Mara's Story

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Mara's Story Page 3

by Beth Hoyer

gesturing for them. The driver kept on driving and seemed interested in mowing people down who would throw themselves out of the vehicle's path as always whenever it was aimed at them. I heard snickering like laughter from the Bloodies in the driver's seat and passenger's seat. The laughter wound up making me annoyed to hear that at each mowing down attempt. The driver kept on driving till we reached a smooth road that was colored grey. The driver easily drove on with multiple cars on it driving all over the place. I peered through the front window to see the road ended far ahead. I saw a city of buildings some tall and towering almost reaching the sky while appearing to be surrounded by a stone like wall around its borders. The city was showing nighttime despite the shining sun blaring outside brightly which I wasn't sure what was causing it. I wound up confused to why the city looked like it had nighttime blared on it as the vehicle reached the stone wall and drove with it on its right side. Me peering out the windows to stare at the dark city as the car drove. I kept on staring at it as the vehicle reached the entrance some stone tunnel and went through it. I peered through the front with yellow vision indicating of night vision to me. There weren't any lights seen in the tunnel as the vehicle drove through it. I spotted something misty in a break of the tunnel feeling confused to what it was. I eyed the fog I assumed was the mist as the vehicle went through it to find the mist traveled through the jeep and gave me some feeling of electricity to me by shocks to me. This along with hearing Ooh sounds from the Bloodies sounding of groans of pain to me. I didn't say a word towards them as the vehicle left the tunnel. The vehicle entered the city showing it was completely dark with night vision still dominant as always. The vehicle continued driving on roads passed vehicles driving and driving all over the place till they stopped at a building. I was told to get out and get inside by the Bloodies sounding rude to me. They were using odd wording language despite not sure what it means to do that order. I obeyed due to not willing to argue with them to get inside. I found a large room and finding a Human male wearing goggles behind a desk dressed in a suit with a tie acting professional.

  I lip read him speaking this Brazilian language dubbed by the word Tago "You're to go to room one hundred and four. You're to take the stairwell route to the first floor to the room and knock onto the door three times in a code of four times repeatedly with a break in between knocking. So go away and do what I told you."

  I was shooed away by him jerking a finger at a door with a sign above saying some wording in foreign language I unable to read.

  Me resuming looking at him he saying "That's the stairwell so go now."

  I obeyed which I found the stairwell route using night vision to the first floor and found the room easily. The hallway was lighted by lights overhead to do what the Human said to do towards that numbered door. I wound up getting the door yanked open showing a Human male clad in military uniform that grabbed my arm and yanked me inside in a fast move. He wound up slamming the door behind me from the vibrations felt with such force. He gave me a short dress that seemed to have a number of twenty first on the back of it blared in black ink.

  He then ordered me lip reading in Tago language "Go into the bathroom, to take a shower. Clean yourself fully including putting the dress on your form."

  I found no lights used while in there and finding nothing to indicate the light switch or a mirror. I cleaned myself the best I could and put on the dress finding it didn't include any undergarments for wearing. I felt confused to as to what I would be wearing on my feet. I left the bathroom to sit in a chair having a mirror in front of it that showed my form fading in and out to my confusion and receiving no explanation to that. This despite trying to type questions aimed at the male and he kept on deleting the questions after manipulating the laptop. As for the deleting I even got that when I asked him for his name the male refusing to give me a name. This despite me typing questions aimed at him he kept up the deleting and continuing on styling my hair from the feel. He was felt manipulating my head in various positions to cut my hair that had apparently reached mid length my back again. It's something I didn't notice and felt that the cutting was going to be a short chin length. It was from the feel of the hair cut all at one line around that area on my head.

  This was followed by the male speaking to me in Tago, me forced to lip read while in front of me "Hold your hair while I braid it."

  I found was contained together in a hair band. I obeyed to see him adjust the hair band till it was nearly to the end of the cut end and then braided it with me holding one end by one hand. I also watched as he put a hair band on the braided end. He wound up putting the hair in a bucket on the table that appeared to contain some watery liquid I unsure of what it was. I didn't bother to ask him due to pretty sure that he won't be answering my questions as he resumed styling my hair. I wound up declared done by the male I lip reading him. He gave me a pair of sandals that appeared to be thick and rubbery from the feel and going to a phone.

  I lip read him talking in Tago language him facing me "Twenty one is ready for the hunt to begin. Come pick her up for driving her to where she's to stay on as her home base in the city till the assigned Bloody catches her for a mating ritual."

  I stiffened from his words as the male hung up the phone and folded his arms. He appeared to stare at the door to the room seemingly lengthy ignoring me, till a light from above flashed. The Human went to the door yanking it open showing two Human females in military uniforms. The male gestured me out of the room by jabbing a finger aimed at me and towards them while giving me a glare.



  Dear Elizabeth,

  I wound up following the females out of the room taking another route out of the building to the back entrance. That's judging by the dumpster seen with multiple vehicles parked underneath the glare of spotlights all the same appearing to be covered jeeps with black tinted windows and getting inside a jeep despite it giving off flashing lights. That's due to one of them holding a device in her hand which once the vehicle flashed its lights we went to it and I got inside. I peered through the red front window illuminating everything in a daytime vision despite unsure of why I had night vision and those Human females didn't have that at all. I was curious as to where that came from and wondering if it's from having a Bloody ancestor in my family. I wasn't sure due to growing up alone in a shanty town near a muddy road raised by various people including an old woman who dubbed her name of Elizabeth in my presence. She taught me some hand gestures to communicate my wants towards the shanty town natives. The hand gestures involved when I wanted food and a place to sleep. I wound up teaching myself the ability to lip read in the process of being cared by her till she passed away. I wasn't sure where we were going trying to memorize the route till we arrived at a building via back entrance with a dumpster there indicating it.

  I given a set of keys having the number of twenty one on it and told "The key leads to an apartment with the same number on the door so get out of the car and get going now. Oh if I were you I would avoid taking the elevator. Bloodies in this hunting game have caught their assigned females in there for a mating ritual. Also the apartment is on the same floor as it's numbered in the twos so take the stairs and get out now."

  Needless to say I didn't protest to the command and got out of the car to see it driving away with nothing to indicate of headlights on blaring from it.



  Dear Elizabeth,

  I was forced to go inside the building and taking the stairs finding the door to the apartment's floor was the second floor that wasn't lighted. I having to use night vision including a small flashlight attached to the keychain for reading the stairwell's doors' numbers. That's from them blending with the door I unable to read. That despite my night vision, I found the same thing happened to the doors' to apartments. I had to use the flashlight to read them till I came upon the numbered door and unlocked it by key to walk inside. Finding it contained a small one room apartment with a small lof
t holding a ladder towards it I peeked, after yanking off the shoes having a bed on it with pillows and blankets. I also did some exploring and couldn't find any lights to indicate seeing via day vision. I found the window was having some filmy gauze over it blocking my view of outside. I also found a small bathroom that didn't contain a tub but had a small shower stall including finding no kitchen unit in the apartment. I also couldn't find anything indicating on any clothes for me to wear for bed or just around the apartment. Hmph plus the apartment had an armchair. I found an electric socket behind the armchair in the wall and plugged into the laptop finding everything of my work I already typed was already still there. Besides I'm tired so I might as well go to bed and get some sleep, will type more later next time I use it.




  Dear Elizabeth,

  I didn't get much sleep as I liked due to woken up from hunger like pains hitting me oddly focused onto my abdomen area unexpectedly. I couldn't sleep much from the pain getting too much for me. I wound up getting up from bed to go to the armchair to pick up my open laptop to type. I think I might be

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