Christmas Wishes: A Small Town Christmas Love Story

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Christmas Wishes: A Small Town Christmas Love Story Page 10

by Krista Lakes

  “I have one, but I mostly use it for school stuff,” Molly answered, with her gaze still on the section in front of her.

  “How old is it?” Nicholas asked.

  “I dunno. Maybe a few years old? Why?” Molly reached for a pair of earplugs before reading the back of their packaging.

  “Would you like a newer one for Christmas?”

  Molly stopped reading and looked up at him.

  “I think you and I both know the only Christmas gift I want from you.”

  “A tablet?” he asked, holding up the box.

  “No. To keep the store,” Molly replied. She shook her head at him and handed him a box of earplugs. “Here. Do you think these will work for tonight?”

  Nicholas took the earplugs into his free hand. “I think so...”

  “Molly Carmichael, you better have a good reason for being in my store,” a man’s voice interrupted. He sounded angry. “I told you last time what would happen if you came here again.”

  Molly saw Nicholas's eyes go wide, and she turned around to see a large man looming over the two of them. His large muscled arms were crossed and his gray eyes dark and dangerous.

  “That I would always be your favorite customer?” She gave him a cheesy grin. “Hi, Grant.”

  The intimidating look left the man's face, replaced with a friendly grin and a laugh. “Yup. Favorite customer.”

  He reached for her, hugging her close and swinging her around in a circle. She shrieked with surprise and delight.

  “It’s good to see you, Grant,” Molly said, laughing in Grant’s arms. “How’ve things been going today?”

  He carefully set her back down from the spin. She had to adjust her jacket and scarf from where they had tangled during her spin.

  “Pretty good, pretty good. Better, now that you’re here.” Grant grinned at Molly as he leaned against a nearby display. “You’re going to the kids’ choir show tonight, right?”

  “Going? I’m directing it, Grant,” she reminded him.

  “Oh. I'm guessing you don't want me to pull the fire alarm this time, then?” he asked.

  Molly grinned. “Nah. Maybe next time.”

  “As long as you'll still meet me under the bleachers when the teachers aren't looking,” Grant replied with a wink.

  Molly started laughing remembering their high school days. They'd tried dating exactly one time and it had gone horribly bad. Bleachers, teachers, and a call to the principal had all been involved.

  “I’m Nicholas Kerstman. Nice to meet you, Grant,” Nicholas announced. He stepped forward, getting between Molly and Grant.

  Molly felt a blush heat her cheeks at her rudeness for not introducing them. She usually had better manners than that. She wasn't sure why, but she suddenly felt embarrassed about the way Grant greeted her.

  Nicholas held out his hand in greeting. Grant took it, but then pulled Nicholas into one of his signature bear hugs. Molly shook her head. Grant was a hugger.

  “Nice to meet you, Nicholas,” Grant said, slowly releasing Nicholas from the surprise hug. “Kerstman, huh? Any relation to Suzanne and Howard?”

  “All the relation. He’s their son,” Molly told him. “He’s here visiting the shop for a few days.”

  “Oh, that’s cool,” Grant replied. He grinned at the two of them. “I’ll let you two get back to it. It's great to see you, Molly.”

  “You too, Grant,” she said, patting his arm.

  Grant laughed one last time before he waved goodbye to Molly, and she waved goodbye right back. She sighed and shook her head.

  “So is that him?” Nicholas asked curtly.

  “What? Him?” Molly turned back towards Nicholas. “What do you mean?”

  “Don't tell me there's not something going on there,” he said with a shrug. “You could have just said you were seeing someone.”

  Molly stared at him for a moment, not understanding.

  “Grant? You think I should date Grant?” Molly laughed and shook her head. “That would be a terrible idea. The fact that he has a wife and two kids would really complicate things.”

  “He's married?” Nicholas asked, relief filling his voice.

  “Of course he's married,” Molly scoffed. She turned and looked at him. “He has absolutely no interest in me. I can't believe you'd think that we were a couple. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were...”

