Alpha's Mercy

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by Kate Rudolph

  “Did you need to get away from them often?” He reached an arm out and laid it on the back of the sofa.

  She laughed, “As the disappointing youngest daughter? Yeah, kind of.”

  Now his hand landed on her shoulder, urging her closer. Jess didn’t fight the pull. “Disappointing? How? I don’t see it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Right, come on. Fat, high school dropout, underemployed...kidnapping victim? What about that screams daughter of the year?”

  He took her other hand in his, tracing his thumb against her palm. “That’s not what I see.” He raised her palm to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on it.


  He flipped her hand over and started tracing around her knuckles. “It’s true.” He looked up, meeting her eyes, “I see a beautiful, smart, brave woman. And I wish would think of yourself as my guest.”

  She grinned, he had to be joking about that last part. “Guests can leave.”

  “So can you, if...”

  She interrupted him. “Don’t ruin the moment, Wolf.”

  He laced their hands together. “Call me Rafe. I’m the Wolf, the alpha, to everyone else. I want there to be just one person to whom I’m me. Only me.”

  Jess knew it would be unwise, but she couldn’t stop herself. She swallowed hard, “Okay...Rafe.”

  He grinned and it wasn’t the expression of an alpha, for the moment he was simply a satisfied man. “Was that so hard?”

  “I’m still wrapping my head around it,” but she grinned back.

  Rafe leaned in and she knew he was going to kiss her. He hadn’t made a move, other than the hand holding, since their kiss the day before and her lips itched for his. But his phone beeped at the last minute and he pulled back.

  “Damn it,” he checked the screen. “Duty calls.”

  “So it’s back to my cell?” It sounded more petulant than intended and she felt like she’d just been dumped with ice water. What was she doing, letting Rafe Blackwood kiss her?

  Rafe tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re free to walk around the grounds and the castle so long as it’s not a restricted area. You’ll know it’s restricted by the scary werewolves that look ready to tear your throat out. Don’t take it personally, they’re all like that.”

  That was an unexpected development. “You’re not afraid I’ll run?”

  His hand stilled, resting on her shoulder, “Will you?”

  “In a hot minute,” she smiled though she was utterly serious.

  He returned the expression. “And you wonder why I like you.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to that. And she was scared that if she examined herself too closely she’d find that she liked him too. Which could not happen. She needed to get free of him, not spin daydreams about living in an amazing castle with a scarily powerful man.

  He spoke again, “The New Moon party is in two days. I’d like you to come.”

  “I don’t have anything to wear.” Jess wanted to smack herself. Who was she, Cinderella? Of all the reasons to object, that was not what she should have used.

  Rafe kissed her forehead quickly. “I’ll take care of it. But now I have to go.” He left with her still sputtering on the couch.

  Chapter Eight

  Two days passed much more rapidly than Jess could have predicted. She expected Rafe to let her wander and leave her alone except for when he wanted to question her. But the questions didn’t come. His attention did. It seemed that he was by her side every moment that he could spare.

  Those moments were not as numerous as part of her would have liked. That was the part of her that kept forgetting she was a prisoner in his house.

  After showing her his hideaway, he left. But later that day he found her exploring the library and pulled her into the castle’s garden to show her the centerpiece of it all: a natural spring that looked like it should have had fairies flitting about. At the very least there should have been some sort of wish granting mechanism.

  He hadn’t kissed her again. Which was a good thing. And if she kept repeating that thought she might start to believe it.

  When she returned from one of her walks around the castle on the day of the party, a magnificent dress was waiting for her, hanging in plastic off the closet door. The emerald green gown hung all the way down to the floor and would go over just one of her shoulders, there was silver beading that covered the waist, meant to emphasize her curves. She crossed the room and grabbed the gown off the door. The beading wasn’t made of sequins or plastic, it was made of actual crystals.

  She’d never worn something so expensive. And now she knew why Rafe hadn’t let her see the dress beforehand. She’d asked about it, but he just smiled and changed the subject. His own evasiveness had led her to believe he’d give her some packmate’s castoff.

  Not something like this.

  A large box sat on the table by the couch. A card was propped up with her name on it. Still holding the dress, Jess sat on the couch and picked up the card.

  I’ve wanted to see you in this dress for days. The color was made for you. I hope you’ll wear the complete outfit.


  It was deliberately not a command, Jess understood. But what he was truly asking, she did not know.

  She opened up the box and smiled when she saw the black panties. Of course, the man would want to choose her very own underwear. The perv. But her eyes were drawn to something else. Two shiny, platinum bracelets, each two inches wide. They would play off the light and match the crystal banding perfectly. More crystals traced the edges of the bracelets, outlining them in shining studs.

  This wasn’t the kind of jewelry a man had just lying around. He’d purchased this, and the dress, specifically for her.

  It took Jess’s breath away. Wearing it would mean something to him, to her. Something about them. And if she did that, there was no going back. Something about the night would change and she would no longer be just his hostage. Except she knew she was already more than that.

  And it terrified her.

