Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda

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by F. Scott Fitzgerald

  social set of, 56–57, 59, 62–64, 68–69, 71

  Mussolini, Benito, 210, 368

  Myer, Mr. and Mrs. Dick, 194, 206

  “My Lost City” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 5, 51, 61

  Nathan, George Jean, 65n.11, 66

  Neil, Adelaide, 342

  Nemchinova (ballerina), 71n.41

  New Republic (magazine), 192, 351, 382

  “New Types” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 210

  New York City, xxvi, 4, 6, 13–14, 29n.32, 33–35, 37, 39, 41n.46, 44, 53, 65–67, 70, 80, 103, 112, 128, 177, 179, 192, 249, 254–55, 257, 259, 269, 270, 279n.8, 282n.13, 288–89, 294, 349

  New Yorker (magazine), 121, 184, 187, 201, 366, 374, 379

  New York Evening Journal, 191n.90

  New York Post, 220–21

  New York Times, 192, 339

  New York Times Book Review, 191n.92, 192

  New York Tribune, xxvii–xxviii, 53, 192n.95

  Nice (France), 60, 64, 68

  Nicrosi, Betty, 265

  Nigger Heaven (Van Vechten), 157

  “No Flowers” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 199n.103

  Norfolk (Va.), 199, 211, 248, 253, 367

  Norman, Montague, 346

  Norris, Frank, 44n.51

  North Africa, 61, 64, 71, 82

  North Carolina, 212, 214, 269, 332, 354

  Oak Hall (hotel), 232

  Ober, Anne, 288

  Ober, Harold, xxiii, 52, 78, 81, 115, 120, 133–35, 138, 144, 157–58, 168, 216, 220, 279–80, 289, 300, 304, 307, 312

  Ober family, 219, 253n.144, 257–58, 307n.21, 324, 385

  Ober-Goldbeck-de Vallombrossa, Ruth, 69n.32, 346

  O’Brien, Edward, 121n.23

  “Offshore Pirate, The” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 113, 116–17

  Of Thee I Sing (musical), 189n.82

  O’Hara, John, 189n.84

  O’Hara, Maureen, 312n.23

  “Old Vicarage, Grantchester, The” (Brooke), 213n.132

  Omgim (Vassar club), 331

  O’Neill, Eugene, 161n.53

  “One Trip Abroad” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 89n.7

  “Original Follies Girl, The” (Z. Fitzgerald), 204

  Orpen, Sir William, 152

  Outline of History (Wells), 139

  Overman, Lynne, 67n.18

  Owens, Mrs. (FSF’s secretary), 178, 181, 183, 191–92, 199, 202, 204, 206–7, 210, 287, 291, 304, 350

  Palgrave, Francis Turner, 191

  Palmer, Clothilde Sayre (Tilde) (ZF’s sister), 3, 14n.7, 39, 124, 128, 129, 131, 181, 249, 255, 279n.9, 314, 339, 380, 385

  FSF and, 22n.19, 23, 24

  FSF’s alcoholism and, 269–70

  at FSF/ZF wedding, 47n.54

  Palmer, John (ZF’s brother-in-law), 14n.7, 47, 181, 269–70, 279, 281

  Paramore, E. E. (Ted), 67n.24

  Paramount Pictures, 355–56, 364

  Paris (France), 52, 56–57, 59, 60–62, 64, 67–69, 71, 77–78, 81, 84–85, 87–90, 104, 200, 252, 347, 374

  Paris France (Stein), 354, 359

  Parker, Dorothy, 56, 63, 71, 191, 204, 236, 367

  Parrott, Stephan (Peevie), 19n.15

  “Pasting It Together” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 6, 218

  Pat Hobby stories (F. S. Fitzgerald), 331

  Patterson, Dolf, 122

  Pavlov, Ivan, 183, 186

  Pavlova, Anna, 191n.87

  Perkins, Louise, 185, 194

  Perkins, Maxwell, xxiii, 10n.1, 56, 58, 78, 81, 112, 144–46, 157, 163–66, 171, 203, 209, 354, 382, 385