  She trailed off as Nicholas went pale and refused to meet her eyes.


  Molly’s eyes widened as the realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

  Her thoughts melted into one, huge blur. She’d been so busy making sure he was enjoying Christmas that she'd never even considered him as a romantic option.

  As much as she was growing to like him, she knew it was a terrible idea.

  “Nicholas...” She didn't know how to finish her sentence. “We work together... You're kind of my boss... It's not a good idea.”

  That was just one problem between them, but it seemed like the biggest.

  They were two completely different people, and they lived in two completely different worlds. Nicholas would never be able to be at peace in a small town like this. He was made for New York with his fancy suits and expensive watch.

  And Molly would never be able to be at peace in New York, not when she’d be so far away from her family, her friends and the school she held so dear in her heart.

  It would never work.

  “We’ll just get these, then,” Nicholas said quickly, plastering a smile on his face. He left Molly staring at him as he hurried to the nearest cash register. “Grant, we’re ready to check out.”

  “You got it!” Grant was soon in place behind the cash register, striking up a friendly conversation with Nicholas.

  Molly kept her distance, standing a few feet away, her mind still reeling.

  Chapter 14


  Nicholas's ego was bruised.

  Usually, women were excited to go out with him. Usually, they smiled and giggled when he asked them to dinner. Usually, he didn't feel like a complete idiot.

  But not Molly. She made him feel like an idiot. She even turned him down wearing a elf costume.

  It grated on Nicholas’ nerves and made him second-guess himself.

  Maybe he was being a fool.

  Maybe the foolish spirit of Christmas had somehow gotten under his skin.

  Maybe it was all the snow, all the Christmas lights, all the cakes, and all the snowballs.

  Maybe he was falling hard for her.

  Nicholas sank into the living room couch and sighed. He was already wearing one of his best suits for the concert tonight. He'd brought it for a potential client meeting, but was wearing it now. He wanted to look nice for Molly on her big night.

  He then groaned, knowing that he really was being an idiot.

  He looked down at his watch and tried not to panic. It was 6:15.

  Almost time to leave.

  Except, he felt like he couldn’t move a single muscle. He was afraid. Afraid she would look at him again like she did in that store. That she would say he was her boss and that they shouldn't. That she'd stop talking to him. That she'd stop smiling at him.

  “What am I doing?” he asked the empty room. “She's an employee. I shouldn't even be thinking about her.”

  He needed outside advice. He needed a friend, but the only person he could think of was Luke. In an attempt to prevent himself from spiraling any further, Nicholas picked up his phone and dialed his trusty assistant.

  “Mr. Kerstman? Sir? Is something wrong?” Luke answered on the first ring, as he so often managed to do. “Is it something about Christmas Wishes?”

  “In a way,” Nicholas said slowly. He nearly hung up the phone. “Luke, I need to know our company's bylaws.”

  “I can pull those up, sir. What do you need to know?” Luke asked.

  Nicholas cleared his throat. “What is the policy on dating employees?”

  Luke was quie
t for a moment. “Sir, I am very sorry, but I'm not interested in men. I prefer women.”

  “Oh, Luke. That's not what I meant...” Nicholas stammered.

  “Not that I'm not flattered,” Luke said quickly. “But I feel it's best to keep a professional relationship. I hope you understand.”

  Nicholas sighed and pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “I wasn't talking about you, Luke. I was talking about a female employee.”

  “Oh.” Luke paused. “Did we hire someone?”

  “At Christmas Wishes.” Nicholas would have strangled the man if he wasn't in another state. “A female employee at Christmas Wishes. Can I date her?”

  “Oh, of course you can date her,” Luke told him. “The bylaws only apply to employees of Kerstman Enterprises. Christmas Wishes has no such bylaws. There isn't anything preventing you from dating someone at that store.”

  Nicholas let out a slow sigh of relief.

  “So what do I do next?” Nicholas asked.

