Scarlett: Furry Tale Shifters

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Scarlett: Furry Tale Shifters Page 3

by Nicky Fox

  “So, what up?” Scarlett’s beautiful eyes land on me and take my breath away. Does she feel this undeniable connection between us too? Is she playing hard to get? Is she waiting for me to do something? Damn. I’m not used to dealing with women. I have no idea what she’s thinking.

  All I want to do is press her body against mine and not even in a sexual way, although I’d totally be up for that as well. I just want to feel her delicate body, smell her skin right under my nose, and explore her with my fingertips. I want to learn every freckle, mole, and scar. Most of all, I want to know what her lips feel like against mine again. I’m constantly haunted by the kisses we shared when we were teenagers.

  Our first kiss, Scarlett’s soft lips caressed mine in the most innocent way, and I turned into an animal, taking command of her mouth. She was expecting a sweet kiss, and I gave her domination. I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed the back of her neck; she gasped and I took advantage, shoving my tongue in her mouth. Red wasn’t expecting it at all from the small surprised noise she gave me. To be young and in love.

  “Are you okay?” Scarlett brings me back to the present. Her hands twist in her lap, and she squirms on the bench.

  “Yes, sorry. Got lost in thought for a moment. I wanted to see if you needed any help on Grace’s . . . I mean your house. I’m a handyman as you know and I’m very familiar with the ins and outs of your home. If you need any help, I can be of assistance.” There I said it, not very eloquently but I’m nervous. I’m sure she can tell.

  “That’s very nice of you to offer your services, Mr. Hemlock. I’m sure you know Nan’s house like the back of your hand. It’s definitely in need of repairs but I don’t have much money saved yet to pay for the work.” She looks away ashamed. I can’t have that. My fingertips lift her chin up slowly so she’ll look at me.

  “Red, you know any work that needs to be done I’ll do, whether you have the money or not. I just want to help and make sure you’re comfortable and everything is safe. If I had known that you were coming back, I would’ve made arrangements to get the house ready for you.” My hand still rests under her chin and I drop it quickly. Scarlett seems to be holding her breath when she suddenly inhales and looks away from me.

  “Thank you, Mr. Hemlock. I couldn’t ask you to not get paid for a service you provided me. You need to earn a living too. I don’t want to take advantage of your generosity,” she mumbles, avoiding my eyes. This is going to be more difficult than I thought. I figured she would open her house to me easily. Apparently, not. My bear feels like growling and I don’t blame him. We just want what’s best for her. I need to try a different angle.

  “I also want to do this for your nan. She would love you living there but not in the kind of condition it’s in. She would give me a strong talking to if she knew you needed assistance and I didn’t help. I can’t in good conscience let you live there like that. Please, Scarlett.” Her lips raise up into a big smile that lights up her entire face.

  “Seriously? You’re going to play the Nan card?” This sweet girl is messing with me. I love it. I’ve been dying to talk to her since she got back. I should’ve thought of this much sooner. I did offer to help with maintenance on the house that first night but I think we were both in shock about seeing each other. I showed her around, helped her light some candles and she sent me on my way.

  “Was it too much?” I cock my head awaiting her answer. Her laugh is infectious as her leg rubs against mine. I wonder if that’s intentional?

  “You’re somethin’ else. You know that? It’s really that important to you? You don’t mind?” I don’t even hesitate to answer her question.

  “Your safety is that important to me, of course, I don’t mind. You mean a lot to me . . .” I quickly backtrack. “To your nan and I couldn’t let her down like that. I know how much she cared for you. She spoke of you all the time.” Her warm smile fills me with relief.

  “Okay, Paul. You have a deal, but I still expect to pay you for your work. Just set up a tab and I’ll pay it off as soon as I can.” She holds out her hand. I have no intention of letting her pay me, but she can still hold on to that notion. I stick my hand out and we shake.

  “Scarlett!” Firn yells out from the storefront across the street. “Sorry, to interrupt but there’s an emergency delivery!” We both stand and walk over as Firn heads back inside once Scarlett waves at her that she’s coming.

  “Emergency delivery?” I question as we make our way back to the store. She turns to face me with mirth in her eyes.

