No Longer Alone (House of Garner Book 1)

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No Longer Alone (House of Garner Book 1) Page 8

by Erin R Flynn

  “That might be a bit much for me,” I worried.

  “I know, and I would never push you. I just want you to know it’s not monstrous. You’ll feel it on your skin. It will make you tingle and your skin come alive like when I suck your perfect nipples.”

  “Oh,” I breathed, shivering again. Well, that sounded really good. “Would you feel as if I was sucking you?”

  “Yes, yes I would but more,” he groaned. “I’ve never experienced it, but when I’ve heard other nobles talk of what their princesses have done to them, that was always something they treasured, as it’s such a gift to receive her blood.”

  “And here I was thinking you’d like anal sex,” I snarked, smiling when he burst out laughing. Then he pressed his lips to my ear and told me everything he wanted to do to my ass.

  I didn’t laugh. I panted, wanting it too but knowing I wasn’t ready. He was right, what was the rush?

  We did, however, make out some more, and I wasn’t the only one sated this time. At least I thought he was sated.

  That morning we ate and headed east towards Charlotte where there were two things I had to get. I didn’t know what, but I knew they were in the same spot so that would make it easier. On the way we stopped and cleared out a few large packs of corrupted he felt from the highway.

  The highway. He could tell from all that way. Amazing. Seriously, he was.

  Even better, we found nicer guns and ammo, so we put it to good use. When the next round of ghosts started showing up, he drove and I focused on them, wiped by then, and worry instantly filled his eyes.

  “I’m fine, really,” I promised.

  “No, please, Inez, I couldn’t bear it if you were weakened. We can drive all over the fucking country and do this but not until you’re stronger. You haven’t even eaten as you should and for too long. Please, I beg you, My Princess, trust me in this and take care of yourself.”

  My heart swelled to twice its normal size, the feeling of being cherished and cared for washing over me. I agreed, even taking a nap after we had some lunch. There was no rush. With Darius I was way safer, and I was starting to not be terrified of Clarence and his guys. Darius knew they’d find us, but he shrugged it off, completely certain it was fine.

  Even telling me they would be struck dead if they tried to hurt me or carry me off. It sounded too much, but he swore to me he’d seen it when a noble had lost his head and his princess had died. He’d tried to force the younger princess to bond with him, and the Goddess had struck him dead for his crime against all they swore.

  Wow, so that was sort of cool. Scary, and I certainly didn’t want to piss off Aether for sure, but nice She’d protect me. I could totally get on board believing in a Goddess like that.

  I woke when I felt we were near, guiding him to the southeast side of downtown. He gave me a few curious glances as I told him where to turn.

  “Oh, a museum this time,” I muttered as we stopped in front of the Mint Museum according to the sign. “Huh, this should be much easier even if it’s downtown. It’s private residences that suck, as there’s always some pack or random corrupted hidden somewhere that always springs out or trouble in other ways.” I groaned at a memory. “Like the booby trapped fucking shotgun that almost took my head.”

  “Um, wow, okay then,” he chuckled nervously.

  “Freaked out yet?” I worried.

  “No, just haven’t heard of a human really doing that in like forever. Who leaves booby traps like that anymore?”

  Oh, that had been what he was focused on. Did that make him weird too that he locked on that detail and not the like blood magic marking maps or my compulsion to find things and bury them safely until whatever the plan was at a later date?

  I asked him as much.

  “Yes, I’m very weird,” he admitted as he locked the van once we were loaded up. “But I’m pretty sure I know that plan. I would guess Aether wants you to find these items and eventually bring them into your coven once it’s built so they are safe and not lost.”

  “How am I going to build a coven?” I drawled, noting he’d slipped that in a few times already. “I couldn’t attach a roof rack, remember?”

  “You, My Princess, would not so much as hammer a nail. As I said, I have many tricks up my sleeves, and one of which is being an architect. I have helped design and construct many buildings over my years and have gifts that aid me in it.”

