Beauty and the Dragon

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Beauty and the Dragon Page 13

by Melody Rose

  “Actually, I do!” Lady Rosalind remarked with high spirits, grinning reassuringly. “I really wanted to get out of there because it was teeming with too many people, and I would have preferred more time with you… since I know you better… so I appreciate you rescuing me from the madness. I bow down to you as an introvert!”

  I still didn’t quite know what she meant by an “introvert,” though she had mentioned this term several times since I carried her away. Perhaps she was a particular class of Sorceress, just as I was the Champion warrior of our tribe. I would need to ask her about this one day, though I was more concerned about exciting her at the moment. I enjoyed her reference to bowing down to me and took it as a sign to continue on with flirtation.

  “Of course,” I answered with a warm yet composed smile. “I know how you dislike being forced to endure crowds for longer than is necessary. You’ve made a valiant effort, standing on a stage and then conversing with so many others in the banquet. Allow me to take care of you for the rest of the night, yes?”

  Lady Rosalind’s luscious and full lips spread into a grateful smile, and I could feel her heart pulse with elation as her chest pressed against my arm. I was very confident that I could mark her as my own after showcasing what I was capable of as a dragon and even more sure that she’d never met one like me in her own realm. She locked eyes with mine, her amber irises glittering with girlish trust.

  “Wow,” she remarked, blinking in disbelief. “I’ve never had anyone offer that before! Mostly, I have to take care of everyone’s needs, and that may be the reason I like to keep to myself so much. If you want to put yourself to use, I definitely wouldn’t argue. You’re strong and capable… I bet there are a lot of ways you could make my life a little easier.”

  Heady satisfaction rushed through me at her swooning nature, as though I had just guzzled down barrels of mead.

  “I would say so as well, Lady Rosalind,” I answered, and then gently shifted her so that I could use my other arm to scoop up her feather-light form. She wreathed her arms around my neck to steady herself, though it was hardly necessary as I was able to carry her with no struggle at all.

  “Ah, you really know how to sweep a woman off her feet, don’t you?” Lady Rosalind teased, sticking out her delightfully small and pink tongue.

  I didn’t know what was terribly funny about her comment as that was quite literally what I’d done, but perhaps men in her world didn’t know how to charm women with physical prowess. I imagined they just exchanged books and scrolls, hardly the height of raw passion.

  “That is the way of my kind, ceann daor, dear one,” I huskily answered and lightly growled into her ear as I nibbled the nape of her neck. “I am always happy to lift you up as far as suits your heart. For me to really display my talents, as you have with yours, I will need you to release your arms. Will you permit me to prove where I can take you?”

  Lady Rosalind closed her eyes and bit her lip, savoring the sensation of my teeth against her. After a moment, she giggled and shrugged before she complied. As she snaked her arms away from me and relied upon my sheer strength, the Sorceress exhaled softly, relieved that she was safe.

  It was now time for me to introduce Lady Rosalind to the most hailed stage in my clan’s courtship competition, a festivity usually held for top ranking warriors sportingly feuding for the same mate. It was a rare occasion, as arrangements were typically simple and unquestioned, but there were moments when even the elders were uncertain. In these cases, the soldier that exhibited the most mastery of dexterity, stamina, and strength was the one that won the hand of a prized companion.

  “Chun na spéartha, is breá liom,” I declared, my chest puffed out and my voice resonant with self-assured amusement. “To the skies, my lovely.”

  I then lowered Rosalind briefly, gathering all my strength as my biceps braced for launching the beguiling Sorceress into the air. While I carefully measured each movement and calculated every step, the action must have felt sudden to one untrained in these customs. Once I marshaled all my energy, I heaved the spellmistress upward, watching as she was catapulted into the firmament. The last I heard of her was a startled yelp, a feminine cry that I interpreted as lively astonishment.

  I also hoped that Lady Rosalind would be pleased to see the scintillating constellations from such a great height. This was the best throw any unturned dragon had achieved. Surely this would excite the enchantress. I knew her body was hearty enough to handle this and looked forward to hearing her praise.

