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Hero Page 6

by W Borne











  Rage Capacity



  Dodge – Beginner - 2

  2H Spear – Beginner - 2

  Improvisation – Beginner - 22

  Earl noticed a few changes – the obvious HP, Stamina, and Rage increases but also that his body felt a bit firmer, his muscles a bit bigger. He felt lighter on his feet and when he swung the spear, it seemed a bit easier. Obviously, each point he gained gave immediate improvement in his performance.

  Earl also noticed that the XP to his next level had doubled from 100 to 200. “Humph,” he thought, doing some quick math in his head, “that means that from Level 3 to Level 4 would be 400, 4 to 5 800……” Carrying it out…. he blanched. That meant that just going from level 19 to level 20 would be over 26 million HP! He hoped the XP you got from monsters and quests started to increase quickly, or else it would take forever to level in this game!

  He moved on, following the stream again until finally at the end of the day he found a good spot to rest. It looked like the stream was entering some cultivated farmland, with some orchards and some olive groves that were obviously cared for. Along the way, he fought more boars and a large predatory cat, earning enough XP to get to level 3 and almost to level 4.

  He had picked up more meat and tusks and claws from the animals, but with no real way to carry anything he was forced to carry what he could in his one free hand.

  He decided to stop for the night before entering the more settled lands and found a good spot near the stream with a large flat rock overlooking the water. Quickly getting a couple of hardwood sticks of about a foot in length, he put some tinder (grass) down and started to rotate the stick with his hands, with the bottom end buried in the grass. He remembered watching some survival shows and seeing someone start a fire this way. It took a while, but obviously some game mechanics were helping because after about 20 minutes he got a bit of smoke, and then the grass caught fire. Slowly feeding it some small sticks he stoked his fire until it was crackling merrily. A small notification appeared

  Improvisation +1, Fire-Starting +1

  “Guess it counts to have the right materials,” he thought. He doubted it would be that easy in real life. He hung the boar steaks on a stick and held them over the fire. Soon smells of the roasting meat filled the air and his mouth watered. He didn’t feel quite hungry per say, but he could definitely eat. After the seared steaks were done, he took them down and started biting them while holding the stick. The meat was tough, hot, and about the best tasting thing he could remember eating in a while.

  Surprising to himself, he ate almost all of the two steaks, settling back next to the fire with a satisfied burp. After drinking some water from the stream, still ice cold, he laid down next to the fire as it slowly died out, watching the stars come out and listening to the sounds of the night. As he faded to drowsiness, he re-lived his first day in Olympus and thought he had done pretty well, for being dropped in with no knowledge of how the world worked and no equipment other than his wits. He thought briefly about security, but felt tired enough that he slipped into sleep before he could make a plan.

  The smell of the cooked meat did draw some predators that night, but the smell of the smoldering fire and human kept them away.







  XP to Next Level














  Rage Capacity



  Dodge – Beginner - 7

  2H Spear – Beginner - 6

  Improvisation – Beginner – 3

  Fire Starting – Beginner – 1

  Chapter 7

  Earl woke suddenly with the call of a loud bird. He was confused and it took him a few seconds to remember where he was. As he stood and stretched, he could hear the sound of the creek running behind him, along with the sound of something moving through tall grass rapidly.

  Grasping his spear from the ground, he whirled, heart pounding. A quick look around showed nothing attacking him, and as he spun, he noticed that there was a small boy or girl running away from him through the fields toward the orchard. He guessed that someone had been out in the field and been startled by him standing up from the flat surface of the rock. It was slightly higher than the other side of the stream and he probably hadn’t been seen while he was sleeping.

  Earl debated heading after him, then reconsidered. A large man carrying a spear, even if crude, would be considered a threat by anyone, especially if he was heading towards whoever lived down there. Earl resolved to wait for the inevitable investigation and to be as non-threatening as possible. He had little reservations about how he would stand up to a determined fight against armed people in his current state.

  Earl started another fire and got the rest of the boar steaks warming up. As they were almost done, he banked the fire and had sat down cross legged to eat when he heard multiple people coming his way. He kept eating as they forded the stream and advanced to where he sat on the flat rock. There were three people, one a small boy about 10 years old, who had the name “Giorgis” floating over his head along with “Level 2 Farmer”. The other men, “Spiros – Level 10 Farmer” and “Thanasis – Level 8 Farmer” rounded out the trio. The two older men were carrying simple spears, but were bronze tipped and in far better condition than his own makeshift weapon.

  Spiros had the look of an outdoorsmen, with naturally olive

  “There he is, Papa!” exclaimed the boy, Giorgis.

  “I see him,” said his father, the man named Spiros. “Hello, stranger!”

  “Hello,” Earl replied. “Good morning.” He felt being polite was his best move, considering the difference in levels between himself and the men. He noticed the other man, Thanasis, was giving him a guarded look and that he had said nothing.

