Beauty and the Dragon

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Beauty and the Dragon Page 8

by Melody Rose

  “That’s… quite alright, Astrid. I will take you at your word,” I calmly stated, then knelt down to retrieve her cloak. I kissed her softly on the forehead, careful to signify that it was more familial than romantic. “Because you are so ardently committed to our clan, I cannot allow you to defile yourself in this way, much as I would like you to. Neither of us will retain our high standing if we give in to this.”

  She was temporarily silenced, her azure blue eyes downcast in shame. Incredibly, she even readjusted the cloak so that it was even more chaste. I was certain that if she stole away quickly enough back to her quarters, no one would be the wiser. They were likely already asleep or preoccupied with other matters.

  “No, no,” she mused, gazing into the distance as her entire expression transformed into the coldness of a soldier, her jaw set and lips taut. “You are entirely correct. I do not know what came over me, and of course, it is the soundest choice to adhere to protocol. I simply wished to serve you as my Champion, and it seemed inevitable that we would be together as we are the most decorated warriors in our clan.”

  I opened my mouth to interject and then realized that I was still sworn to secrecy. It was difficult to navigate this situation as Astrid remained trapped in a fantasy I knew wouldn’t come to be. Instead, I gave her a curt nod, followed by a warm smile that she surprisingly returned.

  “You are so kind to me, Troy.” Astrid’s voice was bittersweet as she spoke. “I will never forget how you’ve always protected me, in the worst of battles and in the strongest of temptations. How I wish that our clan had different ways… and yet I must recognize and honor them. I shall return to my quarters, and while I will break no covenants, I will think of you. Fiercely.”

  “And I, you,” I responded with sincerity.

  I was rather pleased with that response because it was both heartfelt and vague. Of course, my evening would be occupied with distracting thoughts of Astrid, though I’d have to turn my focus back to martial matters, eventually. What I absolutely could not play with, though, was the notion of taking her as my woman. Though she was indeed a prize, she would not be mine.

  Astrid approached my door, looked over her shoulder, then broke out into a devious grin. “Would that it was rutting season! What I wouldn’t give to stand before you under the moon when the melody of the satyr stopped. I’ve never wanted the luck of the draw so badly.” With that, she giggled seductively, showed herself out, and had the decency to close the door softly.

  Once the cruelly playful minx had left, I let out a deep breath, and then another. It was difficult to recollect myself, particularly because I had been on edge for so many moons, channeling all my vigor into feuding rather than a far more enjoyable release. I then took long strides over to my sink basin, splashing cold water on my face. After some time, I felt lucidity trickle back into my mind.

  While my normal physical state was mostly restored, my nerves were raw with a lingering impatience. If it weren’t for my being under scrutiny, I was sure that I would have been free to act however I pleased, so long as I kept it discreet. It wasn’t entirely unheard of, and many turned a blind eye to clan Champions. I never wanted to use my status to my advantage before my encounter with Astrid, but now, I only bore the brunt of responsibility.

  Since I already rebuffed the most coveted battle maidens of our clan, I supposed that there was no turning back. I had been faced with the greatest temptation and still kept myself rooted in my promise to Kalen. I inspected myself in the mirror above my sink basin and saw myself for who I really was.

  The primal aspect of me wanted to give in, to ravish Astrid. It was only out of tribal obligation that I did not. My Sage and Chieftain stressed that I would need to build a spiritual connection with Lady Rosalind. While I was dubious about their claims, if there were any truth to them, then inviting Astrid to my bed would likely spoil the spell.

  Now that I had chosen a side with decisiveness and made it clear I wouldn’t shun the Sorceress, I only hoped that she would be worth the trouble. I had arranged to call upon her early on the morrow to inquire about her progress. Woe be unto her if she disappointed. I had already sacrificed a great deal to find a place in this clan for her, so I hoped that her magical feat would amaze.



  Although I was quite heated from Astrid’s evening visit, returning to my martial studies before settling into a well-earned rest reduced my disgruntlement somewhat.