  When she dwindled to a pinprick in the heavens, I tracked her descent to catch her, my well-honed reflexes at the ready. My catch was as easy as any I had performed, a picture-perfect feat of athleticism.

  However, much to my dismay, she was neither beaming nor complimenting me. I learned in the temple that she was able to groom herself on command, so her frazzled appearance must have been intentional. Her voluminous lashes were wet with tears, the whites of her eyes bloodshot, lips chapped and quivering, and raven locks askew and tangled. She was the very picture of a run-down victim, as though she presented herself in a manner to prey upon my guilt perfectly.

  I opened my mouth to defend myself, but my tongue was no match for the Sorceress’ swift one.

  “Are you kidding me?!” she shrieked, streams of kohl running down her cheeks. I was slightly ashamed at how becoming she was in her frenzied state, and I imagined more pleasant scenarios to elicit this reaction. “That’s your definition of sweeping a girl off her feet? And here I thought I could relax after a long week. That was practically psychotic!”

  I blinked, bewildered at her intensity. “I thought we had come to an agreement, Lady Rosalind? You wished for me to make the decisions for the rest of the night and to lift you up. I truly believed it would improve the course of your evening while offering excitement.”

  The Sorceress furrowed her brow as though trying to make sense of my words. The expression was painfully charming. Too bad this wasn’t really a laughing matter. Still, judging by her theatrical sigh, she was willing to forgive me. Rosalind then shook her head and restored herself to her typical appearance. Her cosmetics were impeccable yet again, her skin scrubbed clean, and her tresses smoothed out with nary a stray strand.

  “Okay, okay,” she dragged out her words, guiding herself out of impatience. She crossed her arms over her chest yet remained in my arms, studying my face. “Maybe we just got lost in translation there, I don’t know. I was expecting you to give me a massage or draw me a bath, not toss me like a frisbee.”

  “Well… I could certainly arrange for that,” I reasoned. Those both sounded like rather appealing alternatives, even though they wouldn’t have naturally occurred to me. While rather docile, they encouraged an intimate touch, and so I was intrigued. “I apologize that I didn’t ask how you would have preferred to spend our time together. May I have another chance, esteemed spellmistress?”

  She paused to ponder my question, then squirmed in mild irritation. “I don’t know,” Lady Rosalind deflected the conversation with frustrating vagueness. “My head is still spinning, and I think what I need is some good, old-fashioned solitude to recharge.”

  “Oh…” I trailed off and bent my knees slightly, preparing to set her down. “I see. I will show you to your room, then, so that you may receive some rest away from the clan. That’s only reasonable.”

  “Wait, wait, wait!” Lady Rosalind repeatedly implored, waving her hands back and forth. “You can still carry me to my bedroom. I’d really appreciate it, and it’d only be fair, don’t you think? I’m… tired… and it would definitely take a load off my shoulders.” Her cheeks glowed crimson, and her tone became a touch bashful. “And, just so you know, I’m not saying I don’t want to do any of what I implied before. Just… not tonight, you know? I’m absolutely worn out, and I need to be alone with my thoughts.”

  I fought back a sigh. Reacting bitterly to her request wouldn’t serve me well. I instead nodded stoically and kept her in my arms,
smiling in agreement.

  “As you wish, Lady Rosalind,” I replied amicably. “I can appreciate how taxing the past several days have been. Still, I’m happy to hear that we are on good terms and that we can continue to get to know one another.”

  Though I was essentially vulnerable and revealed my emotions, I kept my polite tone. I still hoped for Lady Rosalind to see me as noble, too vigorous in spirit to be saddened. The truth was that I was deeply upset not to end the evening with the fascinating spellmistress.

  Lady Rosalind resumed throwing her arms around my neck. She nuzzled me gratefully and kissed my cheek softly. My heart pulsed, and my blood warmed at her attention. At least I was reassured that she wasn’t completely cold to me.