  “Yeah, it’s probably Mr. Finkle. He frequently gets caught cheating on his wife so he sends her flowers. It’s a regular thing, apparently. I delivered for him a few days ago. He gets around.” I make a sour face. Who would cheat on their beloved? “Rose and Firn believe it was a marriage of status so it’s all a front. I don’t know.”

  She shrugs her shoulders. We’re standing outside of the storefront now and it’s gotten a little awkward. Do I try to kiss her goodbye, shake her hand, give her a wave? Scarlett makes the decision for me when she gives me a hug. “Thank you.” Then she rushes into the store as if she’s embarrassed. I did sense a hint of arousal. Maybe that’s what that was about. Things are definitely looking up. I whistle as I head to my truck. I can’t wait to start working on her house and spend some more time with my Red.

  Chapter 5


  “So, he wants to come to your house just to check and make sure it’s safe?” Rose sounds incredulous. I don’t blame her either. If I didn’t feel in my gut that Paul sincerely worried about my safety I would be too. The way he was looking at me today makes me think he might have feelings for me. Unless he looks at all the girls like that and I wouldn’t blame them for wanting to try to claim him as their own.

  “He mentioned doing this for my nan. I believe he was fairly close to her. Paul mentioned having to run a few people off her property before I arrived. It seemed like he’s used to taking care of the place.”

  “Mm-hmm,” Firn grunts from behind her book.

  Putting my hands on my waist I ask, “What’s that supposed to mean?” Firn’s romance novel lowers slowly and she rolls her eyes at me.

  “Are you blind? That guy is totally gaga over you. He basically drooled all over the window staring at you roll up.” She shakes her head and picks her book back up and continues to read. Rose and I just look at each other.

  “He doesn’t even know me, Firn. He’s just being nice. I think those romance novels have gone to your head.” I pick up some shears off the table next to me and begin to snip at a batch of roses. Rose has allowed me more responsibilities around the shop, and now I’m learning how to make an arrangement myself.

  “She got you there, Firn. Maybe you’re making too much of Paul and Scarlett. Your head is in the clouds most of the time. Real life is not like it is in your tawdry romance books.” I have a feeling Rose is poking the bear as it were. I think she knows it annoys Firn when you make fun of her reading and or her books. I step back away, awaiting the wrath of Firn. I’ve already seen it once. These girls like to fight sometimes. They get along most of the time but sometimes Rose likes to mess with her sister. Normally, Firn is pretty laid-back but if you push her buttons, she will attack.

  The book slowly lowers again to the table and Firn takes in a deep breath. I’m afraid she’s going to huff and puff and possibly blow this flower shop down. Rose is smiling like this is the funniest thing that’s happened here in a long time. And now Firn’s face is a bright red color.

  “First of all, if either of you bashes me about my books again I’ll bash you over the head with one. They’re NOT TAWDRY! Second, my feet are planted firmly on the ground. Thirdly . . . is thirdly a word . . . that sounds weird. Regardless, I see everything.” She motions two fingers going from her eyes to us. With that Firn returns to her book as if nothing ever happened. Rose and I look at each other. After that last sentence, I was expecting her to go all exorcist on us and puke up green pea
soup. Her voice even sounded different, deeper. Firn is definitely scary when she wants to be.

  “Mum’s the word,” Rose replies. She slips into the back of the store and I’m left alone with Firn. I regard her carefully. She does seem to know all the happenings going on around this town. She observes quietly, undetected. Rose is loud and takes more of the spotlight. I can see now that Firn has her own strengths that no one recognizes because she uses them without making a spectacle of it, unlike her sister. I’m sure it’s difficult to be in the shade of Rose. Not that she minds. It seems a comfort for her. I shake my head and return to the task at hand.

  I really like being a part of this shop. These are good people and I’m glad I left my life in the city to live here. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. The day passes quickly. There are always flowers to deliver, especially being the only flower shop in town. Someone is always sick, dying, in love, or saying sorry. Business is good. At the end of the day, I’m ready to ride my bike home.