  “Wow, that’s cool,” I whispered, giving him an impressed look.

  He leaned in and kissed the spot just below my ear that made me shiver. “I know it’s all overwhelming and too much, but it’s not tomorrow or even next week. I dreamed last night of you standing in the moonlight on the balcony of your master suite. I saw it, knowing it was where you will be, what you deserve, and I have a feeling Aether will help us find what we need to make it happen. It’s Her fighting back.”

  I was with him until that last part, pointing out the way as we headed inside. “Fighting back?”

  He sighed as we reached the main door, punching the large hinges on the main door so it fell off. “So as there is yin to every yang, death balances out light, and Aether is like the humans’ god in our beliefs of all and everything, but there is also Erebus who’s not the devil like the humans have but darkness.”

  “I thought darkness was good? You said your dad was your mom’s Night.”

  “Yes, and that’s why I’m not saying he’s bad, he’s just not—darkness is the path to evil, not the light. We have both in us, but as Aether gives us gifts—even ones that come with challenges and we have to earn—Erebus is the balancing loss. Yin and Yang. Both are said to have come from Chaos.

  “Now on that I’ve heard too many stories and tales from the serious of them born of a part of Chaos, all the way to Chaos farted and from it came light and dark or Aether and Erebus. I mean, that’s just disrespectful of any beliefs, but you get what I mean. No one really knows on that. Aether is the Goddess we put our faith in, and Erebus is the God we fear.”

  “Okay, got it, but what’s the fighting back part?”

  “Aether wouldn’t have brought the apocalypse and caused so much pain,” he answered. “Most believe it was Erebus and His chance to cover the world in darkness, wipe out the light and bring evil to all.” He shrugged. “Siblings fight, and Aether is beloved under many names and beliefs. It’s repeated in history many times that if someone of power can’t be loved—”

  “Then they will be feared and destroy the happiness of others,” I muttered, bobbing my head. “I get the gist. It would be really awesome to find some mythology books and read them now that you’re telling me all of this.”

  “You believe?” he asked hesitantly.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted as we reached the stairs. “I like the idea of Aether protecting me, I won’t lie about that. And something is going on. I mean, I believe there’s something given I see ghosts and can turn them into seeds. That map and the pull I’m feeling right now certainly seems like someone has a master plan. I’d like it to be for team good, but I was scared it wasn’t.”

  “You’re amazing to handle this on your own and with no one to even turn to that you could trust to discuss it. I hope you believe I really feel that way,” he said gently as we climbed up.

  “I do, thanks,” I whispered, blushing for like the millionth time since I’d met him. Seriously, did he do that on purpose? I paused and gasped as I saw the most astounding glass chandelier. “If I’m princess and get to build some awesome coven, can I be cool enough to have that?”

  “I will see it done, My Princess,” he murmured as he slid his arms around me. “It would be perfect in the entrance of the castle I will build you, showing the elegance and refined taste you have. When I bring it to you and hang it in your home, after building your castle, that would be something worthy of your reward and only something along those lines.”

  I coughed as I tried to gasp and speak at the same time as his meaning sank in. “Damn, that is one ser
ious fucking price for a blow job. I mean, I knew guys offered shit that I’ve met, but like wow.”

  “I want to know who tried to buy my princess’s attentions in such a vile manner and I will rip out their throats,” he seethed, his words coming out with a growl. “And what I said is still not enough to deserve your lips around my dick, Inez. I meant cutting your hand and touching me.”

  “You seriously overvalue me or undervalue yourself,” I whispered, worried it would upset him. “I like being valued more than I have been, but I don’t think I could ever get behind a relationship that was so unequal, Darius.”

  He kissed my neck as he slid his hand under my shirt, cupping my breast when I didn’t stop him. “I didn’t say unequal or mean to imply otherwise. You are princess, you kneel for no one. You’re not from the age where that meaning is as great as it should be, but to vampires, any non-humans, we know it. My mother always treated her nobles as equals, but was leader, princess, when it came to ruling.”

