Wylde Fire

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Wylde Fire Page 11

by Sarah Robinson

  "Yeah," Holly replied, taking another sip of her coffee. "Plus, the sex is great. So, there's that."

  Jane's nostrils flared as she clenched her jaw. "That's…that's lovely. Well, you have a nice day. It was just fabulous catching up. We must do this again sometime."

  Holly tilted her head to the side. "I don't know if I have a lot of free time at the moment. You know how it is—bride stuff. The wedding is only a month away."

  "Of course. Such a blessed time," Jane repeated, her jaw still clenched tight as she spoke.

  Holly felt a little guilty that she was so clearly pissing this woman off, but, hey, she'd started it. All Holly was doing was standing her ground and not letting a bully take her down. She'd been through way too much in her life since high school to let a thin-nosed bitch be the reason she'd cry today.

  Jane shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Well, I look forward to the wedding."

  "Didn't you say it would be a really small wedding, Holly?" Amelia decided to chirp in at the most inopportune moment.

  Holly pinched her lips together into a tight line, putting on her best fake-bitch tone. "We did say that."

  With that, Jane let out a huff and turned on her heels. She made her way up to the counter and took special care to ignore them the rest of the time she was ordering her drink and picking it up to go.

  "That was both horribly awkward and incredibly fun," Amelia said, giggling as quietly as she could without being too obvious.

  Holly grimaced. "I feel a little bad."

  "Don't!" Amelia shook her head. "That chick tried to insult you and take you down. You just stood your ground."

  "Should I tell Sam about it though?" Holly pulled out her phone and debated sending him a quick text to give him a heads up on the experience.

  "Definitely not," Amelia replied. "First of all, you don't need to be reminding him about his ex-girlfriend. Second, men don't like hearing women drama."

  Holly chewed on the inside of her cheek as she weighed the pros and cons, but then finally decided against it. She put her phone back away in her purse and finished the rest of her coffee. She didn't have time to focus on negative ex-girlfriends either.

  She had a launch to execute.

  Chapter Twenty

  "Grandma?" Sam called out, entering his grandmother's house through the kitchen door like he always did. "Oh, shit! Sorry!"

  Caesar was standing at the stove, flipping pancakes.

  Which would be fine.

  If he wasn't naked.

  "Samuel! Welcome! Do you want some pancakes?" Caesar immediately spread his arms wide, completely uncaring that he was exposing himself even more to Sam. "They’re banana nut."

  Sam turned his eyes north, trying to ignore Caesar's banana and nuts. "Hello. Uh. Thank you, but I just ate. I'm just here because Grandma asked me to come by."

  "Si, si." Caesar turned and wiped his hands on a towel. Shouting, he turned his attention toward the inside of the house. "Willie Lou! Samuel is here!"

  "SAM!" His grandmother came bursting through the side door into the kitchen like the Kool-Aid man bursting through a wall. "YOU'RE HERE!"

  "Jesus," he said, almost jumping backward, startled at her entrance.

  "I've been waiting for you all week, baby," Grandma Willie Lou Wylde said, glancing at Caesar. "Honey, put on some clothes. You're going to make the boy uncomfortable."

  "Oh! I'm sorry. Does this offend you?" Caesar asked, turning to face Sam again and pointing to his naked body. "I shall change immediately."

  "Uh…thank you." Sam swallowed hard, still trying to avert his eyes. What the fuck was wrong with his family?

  Caesar took his leave and left Sam alone with his grandmother.

  "Want some pancakes?" Willie asked. "They're banana nut."

  "I've seen enough banana nuts today." Sam chuckled.

  Willie gently smacked his arm. "You're too much."

  They settled into the table and bench at the breakfast nook and she handed him a cup of coffee.

  "So, what was so urgent that you wanted to see me about, Grandma?" Sam asked, taking a sip of the black gold and savoring every bit of the perfect taste. There was something about the coffee his grandmother made that was just better than anyone else's.

  She cleared her throat, tapping the side of her own coffee mug. "I’m playing go between."