  She couldn’t fall for anyone - especially a man like Rafe - in three days. The thought was anathema. And yet, if she let herself believe it, she was scared that she already had. Rafe Blackwood wasn’t some brute, not to her. To her he was kind, courteous, funny, and damned sexy.

  They hadn’t kissed since their first day together, but somehow that made it even worse. If the pull between them were merely physical, she could have dismissed it. But they talked, for hours sometimes, and about the most mundane and excellent things. He’d told her about his rise to power, his favorite movies, and where he wanted to go on his next vacation.

  And it all seemed so natural. While she hadn’t given him what he wanted about her sister, she’d revealed more than she’d ever anticipated. He knew she had wanted a seal for a pet when she was six, and that her mom had abandoned both her and Rebecca in the city when Jess was seventeen. He knew that she wanted to design clothes.

  In three days she’d become closer to Rafe than she had anyone else since she was sixteen years old.

  Was it because he held her captive? Stockholm Syndrome or something like it? Jess didn’t think so. She still had her own will, her resistance to giving up her family. She wasn’t hopelessly devoted to his pack. She just liked him. Despite the captivity and the whole issue of him wanting to capture her sister.

  A knock at the door startled Jess from her thoughts.

  “Come in!” She called and then wondered if she even had the authority to tell someone to stay out of Rafe’s room.

  She knew before turning that it wasn’t Rafe. The man’s scent was all wrong. It was the gruff Scotsman. Mac. Rafe’s second in command. They hadn’t spoken beyond pleasantries, but she could tell that Mac didn’t like her. Or maybe he just didn’t like that she was staying in Rafe’s room rather than in the dungeons.

  “The alpha asked me to escort you downstairs.” He gave no inflection.

  “Give me ten minutes.” Sh
e rushed into the bathroom and fixed her hair. Her purse had the basics for makeup and nothing she would have worn to a fancy party, but she did the best she could. With a few minutes to spare, she put on the jewelry and tried to shimmy into the dress only to discover it laced up in the back.

  It would be impossible to get it to stay on by herself. With an internal groan, she marched toward the door and flung it open. “I need your help.”

  Mac followed her into the room. “I’m not sure I should be touching you, Miss Patrick.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” And as a member of Rafe’s security team, it wasn’t like he didn’t have the authority to do whatever he wanted to her. The only man with higher rank was Rafe himself.

  Without further resistance, Mac got to work, gently tightening the silk and working his way down to the end of the bodice. “I’m sure you’ve thought of how this event will be the perfect time to escape.”

  There was no use denying it. “The thought had crossed my mind.” The New Moon party was when a pack let itself go. Food, drinks, fun, it was like the full moon, but on a night they chose.

  “Security is doubled around the perimeter. If you’re very lucky, my guards won’t kill you.” He gave a final pull and stood back. “It’s done.”

  “Thank you.”

  Mac stepped around to face her. “You may have fooled the alpha, but I’m not going to be tricked by you. Now let’s go.”

  “I’m not trying to trick anyone,” she said, slipping on her shoes. “And I never chose to be here.”

  Mac had no response.

  Chapter Nine

  For the sake of his pack, Rafe hadn’t spent every moment of the last few days with Jessica. And now his wolf was riding him hard, demanding that he find her and show her that she was his. He’d never felt this way about anyone before.

  Mating was funny that way. Some people could know their mates for years and years before claiming them, others knew in an instant. And then there were some monsters who claimed women who would never accept the bond. No matter how much Rafe needed Jessica, he would not do that to her. She was his mate, his partner, not some object to be owned.

  It rankled that he could not bring her down to the party himself. But between his search for her sister and other pack matters, it had been a miracle that he could make time for the party at all. The best he could do was to give her that dress and the cuffs. He’d been looking at the entrance to the grand hall every thirty seconds to see if she had accepted his gifts. But as the clock ticked past nine she still wasn’t there.

  That thought summoned her and she walked through the entrance with Mac beside her. Both of them stood stiffly and could barely keep the dislike off their faces. Rafe knew their introduction had gotten off to a rough start and he only hoped that they would grow to tolerate each other as time went on.

  Jess caught his eye and the rest of the room may as well not have existed. The dress hugged her curves, emphasizing the swell of her breasts and her hips. The crystals glinted in the light of the room, both off of her dress and off the cuffs. She was so damned beautiful that he wanted to take her right there and he’d taken two steps toward her when she stepped aside, breaking their eye contact.

  It didn’t matter. They would find each other soon enough and then Rafe would make her his.

  Mac came over before any of that could happen, “May I speak to you for a moment. In private.”

  Rafe nodded and they made their way to the balcony. This discussion was a long time coming and he was surprised that Mac had held his tongue for so long. Two doors from the grand hall led out onto the balcony and they made sure both were closed. As long as they kept their voices down, no one would hear them.

  “Were those real diamonds on the bracelets?” Mac never liked to level an accusation when he could ask a question instead.

  Rafe had seen it trip up plenty of lesser men. But he had nothing to hide and felt no shame. “Of course, Jessica will have only the best from me.” Though Jessica herself had probably not realized that the bracelets were more than decorative. She didn’t seem the type to casually accept expensive gifts.