  “I’m glad you explained, and it’s a really hard concept to get, but I hear you, no blow jobs, like ever,” I murmured, panting as he teased my nipple. “Could I do other nice things for you?”

  “You mean that I clearly want to make out with you in the museum where your voice would echo?” he asked, his tone amused.

  “Yeah, like that, though it really seems still a nice thing for me.” I looked at him over my shoulder. “Would you tell me what you really want?”

  “Always,” he swore to me, giving me a gentle kiss. “I want to pull down your pants and finger you while you stare at the art I will bring to you one day while I rub my cock on your naked ass, as you have the most delicious ass.”

  Oh wow, that was a very specific fantasy and one I could get behind.

  Or let him do while behind me. And I did. It made me feel alive in a way I never had, excited and sexy when such a hot, awesome guy wanted me so badly.

  It also made me realize how much I wanted more with him. I didn’t just want to feel his dick against me… I wanted him inside of me. I wanted to feel that.

  His hand kept massaging my breast when we were done, both of us gasping. He kissed my shoulder. “I’m so yours, Inez. I know it’s terrifying and too much, as it probably sounds like marriage to your ears, but it’s—my place is at your side, I know it.” He let out a shaky breath. “Tell me you don’t think it a con anymore.”

  “I don’t think it a con,” I promised. “I don’t know I believe it all or even I’ve processed it all, but I know you aren’t conning me.”

  “Thank you.”

  Apparently his thank you’s came with orgasms, as he gave me another one right there, kneeling behind me and licking every drop of wetness my body made for him. Yeah, he even said it like that. So fucking hot.

  And made me crave more. Could people really catch up on years of not having any naked fun once they got a taste of it?

  That was going to be my answer, and I would stick to it.

  Once we were cleaned up, we moved on, and I found myself standing in front of a collection of ancient Chinese coins. “Huh, coins, really?”

  He nodded as he leaned in to study them. “It was said the gods and goddesses would regularly leave gifts for their champions and at their temples. Coins were a favorite in ancient times and how most currencies came about in civilizations.” He shrugged. “It was said they gave us everything from fire to wine.” He glanced at me. “What do we do?”

  I bit back a smile at the “we,” happy it was no longer just me. “I always wrap whatever as best I can, box it, and find a coffin or something sturdy like that and bury it. That’s what the urge is to do.”

  “Odd but I’ve heard of much stranger.” He shrugged and moved me several steps back before carefully breaking the glass so none of the coins were hurt. We found some cloth to use to touch them and then wrapped each one individually so they didn’t so much as scratch each other.

  Next was some sort of African ceremonial mask, and I’d had several masks, so that wasn’t a strange one. Again, we were super careful, and Darius agreed that we were doing enough given we weren’t burying it for decades or like leaving it out in the sun to fade or discolor.

  I had an idea as we were about to leave, and we actually found a shipping crate with materials in the back that would keep everything super secure.

  “Where to now?” he asked once we were back in the van.

  I shrugged. “This part isn’t compulsion. Let’s just find a spot to set up camp for today and we’ll bury it there.”

  “We need shovels.”

  “Right, I forgot that,” I admitted. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize to anyone, My Princess.”

  “I don’t want to be a princess that can’t be humble or polite,” I muttered, glancing out the window when he pulled away from the curb. I flinched when he reached over and took my hand, shocked at the touch, not because it was from him.

  He lifted my hand to him and kissed it. “You’re right, and I’m glad you want to continue to be such a kindhearted and wonderous princess. I didn’t mean to sound as if I was chastising, simply that it was nothing to be sorry over.”

  “Okay.” I liked that reason better. I might really be a vampire and even a princess to have a coven and whatever other crazy, but I didn’t want to lose me. I had already had to build myself from nothing, no memories, drowning just to survive, and I didn’t want to do it again. Stepping towards something better didn’t mean I had to erase myself.