  “See, you get it!” she remarked with a groggy smile. “You haven’t lost any chances, although you did scare the hell out of me for a moment there. Just give me some rest, and I should be good to go. Are you taking me back to the library?”

  Again, the insecurities began to resurface, frustrated that I did not know what books to gift her. There was no avoiding that the written word was how to connect with Lady Rosalind, a fact that rankled me as an illiterate warrior. Though she was clearly pleased with what our library had to offer, it fell short of the hospitality I prided myself with once I truly respected an ally.

  “You will have plenty of opportunities to return to the library,” I emphasized so she would not lose heart. “However, I don’t find it to be suitable for a spellmistress of your stature. That was more of a temporary arrangement before I could gain the clan’s approval and locate the best lodgings. I think that you’ll find what I have for you more than acceptable.”

  As I began to stride toward the bedroom that she could now call her own, Lady Rosalind settled into a more tranquil state. Her body grew limp, a change that gratified me greatly. I glanced down a few times, watching her savor the star-dappled skies with glassy, transfixed eyes.

  “Will there be books, though?” she asked dreamily, a heaviness in her voice.

  I chuckled softly, aching to pet her hair and lay her down to sleep. How novel it would be to be able to read her one of her cherished stories. This was still possible, our oral traditions still quite refined, but tonight did not seem ideal. As she had mentioned, Lady Rosalind was exhausted and sought isolation.

  “Oh, plenty, and those that are among the best,” I emphasized with enthusiasm. The suite we approached was our most luxurious, one that was not permitted to be occupied by even our most decorated warriors.

  My instincts told me that Lady Rosalind was more than deserving and, most importantly, that she would find contentment here.



  We passed through the stone archway into the stronghold and scaled all the stairways to the bedroom I bestowed upon her. As we reached the top level of the Jörmungandr castle, my resounding footfalls on the marble floors began to soften, now muffled on the crimson velvet carpet runners. I threw Lady Rosalind over my shoulder for the sake of convenience, thankfully eliciting a giggle instead of a shocked gasp.

  “If only I weren’t so worn out mentally, I’d love to invite you in!” she confessed. “My body’s been able to repair itself like nobody’s business, but it takes a lot of brainpower to pull off one of those performances. Seems like we both have a lot of vigor, which would make all of this pretty… interesting.”

  I arched my eyebrows, taken aback by her forwardness. “I saw you indulge in every dessert offered,” I began with hesitance. “How much mulled wine or mead did you happen to drink?”

  “None at all!” she claimed. I was inclined to believe her. “Why do you ask?”

  I couldn’t determine if she were playing a coy game or if she truly was oblivious about my suggestion. Did she simply wish for me to keep her company in the future, or did she desire a more intimate tryst?

  I was intrigued enough by the latter that I was willing to break convention. If Rosalind were truly my Fated Mate, then I was certain I could taste her prematurely. Not only was this not a major infraction in our clan, but it may seal our bond in some small way… or perhaps this was just my selfish lust directing my decisions.

  “I suppose I was simply curious,” I answered, a smile tugging my lips despite my attempts to remain composed. “Now, allow me to treat you to some well-earned silence.”

  I fished a gold key out of my pocket, its bow filigreed and polished, and unlocked the mahogany entryway. I opened the door and introduced Lady Rosalind to her new accommodations, a truly exquisite suite that even I hadn’t laid eyes on before. Kalen had simply slipped me the key during the banquet, telling me that the Sorceress’ display of magic allowed him to see clearly what Lady Rosalind was entitled to.

  I stepped in and took long, confident strides to the four-poster canopy bed, a truly extravagant design that supported an ornately carved tester. Its curtains were a sumptuous emerald, their silk so smooth and gleaming even I shivered in awe. I would have liked to roll the fabric between my fingertips, but it seemed improper at the moment. In due time, I may be able to satiate my curiosity, particularly if Lady Rosalind truly did want me to make an appearance more often.

  “I’m very nearly finished here,” I began and braved a somewhat innocent pat on the Sorceress’ full thighs, craving to move my hand even further. “I simply wish to make your evening as easeful as possible.”