  “I'm not sure I'm the best person to help you, sir,” Luke replied slowly. “I'm much better at business than I am at dating.”

  “But you go on dates, right?” Nicholas pressed.

  “Well, yes. But, it's all on an app, sir,” Luke admitted.

  “Luke, I'm going crazy out here. I don't know what's coming over me,” Nicholas told him.

  Luke was quiet for a moment on the other end of the line. “Have you asked her out, sir?”

  “I tried, but I don't think she took me seriously,” Nicholas admitted.

  “I think it’d be best to try again and make sure she understands you intentions,” Luke replied. “It's what you'd do in a standard negotiation. Make the terms clear.”

  “But, Luke...” Nicholas sighed.

  “Of course, she could always say no, but if the business deal for Christmas Wishes works out, sir, you won’t have to worry about showing your face around there anyway.” Luke’s smile was present through his tone. “But, she could say yes. This seems like a win-win opportunity to me, sir.”

  “Hmm. A win-win,” Nicholas repeated, feeling some of his courage starting to come back.

  “Does that help, sir?” Luke asked.

  “It does.” Nicholas was certain now that hiring Luke was one of the best things he'd ever done. The man was an absolute treasure.

  “Then I'll get back to prepping the sale,” Luke told him. “Talk to you later, sir.”

  “Thank you, Luke.” Nicholas was off the couch and putting on his suit jacket. He grabbed his wool overcoat and gloves.

  “You're welcome, sir.” Luke paused. “And, sir? Good luck.”

  “Thanks. I'm going to need it.”

  * * *

  Nicholas took a few seconds to glance around the school’s auditorium.

  The place was packed, as if every single resident in town had come out for this event.

  He saw no sign of Molly, although he did see a few errant children stumbling around the stage. They were soon corralled by what he assumed to be another elementary school teacher who grabbed them by their hands and pulled them out of sight and behind a red velvet curtain.

  He found a seat along the aisle that gave him a good view.

  “And who are you here to see?” asked an older woman as she snuggled into the seat beside Nicholas. “Forgive me if we’ve already met. There are so many visiting faces this time of year.”

  “Oh, I’m just a guest of Ms. Molly Carmichael,” Nicholas replied.

  “Ahh, just a guest?” The woman looked him up and down, taking in the suit. He was definitely the most overdressed person here. “You know, back in my day, when women had such handsome guests, we weren’t afraid to call them what they were. Our boyfriends. You kids these days, you’re so non-committal.”

  “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m honestly just a guest...” Nicholas’ words trailed off as he gave the woman a gentle smile.

  “But you’d like to be more?” the woman asked, waggling her eyebrows. “It’s something special, isn’t it? To be young and in love?”

  “Love? I’m not in love—” Nicholas assured her, but mid-sentence, Nicholas’ attention was drawn to the stage, as the heavy red curtain shimmied across the stage floor.

  The crowd quieted. Molly stepped forward from the darkness of the stage into the spotlight. She wore a bright red wrap dress, tall black leather boots, and a crown made of mistletoe balanced on top of her head.

  She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

  “Not in love? Try telling that to your face,” the woman remarked, shaking her head.

  “Good evening, friends and family of Parker Elementary School!” Molly announced into a gray microphone. “Thank you all for braving the cold and coming to sing a few songs with us. We hope everyone has a good time!”

  Nicholas stared at her, completely transfixed. He clapped along with the crowd's applause, not really paying attention to anything except Molly's smile.

  She looked like a Christmas tree topper come to life.

  She was somehow an angel, standing up on that stage.

  Molly turned back toward the curtain and motioned for the children to file out onto the stage. Nicholas spotted Liam leading the pack, all dressed up in what looked like his Sunday best. He looked nervous as he took his place.

  Once the children had all reached their places, Molly moved towards a grand piano that was off to the side of the stage. She seemed to wait a few beats before she began to play the opening notes to a Christmas song he didn't recognize.