  With my red jacket flying high behind me, I enjoy the ride. I never realized how much the outdoors agreed with me even if it’s cold. The wind whips around my face and blows my hair back. I feel free. I raise my hands up and control the handlebars with my knees. The road to my grandmother’s house is smooth and winding. It’s a road I know better than the street I lived on in the city. Suddenly, a rock slams into the wheel of my bike and propels me across the handlebars. My body tumbles and crashes onto the ground as dirt flies up and my bike flips over onto the grass.

  I cough through the dust, and my body aches as I try to rise up. With my knees skinned and my dress nearly over my head, I adjust pulling it down and sitting up on my bruised bum. Turning over my hands, gravel embeds the majority of my palms. Damn it. Where the hell did that rock come from? There’s not a pebble on this asphalt as long as the eye can see. Glancing around the road, I notice a tall figure strolling my way from behind where I just fell.

  “My, my Scarlett. Are you all right, sweet thing?” Max Wolf’s dark eyes travel up and down my body. Before I can move away from him, his large hand jolts out and clasps mine to help me up from the ground. Fear wrenches my gut as he pulls my body against his unwillingly.

  “Mr. Wolf, please.” My mouth loses its function as his eyes take me over, mesmerized by the darkness I see there. This man is not right. There’s something about him that makes my skin crawl and he’s pushing my boundaries. If only my lips would work. My arms finally come into play as I push him away from me. “You feel it too. Don’t you?” I shake my head, having no idea what he’s talking about. His hand is as big as my whole face. It rises up to cup my cheek. I jolt back to rebuff his advances.

  This guy seriously has some weird mojo. He’s dressed in another gray suit stitched to perfection, made for his body. Expensive is the word I’d use to describe it. Not a hair is out of place on his head. His dark brown eyes and lean body twitch this way and that. I don’t know if he’s under a spell or if he’s sick. Either way, I don’t feel safe with this man. I need to get away. My urge to flee is tearing me inside. Run repeats in my head over and over again. I can’t shake it.

  “Hey, Red, are you okay?” A gruff voice comes from the forest near my nan’s house. Was Paul waiting for me there and heard us? Relief fills my body. Everything seems to slow down when Paul is near. Tears almost spring to my eyes from the feeling of relief that he’s here. I no longer feel fear, only safety in his gaze. He’s assessing Max and Max seems surprised.

  “Do you know him, Scarlett?” Max gestures ahead of him acting like we’re together and Paul is imposing on our time. My legs take me away from Mr. Wolf and closer to Paul.

  “Paul.” He’s on me in a moment, holding my hand, supporting me. When I stare into his eyes I see acceptance, safety, and something else I don’t quite understand. His hand is warm in mine and when he raises it to look at my palm, his face shows concern.

  “What happened, Red?” On the last word he looks over to Mr. Wolf with what looks like rage. He takes in my appearance once again and I can see he noticed my scraped elbows, knees, and my dirty dress. Before things escalate, I set him straight.

  “I fell off my bike. A rock came out of nowhere and tripped me up. Mr. Wolf came to help soon after.” My smile may be fake toward Mr. Wolf but it seems he can’t tell the difference when he returns it.

  “Is that so?” Paul still seems on edge and is giving Max the stink-eye. I don’t want any trouble so I begin to move us away from the crash site.

  “Thank you, Mr. Wolf, for your concern. Mr. Hemlock will help me home now. We have things to discuss.”

  “You let me know if I can ever be of service again, Ms. Bonet.” With that, Mr. Wolf retreats down the road. Paul keeps an eye on him until he’s out of sight. We stand there for a moment before he picks up my bike as if it weighs nothing more than a lollipop and escorts me home.

  Chapter 6


  Scarlett acts as if everything is fine, but I know that shifter gave her a fright. He’s encroaching on my territory, and I let him know it. Hopefully, Red didn’t pick up on any of our exchange. Most humans don’t notice subtle signs that we shifters can communicate with. It can be a look, hand gesture, or even our body language can convey everything we need. I claimed Scarlett as mine as well as the territory. Max ignored my claiming. We’ll see where that goes. I’ll have to keep tabs on him as well.