  While I slept, I had vivid dreams of soaring above the treetops and engulfing my enemies in a flurry of flames. After the satisfaction of victory, I laid my warm belly upon the cold surface of a cave, my wings spanned out in proud exhaustion. My battle maiden was by my side, her hand was soft and reassuring in her unturned state as she stroked my hardened scales. Our moment of solitude was more profound than any bond I’d ever experienced before, and I was compelled to lean my head on her lap. When I raised my eyes to take in her appearance, as I was sure she was exquisite, the brilliant vision was blotted away.

  I woke up with a start, jolting up from my bed with damp eyes, as though I were mourning the loss of a lover. I wasn’t accustomed to dreams that moved me, often sleeping soundly in a state of oblivion. I wasn’t a sentimental dragon, few in my clan were. If we had our heads in the cloudlands, we’d be in a worse state than we already were.

  Not that I believed there was much to grieve. We were the most physically imposing warriors in all the land, but this didn’t seem to cheer Kalen. He had always waxed nostalgic about a past I was never a part of. In truth, he was the last of our kind to remember shifting. I always explained this away as the mirth and ramblings of an old man. Now, this vision brought that into question. The pure liberty and joy of manifesting my most potent form were intoxicating.

  What was nourishing was my maiden’s doting touch. A shiver traveled down my spine as I relived that memory, a dream I ached to be a reality. She was the one destined for me, but I knew her only by touch. For the first time, I entertained that I may very well have a Fated Mate. Perhaps my mind was touched by the residue of a dreamland like the fairy dust Pomi sang about over campfires.

  Yes, perhaps that would be more reasonable, but I no longer wished to be simply a soldier, despite all my victories. It was as though I had dined on the finest meal and was now forced to endure gruel for the rest of my life. No, I wanted to access this version of myself, even if it required madness. That begged me to question: Was Lady Rosalind indeed the woman of my dreams?

  I had, unfortunately, spent precious little time with her. Worse, I had been so opposed to the idea due to its sheer absurdity that I never gave her a proper chance. I may have disrupted the soul binding with my obstinance, but perhaps I could reverse any potential damage.

  I leapt out of bed at once, gathered fresh clothes, and hastened to clean myself thoroughly. After I stepped out of my wooden bath, cold rivulets of water falling from my naked form, I rubbed cloves into my flesh. I hoped that this scent, a common aphrodisiac for my kind, would delight her. Though it was meant to be reserved for our carnal festivals, I was sure that Kalen would permit it.

  Surely, if she were even a worthy candidate as my Fated Mate, I would need to earn her favor.

  I chose an ensemble other than my traditional leather armor for the occasion. Wishing to appear suitably formal, I donned a black court tunic embroidered with gold thread in the pattern of winding dragons, as well as matching leggings and well-polished boots. These were reserved for a prince and eventually a king once our monarchy was restored. Not that it would ever come to be, as it was an impossibility if we could only remain unturned, walking on the ground instead of flying through the skies.

  After I returned to my quarters to run a comb through my long brown hair, I used a sharpened razor to groom my mustache and beard neatly. Pleased with who I saw in the mirror, a battle-hardened man that was still refined, I made my way to the kitchens to retrieve Rosalind’s breakfast.

  While I had never been on su
ch an errand before tending to the Sorceress, the cook’s wary looks had subsided over the week. Ramsey was a surly man who was as short-tempered as he was talented in meal making. His stocky figure, a testament to how he enjoyed his own creations, was emphasized by his linen apron.

  I nodded respectfully as I always had since I was a young boy. He struck fear in most of us even though he no longer fought, mostly because he was so damn mercurial. Though he knew how to make a good dish, he was also known to over-pepper our meats or forgo sugar in our cakes if he didn’t believe our clan fought hard enough. This caused us all to want to remain in good standing with him.

  “Ah! My Champion!” he cried out and advanced toward me, capturing me in a tight bear hug. I was a bit shocked by the paternal affection. He’d never expressed himself in this way before. “Back again to make sure our esteemed guest is well fed! You know, it is a testament to a noble heart to serve others. Why do you think I’m here?” He chuckled heartily at that, perhaps amused at the irony that despite being a clan chef, he didn’t take orders from anybody.

