Your Psychic Self

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Your Psychic Self Page 20

by Melissa Alvarez



  Types of Intuitive Communication

  Just as there are many types of guides and spiritual beings on the Other Side, there are also many ways that these entities can communicate with you. In this chapter, we’re going to look at some of them. This is another section where I’d suggest you write down the messages received during communication. Being able to look back at your experiences is invaluable in your spiritual growth.

  Afterlife Communication

  Afterlife communication is the intuitive ability to communicate with people we have known on earth after they have returned to the spiritual plane; it is sometimes referred to as “after-death communication.” During afterlife communication, you’ll often use several different intuitive abilities all at once. It is not uncommon to be able to hear messages, see mental pictures of the person as they appeared on earth, see souls in their spiritual form, or just know the message being delivered. The difference between this intuitive ability and other forms of contact with spiritual beings is that you are specifically connecting to people you have known on the earthly plane in this lifetime instead of spirit guides, angels, or masters.

  When our loved ones pass, they often use signs to show us that they are still around and to express their love for us. It is their way of letting us know they’re okay while we’re grieving. Signs often appear when we’re going about our daily activities. If someone you love has recently passed, you oftentimes will not receive messages from them right away. Your grief may be too intense and they may wait until more time has passed, if they choose to contact you at all. Other times, they will make their presence known during these times. Not all spirits will choose to communicate with the living, but when they do, it truly is a gift. When my grandmother passed, I was distraught. Then I heard my name in a song on the radio, a song that I knew for a fact didn’t contain my name. One of the lyrics of the song was “I love you” and my name was inserted right before that lyric. I immediately received the impression of my grandmother smiling at me. A spirit oftentimes will connect with you through songs on the radio, sending you a message exactly when you need to hear it. Another day I was overwhelmed with grief and felt as if someone grasped my shoulders and hugged me. I sensed my grandmother nearby and didn’t doubt for an instant that it was her way of letting me know that she was okay and that she loved me.

  You can also experience afterlife communication with your animals. I’ve had this happen many times in my life, but the first time was so amazing that I never questioned the spirit realm again. I was just a little kid and my pony was shot and killed by hunters. I was in the pasture, lying down with her filly, when a strong wind came up the path from the creek. The filly was immediately on alert and jumped up, as did I, because it was a very strange wind. I heard my deceased pony neigh and the filly bolted from my side and took off down the path, following the wind, which changed direction and went back the way it had come, with the filly following. All I could do at the time was stand there, crying and smiling at the same time, while I was completely overcome with a feeling of wonder and amazement.

  Animal Communication

  You’ve probably heard the terms “pet psychic” or “animal communicator” used to describe clairvoyants who can telepathically converse with animals. If you own an animal, you’ve probably experienced, on some level, mental communication with your pet. Ever wondered where your dog or cat is, and the next moment they show up beside you? Subconsciously, you have telepathically called your pet to your side.

  Animals know when you love them, like them, are afraid of them, or hate them. Their behavior will often reflect your feelings toward them because, either knowingly or unknowingly, you telepathically project those feelings to them. They may react in the way you expect due to your feelings about them, or they may act in a completely opposite manner. Let’s look at two examples. A dog that senses you hate it may become defensive, raising the hair along its back and barking if you move toward it in an aggressive manner. That same dog, if it senses that you love it, will act submissive or try to play with you if you make those same aggressive moves. A horse that senses fear in a person will either remain calm itself to calm the person’s fears or it will resort to its natural flight instinct and move away from the person.

  You can use animal telepathy with intention to communicate with any animal. Wild animals are perfect test subjects to use as you strengthen this ability. Trying it on your own pet can be difficult because you already communicate telepathically with your pet. To do this exercise, take a trip to your local park, or if you live in the country, find some squirrels, birds, ducks, or any other wild animal. Start by sitting quietly and watching the animal. It doesn’t matter how close or far away it is; you just have to be able to see it. Now, purposefully send the animal a thought. You may ask the animal to come closer to you, to change directions, or to do something very specific (for instance if it’s a squirrel in a tree, you may ask it to come out of the tree). This would be a good time to keep a journal or log to see how many times you’re successful with your communication attempts. If you do keep a log, you’ll notice that over time you are more and more successful.

  After you’ve become accustomed to communicating in this manner, the next step is to clear your mind and listen for any thoughts that may be coming from the animal to you. This can be a little harder. With practice, the impressions will become very clear and you’ll pick up on them instantly. Soon you’ll be able to communicate with all types of animals.

  Silent Communication

  There are times in your life when you may want to talk with someone who is unable to respond to you. In these situations, you will use your telepathic ability and clairvoyance to communicate with them. Some specific examples are an infant, someone who is far away from you, someone who isn’t answering the telephone, or someone who is temporarily unable to speak for some physical reason (they may be asleep, in a coma, etc.).