  We ended up passing a Home Depot on the way back to the expressway, and it felt like I blinked and he was out of the van and then just there holding two shovels. He loaded them and got back in.

  “So that’s how you got to the settlement and back again.”

  “Yes, we’re rather fast and get faster as we age, as we feed,” he said, giving me a wink. “Though it’s tiring over distances. It’s great for a fight and emergencies, so if there’s ever a problem in that manner, I will swing you on my back and run us out of there. If I do, hold on tight and close your eyes. It can make you sick if you’re not the one running and seeing the area.”

  “Good to know.” It was. I felt another layer of worry melt away at another bug out plan to stay safe after so many years of not ever feeling safe.

  Which was undoubtedly why he’d brought it up.

  “Where is the next location?”

  I sighed. “North, but should we head south and circle back? Didn’t you send Clarence north?”

  “I did, but if you’re being pulled there, I think it best to do as the Goddess wants. I do not worry about meeting Clarence again. I would prefer it be with you having more nobles we trust, but he cannot harm you.”

  “I know, and I believe you and what you saw, it’s just, there’s a fine line between harming and helping people sometimes, and accidents happen.”

  “I will keep you safe,” he promised as he turned to take the expressway north. “It’s been days. If I was tracking you, I would have headed back to where you started if I had reason not to keep going north, not suddenly cut west. Clarence might be an asshole, but he’s survived long enough that he’s not stupid.”

  “Yeah, they’re pretty good at hunting me,” I grumbled, knowing the longest I’d ever dodged them was just over two weeks, and that had been another long ship trip. Then again, I hadn’t had someone come up behind me and leave a false trail.

  Then again, I hadn’t known they were scenting me, so I think I would still get a passing grade in spy school.

  There was a large lake just north of Charlotte, but Darius wanted to keep driving, as there were a lot of corrupted there and he wanted to give me an easier night. It was sweet and I agreed, letting him enjoy my iPod I plugged into the vehicle.

  While I gave myself a pep talk to have sex that night. I wanted to. I was just nervous. I mean, everyone was their first time, but I was almost twenty-three, it was time. It was more semantics. I couldn’t shave my legs… Or maybe I could.

sp; “Um, would it be really rude to ask you to dig the hole while I tended to some stuff?” I asked quietly.

  “Would it be near me?” he asked in just as hesitant of a tone.

  “I was hoping you wouldn’t watch me groom,” I admitted. That sounded nice and vague.

  “I would dig with my back to you to give you as much privacy as you wanted, but I would worry if you went too far from me. I don’t mean to sound controlling but—”

  “Yeah, no, lots of dangers in the apocalypse,” I agreed. “I would feel the same no matter how capable you are. I mean, it’s kinda hard not to worry if we’re a team now.”

  “Thank you for understanding,” he sighed.

  “I appreciate you caring so much,” I told him, hoping that made him know I wasn’t offended or upset.

  We stopped about an hour and a half north of Charlotte when Darius said he hadn’t felt any corrupted for a while and there was a lake… By a vineyard. It seemed he was serious about us having some wine under the stars.

  “We should send some people to places we mark later,” he muttered as he pulled up to the vineyard he said was abandoned, not a person remotely around. “You said you found an electric UPS truck, right? Or even a work truck could pull a trailer. It’s such a shame to let all of this just go to waste.”

  “Sounds good to me. You’re way more secure in the idea of us actually finding people to join our posse or whatever. I—it took me almost five years to find one I could trust, Darius. I’m not holding my breath we find more.”

  He seemed like he wanted to argue but let it go, not pushing me. “Would you prefer to groom here? A mirror to trim your hair or whatever you need?”

  “Yeah, that could work,” I agreed as long as the bathroom wasn’t completely gross. I could shave my legs with a bottle of water and the shaving gel he’d made sure I had along with some other tidying up, as it had been awhile since that first lake bath after the settlement since I’d had a chance to shave.


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