  “Now, surely you’re jesting,” I gave him a sporting embrace and then drew away. I was still a bit suspicious. He wasn’t yet old enough to be a bit touched like Kalen, so I wondered why he was in such high spirits. “We are in your debt for keeping us sustained, and you are one of the most revered members in the clan. What are you up to, Cook Ramsey? What has… delighted you so?”

  “I don’t tell many clan members this. Really, I’ve only divulged it to Kalen, so you best keep your tongue, or I’ll serve you one rare and unseasoned!” he hissed his threat. “But my grandfather was one of the sky-sailors before he passed. A grand creature he was, scales radiant with black and orange, like a tiger, you see. I grieve his loss every day. He was the way us dragons are meant to be!”

  “Aye…” My eyes gleamed as I looked over his shoulder. What once sounded like desperation was now my aspiration, too, and I was curious to hear more. “It sounds majestic indeed, and I am sorry that is not the way of our clan now. But the matter stands, why would you be so cheered about it? Romanticizing the times of yore, are you?”

  “Times of yore, my ass! This was in my lifetime, boy. You might be our Champion, but you have a lot to learn yet.” Ramsey wagged his finger at me. “I saw our full glory with my own eyes, and I intend to see it yet again before I lay down to die! Speakin’ of, I’m glad to see that you’re tryin’ to make some headway with our esteemed guest, more like your Fated Mate. Get to warmin’ up the cockles of her heart and maybe more, if you know what I mean!”

  “I… think I have an idea,” I admitted. This was turning out to be much more than I bargained for. I was only here to fetch a tray of food, after all. “How did you know about my arrangement with this ‘Fated Mate,’ though? Did Kalen tell you? He told me it must be a fiercely guarded secret!”

  “Ah, maybe it must. Who can say?” He clapped his hand, dismissing my anxiety at being caught. “Did you really think you’d fool ol’ Ramsey? I may not be turned, but I have the best nose in the stronghold, and I know when there are plots afoot. That Sorceress isn’t a foreign ally, is she now?”

  Perhaps I could end the charade. Ramsey’s tone let me know that there was no talking him out of his conviction about this, and I welcomed a chance to talk about Rosalind with someone. Since the cook was so discerning, I may have even allowed myself to consider his perspective. If he saw any value in Lady Rosalind, then she had to have some true redeeming qualities.

  I looked behind me to confirm no one was watching, then nodded silently. He broke out into a grin that was so happy it almost looked maniacal, then chuckled. I wasn’t one who usually blushed, but now I was.

  “Hush now, Cook Ramsey,” I hissed under my breath to maintain our privacy. “Consider yourself initiated into the plot, but you must not tell a soul, even if you trust our clan! We don’t know what will taint the spell, or even if this will all turn out the way Sage Kalen expects it to.” I arched an eyebrow. “How did you find out, though? I don’t believe you’ve had an occasion to meet her other than at the mulled wine ceremony. I have been bringing all her meals to the temple where she is staying.”

  “Aye, you would be correct about that. I’ve not exchanged a single word with the maiden,” he confessed. “I don’t need to, though! Your besotted behavior, running back and forth to fetch her meals, has made your destiny as clear as day to me. What else would bring our Champion to his knees as our spellmistress’ loyal attendant other than budding love? Speaking of which, let me see what I can scrounge up for her…”

  “On my knees? Hardly!” I hollered out as he ignored me and sauntered to the back of the kitchen. I could sense his smug smirk even though his back faced me. Still, even though his words were a bit of a slight, I couldn’t deny I gave more allowances to Lady Rosalind than I would have expected. Had a clan member ever served another before, man or woman? It wasn’t our way, as every dragon was expected to fend for him or herself.

  As I considered how soft-hearted I’d become, Cook Ramsey returned with an absolutely lavish breakfast platter, nearly hedonistic in its presentation. Rather than the practical fare he usually served, this was devastatingly rich. I was even a bit offended that I’d never been treated to this extravagance before. I’d vanquished all manner of beast, and yet all our Sorceress had accomplished was meditating in the temple. Still, it was too early to claim she didn’t deserve it, though.