  He didn't like the sound of that, but said nothing, waiting for her to explain.

  "Your brother would like to talk to you."

  "I hope you're talking about Sterling," Sam said, crossing his arms over his chest. "And even then—pass."

  His grandmother shot him a withering look, rolling her eyes. "Sam. You know I'm talking about Grady."

  "Oh, well then, that changes things," Sam replied, sarcasm thick in his tone. "My answer is pass."

  Willie reached out and smacked his chest. "Don't sass me, boy."

  "Sorry, ma'am," he apologized. "But, my answer is still no."

  "Your answer is yes." She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket—surprisingly up to date for her age with the latest iPhone—and started clicking through her contacts. "I'm going to call him now and put it on speaker phone."

  Sam began standing up. "Grandma, no."

  "Sit your ass down, boy," she warned, giving him 'the look'."

  He bit his tongue, avoiding saying what he really wanted to say, but sat back down with a groan.

  "Grady?" Willie said into the phone. "Hold on. I'm going to put you on speaker. Shit. Where's the speaker button? Hold on. Ah. Here it is. No, wait. That's the mute button. Can you hear me? Hello? Hold on. Okay, I got it. Grady?"

  "I'm here." Grady's voice came through the speaker on the phone.

  "Sam's here with me," she told him. "Tell him what you told me."

  "Hello, Sam," Grady began.

  Sam didn't respond or even breathe. He was trying to control the fury boiling up in his stomach at the very mention of his brother, let alone the sound of his voice.

  "I wanted to tell you that I'm hosting a fundraiser for the River Ridge High Baseball team next Friday at my house through my medical practice," Grady explained. "I'd like you to be there. And, even more than that, I'd like to hire your fiancée to help me plan it. I heard she's the best event coordinator in town now."

  This caught his attention.

  "You want to hire Holly?"

  "If she's willing," Grady confirmed. "I think she'd be perfect for the job."

  Sam immediately wondered his motives behind the ask, but at the same time…the idea was intriguing. Not only was it more money and job opportunity for Holly—something he knew she wanted and needed and would be pissed if she knew he turned down on her behalf—but it was also an opportunity for him to show Holly off. Grady was right—Holly was the best at what she did. Hell, it was one of the reasons he was marrying her. To be given the chance to show her off to the asshole who broke his heart?

  Don't mind if I do.

  "I'd have to talk to Holly about it," Sam said. "I can't say yes on her behalf."

  "Of course," Grady replied. "Completely understandable. If she's interested, I'd love to hire her."

  "See?" Willie responded to both of them. "Was that so damn hard? Christ. It's like pulling teeth with you boys. Bye, Grady."

  "Bye, Grandma."

  With that, she hung up the phone and turned her attention back to Sam.

  "So, are you going to ask Holly?"

  "I said I would." He was nothing if not a man of his word. "I promise."

  "Good." She pushed up from the table with a groan and headed over to the counter, placing a few pancakes on a plate. "Eat some pancakes. You're too skinny."

  "Thanks, Grandma," he submitted, taking the pancakes as she placed them in front of him. There was no point in arguing with her. He was learning that quickly.

  Thankfully, he loved his crazy family and he loved that they pushed him even more.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  "You want me to what?" Ho
lly's jaw dropped open as she stared at Sam over their breakfast counter the next morning.

  Sam shrugged as he glanced up from scrolling through his phone, as if he hadn't just dropped a bomb on her. "It's not going to be that big of an event, but it's a great charity and when I heard Grady was looking for a coordinator—I volunteered you."

  "Sam, I don't think you understand what you and I are doing here," she said. "We're getting fake married to show up your brother who stole your fiancée. Not trying to become him and his new wife's new best friend."

  Her mind roamed to her confrontation with Jane in the coffee shop just the other day. Now she was supposed to work for her husband? Who was her fiancé's brother who'd stolen his ex-fiancée? Talk about awkward.

  He rolled his eyes. "Obviously. But…this is kind of the point for me."

