Demon Lord, Retry! Volume 2

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Demon Lord, Retry! Volume 2 Page 15

by Kurone Kanzaki

  (It’s just like a field trip... I’ll be happy when I get her home safely.)

  Eventually, White came out of the resort’s entrance, but she was still wearing the halo above her head.

  (She’s still wearing it...? I mean, it does suit her perfectly.)

  The Demon Lord just wanted to cheer her up by giving her a cute little angel-themed gift. He figured that the Holy Maiden would be into these things. While the Game itself was deadly, there were actually a lot of cute items to appeal to the female players, a significant portion of the player base. Some examples were floral dresses, gold bracelets, black and white French maid outfits, knee-high socks, platform boots and high heels, dog and cat onesies, giant cat paws, tails, pleated skirts, mini-skirts, even tube socks and navy-and-white striped panties for some reason. This just went to show how perverted the players of his game were.

  “Holy Maiden White, did you come to this village by a carriage of some sort?”


  “You came alone?”


  White couldn’t say any more. No matter who she was speaking to, she couldn’t just mention miracles willy-nilly. White had to keep her answer vague.

  “I see. Then I will escort you back to the Holy Castle.”

  “Huh? How in the world will you... Oh...!”

  Without letting her get a word in edgewise, the Demon Lord pulled White close to him by her waist. He had no ulterior motives, he just wanted to be certain the leader of the nation had no chance of injuring herself in any way.

  “U-Um! W-What are you going to do...?”

  “You have nothing to worry about. Lean into me.”

  He whispered in White’s ear in a low voice that reverberated in her eardrum. His strength and assertiveness defied any chance of resistance. The Demon Lord was entirely on another level from any man she had ever encountered before.

  “Y-You’re... Ah!”

  “...Hush. Enjoy the quiet in moments like this.”

  The Demon Lord placed his index finger onto White’s lips as she was about to say something. The Demon Lord thought nothing of this, either. He just didn’t want her to bite her tongue in transit. Still, White began to flush, and her body became rigid.

  “Wings, carry me away... Quick Travel: Holy Castle.”

  As the Demon Lord spoke some fake incantation to conceal his skill, both of them vanished, and appeared in front of the Holy Castle in an instant. In White’s view, the familiar Holy Castle appeared. At this impossible event, White shuddered from head to toe in terror. Who could have blamed her? This was exactly the miracle she had performed earlier... a blessing of the Ember Angel.

  “W-Who are you...!?”

  “I did tell you once that seeing is much better than listening to rumors.”


  White felt her heart swell. He had told her that during their meeting in the castle.

  “You are returned, safe and sound. That’s all that matters.”

  True, White was without a scratch. In fact, she was better off than before after taking a bath in the hot spring and drinking the Stamina-healing sake. What’s more, the Angel’s Halo shone above her head with divinity.

  “This may go without saying, but our encounter tonight should be kept between us.”


  White nodded powerlessly. She couldn’t go around spreading gossip about this night, anyway. Worst case scenario, it would send the country into chaos if the people found out that someone could use the same miracle left behind by the Ember Angel... That someone had the power to bestow onto others a divine halo reserved for the heads of Angels.

  “Just to be clear... no one will find out about what happened tonight.”

  “O-Of course...!”

  White rushed to affirm as the Demon Lord almost sounded desperate. Still, she had to ask.

  “Who are you, really? I don’t think I know the answer anymore...”

  At this question, the Demon Lord’s expression became contemplative for once. He didn’t know the answer to that question, either. His body belonged to a character in a game who carried the title of the Demon Lord, and his mind belonged to Akira Ono from modern-day Japan. Who was he? How could he possibly explain? After a while, the Demon Lord spoke with determination.

  “There is something I need to ask you for help with, one day. Like I’ve said before, I want to research the Ember Angel.”

  “...But why...?”

  “...Because I was summoned by the Still Angel.”

  “By the Still Angel!?”