  When you need to communicate with someone who doesn’t have the ability to respond, the first thing you should do is quiet your mind. If it’s a loved one who is injured, this can be difficult to accomplish because your emotions are running high. Before you attempt communication, it’s important that you rise above your emotions and are at a level of high vibration, love, light, and calm solitude. Imagine a path of energy between the two of you on which your thoughts will travel. Open yourself to your intuitive abilities so that you will be able to receive their responses. If you’re upset or overly emotional, those feelings can block your ability to receive impressions. Calmly send your thoughts to the other person and listen for a response.

  Trying to communicate with someone who can’t verbally speak may be frustrating if you’re not grounded and centered before you attempt contact. Imagine yourself surrounded by silence, then fill that silence with white light; if you fill the white light with your love for the person you are speaking with, you will be more successful. Later, you just may find out how much they understood and how accurate your impressions were. It’s important to maintain a positive, grounded energy around you because this will help their words come through without bombarding them with overly emotional noise.

  If we all are more aware of our intuitive ability to communicate with others in this manner, then we can share our love with those currently unable to physically talk to us.

  Someone Calls Your Name

  Ever heard someone call your name, turned around to look, and no one was there? When hearing a voice is related to intuition, it often happens in the same way every time. You hear someone say or shout your name, and while it feels as if the voice is coming from outside of you, as if someone else is calling you, it also sounds as if it’s right beside your ear. It sounds both far away and nearby at the same time. When I’ve heard this, it always seems as though the sound is coming from above and slightly to my right side. You may experience this during the day as a loud shout, but
it can also happen just as you’re falling asleep or as you’re waking up because you’re more receptive to contact during these times. I’ve noticed that when this happens to me, it’s because my spirit guide has a message for me and I’m very busy or I’m just not actively being aware of my guides. My name is called to get my attention so the message can be delivered. This also happens when guides have messages I’m supposed to deliver to other people. When I hear my name called in this manner, I no longer look to see if someone is there because I know it’s my guides trying to make contact.

  If you’ve heard your name called, first pay attention to see if it’s your guides. Your guides will often contact you in this manner when it’s important and you’re not paying attention. Other times, you may feel that the voice is coming from a less-pure energy source than the energy of your guides. There are many instances where the voice is thought to be from a ghost or lower-level spirit. Because you don’t want these entities calling out your name, ask your guides to protect you from this kind of contact and ask that they are the only ones who can communicate with you by calling out your name. Anytime you’re dealing with situations that are paranormal in nature, you should always protect yourself with divine white light so that lower energies stay away from you. If you do this, then when you experience your name being called, you’ll know, as I do, that it’s from a positive, divine source and not a negative, lower-level source.

  Mass-Media Messages

  Let’s pretend you’re driving down the road, lost in thought about a problem you’re presently trying to solve, and you notice a message on a sign that seems to apply to your situation. Perhaps you’re having a relationship issue and you’re feeling angry, stressed, and underappreciated. You see a billboard for an air conditioning company that says, “Relax in cool comfort today.” Moments later, you notice another billboard that says, “Speak now, we’ll listen.” Next, you see another that says, “Pick your battles.” What is going on here?

  First, you’re sending out negative energy into the Universe because you’re upset and worried about the problems you’re encountering in your relationship. This is normal human behavior because we all get upset sometimes. Things don’t always go the way you expect them to, people give you a hard time, and you allow this negative energy to affect your mood. Your guides pick up on this energy and send you reassuring messages and helpful ways to resolve the issue. You just have to be intuitively in tune with the energy around you to understand what you’re sensing. In this example, these messages are telling you to relax—if you do, you’ll cool down and find comfort. Speak now—it’s time to talk out the situation with your loved one; if you try this approach, you will be listened to. Instead of trying to have everything your way, pick your battles. By following this advice, you may just discover that your situation is resolved and you’re no longer stressed or upset but happy again.

  Sometimes when things are going badly, we can block our intuitive abilities without realizing that we’re doing so. By paying attention to mass-media messages, you are removing the block, tuning into your abilities, and comprehending the help that is being sent from your guides. Mass-media messages can come from many sources, including television shows, radio programs, billboards, and advertisements and commercials. You just have to pay attention to the information received when it seems to jump out at you like this.

  One way you can use your intuitive abilities to your advantage when you’re experiencing less than positive situations in your life is to ask for help. Tune in to your clairvoyance and ask that you’re shown the way to correct the problem with the least amount of effort. Then, pay particular attention to the world around you. When the message is there, it will stand out in some way. You may only catch a phrase, or it may be a longer message. When you hear it or read it, you’ll immediately feel a connection to those words that just seems “right” and you’ll know the course you should take. By paying attention intuitively, you are more aware and can make conscious choices and decisions based on the messages you receive.