  “You spent thousands of dollars on a woman you’ve known for three days.” Mac was very careful to keep accusation out of his voice. It was never a smart move to challenge an alpha, especially not over his woman.

  “Don’t hide behind money, Mac.” Rafe hated false concern, especially when it came from his friends.

  “If you choose to keep Miss Patrick around things will become complicated. Others may stop trusting your judgment when they learn you’ve taken an enemy’s sister as your lover.” Mac stood casually and leaned against the stone rail that surrounded the balcony. His words were barely above a whisper.

  “Her sister is a person of interest, not an enemy. And she’ll be my mate. Jessica, that is. I have no romantic interest Rebecca.” Mac nearly fell backward off the balcony when Rafe mentioned the word ‘mate.’ He could barely stop himself from laughing.

  Mac looked like he wanted to say something, but his eyebrows drew together and he leaned to the side. Before Rafe could ask him what he was doing, his second in command walked away to look through the second door that led back inside. He kept to the shadows but propped the door open half an inch. Silently he motioned Rafe forward.

  This door didn’t lead directly into the great hall but into a small anteroom. A quick glance inside revealed two figures and the dim light glinting against her bracelets gave Jessica away.

  “It looks like your intended may have other plans.” Mac wasn’t cruel, but sometimes had a way with words that made Rafe grit his teeth.

  “Shut up, I want to hear this.” Rafe wasn’t some brute who would keep Jess from speaking to another man. Once they were together, he would trust her completely. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t curious.

  “Is that Martin?”

  It looked like. Martin entered the room and shut the door behind himself, giving himself and Jessica privacy, at least he thought that. With the music from the great hall, it was difficult to hear, but not impossible.

  “I’m glad you decided to see reason,” said Martin.

  Jess crossed her arms across her chest, “What do you want?”

  “Your sister sent me to get you out. I can get you to safety.” He stepped close to Jess, putting a hand on her arm. Rafe wanted dash forward and push the man away, but he wouldn’t, not yet.

  Jess didn’t need protecting. She tore her own arm away and took a step back. “No, she didn’t. So tell me what you want.”

  Martin’s back was to them now but from the set of his shoulders, he planned to threaten Jess.

  Martin stepped forward again, this time taking a firm hold of her. “You’re coming with me now. I’m not going to let some vixen whore sell me out.”

  To his credit, Mac took a step forward, ready to charge in. “No,” said Rafe. “Give her a minute.”

  “For what?” Jess spat. “Until two minutes ago I didn’t have a clue who you were. I don’t even know you’re fucking name, asshole.” Rafe couldn’t see what she did, but in a matter of seconds Martin was flat on the ground with Jessica’s hand around his throat. Each of her fingertips ended in a claw.

  It was Rafe’s cue. He and Mac entered silently, sweeping up on the two of them. Mac took control of Martin while Rafe saw to Jess. “You and Gemma take lead on this,” Rafe said to Mac, who nodded.

  Rafe ushered Jess out onto the balcony and she went with no resistance. “Not many people could take out Martin. He’s considered a formidable fighter.” Rafe circled his arms around Jessica and held her close. Now that the altercation was over, worry tried to dog him.

  “It might surprise you to know that many people underestimate me.”

  Jess was practically shaking in her nice dress. Now that the scumbag was taken care of adrenaline flooded her system. For a second she had wanted to believe that guy, Martin. But Rebecca wouldn’t have sent anyone in for her, especially not after they’d already set up
a meeting. It was way too risky.

  Which meant whatever that guy wanted, it wouldn’t have ended well for Jess. She wrapped her arms around Rafe’s waist and rested her head on his shoulder. “Did you hear everything?” From the way he was holding her, she almost thought he had only come in at the last minute.

  “I did,” but his arms only tightened around her.

  “I don’t know anything about Rebecca’s crap, Rafe. I don’t know that guy, I don’t know where she is, I don’t know what she did.” She looked down to seem him looking at her. “And I think you know that. So can we cut the crap?”

  "I know," said Rafe.

  He let her go, but he didn't step back. Jess did, she needed a little room between them to clear her head. Right now she felt caught between two impossible needs. Her loyalty, whatever was left of it, to her sister, and this new blossoming feeling for Rafe.

  "So if you believe me," she said, "What does that make my position here? Am I still your prisoner? That man in there can give you far more information about my sister than I ever could."

  Instead of saying anything to her, Rafe took two steps back and opened the door to the room where Martin had cornered her. "Mac, Jess is free to come and go as she pleases. Let the guards know that she may leave whenever she wishes." He came back to her, "Is that what you want?"

  Jess swallowed hard and gave him a jerky nod. “I don’t think I can face all those people in there after all that.” As she said it, she knew she wasn’t telling him the entire truth. Or, at least, she wasn’t admitting what she wanted. “And, I think you should come with. I needed Mac’s help to get this dress on. And I want your help to take it off.”

  She expected Rafe to sweep her up right then and there, to take control and try to claim her right on the balcony, where any passerby could spot them. A part of her wanted him to do so. But he showed restraint, taking her hand and leading her through the halls and up the stairs to his room. Once inside, he locked the door behind them and turned to her.


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