  She took a sip of her coffee, peering at him over the edge. "How so?" she finally said, placing the hot cup back down on the counter. "How is me planning a charity event hosted by your brother's medical practice a good idea?"

  "Showing off how happy I am in a new relationship, and that I don't give a shit about my brother and his ways anymore? That's the whole goal of this marriage for me."

  That stung a little, but she understood the point he was trying to make.

  "I mean," he began to backtrack. "It's not just that, but…"

  Holly waved a hand between them to indicate that she was fine and didn't want to hear whatever excuse he could come up with to bypass what he'd just said. "It's fine. I get it. I know why we're here."

  "Holly," Sam began, standing and walking around the counter to wrap his arms around her waist. "You know it's not just that anymore…right?"

  She picked up her coffee cup and took a large gulp, trying to swallow the lump that was forming in her throat. Did she know that? Did she know that at all? The truth was…she wasn't sure.

  "I know, Sam," she said, deciding to go for an easier lie than to open that can of worms now. "I'm fine."

  He nodded, though he didn't look entirely convinced. "Good. Well, my grandmother's been hounding me to make up with my brother since before their wedding, and here is an opportunity for me to extend the olive branch."

  "You want to look like the good guy. Be on your own terms."

  "Yes," he replied emphatically. "You get it."

  Holly thought about everything on her schedule, and truth be told, both the wedding and the launch were nearly planned. There wasn't a lot left for her to do before they began, so why couldn't she fit in one small charity dinner?

  "All right," she agreed. "I'll do it, but there's no family discount."

  Sam's face split into a wicked grin as he came around the counter and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Charge him full price, baby. Hell, double it. Triple it, for fuck's sake."

  "You're incorrigible," she teased. "I'm glad I'm on your good side."

  He smacked her ass playfully. "You'd never cheat on me with my brother, so we have nothing to worry about."

  Her heart warmed at his trust. The fact that he already knew that about her…about them…so new into their relationship really spoke volumes. She realized that maybe she was worrying for nothing about his comment earlier. She tended to do that—overanalyze every little thing to death until it turned into something huge and dynamic. She hadn't considered what him asking her to do this favor really meant—not that he was just showing off a fake relationship, but that he felt so solid in their real relationship he could handle her being around his brother without any qualms.

  Honestly, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to do the same if she was him.

  With a quick hop, Sam gripped her waist and lifted her onto the edge of the counter top. She pushed back her coffee cup so that it wouldn't get knocked over.

  "Sam!" She gasped at the quick movement and steadied herself by grabbing his shoulders. "We literally just had sex an hour ago before breakfast," she reminded him.

  "Are you saying you're not in the mood for more?" Fiery eyes looked up at her from where his lips were pressed against her thigh.

  His breath tickled her skin, causing skitters of pleasure to tremble across her. "I didn't say that…"

  He gave her his wicked grin again, kissing up her thigh gently. "Well, then…what do you say?"

  "Yes…" A moan escaped her lips as he dipped between her thighs. His breath caressed her most sensitive skin.

  He let out a growl. "Yes, what?"

  Her nipples responded at his command, knowing what he wanted her to say. Knowing he wanted her to acknowledge who he was. That he wasn't just her partner, her lover, her fiancé…no, he was in this moment, in this position, the master of her body.

  "Yes, Sir," she replied, her words breathy and hoarse, full of emotion and lust.

  Groaning, his fingers dug into her thighs as he pushed her legs farther apart. Sliding his hands up her smooth skin, he gripped the inside of her panties and yanked them down, ripping them off her with the tearing sound of fabric.

  "Lean back," he instructed.

  She fell back on to her elbows as his mouth came down on her and she nearly bounded off the counter top at the instant stimulation of his tongue running across her. Long, slow licks—he explored every inch of her in delirious circles as her hips pushed against his lips.

  "Oh, God…" She gasped, her eyes closed tight and her fists clenched in his hair.

  Flickering back and forth, he let the tip of his tongue dance across her clit until she was trembling against him. Stars began to spark behind her eyes as she was pushed toward the edge and within minutes she was tensing and pulsing around him as her orgasm hit her like a wave.