  Open a Book at Random to Receive a Message

  There are books on the market that are made with the purpose of random fortune telling. To use them, you’ll think of a question, intuitively focus on the answer to your situation being shown to you in the book, and then open the book to a random page and read the message printed there. I have several of these books and they’re fun to use and have been oddly accurate in the advice given. You just have to make sure that you’re focused on the question or issue at hand prior to opening the book. If you’re not focused, you may end up doing it over and over again and then you’ll end up confused and frustrated. Using these books in this method is similar to doing a one-card reading with tarot or oracle cards. It gives you a brief overall insight into the situation with which you need help. Just make sure you’re not doing it over and over because you don’t like the first message. Think about its application to your situation.

  If you’ve ever felt yourself drawn to a bookstore or library when you really didn’t need or want to visit one, then you should heed this feeling because it’s usually guidance from the Other Side. Your spirit guides will have a message for you in that bookstore. This happened to me recently. I had to go to the bookstore to pick up a book for my son’s reading class. I walked in the front door and right there in front of me was a huge stack of books with the same title minus one s as one of my novels. I continued to the kids’ section and felt drawn to a particular row. There on the shelf, facing out, was a book with the name “Cassandra” on it. Well, I had to laugh at that point and ask what the message was because I just wasn’t getting it. You see, Cassandra is my primary life guide who has been with me since birth. It took a couple of hours for me to understand that particular message but it did become clear soon after the event. To add another layer to this experience, the only reason I was at the bookstore that day was because I’d already bought one copy of the book my son needed and it had simply disappeared somewhere in our house. Is it all connected? Sure it is. The missing book turned up later.

  Try It Now:

  Visit a Bookstore and Open a Book at Random

  There are plenty of times when you’re in a bookstore or library and you suddenly feel compelled to pick up a specific book or to visit a section that you normally wouldn’t visit. If you feel it, do it. Open the book you feel drawn to and just look at the page. See if any words seem to jump out at you, giving you a message that, if you think about it, will apply to an area of concern in your life or will give a message of hope and inspiration. I’ve even seen a book on the shelf and when I went to pick it up, it wasn’t there. Well, that was so bizarre that I called a psychic friend who felt I was seeing a book that I would write in the future. It made sense so I’ll just wait to see if that specific cover ever develops for one of my books.

  The Veil

  When it comes to your intuitive abilities, you’ll discover that they continually grow and strengthen. Things that you may never have thought about but have experienced will one day become suddenly very clear. For years I’ve seen a misty white substance similar to smoke, vapor, or a cloud and would then receive an intuitive impression, but I never associated this mist with anything. I just thought it was one of the ways I received impressions. Then, not too long ago, I was working at the farm, giving one of my horses some water, when I looked to my right and saw what looked like a huge, misty, white cloud of smoke low to the ground. It looked as if it were a living thing, moving in a swirling motion, not a normal movement for a cloud of smoke, so I thought there was something wrong with my vision. I blinked a few times and the cloud was gone. I went out into the yard and looked around and couldn’t find any evidence of a cloud, white mist, smoke, or even a fire. Later that day I stopped by the bookstore, opened up a book at random, and read about how the veil between this world and the Other Side can appear as a misty white substance or as a cloud. I’d been aware of my abilities for years, I knew about the
veil between this world and the Other Side, but for some reason I’d never realized before that day that the white mist I see is the actual veil itself. When the time is right, the information will come. You’ll always continue to learn in this field regardless of the length of time you’ve been involved with it.


  Each soul has a song. Have you just started humming some tune that you’ve never heard before but it touches you on a soul level? It feels as if it comes from the depths of your soul; it feels real and true. You think about it, trying to place where you’ve heard it before, but realize that you just can’t place the tune. This soul song is one that you’ll find yourself humming over and over again throughout your life, because it is your song, the essence of your being coming alive through music. You have intuitively reclaimed a bit of your true essence when you connect to your soul song.

  Just as you can intuitively connect to the music of your soul, you can also use music to increase your abilities. Listening to different types of music will empower your intuitive receptors. You’ll discover that if you open to your abilities as you listen to music, you will be able to see impressions more clearly; you’ll feel the ebb and flow of the music and empathically feel messages. When you connect to music, it is also easier for your guides to reach out to you.

  Finding the right type of music is important. You may choose different types of music based on the abilities that you are trying to utilize. If you’re trying to connect to the spiritual realm, then you may select music that is ethereal and light. Or, if you’re trying to increase your empathic abilities, you might prefer a strong, deep song that really gets your emotions going. Sticking with instrumental pieces is the best when developing your abilities. Sometimes words just get in the way of what you’re trying to accomplish. You may find yourself listening to them instead of the flow and beat of the song. You want to feel the music, connect to it intuitively, and allow its rhythm to affect you.


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