  Red still seems shaken up when we reach the door. I notice it needs oil as it squeaks open. The porch floorboards are also a little loose. Her safety is my top priority. I’ll need to add another deadbolt to the door. But first things first. “Are you really okay, Red?” Standing in the doorway to the living room she faces me.

  “He just scared me is all, Paul. I’m fine. Really. Can I offer you something to eat? I’m sure you’ve had a long day at the lumber mill. I can whip us up something.” I don’t work at a lumber mill but I don’t correct her. She seems happy to have a task to do, so I nod my head. She heads to the bathroom to wash up and doctor her wounds. I would love to tend to her myself but that might be too forward. By the looks of it, that shifter Max was all over her. Scarlett might need a moment to herself.

  While she makes us dinner, I set out making a list of work that needs to be done. I’m already aware of some problems. I feel guilty that she lives here with it in this state. I’ll have to ask her if there are any other things she wishes for me to fix while I’m at it.

  Just as I’ve gone through the last room, Scarlett announces dinner is ready. She doesn’t have to tell me twice. In a moment I’m with her and we’re sitting down to an intimate meal. Her beauty makes me tongue-tied again, but she keeps up the conversation for the both of us. She speaks of her new job at the flower shop, her old job that makes me want to hunt down her manager, and her plans after she settles in here. She plans to go to a local college. I could listen to her sweet voice all night, it’s like honey. A blush spreads across her cheeks as I notice that she’s caught me staring.

  Clearing my throat, I ask her the one question that’s been on the tip of my tongue since we’ve arrived. “Scarlett, would you like to accompany me to the Ax of Glory this coming weekend?” Her hand stops mid-air as she’s about to take a bite. Holding my breath, I await her answer. She doesn’t leave me hanging long.

  “I’d love to. Firn was talking about it earlier this week and it sounds like fun.” Her head dips down to where I can’t see her eyes. “She said you’ve won five years in a row.” Scarlett peeks through her eyelashes trying to be coy.

  “Six,” I brag.

  “Pardon?” Her mouth drops open.

  “Six times,” I repeat. Her hand comes to her forehead like she’s checking for a fever.

  “Sorry, I thought you said something else.”

  My lips quirk up as I think of what she thought I said. Is that where her mind was? Does she think I said sex? If that’s so, then that means she was thinking of me and sex. My chest puffs out in elation and my head feels light
. Red is thinking of me in her bed. I glance up toward the ceiling where I know her bedroom rests. It’s just above our heads. If I could teleport her there now, I would. I’d show her all the lustful thoughts warring in my head with her as the main ingredient. My cock stiffens fully and I can feel the blood pumping through it. It’s painfully hard. I excuse myself from the table and rush to the bathroom.

  Splashing some cold water on my face and thinking about Jacob naked deflates all lustful thoughts. My pants have room again. Scarlett is not ready for that. She doesn’t even know she’s my mate. I look into the mirror and see my eyes change from their golden-brown color to almost black. Oh, no. My shifter’s instincts are resurfacing since Scarlett came back. If that’s what’s happening I don’t have any control over him. I need my first change to be somewhere away from her where I can’t accidentally hurt her.

  My bear might not be completely sane when he reemerges. The need to kill might be too great for him. He’s a hunter and he could mistake our mate for prey in his blood-thirst. I need to get away and make sure Red stays safe. She will always be my priority. Her protection is paramount whether it’s from me or someone else.

  Leaving the bathroom, I tell Red I must go and I’ll see her soon with the estimate on the work needed. I’m out the door before she can argue. The urge to shift is overwhelming and I race out to the woods, my safe haven. I await the change, feeling the tingles rack my body. Then, nothing. My bear is quiet. My body is quiet. I don’t shift. Disappointment fills me as I sit in the thicket. Come on, bear. What do I have to do? She’s here. He slumbers inside me, content to stay quiet and not shift. Stubborn ole mule!

  I stomp off to my modest home across the glen. I’m not sure Scarlett realizes how close I live to her. Maybe, I’ll stop by after work tomorrow. Logging is going to slow down soon for the holiday so I’ll be free to help Scarlett more with her house. I like making plans to see her. It seems I can’t even go a day without visiting her. Scarlett keeps me centered and whole. I wish for the day when I can reveal myself to her fully.


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