  "Damn, you taste amazing when you come," Sam said with a low growl.

  Holly grinned, her cheeks heated as she looked down at him. "Get up here."

  Sam stood and unbuttoned the front of his jeans, which were clearly too tight now that he was pushing against the front of his pants. "You telling me what to do now?"

  "If it gets me your dick faster," she said, teasing.

  He lifted one brow. "I think I like this side of you, but I'm going to have to punish you."

  "Yes, Sir," she said, licking her lips. She pushed off the edge of the counter and turned away from him, bending over the counter so her ass was facing him. She turned back to watch him over her shoulder.

  He lifted her skirt so her bare ass was uncovered and placed his foot between her feet, pushing them apart to separate her legs.

  With one swift move, his hand came down hard on her cheek. A loud clapping sound filled the air around them as a stinging sensation came over her entire body, radiating from where his hand had hit her.

  "Ah!" She shrieked at the pain, tensing under the pressure, but it dissipated fast as he rubbed the spot afterward.

  She soon felt him against her entrance. Slick and ready for him, she pushed backward, wanting to let every inch of him into her, but he pulled away.

  "Tell me what you want," he teased, tormenting her as her insides ached to be filled.

  "You," she breathed. "I want you. I want you inside me…please."

  With that, he slammed into her to full hilt until he was pressed against her core.

  "Oh, God," she exclaimed, adjusting to the sudden invasion. "Yes…yes!"

  He pulled out and then thrust back into her again and again until they found a rhythm that made both of them shake with pleasure and tense with their impending orgasms. Hers hit first—a smashing explosion that split her in two and shook her apart as she screamed against the countertop. When he finally came seconds later, it was animalistic and grunting—full of passion and heat, slick with sweat and desire.

  As they both finally found their breath and came down from the high of the moment, he helped her right her clothing and readjusted himself.

  "Well, if I wasn't going to do the event for your brother before, I'm definitely going to do it now," she teased. "You're quite convincing."

  Sam chuckled. "It's a gift."

; "Your tongue certainly is." Holly winked.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The front of Wylde Medical Practice was an auspicious as the inside of its lobby. Marble lined the floor, and paintings and mirrors ran the length of every wall. Plush leather chairs and couches adorned the space, making it look both fancy and comfortable at the same time. Honestly, Holly really admired the decor and if she had a nicer office one day—which hopefully she would—she'd want it to look something like this. Although, slightly more feminine. There was definitely a masculine vibe to the decor choices, but that worked in this space.

  "Hi," she greeted the receptionist who was tapping away on the computer and paying her very limited attention. "I'm here to see Grady Wylde."

  The woman didn't even bother looking up. "Dr. Wylde is about to leave on his lunch break. He's all booked for appointments today."

  "I know," Holly replied, feeling a nugget of irritation swirling in her belly. "I'm meeting him for lunch."

  They had scheduled a lunch meeting to go over the plans for the charity dinner, and Holly was more than a little looking forward to having a nice seafood lunch at O'Rourke's like he'd proposed.

  This got the receptionist's attention. She stopped typing and glanced up at Holly, her eyes scanning across her. "Oh. I'll let him know you're here. Have a seat."

  "Thank you." Holly tipped her chin up slightly and then found herself a spot on one of the leather couches. Pulling out her phone, she checked her text messages.

  Thanks again for doing this, babe. You're amazing.

  Sam's message popped up on the screen. She smiled before typing back a quick reply.

  Why are Wylde men so hard to say no to?

  She pushed her phone back into her purse, a permanent smile plastered to her face. There was no stopping it when she thought about Sam. They hadn't really talked about what they were yet, but…there was something real there. She felt it. And she was beginning to feel…more.

  This morning she'd almost told Sam she loved him.

  Things were getting complicated.

  "Ms. Glen?" Sam’s brother walked out of the back room. He was a bit taller than Sam but slenderer. Thick brown hair was perfectly styled. As he walked, he pushed his wallet into his back pocket. A set of keys dangled from his other hand. "Hi, I'm Grady."


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