  “Now, go fulfill your divine duty, Troy. For all our sakes.” With that, the cook extended the circular wood plate, piled with our best cheeses, smoked bacon, meat pies, tarts, cherries, sausages, and our legendary dragon fruit, a delicacy reserved for only the finest festivities.

  To my surprise, I didn’t grumble at his order, genuinely excited to encounter Lady Rosalind this morning. I tilted my head and took the hefty tray from him, marveling over whether the slender spellmistress would be capable of finishing all that he had prepared.



  Each step I took with my heavy tray was one that made my spirit more buoyant, eager to reconnect with Lady Rosalind again. I was even becoming increasingly curious about how she would receive my courtly attire, as she had only seen the warrior in me before. As I approached her, sure that my footfalls were enough to rouse her from her studies, she still refused to look up. The Sorceress had her palms laid on the top of her thighs, a radiant glow emanating from her. Her eyes were directed forward, glassy and fully white.

  The Sage described this state as a “trance” when he channeled his visions. I didn’t wish to break her from this meditation, so I strode with the stealth that many covert missions had prepared me for. Once I arrived, though, she blinked up and smiled at me, an act that made my heart glad.

  “Pardon my intrusion, esteemed Sorceress,” I apologized sincerely. “I do hope that I have not disturbed you? I only wished to bring you your morning meal, and to ensure that you’ve been in good spirits during your… retreat.”

  The dark-haired maiden placed her spectacles back on and waved her hand. My heart ached at how charming her gentle enthusiasm was, though I wondered at the source. Instead of shunning me each day for resigning her to the temple, she was more gracious with each meeting.

  “Oh! No, not at all. My mind was just… somewhere else. The good news is that I think I had just the spell to knock your clan out of this world!” she exclaimed, bouncing in her seated position.

  Her joy was truly infectious, and I broke into a grin.

  “You did kind of startle me from what I was cooking up, but that’s okay. It was just a rehearsal that I’ve practiced tons of times,” Rosalind admitted. “It was those delicious smells that got me off track!” She gestured at the heavily laden platter. “What’s all this for?”

  I bowed and then extended my offering to her, a gesture she greedily accepted as she balanced it on her lap. It was glad that Cook Ramsey had the foresight to include napkins and cutlery because she would have made quite the mess oth
erwise. I wasn’t quite ready to lift the ban of no-trivial-conjured-items, but perhaps soon.

  She immediately plucked off three cuts of bacon, devouring it like a proper battle maiden. As she took the time to enjoy herself, I chose to answer her question while probing a bit further.

  “While the cook focused on guaranteeing your nutrition for your period of introspection by giving you the standard fare for our warriors,” I explained, “he believed that you should have a celebratory meal before your performance. I quite agree myself.”

  Lady Rosalind nodded, clearly suspended in a state of sheer ecstasy and too immersed in the decadence of Ramsey’s platter to pay me much attention. I decided to take advantage of the moment to do the speaking myself.

  “I notice you put your spectacles back on after your meditation,” I innocently commented, finding it the easiest detail to begin with. “Are they truly necessary when you possess enchantment? If you can summon food at will, surely you can correct your vision?”

  Her amber eyes shot open at that. I was not certain if she was pleased with my attempt to build rapport, as a few tears seemed to emerge. She willed herself not to blink, and eventually, they disappeared. Lady Rosalind even managed to keep her face composed so as to conceal much of her emotions.

  “Why do you ask?” she asked calmly, but I could sense she was a bit distressed. “Do you not like them? They just… seem a part of me, and that’s how everyone recognized me over at my own library. Plus, the more I wore them, the more I could go incognito at the farmer’s market or wherever when I take them off.”

  I shook my head to reassure her, then lowered myself to sit by her side. It seemed indecent to loom over her, especially if I had accidentally offended her. I wanted to reach out and touch her as a form of comfort but did not know if that would be welcomed.


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