  Persons, Willie, 25

  Pétrouchka (ballet), 134

  Philadelphia Opera ballet, 59

  Phil Berg Agency, 346

  Picasso, Pablo, 56, 152

  Plasher’s Mead (Mackenzie), 29

  Plato, 195

  Plaza Hotel, 66

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 329

  Porter, Cole, 56

  Prangins Clinic. See Rives de Prangins Clinic, Les

  Princeton (N.J.), 41n.46, 65

  Princeton University, xiii, xv, 3, 47n.54, 67n.24, 314, 331, 341, 375, 377, 383, 385

  Private Lives (Coward), 106n.15, 121

  Prokofiev, Sergei, 93n.9

  Provence (France), 103

  Ratoff, Gregory, 186n.77

  Ravel, Maurice, 149n.37

  Rebecca (du Maurier novel), 343n.44

  Rebecca (film), 343

  Redbook (magazine), 133, 138, 199, 210n.129

  Red-Headed Woman (Brush), 112–13, 144

  Reid, Uncle (ZF’s uncle), 372

  Remarque, Erich Maria, 248n.140

  Rennert Hotel, 146

  Rennie, Dr. Thomas, 182, 195–96

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, 213

  Republic Studios, 327

  Reynolds, Paul Revere, 158

  Rhodes, Hal, 68

  Richardson, Hadley, 63n.7

  “Rich Boy, The” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 122

  Richmond (Va.), 240

  Ridgely, Mrs., 210

  Ridgelys (Fitzgerald friends), 199

  Ringer, Dr., 287

  Ringling Art School, 275

  Ritz Bar (Paris), 63, 101, 104

  Ritz Hotel (Paris), 166n.59, 369

  Rives de Prangins Clinic, Les (Nyon, Switzerland), xxviii, 61, 77–112, 136, 153, 168, 174

  Riviera (France), 54, 56–57, 60, 64, 370

  Roaring Twenties, xxiii, xxvi, 7, 9, 51

  Robinson, Lennox, 52

  Rockville (Md.), xxv, 219, 220, 385, 386

  Rockville Union Cemetery (Md.), xxv, 385

  Rodin, Auguste, 149

  Romantic Egotists, The (Bruccoli, Smith, and Kerr), xi, xviii, 191n.90, n.91

  “Romantic Egotist, The” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 5, 10n.1

  Rome (Italy), 52, 56, 62, 67–68

  Rooney, Mickey, 344

  Rosenberg, Amalia, 365

  Ross, Cary, 177, 181, 183, 192, 195, 302–3, 313, 326, 354

  Rousseau, Ted, 69

  Rubenstein, Ida, 149

  Rumsey, Charles Cary, 68n.25

  Ruskin, John, 327

  Russian ballet, 59, 325, 330

  Ruth, Red, 353, 357, 377

  Rye Beach Club, 66

  St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 162n.55

  St. Cergue (Switzerland), 101

  St. Cloud (France), 62

  St. Mary’s Catholic Church Cemetery (Rockville, Md.), xxv, 385, 386

  St. Patrick’s Cathedral (New York, N.Y.), 44

  St. Paul (Minn.), 41n.46, 52, 67

  St. Paul-de-Vence (France), 69n.34

  St. Regis Hotel, 67

  Saluda (N.C.), 217, 252, 271, 285, 292–99, 306, 309

  San Carlo Opera Ballet Company, 61

  Sanctuary (Faulkner), 106n.16, 116

  Sarasota (Fla.), 243

  Satie, Erik, 183n.69

  Saturday Evening Post (magazine), 41, 72n.45, 117n.19, 182n.68, 199, 203, 210n.128, 216, 290, 307, 315, 326, 370, 375