  “What brings you here?” asked Spiros. “Most of the time we get no visitors here.”

  “I’m not even sure where here is,” replied Earl. “My name is Ear……. Jaxx.”

  “Greetings, Ear-Jaxx. Interesting name, I must say,” laughed Spiros.

  “It’s just Jaxx,” said Earl. He guessed that he should get used to thinking of himself that way, as he didn’t know how long he would be in this game but remembered “at least 6 months” in the contract.

  “Well, Jaxx, you are in the lands outside the village of Triada. How did you come to be here, and in this condition?” Spiros was friendly, but there was a hard layer beneath his friendliness. His companion, Thanasis, had not looked away from Jaxx and had not put down his spear.

  “Well, it is hard to explain, but the truth is that I appeared in a clearing about a day’s walk into the forest.” Jaxx turned to point, and realized that above the forest he had come out of was a large mountain in the distance. He guessed he had never bothered to look behind him, and that the forest had blocked his view of it. He turned back to see various looks of disbelief from the men.

  “Appeared in a clearing? In the forest?” Spiros’ voice was still friendly, but he had started to think that his visitor was a bit crazy. Thanasis’ gaze, if it were possible, grew even harder.

  “I know it seems crazy…” Jaxx started to explain, wondering how he could work his other-worldly origin into it when Thanasis suddenly said, “You’re an Avatar, aren’t you?”

  Jaxx stared. “You’ve……. heard of us?” was all he could say, a bit dumfounded. Where could they have heard about them?

he priest of Apollo was saying something about keeping a look out for any new strangers, seems the Gods wish us to keep an eye on you folk. Something about unnatural?” With these statements it started to make sense to Jaxx. He thought quickly. Lie? Half-truth? Long term survival outweighed his immediate inclination to obfuscate his origin. He sensed that these were not bad people.

  Honesty, then. “Yes, I am an Avatar. Our minds are from another world and are put into these bodies based upon our true nature.”

  Spiros laughed. “So, you are a disciple of Hercules, then? You have the look, mighty thews and all.” Jaxx started, then laughed along. “Yes, I follow Hercules’ path.”

  “And what path is that?” Thanasis asked? “Hercules followed a long and difficult path to his final place – hurt some people along the way too.”

  Jaxx assured them that he intended to do better.

  “Be sure that you do.” Thanasis seemed to be warming a bit, explaining away any odd tics and words with the knowledge that Jaxx was an Avatar.

  Spiros stood, brushing off dirt from sitting cross-legged on the stone. “Well then, let’s be off then. I’m sure you’re hungry and thirsty, being out in the forest and such all day and night.”

  Jaxx rose, grasping his meager belongings. “Yes, thank you.”

  Spiros glanced at Jaxx’s spear, noting the crude assembly. “You are crafty.”

  “When I have to be,” Jaxx chuckled a bit self-consciously. He knew his weapon was far inferior to Spiros’ and Thanasis’ bronze capped spears. Spiros caught him glancing at his spear.

  “Wish to have a look?” he asked, and then handed it butt first to Jaxx. Jaxx noticed Thanasis’ hand tighten on his own spear shaft out of the corner of his eye.

  Handling the spear in a carefully non-threatening manner, Jaxx examined the work. “Far superior indeed,” he thought, despite the fact that the spear was merely an Uncommon ranked item. Jaxx inspected it:

  Uncommon Heavy Bronze Spear

  Durability – 30/30

  Weight – 5kg

  Damage – 15-20 (piercing)

  Description – A sturdy oak shaft capped with a razor-sharp bronze spearhead. Sharpness and damage will be reduced as durability goes down. Standard hoplite issue.

  Jaxx handed the spear back to Spiros, who took it with a smile.

  As they walked, Jaxx noticed the rows of crops that were obviously carefully tended. The blue of the clear sky contrasted with the gold of the wheat and barley fields. In the distance, a blue glimmer announced the presence of a lake. Jaxx turned to see the vast green expanse of the forest, and the blue-green immensity of the mountain behind it. What a beautiful area!

  As he came out of his reverie, he noticed that they were near the small village he had seen from a distance. He had arrived at Triada.

  Entering the village, he noted the wide dirt streets lined on either side with small houses and shops. The “clang-clang” of a blacksmith was somewhere in the background. Small children running and laughing stopped short when they saw Jaxx and his party, darting between the houses to hide and peer out around corners.

  Approaching the center of the village, Jaxx saw that the main center was paved with rough stones, and that a multitude of carts and temporary sellers were set up and barking their wares at the sparse crowd of villagers. Mostly women followed by what Jaxx assumed were house slaves. Jaxx started, having forgotten that in ancient Greece, indeed in most ancient cultures, slavery was normal and not even commented on. Jaxx was unsettled, uncomfortable with the thought that he would have to pretend not to notice and even to tolerate the institution.

  As they approached the center of the paved area, a uniformed man came up to Spiros and party. “Hwiksos” floated above him, giving Jaxx his name.