  Granted, given his distaste for Christmas, there were many songs he didn't recognize. Still, the kids sang out and he found himself enjoying their joyful performance. It didn't matter that half the kids forgot the words, they were all excited to sing.

  Nicholas clapped when the song ended.

  Liam stepped forward and Liam knew what song was next: “O Holy Night.”

  “You got this, Liam,” Nicholas whispered, even though Liam couldn't see him.

  Molly waited for her students to settle on the stage before starting the chords for the song. He leaned forward, ready for Liam to show them all the skill he'd seen just that afternoon. Nicholas knew the audience would love him.

  Except Liam’s performance never quite got started. Even Molly repeated the cue for Liam to begin his solo, his voice never rose in the air. Molly continued to play the song, not showing any signs that something had gone wrong with the program.

  The only warning sign was Liam’s face, which wore a blank panicked expression as he looked out into the audience.

  Even from his spot toward the back, Nicholas could see Liam's hands shaking.

  Before he had time to think about what he was doing, Nicholas made his way to the front of the stage. He kept at a crouching position, not wanting to disturb any parent’s potential view of the choir, until he reached the area right below the stage, surrounded by a black pit.

  Liam looked down at Nicholas with a frightened expression on his face.

  And Nicholas offered Liam a smile in return before he mouthed the words, “Look at the wall.”

  Liam shook his head, his eyes still focused on Nicholas. He didn’t turn to face the wall, not even moving an inch. The poor kid was frozen with fear.

  Nicholas could hear Molly continuing to stall for time, music from the piano filled up the otherwise quiet auditorium.

  Nicholas then mouthed another phrase up at Liam, “Look at me.”

  Liam continued to stare down at Nicholas, his eyes wide like a newborn dear. Slowly, Nicholas began to sing along with the playing music. “Oh, holy night... the stars are brightly shining... It is the night of the dear Savior's birth...”

  Nicholas expected to hear Liam’s singing in response, but instead it was Molly’s voice that soon intertwined with his own. She was horribly off-key, but her sheer amount of enthusiasm that made even her sour notes feel sweet. “Long lay the world in sin and error pining... till He appeared and the soul felt its worth...”
r />   Nicholas and Molly continued on with the song, turning the pre-chorus into an impromptu duet. “A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices... for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn...”

  “Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices... Oh, night divine... Oh, night when Christ was born...” Liam’s song joined in with their duet, finally finding his voice.

  Molly and Nicholas stopped singing, letting Liam's sweet voice fill the auditorium. Nicholas kept mouthing the words and smiling encouragement up at Liam. The rest of the children joined in the chorus, but Liam kept his eyes on Nicholas as he kept singing.

  When the song came to a close, the auditorium filled with applause. Liam took a bow on stage.

  Molly turned to look down at Nicholas.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed. The smile she gave him was dazzling and made his heart go into overdrive. For a moment, he forgot about everyone else in the auditorium.

  When the applause stopped, she smiled one last time at him before looking back to the piano. Her grin disappeared and changed into something unreadable. She started to play the next song, and the opening notes of “Jingle Bells” soon floated through the air.

  * * *

  Nicholas waited for Molly outside of the auditorium with a bouquet of roses in his hand. He’d bought them off an opportunistic parent who’d been selling the bouquets in the parking lot, setting up their shop in the back of a minivan. He liked their entrepreneurial spirit.

  Molly came out with an older woman Nicholas assumed was a fellow teacher. The pair of them were smiling and chatting away.

  “Oh, Molly! That was the best concert we’ve had with the children in years. Promise me you’ll be the director next year, too?”

  “We’ll see, Clara. It’s a lot of work,” Molly told her. She spotted Nicholas and grinned, heading in his direction.

  “But it’s worth it,” Clara assured her. “Liam was only able to sing because of you...”

  “It wasn't just me,” Molly replied, coming to stand near Nicholas.

  Clara then turned towards Nicholas, offering him a smile as well. “And because of you, too.”


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