  FSF’s problems with, 342–43

  Saunders, E. T., 287, 289

  Saunders, John Monk, 370

  Save Me the Waltz (Z. Fitzgerald), xxix–xxx, 3, 7–8, 55, 59, 145, 146, 207, 217

  Sayre, Anthony (ZF’s brother), 124–25, 129, 171, 193

  Sayre, Anthony Dickinson (A.D.) (ZF’s father), 3, 15, 19n.17, 23, 47n.54, 97–98, 101, 112–13, 115, 119, 123–27, 129, 132–34, 142, 145, 157–58, 161, 298

  Sayre, Marjorie (ZF’s sister), 3, 47n.54, 117, 125, 129, 193, 295, 297, 340, 344, 365, 383, 385

  Sayre, Minnie (ZF’s mother)

  birthday celebrations and, 129, 379–80

  blame and, xxix

  correspondence of, 16, 23, 28, 39, 214, 237

  death of husband and, 113, 119, 123, 124–25

  FSF and, 150, 314–16, 354, 364

  FSF’s alcoholism and, xxix, 38

  FSF/ZF marriage and, 43–44, 47n.54

  health problems of, 278, 290, 292–93, 299, 304

  money and, 246, 256, 263, 265, 275, 299

  Saluda vacations and, 217
/>   Scottie and, xxv, 264, 345, 349

  skit coauthorship by, 27n.27

  summer heat and, 353

  Thanksgiving celebrations and, 131, 132

  Vassar trip and, 254, 255, 257

  warnings about failed writers by, 15, 29n.33

  as ZF companion, 140, 235, 357, 365, 369, 375, 377

  ZF feelings for home of, 353, 372, 378, 380, 385

  ZF gift to, 327

  ZF mental illness and, 97, 98, 101, 249

  ZF paintings for, 141, 232, 233, 242

  ZF post-hospital life with, 270, 317, 323, 329, 333, 337, 344

  on ZF’s temperament, 193

  ZF visits to, 215, 236, 245, 300, 319

  mentioned, 30n.36, 40, 112, 117, 127, 128, 133, 134, 139, 143, 144, 161, 226, 238, 252, 253n.144, 262, 271, 272, 277, 285, 295, 297, 306, 307, 308, 341, 358, 383, 385

  Scandalabra (Z. Fitzgerald), xxx, 344, 350, 358

  Scarsdale (N.Y.), 253

  schizophrenia, xxviii–xxix, xxx

  Schubert, Franz, 117

  Schumann, Robert, 82, 125

  Scribners (publishers). See Charles Scribner’s Sons

  Scribner’s Magazine, 116n.17, 118n.20, 135n.31, 136, 159, 177, 203

  Seldes, Gilbert, 68, 191, 199, 201

  Sellers, John, 20

  Selznick, David, 272n.1

  “‘Sensible Thing, The’ ” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 113, 122

  Serez (Scottie’s governess), 156–57

  Shakespeare and Company (bookstore), 57

  Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital (Towson, Md.), 197–216

  “Short Retort, A” (S. Fitzgerald), 331n.34

  “Show Mr. and Mrs. F. To Number—” (F. S. and Z. Fitzgerald), 178n.62, 204

  Slocum, Dr., 196

  Smart Set (magazine), 5, 34n.40, 65

  Smith, Newman (Noonie) (ZF’s brother-inlaw), 18n.14, 23n.22, 30, 91, 122, 123, 293, 295, 297, 365, 378–79, 383

  at FSF’s funeral, 385

  at FSF/ZF wedding, 47n.54

  on Mrs. Sayre’s money, 299

  Scottie and, 296, 313, 316

  on Three Comrades, 252

  ZF mental illness and, 65, 83, 97

  Smith, Rosalind Sayre (Tootsie) (ZF’s sister), 3, 18n.13, 23, 27, 27n.27, 28, 33, 38, 39, 47, 150, 150–51, 217, 239, 244, 246, 249, 257, 295, 313, 314, 319, 361, 378–79, 385

