I whisper.

  “That’s Michael. He works at the club doing security slash bartending every now and then. Why do you ask?” she whispers back, eyeing me with a suspicious smile.

  “He’s sort of a jerk, that’s all,” I say simply.

  “I know what that means,” she murmurs suggestively, but I don’t have a chance to respond before another guest comes and envelops us in hugs so we can say our goodbyes.


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