  “Who is this?” boomed the man? He was tall for a local, if shorter than Jaxx, and built heavy in the chest and shoulders. A chain mail shirt, leather belt, and bronze sword was belted around his thick waist. He was very hairy, with hirsute shoulders, forearms, and legs. A heavy black beard rested on his face and reached almost to his black eyes. Jaxx noted the strength in this man’s limbs and heavy calluses on his right hand, which Jaxx assumed were from long hours swinging a sword. “Not a man to take lightly,” thought Jaxx, “even with the difference in weaponry.”

  Spiros laid a hand on Jaxx’s shoulder. “Hwiksos! Just the man I was looking for. We found this man on the western edge of the olive grove, near the forest. He is an Avatar, just like Acron spoke of.”

  Hwiksos, listening almost absently, noticeably started at the word “Avatar.” “What is this? Where did you come from?” Hwiksos demanded.

  As Spiros explained, Jaxx took a look around and noticed that while commerce remained, most of the people around were unobtrusively staring at them, and the nearer were straining to overhear. “probably want the first crack at the gossip,” Jaxx thought. He was jarred from his reverie by a poke in the side from Spiros.

  “What?” he said. Hwiksos was looking at him expectedly, like he had just asked a question, and realized that they were waiting for his answer.

  “Could you repeat that?” he asked.

  “I said, what are your intentions here in Triada?” Hwiksos asked? His tone was even, but his hand rested on the hilt of his sword in an unmistakable readiness.

  Jaxx answered carefully. “My intentions are peaceful towards everyone here, and I am hoping to grow in strength and experience. The Gods have apparently sent me here for a reason – I’d like to find out what it is.”

  This response was taken with a guarded silence. Finally, Hwiksos said, “You have done no harm, nor do you appear threatening. We are always looking for strong men to help with tasks and to help protect the town from bandits and raiders. We are not large and there are a limited number of Hoplites.” Jaxx remembered seeing lots of men on the walk in, working the fields, until he remembered that in Ancient Greece, slaves did no fighting. All soldiers were citizens, and usually landowners who provided their own equipment.

  Hwiksos continued, “You shall appear in front of the Village Council tonight, to make a proper introduction. Spiros – since you have taken it upon yourself to bring this man to Triada, can you find him a place to stay for now? We will work on permanent accommodations if everything works out with the Council.”

  Spiros answered with a laugh. “It would be my pleasure! Come, Jaxx, I will show you to my home.” With this, Hwiksos turned and stalked away, presumably to continue about the business of the town.

  Thanasis drew Spiros aside, speaking softly. He undoubtedly meant his words for Spiros alone, but Jaxx caught most of them. “-ure you can trust him?” Spiros answered equally softly, patted Thanasis’ arm, and turned to Jaxx. “Ready?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Jaxx answered.

  He followed Spiros, again ignoring the sour look that Thanasis gave him. “I shall have to find out why that man dislikes me so,” he thought.

  Almost as if reading his mind, Spiros spoke, “Don’t worry about Thanasis. He has had bad experiences with strangers in the past, and despite his gruff exterior, he worries about me and Giorgos.”

  “I will never disparage a man who acts to protect his family and friends, “Jaxx said.

  Spiros nodded, “Well said.”

  Spiros led Jaxx through the town in a different direction from which they had come. Jaxx noted the smells changing, roast meat and potatoes smells in the air causing his stomach to rumble. They seemed to be passing an inn, which was a low thatched building with lots of windows and 2 chimneys. Smoke came in thin streams from the chimneys, bringing the delicious smells with them. A sign out front, The Copper Fleece, had a picture of a crude sheep with a copper colored inlay. A stout man in a leather apron was outside sweeping the dirt from the stones and glanced at them in curiosity as they passed.

  As Spiros seemed intent on getting home, Jaxx didn’t bother to ask any questions and just maintained his awareness, trying to remember the lay of the land. As he thought to himself, �
�Wish I had a map…” he noticed one appear in his upper right of his HUD. Overlaying his vision, he could see a transparent map that had his location marked and the area around him labeled crudely. He thought, “Zoom out” and the map obliged, showing a larger area. His path from the forest to the town was clear, as areas of the black fog of war were exposed. Although a map was a standard feature in many MMOs, he was surprised that Olympus Online used it: it wasn’t anywhere near realism.

  They reached a small gathering of huts on the outskirts of the village, and Jaxx realized that this was Spiros’ home. The largest building was square, perhaps 30 ft on a side, and thatched with a stone chimney exiting near one wall. The walls were stone, and in between the stones Jaxx saw bits of straw and mud. Windows covered by stout wooden shutters were present on 3 of the walls.

  The other buildings, a smaller hut that was built closer to the ground and had no windows, and a building that had only 3 walls, with a flat roof that held a small amount of livestock bins and feed. “Probably for sheep, “Jaxx thought.


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