  Scottie and, 55, 249, 254, 263, 296, 302, 316

  ZF and, 23, 239, 246, 256, 284, 286, 302, 321, 327, 332

  Smith, Tom, 67

  Snappy Stories (magazine), 32n.39

  “Snobbish Story, A” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 89n.7

  Some Sort of Epic Grandeur (Bruccoli), 53, 56, 171

  Sometimes Madness Is Wisdom (Taylor), xiv, xv

  “Southern Girl, The” (Z. Fitzgerald), 204

  Spengler, Oswald, 102–3

  Squires, Mildred, 145, 155, 160–61, 162n.54, 163–65, 170

  “Star-Spangled Banner, The” (national anthem), 183n.72

  Statue of Liberty, 258

  Stein, Gertrude, 57, 152, 354, 358, 379

  Steiner, May, 19n.16

  Stevenson, Francis, 121

  Stewart, Donald Ogden, 66n.15, 367

  stock market crash (1929), 61

  Stravinsky, Igor, 93

  Stubbs, Francis, 11

  Such Is My Beloved (Callaghan), 192n.96

  Suitt, Dr. R. Burke, 223n.133, 289, 292–93, 298–99, 307–8, 310

  Sullavan, Margaret, 251

  Sumner, John, 89n.6

  Sun Also Rises, The (film), 186n.77

  Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway novel), 57, 186n.77

  Swann, Don and Rita, 200n.109

  Swanson, H. N., 304n.20, 322

  “Sweet Chariot” (Z. Fitzgerald), 118–19, 135

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 119, 134

  Switzerland, 78, 101, 105, 125, 195, 347

  Swope, Herbert Bayard, 54, 68, 370

  Symphony no. 4: The Prodigal Son (Prokofiev), 93n.9

  Tabor, Mary Goodwin, 369

  Tales of the Jazz Age (F. S. Fitzgerald), 53

  Talmadge, Constance, 40, 58, 128–29

  Talmadge, Norma, 129

  Taps at Reveille (F. S. Fitzgerald), 203n.114, 207n.122

  Tarkington, Booth, 331, 375

  Taylor, Cecilia (daughter; FSF’s cousin), 63n.4, 70n.37, 199, 296, 302, 351, 385

  Taylor, Cecilia (mother; FSF’s cousin), 63n.4

  Taylor, Deems, 370

  Taylor, Kendall, xiv, xv

  Taylor family (FSF’s relatives), 296

  Teasley, Miss (ZF’s attendant), 160

  Temple, Mrs. (Shirley’s mother), 356, 367

  Temple, Shirley, 350, 352–55, 357, 360, 362, 364, 367, 371

  Tender Is the Night (F. S. Fitzgerald), xxix, xxx, 55, 60, 147, 166n.59, 177, 179n.66, 184n.74, 185–86, 187–89, 188n.79, 189n.83, 190–92, 191n.89, 195–96, 197n.101, 199n.108, 201, 287, 370, 371, 373

  Tender Is the Night (F. S. Fitzgerald and Warren screenplay), 189n.85

  Theatre Guild, 179

  “Theatre Ticket” (Z. Fitzgerald), 206

  “There’s a Myth in a Moral” (Z. Fitzgerald), 128

  This Side of Paradise (F. S. Fitzgerald), xxvi, xxx, 5, 26n.24, 41n.46, 47n.53, 51, 53, 67n.20, 120, 347, 386