  White was astounded by that answer, but soon accepted this conclusion. If that were the case, so many things now made sense that didn’t before. It explained why that finicky Madame practically flew away from the capital to be by his side. It explained how he could perform the same miracle as the Ember Angel did, and how he could bestow an Angel’s Halo upon someone. It also explained the otherworldly facilities that seemed impossible to have been built by human hands. White’s mind spun, connecting all sorts of dots.

  “Do you oppose the Ember Angel...?”

  “I have no intention to. I only want to ask a few questions.”

  With that, the Demon Lord finally let go of White’s waist. Lost in their conversation, he seemed to have forgotten that he was still holding her until now. For some reason, the Demon Lord began taking the halo on and off of White’s head, staring at her intently.

  “Um... W-What...”

  “Just as I thought, an Angel’s Halo suits you well.”


  Just as White was about to speak, the Demon Lord flourished his pitch-black coat. White could hear his calm, deep voice coming through his back.

  “Until we meet again... Holy Maiden White.”

  With that, the Demon Lord vanished. White just stood in the same spot for a while before taking off the Angel’s Halo from her head and holding it tight against her ample bosom. Her cheeks red, White seemed happy.

  There were a few theories that came to her mind. One of them was about the famous angel, Lucifer. A being told in legends as either a fallen angel or a Demon Lord, who rebelled against the Great Light in times of old. Many ancient literatures tell of him splitting the continent in two and ‘conquering the night.’ While untold in legends, there must have been others like him. Some legends even told of devils siding with angels.

  (An Angel’s... Halo...)

  The halo White held in her hand shone as bright as ever, with blinding divinity, with no sign of dimming. White could no longer convince herself that someone who could create such a thing was evil.

  (I must be destined to return you to the angel you are...)

  Embracing the halo, White blissfully closed her eyes.

  ——The village of Rabbi, night.

  (That was Russian roulette... Dodged that bullet.)

  Sitting in the hallway that lined the exterior of the hot springs resort, the Demon Lord was smoking a cigarette while looking up at the moon. His expression was that of a man who had accomplished a grand project. A bystander might have called his behavior despicable, given that he saw a Holy Maiden naked, enjoyed a bath together with her, and gave her liquor to muddle the situation. On his face, though, there was a tint of brimming pride.

  “Master Demon Lord! Here you are.”

  “Hm, Aku... Come here.”

  The Demon Lord had pointed to the spot beside him, but Aku hopped right into his lap. Recently, Aku had been physically affectionate with him without any hesitation. The Demon Lord usually let her be, but was a little taken aback this time. Aku had worn her yellow yukata again, and now the Demon Lord could feel her soft bottom on his thigh.

  “Listen, Aku. It’s okay now, but you have to remember to keep some distance from men. I’m a little worried at how trusting you are.”

  “I don’t go up to any other man like this, Master Demon Lord!”

  “Alright... If you say so...”

  “Yes I do!”

  Aku leaned back onto the Demon Lord. She seemed to trust him wholeheartedly. He pulled her closer and pat her head.

  “Master Demon Lord. You’re leaving tomorrow to head up north, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but I can Quick Travel. It’s not a real journey if I can come home whenever I want.”

  “...I know. But I’ll still be lonely.”

  Aku looked up at him, holding onto his shirt. The Demon Lord flashed a concerned expression for a moment, but responded with a cheery tone:

  “If I see something cool, I’ll bring it back for you. Something to look forward to.”

  “...Please be safe, Master Demon Lord.”

  “Ha ha! Who do you think I am?”

  He was a bona-fide Demon Lord after all, despite his general ridiculousness. Even his advisors possessed incredible combat strength. If the Demon Lord wanted to, he could bring mayhem to this entire world, let alone this continent.

  “Where’d you go, Aku? I told you, you have to be my cuddle pillow tonight!”

  “Luna’s selfish.”