  “Perfect!” she exclaimed, arching her back instinctively at my touch. That boded well. “I would definitely appreciate loosening up a bit.”

  I smirked lightly and grabbed a fistful of decadent bedding, pulling it down to expose the supple mattress below. I then bent forward and delicately set Lady Rosalind down, covering her with the blankets and smoothing them over her. I brushed her thick locks out of her face and then took her hand, kissing the back of it respectfully.

  “Is… that it?” Lady Rosalind asked, curling her full bottom lip into a stubborn pout.

  I felt a good deal of blood rush from my head, stimulated by the clearer hint that she may be pursuing me. Now that she was in better spirits, I wished to experience lightly tormenting the Sorceress. It was strangely tantalizing to deny the advances of such a powerful woman, if only because the chase created an alluring challenge.

  “For now,” I answered neutrally, stone-faced and stoic. “I must never keep a lady waiting, and you did indeed ask to be left alone for the evening.”

  Lady Rosalind folded her hands together over the bedspread, nodding in resignation. I could sense her frustration, see her cheeks dusted with a becoming crimson, and her body squirmed as though she were trapped. A primal pulse rose within me, delighted at her obvious suffering. I was sure I could eventually relieve her of it.

  “Yeah…” she admitted, awareness crossing over her features. “I guess that is what I said, isn’t it? Well, thank you for carrying me up here. I really enjoyed our little trip together and… maybe I’ll get used to those sky tosses one day…”

  “I am sure you will,” I answered and bowed formally. “You are quite courageous, after all, more so than even the best of our battle maidens. Now, I bid you goodnight. I wish you much rest.”

  As her eyes glittered, upset with the course of events, I gave her a soldier’s salute and turned away, showing myself out the door and shutting it quietly. I then locked it for the sake of safety, certain that her enchantments could disable it when necessary. I then proceeded to return to my quarters, eager to strategize not only battle maneuvers but also the best means to court the Sorceress.



  To be honest, I was in a bit of a tiff after Troy left me in my new, impossibly beautiful bedroom. I wasn’t able to appreciate my surroundings properly, almost as though they were just a blur of vibrancy and extravagance. He really did throw me into a metaphorical windstorm of confusion with a downfall of hot and bothered arousal. At first, I lapsed into my human expectations. You know, flowers, nurturing touches, and doting surprises. He did manage to take
my breath away but in the most bizarre way possible.

  Maybe I was in the wrong to think that someone from a clan of warriors would be capable of a gentle type of romance. I mean, I just spent the past several days reading about epic amounts of bloodshed and merciless attacks. It stood to reason that the way a Jörmungandr soldier would impress a lady would be seriously over the top.

  Once he told me that it was an honest mistake and that we had a different definition of sweeping a girl off her feet, I couldn’t really hold a grudge. It was so obvious how earnest he was, his eyebrows raised with concern. It made my heart ache to see how disappointed he was, clearly hoping that I’d appreciate his incredible strength. I felt like it would be stupid not to give him another chance, especially he was both distractingly handsome and really courteous in his own way.

  I didn’t even know why I was so pissed off. I guessed that I was such a creature of habit that being catapulted into the skies when what I wanted a back massage was the last straw for me. Maybe it was more that I was hoping that I could get closer to the mouthwatering warrior and tossing me into the air seemed like the antithesis of that. When he was actually willing to haul me around for the rest of the evening, though, I already felt myself get pretty attached to him. I was actually really into it, luxuriating in how a powerful and high-status soldier was waiting on me hand and foot. With each step he took to my bedroom, the more I wanted to rip off my clothes or vice versa.

  I kept trying to drop little hints that I’d forgiven him, and I was ready to invite him to bed, or at least have a bit of fun with one another. However, it went right over his gorgeous head, and he was maddeningly the perfect gentleman. It didn’t help that tapping into all my enchantments left my body humming with overstimulation. What I wanted more than anything else was to take the edge off, finally get a bit of relief after all my hard work.


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