  Thomas, Lowell, 210

  Three Comrades (F. S. Fitzgerald screenplay), 248, 249, 252, 330

  Three Comrades (Remarque novel), 248n. 140

  Tolstoy, Countess, 367

  Tolstoy, Leo, 187

  Toots (Sayre/Palmer cat), 23n.20

  Topper (film), 183n.70

  Torrents of Spring, The (Hemingway), 57

  To the Finland Station (Wilson), 186n.76

  Town Topics (magazine), 314

  Towson (Md.), 169

  Triangle Club (Princeton), 331

  “Trip Abroad, A” (F. S. Fitzgerald), 101

  Trouble (dog), 151, 153, 155

  Tryon (N.C.), 232–33, 235, 244, 270, 274, 276, 278, 280, 285, 297, 302

  Tryon Valley (N.C.), 295, 332

  Tudor Hall (ancestral Key home), 150–51

  Turnbull, Andrew, 179n.65, 382n.59

  Turnbull, Margaret (Mrs. Bayard Turnbull), 202, 208

  Turnbulls (Fitzgerald friends), 179

  Tuscaloosa (Ala.), 36

  Tuttle, Frank, 370

  Twain, Mark, 374

  Twelve Men (Dreiser), 206n.120

  Twentieth Century–Fox, 360, 373

  Tye, Katherine, 382

  Uncle Bob (Civil War veteran), 116, 151

  United Artists, 199

  Universal Studios, 307, 309

  University of Alabama, 12

  University of Maryland Medical School, 198n.102

  University of South Carolina, 248n.139, 312n.26

  University of the South, 12

  University of Virginia, 346, 349

  Valentino, Rudolph, 56

  Vallombrossa, Count de, 69n.32

  Val-Mont Clinic (Glion, Switzerland), 61, 72, 85, 88, 94, 174

  “Vamping Romeo” (Z. Fitzgerald), 40

  Vanderbilt, Emily Davies, 94n.10

  Van Gogh, Vincent, 153

  Vanity Fair (magazine), 65

  Van Vechten, Carl, 70n.36, 157

  Vassar College, xxx, 249, 254–55, 270, 272, 278, 283, 299, 300, 302, 305, 308, 315, 316, 321, 331, 334, 339n.43, 347, 350, 353, 357, 360, 362, 367–68

  Vaudeville (amateur show), 27, 32

  Vegetable, The (F. S. Fitzgerald)., xxv, 54, 62

  Vidor, King, 63n.5, 64n.8

  Vienna (Austria), 108

  Villa Eglantine, 90n.8, 96n.11

  Virginia Beach (Va.), 199, 201, 245, 300, 305

  Virginia Quarterly Review, 235n.136

  Vlaminck, Maurice de, 152

  Vogue (magazine), 14

  Wagner, Richard, 159n.50

  Walküre, Die (opera), 159n.50

  War of 1812, 183n.72

  Warren, Charles (Bill), 189–90, 196

  Weber, Peggy, 68
  West, Rebecca, 68

  Westport (Conn.), 51, 66, 280, 347

  White Bear Yacht Club (Minn.), 53

  Wilde, Dolly, 87, 94

  Wilde, Oscar, 87n.4

  Williams, John, 66

  Willard, Lady, 346

  Williamsburg (Va.), 240

  Willie (Fitzgerald cook), 181

  Wilmington (Del.), 59, 151, 291

  Wilson, Edmund (Bunny), 3, 52, 67, 186, 382

  Wiman, Dwight, 68–69

  Wolfe, Thomas, 161n.53, 189n.84

  “Wonderful Time, A” (S. Fitzgerald), 374

  Woodwards (Fitzgerald friends), 200

  Woolf, Virginia, 102

  Woollcott, Alexander, 189n.81

  “Workman, A” (Z. Fitzgerald), 204

  World War I, 4, 270

  World War II, 270, 315n.30, 317, 347, 349, 368

  Wray, Fay, 370

  Wylie, Elinor, 71n.43

  Wynn, Ed, 54

  Yale University, 161n.53, 377

  Young, Hank, 19

  Zanuck, Darryl F., 358

  Zelda: A Biography (Milford), xiii, xiv–xv

  Zelda: An Illustrated Life (Lanahan), 194n.99

  Zelda Fitzgerald and the Failure of the American Dream for Women (Hartnett), xiv

  Ziegfeld, Florenz, Jr., 159n.51

  Zola, Émile, 155, 156


  An Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  1230 Avenue of the Americas

  New York, NY 10020

  Copyright © 2002 by Jackson R. Bryer and Cathy W. Barks

  Introduction copyright © 2002 by Eleanor Lanahan

  Heretofore unpublished letters copyright © Eleanor Lanahan, Thomas P. Roche, and Christopher T. Byrne—Trustees under agreement dated July 3, 1975, by Frances Scott Fitzgerald Smith.

  Originally published in Great Britain in 2002 by Bloomsbury Publishing UK

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