  Followed by quick-paced footsteps, Luna and Tron appeared from around the corner.

  “Aku’s right here on my lap.”

  “Y-You pervert! My butt is one thing, but now Aku’s!?”

  “Right, I forgot to tell you. I took your sister back to the castle.”

  “Y-Y-Y-Y-You tainted Sister, too...!?”

  “I’m sleepy. Bedtime.”

  Luna began to make a scene at the Demon Lord’s response, but Tron concluded it with her declaration in a tired voice. That being said, they simply moved to their bedroom. The same kids making the same kind of ruckus, cramming into the Demon Lord’s futon. Aku was to his right, and Luna was to his left, and Tron laid on top of him. The Bedmuda triangle.

  (How the hell am I supposed to sleep like this!? I’m done!)

  And so, the Demon Lord didn’t sleep a wink that night, and was greeted by the morning to start on his journey.

  ——The following morning.

  The sky was still painted in the pre-dawn grey, but a large carriage had already arrived at the entrance to the village. Inside of it were Yukikaze and Mikan. The carriage could easily fit eight adults. Since the Demon Lord had turned down any kind of bon voyage, only Tahara and Yu were there to see him off. The truth was, as long as he could Quick Travel, there wasn’t really a point to a grandiose send-off.

  “Yu, you’re in charge of the hospital. Keep at it to improve our reputation.”

  “Yes, sir. I will handle everything there. Oh, Mister Secretary... Your tie.”

  Yu approached the Demon Lord, and caringly straightened his tie. There was nothing wrong with his tie to begin with, so he suspected that Yu just wanted to go through the motions. At first glance, she could appear like a wife sending her husband off on a business trip.

  “Tahara, you’re in charge of the rest of the village. Send me a Communication if there’s anything urgent that comes up.”

  “Yessiree. I don’t plan on doing any screw-ups that’ll make me bother you, though, Mister Secretary.”

  In fact, it would have to be a serious emergency for something to be too much for Tahara to handle. If this genius couldn’t resolve it, there was no way that Akira Ono could be of any help. The only time Tahara would require his assistance would be when he was in need of some brute force.

  The Demon Lord gazed over the entirety of the village. Under the mid-dawn sky, a few Bunnies had begun working in the fields already. A farmer’s morning started early. Looking around various locations in the village, the Demon Lord could spot numerous large-scale projects that were to resume in a few hours. This village was changing, all because a single man had come across it.

  (I got them in this deep already. All I can do now is give my all to what I’ve started.)

  Seeing the village’s transformation in action, the Demon Lord reaffirmed his determination. He spotted the Hot Springs Resort. In it, there were many people whose fate had drastically shifted because they had met the Demon Lord. Now he had more people to protect than ever. That was the Demon Lord’s honest take away when he closed his eyes for a moment in contemplation. And, in order to protect those people, the Demon Lord was determined to grow even stronger. If he didn’t conquer his weakness to magic, he would pay the price for it sooner or later.

  When the Demon Lord opened his eyes again, Yu, who had been gleefully holding his tie, froze. In his eyes, Yu saw a glimpse of an all-powerful god. ...The Demon Lord gave Tahara one last instruction.

  “If anyone comes near this village with ill intent, destroy them. Every last one of them. Understood?”

  “...Yes, sir.”

  Tahara answered concisely. He just managed to maintain his expression, but he couldn’t stop his body from quaking. Tahara had sensed absolute power in the Demon Lord that he couldn’t even stand a chance against. Flourishing his pitch-black coat, the Demon Lord climbed into the large carriage. Just as he did, the carriage took off in a jolt. Tahara and Yu simply stood there, watching the carriage depart until it faded into the distance. After some time, Tahara mumbled:

  “For some reason, I... thought of an old memory, just then.”

  “An old memory?”

  “Of the first day I met the Secretary.”


  Tahara produced a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. It was all crumpled from having been shoved in there without care, but Tahara didn’t seem to mind.

  “It’s nothing too special. It just occurred to me that... if I had turned down the Secretary back then... I would have been dead, right then and there.”

  Yu seemed to have some thoughts on the matter, as she fell silent. Both of them, and in fact all of the department members in the Sleepless Castle, had been recruited by the Demon Lord. While each of them had a different story to tell when it came to their introduction to him, every single one of their stories began with the Demon Lord.

  “Hell could freeze over, and I’d still never best that man.”

  “That’s an obvious statement. You’re a paramecium compared to the Secretary.”

  “Para— You didn’t have any better candidates for the metaphor?”

  “Oh, I hope he returns soon.”

  “He just left!”

  Even as the two advisors caused a ruckus, the carriage carried on. Its destination was the northern wilderness engulfed in war and mayhem. There were sure to be new encounters, along with numerous dungeons and ruins waiting for him there.

  The chaos caused by the Demon Lord would soon reach the center of the continent... but not for a while, at least.

  Side Story: An Outcast from the West, Part 1

  The sun had gone down — or maybe it had vanished. Either way, there was no more light in the sky above.

  There was a group of prisoners trudging up a narrow, steep road. People were connected by chains or ropes tied around their waists, and each of them wore a collar on their neck. In the Northern Nations, north of Holylight, there was no end in sight for the constant battles. Countries of various sizes were endlessly at war with each other. Nations sprouted up like bamboo shoots after the rain, and were extinguished just as often. The deluge of conflict burned farms and fields to ashes, mass-producing casualties each day and night. The enormous body count had decimated the infrastructure, causing a lack of food supply, a number of plagues, and countless refugees.

  The Western Nations, west of the Northern Nations, painted a similar hellscape. There, three powerful and evenly-matched countries were in turmoil. Each battle ended in the victors marching away with loot, which sometimes included humans. Addressed as slaves or war dogs, they naturally held no human rights under their enemy’s rule. Food, water, shelter, and of course pay, were given scarcely at best. It was par for the course for them to be worked to death by their captors, but some met even more gruesome fates. Some were subjected to inhumane experimentation or sacrificed as a catalyst for a spell. Apparently, humans were creatures that,
once enough hatred curdled in their minds, stopped seeing their enemy as the same species as them.

  The Tsardom of Light, a particularly powerful and militaristic nation among the Western Nations, was notorious for its inhumanity. This was a country that worshipped the Great Light, which once led the angels in combat against the devils. They were exceptionally cruel to their enemies. In any world or age, when religion came into play, those who opposed a theocracy were branded as heretics, and treatment of them was often gruesome and disgusting.

  “Keep walking, heathens!”

  “Foul traitors against the Great Light!”

  It appeared that the slowly-marching band of captives was treated as such. To the far west, there were countless island states that had formed an archipelago. One of them must have been raided.

  “How dare you defy us? Know your place!”

  “You truly have spat at the heavens.”

  As they yelled these things, the knights whipped the captives, and occasionally beat them with oak clubs. While this was done in part for the emotional satisfaction of the knights, it served the purpose of making an example of them for the other countries. They were headed to Hellion territory, far off in the distance. Throughout their long journey, they intended to perform the cruel show for any nations they passed through.

  “Tsk. Filthy demi-humans...”

  “You taint my eyes!”

  A knight swung his club into the back of a particular captive, full-force. With a short cry, the captive fell to the ground. Amidst the countless scars on the back of this prisoner was a pair of wings, albeit only the base of them. The wings themselves might have been cut off or lost in battle.

  “Demi-human... Be devoured by devils.”

  “Why don’t we just drop it off a cliff?”

  “I’d be the first to do it, but orders are orders.”

  The captive slowly stood and began walking again. Stay on the ground, and they would only be met with endless beatings. The band marched tediously, but the knights were not in a hurry. While parading their captives, they enjoyed local delicacies, spirits, and prostitutes. This was practically a vacation for them.


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